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Escola Estadual Professor Jos Vicente Bertoli

Nome_________________________________________________n_____srie 2____data___/___/__

Avaliao Bimestral de Ingls ( Prof Caroline)

*Read the text and answer the questions

Fast and Furious Actor Paul Walker dead at 40.The actor Paul Walker, star of the franchise Fast and
Furious alongside Vin Diesel to died on Saturday afternoon (30) at age 40 in a car accident in the city of
Santa Clarita, in Southern California , in the United States ,his publicist said the actor in the official account on
Twitter and Facebook. ( )
1)Due to its characteristscs ,the text is a
a) biography

b)post on facebook


d)synopsis of film


2)No trecho his publicist said the actor in the official account on Twitter and Facebook. o pronome em
destaque refere-se a (ao):
a)Paul Walker

b)Vin Diesel

c)car accident


e)twitter and facebook

Charlie Chaplin was one of the famous stars in the history of the cinema. He was certainly the most famous
comic actor of the cinema. His first films were in the age of silent movies. He wrote and directed nearly all of
his films and composed the music of all his sound pictures. Charles Spencer Chaplin was born in 1889 in
London. His family was poor and he had a hard childhood. In 1890 he left Britain for the USA, in 1914 he
made his first film. In his films he created the character of a little man who always faced life with courage.
Chaplin was married four times, he had four kids. In 1952 he left the USA with his family and lived in
Switzerland until his death.
3)Who was Charles Chaplin?( portugus)
4)Where Charles Chaplin made his first film?


c) Switzerland


We are all housekeepers!

Plant a treeUse recycled paper Dont waste fuel Save water Keep your engine well adjusted
Walk Dont smoke Dont wear fur Use biodegrable products. In this way we can keep our house in
(Time, April27, 1992)
Vocabulary: engine motor/ fuel combustvel/ fur pelo de animal/ in this way deste modo / to waste
desperdiar/ to save economizar / to keep manter / to wear usar / housekeepers - Governantes
5)Quantas ordens ou pedidos h no texto?




d) eight

6) Qual dos itens abaixo representa uma medida de economia?

a) Save water.

b) Dont wear fur.

c) Dont smoke.

d) Plant a tree.

7) Analisando a frase In this way we can keep our house in order, a palavra house se refere:
a) aos produtos biodegradveis.
nosso corpo.

b) ao governo.

c) ao mundo.

d) ao

8) O texto aborda algumas medidas a serem tomadas:

a) apenas pelo governo

b) apenas pelos ambientalistas

c) por todos

d) apenas por voc

9)De acordo com o que foi estudado no caderno do aluno na Situao de Aprendizagem 1 ,responda:

Relacione as informaes das colunas.

a)I talk to people in the entertainment area and gather the money to make films.

( )screenwriter

b) I am the person who organizes the cast and the staff, chooses actors and actresses,
shoots the scenes, and cuts, selects and organizes them.

( )reviewer

C) I am in charge of writing stories for films, know as screenplays.

( )director

d) My job is to watch films and analyzes them. I have to descried them and give my
opinion, based on the analyzed elements.

( )producer

10) Most films and TV programs tell stories in other words, they are narratives. The most important elements
of a narrative are PLOT, SETTING, THEME and CHARACTERS.
A) The ________________is the place and time in which all of the events in a story happen.
b) The ________________represent peoples in a story.
c) The_________________is the sequence of actions (or events) in a story.
d) The_________________is the most important subject in a story. It is a concept the film is trying to present,
for example.

The secret is to do his duty your pleasure.

O segredo fazer do seu dever o seu prazer

( Ulisses Guimares)
Good Luck!!!

Escola Estadual Professor Jos Vicente Bertoli

Nome_________________________________________________n_____srie 3____data___/___/__

Avaliao Bimestral de Ingls ( Prof Caroline)

Text I
Volunteering: how to be a good volunteer
Volunteering is fun and rewarding, but its also a little more complicated than just showing up and having a
good time. Heres some advice on how to make the most of your volunteer work:
Be selfless. Selfless is the opposite of selfish. Dont think about what you can do to help yourself. Think about
what you can do to help others. Be well trained. Know what youre doing as a volunteer. If you need some
time to learn your job, take that time. If you need training or need someone to show you what youre supposed
to do, speak up. If youre good at your job, it will be much easier to help others (plus youll have a lot more
Be dependable. Do what you say youll do, and do your best. Dont show up late, and always keep your
promises. People will be relying on you, so you dont want to let them down.
Be enthusiastic. Dont moan and groan your way through your volunteer work. If you really dont like what
youre doing, find something else. Always have a positive attitude and show others that youre doing this
because you WANT to.Be respectful. One of the really great things about being a volunteer is the chance to
learn and experience new things. Keep your mind open to new possibilities, and youll probably grow as a
person. Be open minded. Always remember to show respect for other people and other cultures. Keep in
mind that your way of thinking or living is not the only way there is.
1)De acordo com o texto estudado em sala de aula ,assinale verdadeiro (V) ou falso (F).
)Para ser confivel ,voc precisa honrar sua palavra sempre e fazer com que as pessoas no se
decepcionem com voc.

) Sua maneira de vivier a nica que existe.

) Para ser altrusta ,voc precisa se mostrar respeitoso com outros povos e culturas.

) Sempre tenha uma atitude negativa para demostrar o que voc realmente quer.

2) Quais so os trs conselhos de atitudes que o texto d para que voc se torne um bom voluntrio.

Selfless,dependable and positive.

Positive,sefless and Best.
Selfless ,dependable and enthusiastic.
Respectful,sefless and be open minded.

3)Selfless is opposite of


4)Como definido no texto o trabalho voluntrio ?


Text II
Volunteers testimonial - I have gained very valuable work experience working as a volunteer in a project
assisting street kids. I have gained confidence in working with people from diverse backgrounds. I think that
this experience has helped me a lot, mainly when I have to look for a job in my area. In job interviews, the
volunteer work experience in my rsum is usually a topic that calls attention. The interviewer always wants to
know more about that. So include your volunteer work in your rsum! It shows you are self-motivated and
willing to work hard. (Peter Swan)
5)What project is Peter talking about?

assisting Home for the Elderly.

assisting Orphanage.
assisting street kids.
assisting in the community.

6) According to Peter, is it important to include volunteer work in a rsum? Why?

We are all housekeepers!
Plant a treeUse recycled paper Dont waste fuel Save water Keep your engine well adjusted
Walk Dont smoke Dont wear fur Use biodegrable products. In this way we can keep our house in
(Time, April27, 1992)
Vocabulary: engine motor/ fuel combustvel/ fur pelo de animal/ in this way deste modo / to waste
desperdiar/ to save economizar / to keep manter / to wear usar / housekeepers - Governantes
7)Quantas ordens ou pedidos h no texto?



d) eight

8) Qual dos itens abaixo representa uma medida de economia?

a) Save water.

b) Dont wear fur.

c) Dont smoke.

d) Plant a tree.

9) Analisando a frase In this way we can keep our house in order, a palavra house se refere:
a) aos produtos biodegradveis.

b) ao governo.

c) ao mundo.

d) ao

10) O texto aborda algumas medidas a serem tomadas:
a) apenas pelo governo

b) apenas pelos ambientalistas

c) por todos

d) apenas por voc

The secret is to do his duty your pleasure.

O segredo fazer do seu dever o seu prazer
( Ulisses Guimares)
Good Luck!!!

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