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Are We Ready Facing the Asean Economic

Community (AEC) in 2015

Perhaps only a few components of the people of this nation who are concerned with the
readiness of the community and our government face the implementation or enforcement of
the Asean Economic Community (AEC) or Asean Economic Community to be held at the end
of 2015.
Awareness about the importance of considering the readiness of AEC 2015 is a primary
obligation, because if not anticipated and is not prepared, the AEC 2015 has the potential to
create instability on the national economy, even in step by step can be an event taking
important economic assets belonging to this beloved country.
Secretary General of the Association of Food and Beverage Indonesia, Frangky Sibarani say,
small and medium industries (SMI) local food and drink could not compete with foreign
products in the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) by 2015. During this time, the
production process becomes a major problem, because SMEs pay little attention to packaging
of hygienic cleanliness. And based on Central Bureau of Statistics, there are more than 1.2
million offender SME food and drink with employment of more than 4 million people.
By a majority, the business people in Indonesia that government not support the interests of
employers, for each of the ministries implement different policies making it difficult for
entrepreneurs. Employers expect government urged employers not only contributed to
increasing economic growth, but also provide support and create a climate conducive to
Recognized or not, prepare Indonesia for the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) in 2015
is still lacking in terms of the readiness of businesses and law, namely the Law on Monopoly
Practices and Unfair Competition. In order to avoid Indonesia serve as markets in other
countries. The government should amend the law so that the Commission can take firm action
against foreign businesses that conduct current market monopoly practices MEA.

Some economic practitioners who met the author also stated that, Indonesia is not yet ready
for the AEC 2015 related to lack of readiness of a number of listed companies due to high
interest rates and logistics costs, as well as energy issues are relatively competitive cost. In
addition, the penetration of the insurance industry in Indonesia is still low so that must be
addressed before facing the MEA in 2015.
However, somewhat different opinion delivered by the Director General of the Ministry of
Industry, SMEs, Euis Saedah rate, there are 3 superior SME sector and ready to compete in
the MEA, among others, the apparel industry, wood and rattan handicrafts, as well as
ceramics. Indonesia has tremendous resources, coupled with high creativity, so that SMEs
will dominate MEA superior.
It must be acknowledged that bureaucratic reform in Indonesia, especially mental unfinished
reforms implemented, so it is still allowing some unscrupulous rogue state officials do "abuse
of power" to make a profit for himself as much as possible. This is indicated by the
appearance of a complaint from a businessman for example that always judge that there has
been overlapping policies issued by state institutions, thus making the investment conditions
less passionate, which affect not able to create economic growth and help the country reduce
the deficit in the balance of trade and balance of payments deficit in the current year which is
more acute. Seeing this condition is normal if then some companies engaged in insurance for
example rarely to expand, because energy costs are too expensive.
Damage to infrastructure and Electrical Problems
There are two fundamental problems become an obstacle to economic growth of Indonesia,
including Indonesia's readiness in the face of the Asean Economic Community (AEC) in
2015, although both these fundamentals can also create multiple parties who are keen to
"dominate the national economy" slightly loosen his intentions. Both of these is the problem
of damaged infrastructure and a shortage of electricity supply which occurred in several
areas, including lately started to occur in the centers of production.

Problems infrastructure damage is very slow handled has also trigger some elements of
society in some areas to take action to respond to such Village residents. Tegalbunder, District
of Purwakarta, Cilegon, Banten on June 1, 2014 complaining of damage Road Tegalbunder
and Customs. As a result, some residents to plant trees in the middle of the holes in the road.
Meanwhile, welcome Village residents urged the City Government of Samarinda, East
Kalimantan Jalan Sultan Sulaiman immediately repair the damage, because endangering the
safety of residents who use the road. Earlier, residents of Pulo Brayan Sub Stations, District
East Medan, Medan, North Sumatra demanding repair of roads in their areas by blocking
roads and planting banana trees amid the hollow road, and burning tires. In Lebong,
Bengkulu, Department of Public Works Lebong suspect damage to the road that connects the
village with the villages of Padang Bano Ketenong II, District Pinang Belapis caused
akitivitas coal transport belonging to one company PT JR.
In South Minahasa, North Sulawesi, the majority of the road that sustains the foundation of
emergency bridge in the village of Matani, District Tumpaan collapsed due to exposure to
river water. As a result, vehicles that exceed the capacity of 8 tons are not allowed to pass
through the bridge because it was feared would result in the bridge collapse. In Batang,
Central Java, object along the road Tourism Sigandu, Depok Village, District Kandema
broken hollow, because it passed by a truck loaded with coal power plant belonging to Rod.
Meanwhile, related to an electrical problem, the planned increase in basic electricity tariff
(TDL) in July 2014 to get various responses from various circles of society to assess the
government's plan to raise electricity tariff (TDL) for non open and class households per July
2014 should evaluated, because it can have an impact on the industry. In Semarang regency,
many textile industries which can be affected by the increase in TDL, including the garment
industry are starting to grow and require the support of the investment climate. Besides being
able to raise the cost of production, the perpetrator world textile industry is also concerned
about possible further decline in investor interest that can reduce the competence of textile
products in the export market.

