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Lecture Two: Setting the Stage

The Polis
o The foundational block of the Greek world-a city state that rules itself
o There a many different types of polis- oligarchy, monarchy (two kings), autocracy
o Aristotle (Politics, 1253a) suggests that people who dont live in a polis love war and
those who live within it are peaceful in nature- it is a place of law, justice, home and
o Your main identity is inextricably linked to the polis you belong to
o The polis is certainly combustible in nature- there have been many record events of
rebellion and revolt
Homeric Virtues
o Arte: manly excellence; courage- physical and military but also moral and mental.
Prowess; virtue (think Achilles as the physical paragon)
o Time: glory and honour
o Kleos: fame- the recognition of arte
o Agonism: contest or competition
o Desire to be aristos, the best- aristocracy = rule of the best
o Moderation: avoiding the danger of hubris- violence arrogance and excess
The 5th century BC: A Tale of Two City-States

Democracy is invented and two Persian invasions are seen off

Persian empire had been in an expansionist phase for quite some time- they had
conquered Asia Minor
Hellas was unified after the defeat of the Persian empire (anyone not Greek was seen as a
Peloponnesian war began involving Sparta and Athens- power projection across the Agean
The Peloponnesian War (431-404)
o Disastrous invasion of Syracuse in 413-411 by the Athenians
o Revolt of Athens allies
o 406: Spartans use Persian money and ship to dominate the sea
o 405: Destruction of the Athenian fleet of Aegospotami
o 404: Athens surrenders; Sparta installs the 30 Tyrants
Democracys failure?
o Plato (429-347)
Reason on the basis of human institutions
Polis is good
Democracy considered bad- individuals are not capable of rising above narrow selfinterest
Suggests an enlightened oligarchy or the philosopher king was preferable
o Aristotle
Agreed that democracy has big problems- mostly the inclusion of the uneducated
classes who lacked any sense of philosophy that would rule in the interest of democracy
The 4th Century BC: Game of Hegemons

The Players
o The winners: Sparta
A chance at hegemony and empire
o The losers: Athens
30 tyrants established, they lost their fleet and empire
o The real winners: Persia
Regain Ionia; successful played the Greeks against each other
o The new kids: Thebes

Expansion under Epaminondas (excellent strategic mind)

The kings in the North: Macedon
Sparta attempts an empire
o 404-330: Tyrants in Athens
o Spartan garrisons and commanders to control allies
o 395-387: Corinthian War- Corinth, Argos, Athens, Thebes vs Sparta
Culminates in the (Persian) Kings Peace
The Kings Peace (387 BC)
o King Artaxerxes believies that all cities in Asia should belong to him and that other Greek
cities should be left independent

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