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Congratulations on your new purchaselYour new Aroundthe . lf usingthe extenderwith a cablebox,you may needto switch
House RF (radio frequency)RemoteExtenderusesthe most the settingto A. The settingsare locatedon the bottomof the
advancedtechnology.By installingthe batterysize transmitter FlyingSaucerReceiver insidethechargerhousing.
insideyour existingremotecontrol'sbatterycompartment, you o You may sometimesneed to adjustthe positionof the RF
have instantlyconvertedyour standardlR (infrared)remoteto an transmitterinsideyour remoteíor betterRFperformance.
RFremote.Thiswill extendyourexistingremote's operatingrange . lí your remotecontrolis functioningat a lesserdistancethan
thru doors,walls, windows,floors,cabinets,and closets.The normal,the batteryneedsrecharging. Swapmini batterywith
extenderallows remoteoperationwithout the needto point the chargedbatterylocatedin your FlyingSaucer's chargingdock.
remotein the directíonof yourelectronicdevices.
3 and 6 eye emitters,a standalone USBcharger,and
additionaltransmittersare alsoavailable.
Chargingthe Batteries:
NOTE:Please allow batteries to chargeÍor 24-36hoursbeforeinitìaluse. Care
'l . Place one of the mini rechargeable batteries into the RF
Keepthe extenderdry. lf it getswet, wipe dry immediately.
transmitterso that the flat end is exposedas shown here: and storethe extender only in normaltemperatureenvironments.
minibattery Transmitter Handlethe extendercarefully;do not drop it. Keepthe extender
away Írom dust and dirt, and wipe it with a damp cloth
occasionallyto keepit lookingnew.
a l s os e rv e sa s *
2 . Yo u rFl yi n gS auc erunit ( RFR e c e i v e r)
your mini batterycharger.Placeboth the assembled
transmitterand the spare mini battery into the
bottomof your the FlyingSaucerfor charging. Thisdevicecomplieswith FCCrule part'l 5. Operationis subject
to the followingconditions: (1)thisdevicemaynot causeharmful
interference, and (2) this devicemust acceptany interference
- reeeivedT-incfu ing^inte.rierenee -.tha+--#|R1.-€s{lse- undes-ired
operati on.
3. Plugthe RFExtender
intothe wall
Note: After charging, use the Assembled Transmifter for your remote contrcl as descríbed Operating range: Up to 100+feet(30 Meters)
below. Leave the extn mini baftery in chaÍger to swap out when you ned a tiesh charyed
batÍery. DO NOT use alkalìne batteríes ín charget as it may cause damdge to the receiver.
Operating frequency: 433.92MHz and 41B MHz
tc #: 5216A.AAA
Placingthe batteriesinto your remotecontrol:
Á,/C Adapter Voltage:
4. lf your remotecontrolusesAA batteries, placethe assembled l nput: 1-IOVAC,6OHZ
transmitter(w/battery)into the AA plasticsleeve.lÍ the remote Output: D C 1 2 V ,m i n i m u m l 0 0 m A
controlisAAA youwill onlyneedtheAssembled Transmitter. Battery: 1.5V 213AAA (Rechargeable)

ry.w-ffi' Irer
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U.S. Patent # 6, 400, 480 and other worldwide patents pending. @ 2001 ,2Oo2,
2QO3,2OO4,2005, 2006, 2007, 2OO8Al I Rights Reserued

Replace(1) AA or AAA batteryfrom your existing LlillÍED WARRAT{TY: NextGeneration HomeProducts, LLC(NGHP) waÍantsthis productaqainstdeÍectsin
workmanship foroneyeaÍÍÍ0mthedate0f puichase. During thiswarantypeÍiod, thispÍoductwillberepairedor
r em o te cont r ol wit h e i th e r th e
Assembled Transmitter with AA sleeve
s repìaced, aÌ NGHP's
as directed.
Thiswarrantyd0esnotcoveranydamageduet0 commercial
use,accidents, misuse, abuseor
negligence. Thiswarantyis validonlyìntheUnitedStatesofAmeÍica. RepaiÍor replacement asprovided under
or just the Assembled Transmitter Ìhis warrantyis the exclusiv€remedy0f the consumerNGHPshallnot be liablefor any incidental or
dependingon your remote'sbatterytype. consequential damages Íor breachoÌ anyexpressed or impliedwatrantyoÍ this product,exceptt0 the extent
prohibiÌed by applicable law.Anyimpliedwarranty 0r fitnessÍor a particular
oÍ merchantabìlity puÍpose 0nthe
oroduct is limitedl0 theduration oÍ Ìhiswarantv.
Finaf Setup: Singte
5. P lugi n Fl y ingS auc erunitan d i n s e rtth e s i n g l el R
(infrared)emittercord into the backof the unit.Then
positionthe purpleemitter" bulb"in thefrontoí your
audio/vi^deo equipmentby your equipment'slR reyàhrra,eü
(infrared)sensor.Removethe adhesivetape on the ÊniúrButb -*
bottom of the lR emitter to secure. NOTE:Whenusingthe eye -Õ
emitÍer,the Flyingsaucerunit may be anywhereinsidea cabinetor closet -N
(3-eye& 6-eyeemítterssold separatelyfor multiple components).Youmay
also use your FlyingSaucerunit to blast the infrared signal to multiple
componentsií placed íacing them within a 15 ft. clearJine-oí-site.
-- o

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