Many are also considered, the government needs to review the planned increase in the
electricity tariff for industrial customers because it can weaken the industry competition. In

addition, the impact of rising electricity can also increase the burden on consumers affected
from rising prices of goods and services. In contrast to the opinion of others, Daryatmo who
is also the Executive Committee of the Indonesian Consumers Foundation (YLKI) supports
the government's plan to raise electricity along accompanied by increased service by PT. PLN
(Persero). By raising the electricity tariff, subsidy reduction can be done to be allocated to the
construction of power plants and electricity distribution network nationwide.

According to the predictions of the writer, rejection of the government's plan to raise the
electricity tariff by July 2014 is expected to come intensely from the business world and the
public (households), so that should be a precaution in order not to become a political issue for
the exploitation disturbing even derail the 2014 presidential election is therefore the readiness
of the people of Indonesia to face the MEA 2015 by reducing or overcoming acute problems
in the economy such as trade deficits, balance of payments deficit, the weak exchange rate,
inflation, poor infrastructure and lack of power supply must be addressed. If not, respectfully.


Siapkah Kita Menghadapi Masyarakat Ekonomi Asean (MEA) 2015

Mungkin hanya sedikit komponen masyarakat bangsa ini yang peduli dengan kesiapan
masyarakat dan pemerintah kita menghadapi implementasi atau pemberlakukan Masyarakat
Ekonomi Asean (MEA) atau Asean Economic Community yang akan dilaksanakan pada
akhir 2015.

Kesadaran tentang pentingnya memperhatikan kesiapan MEA 2015 adalah kewajiban utama,
karena jika tidak di antisipasi dan tidak dipersiapkan, maka MEA 2015 berpotensi
menciptakan instabilitas terhadap perekonomian nasional, bahkan secara step by step dapat
merupakan ajang pengambilan aset-aset ekonomi penting milik negara tercinta ini.
Sekretaris Jenderal Gabungan Pengusaha Makanan dan Minuman Indonesia, Frangky
Sibarani mengatakan, industri kecil menengah (IKM) makanan dan minuman lokal tidak bisa
bersaing dengan produk asing dalam Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA) 2015 mendatang.
Selama ini, proses produksi menjadi masalah utama, karena IKM kurang memperhatikan
masalah kebersihan hingga pengemasan yang higienis. Padahal berdasarkan data Badan Pusat
Statistik, terdapat lebih dari 1,2 juta pelaku IKM makanan dan minuman dengan penyerapan
tenaga kerja lebih dari 4 juta orang.
Secara mayoritas, kalangan pengusaha di Indonesia menilai bahwa pemerintah kurang
mendukung kepentingan pengusaha, karena masing-masing kementerian menerapkan
kebijakan berbeda sehingga menyulitkan para pengusaha. Pengusaha berharap pemerintah
tidak hanya mendesak pengusaha berkontribusi meningkatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi, tetapi
juga memberi dukungan dan menciptakan iklim investasi yang kondusif.

Diakui atau tidak, kesiapan Indonesia dalam menghadapi Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN
(MEA) 2015 masih kurang dari segi kesiapan para pelaku usaha dan hukum, yaitu UU

