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Angklung : Sundanese Culture Musical

Instruments - West Java


Angklung is a musical instrument played by means of bamboo which vibrated. The sound
producedis the effect of the collision bamboo tubes that make up the instrument. These
instruments are classified into types idiofon or instrument sound source music that comes
from the base ingredients. Angklung is generally known from the area of West
Java. Since November 2010,UNESCO named him as one of the
world cultural heritage, with the category of Masterpiece of Oral
and Intangible Heritage of Humanity.

The word comes from the angklung supposedly Sundanese (angkleungangkleungan), whichdescribes the motion of the body of the
players Angklung swaying with the rhythm of the sound.However, there are also who
believe the word is derived from Klung angklung, an imitation of the sound
of the bamboo instrument. While one other theory states, the word "angklung"
comes fromthe Balinese language, which is a
number and lung. Figures mean tone, while the mean lungbroken, or in other
words, angklung meaningful tone incomplete.

Angklung History
According to Dr. Groneman,Angklung has been there in the land of the
archipelago, evenbefore the era of Hinduism.According to Jaap Kunst in his book Music
in Java, other than in West Java, Angklung can also be found in South
Sumatra andKalimantan. Beyond that, the people of Lampung, East Javaand Central
Java are also familiar with the instrument.

In the Hindu era, the era of the Kingdom of Sunda, Angklungbecome an

important instrumentin various celebrations, especially with regard to the rites
of planting, especially rice. In the neighborhood of the Kingdom
of Sunda, recorded since the 7th century, Angklung played as a form of worship to Dewi
Sri (the goddess of rice / goddess of fertility), that He bestows his blessing onplants and
people's lives. Not only as a medium of worship of the gods, in the days of the Kingdom
of Sunda, Angklung is also a musical instrument played as morale boosters in the
war, including theBubat War, as told in the Song of Sunda.

Today, an instrument Angklung Angklung gubrag oldest preserved. Angklung is made in

the 17th century in Jasinga, Bogor. Other ancient angklung can still track
down there in Sri Baduga Museum, London. Meanwhile, the old tradition
of Angklung that can be found in communities Baduy (Baduy),precisely in
Lebak, Banten. To this day, they are still functioning as the angklung which inherited his
ancestors, which accompany the rite planting.

In 1938, Daeng Soetigna, citizens of Bandung, create angklung withdiatonic

scales. Angklung DaengSutigna innovation is different from the angklung in
general arebased on scales trradisional pelogor salendro. Innovation is then
made freely angklung can be played in harmony with Westernmusical instruments, and
evencan be presented in the form ofan orchestra. Since then, more
and reap Angklung popularity,until finally the United Nations,through UNESCO, on 18
November 2012, recognizing it asa world heritage that must be
preserved. After Daeng Soetigna,one of his
students, Udjo Ngalagena, continuing efforts to
popularize Angklung Master findings, withthe established "Saung Angklung" in
Bandung. To this day, the place came to be known as the"Saung Angklung Udjo" is still a
center of creativity with regard to Angklung

Types of Angklung
angklung Kanekes

Angklung Angklung Kanekes is played by the public Baduy (Baduy), in

Banten. Asmentioned earlier, Angklung traditions that exist in Baduy community is
fairly ancient,and still preserved as exemplified functionof
their ancestors, which accompany therite planting (rice). In Kanekes community,which is
divided into two groups, ie groupsOuter
Baduy (Kajeroan) and group Baduy(Kaluaran Affairs), which is entitled
tomake Angklung just Jero Bedouin citizens,it was not everyone, but only
those whobecome children of Angklung maker.Meanwhile, residents of Outer
Baduy notmake Angklung, but just bought it fromBedouin citizens Jero. The names of
Angklung in Kanekes of the largest
are:ovaries, ringkung, Dongdong, gossip,engklok, ovary leutik, torolok, and roel.

Angklung Dogdog Lojor

Art Dogdog Lojor contained inKasepuhan Pancer Pangawinancommunities, which inhabit

aboutMountain Mist, which borders theregion of Jakarta, Bogor
andLebak. Lojor Dogdog term itself actually taken from the name ofone of the
instruments in thistradition, namely Dogdog Lojor.However, Angklung also get
aportion that is no less importanthere, especially in the function oftradition, ie, as a
companionplanting rites. Having people there to Islam, in its development,the arts are
also used toaccompany circumcision and marriage. In Dogdog Lojor art, there
are two instruments DogdogLojor and 4 large angklung instruments.
angklung Badeng

Badeng an Angklung art that uses asits

main instrument. There Badeng ArtSanding Village,

District Malangbong,Garut. Along with the development of Islam, Art Badeng also used
for the purposes of propaganda andentertainment. However, it is believedin
the art Badeng Angklung also havethe same roots, namely as a
companion planting rites. In Badengarts, played 9
pieces Angklung,namely 2 roel angklung, angklungkecer 1, 4 Angklung Angklung ovarya
nd father, 2 children angklung; 2 pieces dogdog, 2 fruit fly orGembyung, and 1 manacle.
In addition to the three aboveAngklung arts tradition, many other areas in West
Java which alsoinherited the tradition of Angklung, call
it Angklung Beans (Priangan /Bandung), Angklung Badud (EastPriangan / Kudat), and A
ngklungBungko (Indramayu).

angklung Padaeng

Angklung Angklung Padaeng isnow widely

known, namelyAngklung Daeng Soetigna resultsinnovation, which uses diatonic
scales. In line with the theory ofmusic, specifically the
AngklungPadaeng grouped into two,namely: Angklung Angklungmelody and accompani
ment.Angklung melody is specificallyconsists of two tubes withdifferent voice tones one o
ctave.In one unit of angklung, generallythere are
31 small and 11Angklung Angklung melody great
melody. Meanwhile, AngklungAngklung accompaniment is usedas a
companion to play tonesharmony. Voice tube consists of 3 to 4, according to
the diatonicchord. After Daeng Soetignainnovation, other reforms to
theangklung continues to grow. Some of
them are: Angklung Sarinande, Arumba, Angklung Toel, andAngklung Sri Murni.

Angklung Playing Techniques

Plays an angklung is basically very simple, ie, one hand holding the frame angklung, and
the other hand swing to produce sound. There are
three basic techniques wiggle angklung, namely:
Kurulung (shakes), is the most common technique used, where one hand holding
the frameangklung, and the other shaking the angklung for the desired tone, until the
tubes one afterclashing bamboo and produce sound.
Trowel (jerky), which is a technique in which the base tube is pulled quickly by the
fingers into the palm of the right hand, so angklung will beep once (stacato).
Tengkep, ie similar techniques as kurulung, but one of the tubes being
held not vibrating.

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