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Phylogeny and classification

Monday, November 9, 2015

2:59 PM

Product of evolution diversity of life we see on earth

Very beginning of time - name the orgniamss they see around them
Determine whats good to eat whats important to stay away from
Linneaus in 1700s classification of all species
Naming and sorting them into different groups
Naming system - similar to what we have today
Binomial naming system
Our name - first name and last name
Last name - what family and first name - more specific sort of name
Linneaus - basically like that - genus, species
Here are three bear species
Ursus martimus - polar bear
Ursus - arctos - brown bear
Ursus - americanus - black bear
Urusus - bear
Putting things together - identify particular species
Went farther than that
Hierarchical grouping of species and get more information about them
And groups they are similar to
Kingdom - highest level of classification


Complete classification humans - homo sapiens

Kingdom - animalia
Phylum - chordata - cordates
Class - mammalia
Order - primates
Family - hominidae
Genus - homo
Species h. sapiens

First organism - bacterial specias - same bacteria genus that inhabits gut
Plants - western juniper - conifer
Diversity of plants - clearer
And so on
Phylogeny - look similar/cat like
Call them cats of one sort or another
All well and good but would like to be able to do - classifcation scheme reflect
evolutionary relationship between animals
Cat like - common ancesteor - evolutionary scheme
Phylogeny - evolutionary tree to show how closely related
Like classifcation scheme to reflect phylogeny
Based on things just by what they look like we can run into problems

Put classification and phylogeny together get taxation called systematics

Giant panda in middle
Right bear
Something on left called red panda
Similarities between red and giant panda - we want to do - is determine
evolutionary tree leads to all different species and see how closely related they are

How do we go about this?

Take group of species alive today
Which two closely related
Which other one closely related to them
Some kind of tree that tracks evolutionary history
One way - base on fossils
Organisms out in front of us
Fossils trace back in time
Fossils pretty rare hard to come by few linages have complete fossil record
Another way is to look carefully of morphology and if morphologically very similar
they look similar - common ancestor
Looking similar can be deceiving
Case here - red panda and giant panda
If you look - may not think they look similar
Reason each is called panda
Only 2 species that excluively eat bamboo and other similarities
One way to resolve this question is to use dna similarities
This technique proven to be successful and get true phylogeny for orgainsms
Look at dna similarity between pandas and other bears
Giant panda and other bears - pretty similar to each other
Giant panda - some kind of bear based on what it looks like
Dna of red panda - more similar to racoons than bears
Red banda -eats bamboo but is racoon
Molecule such as dna or proteins
And infer something about how closely related they are

Picking up molecules in blood

Recess moneky
Frog mouse
Composed of amino acids
If you compare amino acid by amino acid
These organisms - difference
Some have a lot some have a few
If you put this information together
Between human and recess moneky
Few differences
Less than 10
Compare human to mouse

More differences 25
Compare human to chicken differences get greater and so on
Amino acid differences to phylogeny
More similar the molecules are
Protein or dna
More closely related species are to each other
One other useful thing molecules can do for us
Constructing phylogonies
Who is related to whom
Know evolutionary history
Like to know if 2 species closely related how long ago did they diverge from each
other and become different
One of things - can do for us
Can address question
Linage over time
Look at dna
Changes of dna over time
Natural selection
Some occur another process genetic drift
Involves random fixation of alleles in population due by chance
This doesn't happen oftenr
Are thing but does happen
Find often times some dna changes occur just by chance
Those chance changes kinda occur at fairly constant rate

Certain relatively constant changes occur every million years

Consequently take look at linages and differences in dna
And tell us how long ago they have common ancerstor
Molecular clock
Certain point in time 5 million years ago
Common acnester
Species split
As they go in time
Accumulating dna
Dna in present - dna different
Count number of differences
Tell us how long ago they diverged
Have another linage diverged 10 million years ago
Twice as many differences
Useful for constructing differences for fossil information
Calibrate this clock
Know from fossil record where divergence occurred
This number means 1 million years
Molecular clocks - used to date to point in time common ancestor humans and chips
Split occurred 5-7 million years ago
Molecular - statistical clock
Some margin of error associated with it
Best at moment
When estimates come out

People who work with fossils

Can't be true
Humans and chimp diverged much longer
Molecular clock
Fossils found 5-7 million years ago

Cladistics Illustrate concept

Want to put together species closely related to each other
Share derived characteristic - soe novel feature arose in ancestor species and now
shared all unique trait - all of descendent species
Example of this
Birds - grouped together because they share a particular feature )feathers) derived
Some ansestor birds have feathers and subsiquent birds have featers
When you construct phylogentic tree - called cladogram

Determine evolutionary relationships

Look at shared derived features
Like heart
All 4 have heart
Have common ancester that had heart
Doesn't help
Lungs separating characteristics
Sharks don't have lungs
Crocodiles, lions, chickens have lungs
Lion - only mammals have fur
Crocodiles and birds - share characteristic - gizard - help them digest materials
Also see unique characteristic only in birds - feathers
Cladistic approach - provided insight on phylogonies
Classification most basic level
Million of species in the world - 10s of millions

Fundamental differences
Originally classified into 5 kingdoms
Bacteria, protists, fungi, plants, animals
More recently - people relized thigns we call bacteria constists of 2 types of
2 changes were made
6 kingdoms

Some people said we need higher classification above kingdom level

Bacteria and archaea
Very different from all other organisms
All other organisms eukarya - protists plants fungi animals
Some reccomendation called domain than kingdom level
6 kingdoms
Very general characteristics
1 kingdom - bacteria - unicellular prokaryotes - don't have nucleus
Archaea - unicellular prokaryotes
Like bacteria but also like eukaryotes

Archae and aeukaryotes

In special group
Often found in extreme environments
Hot springs were temperature above boiling point
Extremely cold
Very salty water

4 kingdoms eukaryotes
Organisms whose cell have nucleus
Heterotrophs and autotrophs
Multicellular photosynthetic
Multicellular heterotrophs, mobile

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