tentang Praktik Monopoli dan Persaingan Usaha Tidak Sehat. Guna menghindari Indonesia
dijadikan sebagai pasar oleh negara lain. Pemerintah harus mengamandemen UU tersebut
sehingga KPPU dapat menindak tegas pelaku usaha asing yang melakukan praktik monopoli
pasar saat MEA.
Beberapa praktisi ekonomi yang ditemui penulis juga menyatakan bahwa, Indonesia belum
siap menghadapi MEA 2015 terkait rendahnya kesiapan sejumlah emiten akibat tingginya
suku bunga dan biaya logistik, serta masalah energy cost yang relatif tidak bersaing.
Disamping itu, penetrasi industri asuransi di Indonesia masih rendah sehingga harus segera
dibenahi sebelum menghadapi MEA pada 2015.
Namun, pendapat agak berbeda disampaikan oleh Direktur Jendral IKM Kementerian
Perindustrian, Euis Saedah menilai, sudah ada 3 sektor IKM yang unggul dan siap bersaing
dalam MEA, antara lain industri pakaian jadi, kerajinan kayu dan rotan, serta kerajinan
keramik. Indonesia memiliki sumber daya luar biasa, diiringi dengan kreatifitas tinggi,
sehingga IKM yang unggul akan mendominasi MEA.
Memang harus diakui bahwa reformasi birokrasi di Indonesia terutama reformasi mental
belum tuntas dilaksanakan, sehingga masih memungkinkan beberapa oknum nakal
penyelenggara negara melakukan abuse of power untuk meraup keuntungan bagi dirinya
sendiri sebesar-besarnya. Hal ini terindikasi dengan munculnya keluhan dari sejumlah
pengusaha misalnya yang selalu menilai bahwa telah terjadi tumpang tindih kebijakan yang
dikeluarkan institusi negara, sehingga membuat kondisi investasi kurang bergairah, yang
berdampak kepada tidak mampu menciptakan pertumbuhan ekonomi dan membantu negara
mengurangi defisit neraca perdagangan dan defisit neraca pembayaran pada tahun berjalan
yang semakin akut. Melihat kondisi ini adalah wajar jika kemudian beberapa perusahaan
yang bergerak di bidang asuransi misalnya jarang melakukan ekspansi, karena energy cost
yang terlalu mahal.

Kerusakan Infrastruktur dan Masalah Listrik

Ada dua hal permasalahan yang mendasar menjadi penghambat laju pertumbuhan ekonomi
Indonesia, termasuk kesiapan Indonesia dalam menghadapi Masyarakat Ekonomi Asean
(MEA) 2015, walaupun kedua hal mendasar ini juga dapat membuat beberapa pihak yang
berkeinginan kuat untuk menguasai perekonomian nasional sedikit mengendurkan niatnya.
Kedua hal tersebut adalah masalah kerusakan infrastruktur dan kekurangan pasokan listrik
yang terjadi di beberapa daerah, termasuk akhir-akhir ini mulai terjadi di sentra-sentra
Masalah kerusakan infrastruktur yang sangat lamban ditangani juga telah mentrigger
beberapa elemen masyarakat di beberapa daerah melakukan aksi untuk meresponsnya seperti
warga Kelurahan. Tegalbunder, Kecamatan Purwakarta, Cilegon, Banten pada 1 Juni 2014
mengeluhkan kerusakan Jalan Tegalbunder dan Pabean. Akibatnya sebagian warga menanami
pohon di tengah jalan yang berlubang tersebut.
Sementara itu, warga Kelurahan Sambutan mendesak Pemkot Samarinda, Kalimantan Timur









membahayakan keselamatan warga yang menggunakan jalan. Sebelumnya, warga Kelurahan

Pulo Brayan Bengkel, Kecamatan Medan Timur, Medan, Sumatera Utara menuntut perbaikan
jalan di wilayah mereka dengan memblokir jalan dan menanam pohon pisang ditengah jalan
berlobang, serta membakar ban bekas. Di Lebong, Bengkulu, Dinas PU Lebong menduga
kerusakan jalan yang menghubungkan Desa Padang Bano dengan Desa Ketenong II,
Kecamatan Pinang Belapis diakibatkan akitivitas pengangkutan batu bara milik salah satu
perusahaan PT JR.
Di Minahasa Selatan, Sulawesi Utara, sebagian badan jalan yang menopang pondasi
jembatan darurat di Desa Matani, Kecamatan Tumpaan runtuh akibat terkena air sungai.
Akibatnya, kendaraan yang melebihi kapasitas 8 ton tidak diperbolehkan melewati jembatan
itu karena dikhawatirkan akan mengakibatkan jembatan runtuh. Di Kabupaten Batang, Jawa
Tengah, jalan sepanjang obyek Wisata Sigandu, Desa Depok, Kecamatan Kandema rusak
berlubang, karena dilalui oleh truk bermuatan batu bara milik PLTU Batang.
Sementara itu, terkait dengan masalah listrik, maka rencana kenaikan tarif dasar listrik (TDL)
pada Juli 2014 mendapatkan respons beragam dari berbagai kalangan masyarakat dengan
menilai rencana pemerintah menaikkan Tarif Dasar Listrik (TDL) untuk perusahaan non

terbuka dan golongan rumah tangga per Juli 2014 sebaiknya dievaluasi, karena dapat
berdampak pada pelaku industri. Di Kabupaten Semarang, banyak industri tekstil yang dapat
terkena imbas dari kenaikan TDL, termasuk industri garmen yang mulai tumbuh dan
memerlukan dukungan iklim investasi. Selain dapat menaikkan biaya produksi, pelaku dunia
industri tekstil juga mengkhawatirkan kemungkinan semakin turunnya minat investor yang
dapat menurunkan kompetensi produk tekstil di pasar ekspor.
Banyak kalangan juga menilai, pemerintah perlu mengkaji ulang rencana kenaikan TDL
untuk pelanggan industri karena dapat melemahkan persaingan usaha industri. Selain itu,
dampak kenaikan TDL juga dapat meningkatkan beban konsumen yang terimbas dari naiknya
harga produk barang dan jasa. Berbeda dengan pendapat yang lain, Daryatmo yang juga
Pengurus Harian Yayasan Lembaga Konsumen Indonesia (YLKI) mendukung rencana
pemerintah menaikkan TDL sepanjang diiringi dengan peningkatan pelayanan oleh PT. PLN
(Persero). Dengan menaikkan TDL, pengurangan subsidi dapat dilakukan untuk dialokasikan
kepada pembangunan pembangkit listrik dan jaringan distribusi listrik nasional.

Menurut prediksi penulis, penolakan terhadap rencana pemerintah menaikkan TDL per Juli
2014 diperkirakan akan datang secara intens dari kalangan dunia usaha maupun masyarakat
(rumah tangga), sehingga perlu dilakukan langkah antisipasi agar tidak di eksploitasi menjadi
isu politis untuk mengganggu bahkan menggagalkan Pilpres 2014. Oleh karena itu, kesiapan
masyarakat Indonesia untuk menghadapi MEA 2015 dengan mengurangi atau mengatasi
permasalahan-permasalahan akut di bidang perekonomian seperti defisit neraca perdagangan,
defisit neraca pembayaran, lemahnya nilai tukar rupiah, inflasi, infrastruktur yang buruk dan
kekurangan pasokan listrik harus dibenahi. Jika tidak, wassalam.

1. what the opinion of the text?


how the preparation of Indonesian society face the MEA?

what factors make Indonesia not ready for MEA?
How to overcome the problems of the mea 2015?
What the opinion Goverment about MEA?


use of tenses simple present tense
use of tenses past tense
When viewed from the side of economic potential, Indonesia is one of the emerging country
that is now becoming one of the ASEAN economic power. Prospects of Indonesia as a
country with an economy in the world number 16, number 4 in Asia after China, Japan and
India, as well as the largest in Southeast Asia, the more promising because it is supported by
the abundance of natural resources, growth in private consumption and investment climate
more conducive. Indonesia is has potential and strong capital in the success of the ASEAN
Economic Community, due to the geographical spread of our country, also supported by
natural resources are many and well qualified human resources. Indonesia has authorized
capital or capital base is important, namely human resources, natural resources, Indonesia's
experience in overcoming the crisis, foreign relations are well established, and the strategic
location of Indonesia as the capital stepped into the ASEAN Economic Community.
In addition, Indonesia has had a good economic system, the system of democratic economy,
to face the MEA more to liberalism. Therefore, it needs more promotion and introduction of
the system of Pancasila's economy to remain subdued economic conditions in Indonesia.

Difficult Words From The Text

1. or enforcement of the Asean Economic Community (AEC)

2. Awareness about the importance of considering the readiness of AEC 2015 is a

primary obligation, because if not anticipated and is not prepared, the AEC 2015 has
the potential to create instability on the national economy.
3. Employers expect government urged employers not only contributed to increasing
economic growth, but also provide support and create a climate conducive to
4. the penetration of the insurance industry in Indonesia is still low so that must be
addressed before facing the MEA in 2015.
5. It must be acknowledged that bureaucratic reform in Indonesia, especially mental
unfinished reforms implemented, so it is still allowing some unscrupulous rogue state
officials do "abuse of power" to make a profit for himself as much as possible.
6. the exploitation disturbing even derail the 2014 presidential election is therefore the
readiness of the people of Indonesia to face the MEA 2015 by reducing or overcoming
acute problems in the economy such as trade deficits, balance of payments deficit, the
weak exchange rate, inflation, poor infrastructure and lack of power supply must be
addressed. If not, respectfully.


Are We Ready Facing the Asean Economic

Community (AEC) in 2015


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