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Communication Skills

Unit 1

Unit 1

Introduction to Communication

1.1 Introduction
1.2 Purpose of Communication
1.3 Process of Communication
1.4 Importance of Communication in Business
1.5 Differences between Technical and General Communication
1.6 Barriers to Communication
1.7 Measures to Overcome the Barriers to Communication
1.8 Summary
1.9 Terminal Questions
1.10 Answers

1.1 Introduction
You may have come across several situations in your day to day life where
you need to exchange ideas, information and express yourself. How do you
do it? What do we call that process? It is communication.
Communication is a process whereby the meaning is defined and shared
between living organisms. Communication requires a sender, a message,
and an intended recipient, although the receiver need not be present or be
aware of the sender's intention to communicate at the time of
communication. Thus, communication can occur across vast distances in
time and space. Communication requires that the communicating parties
share an area of communicative commonality. The communication process
is complete once the receiver has understood the sender.
The term, Communication has been derived from the Latin word,
communist, which means common .Thus, if a person effects
communication, he establishes a common ground of understanding.
Literally, communication means to inform, tell, show, or spread information.
It can be interpreted as an interchange of thought or information to bring
about greater understanding and confidence, leading to better relations
among people. It also strengthens unity of purpose, interests, and efforts of
the work force, all of which are in the ultimate interests of the organization.

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Communication Skills

Unit 1

After studying this unit, you should be able to:
explain the concept of communication process in an organization
describe the different stages of communication process
recognize the importance of communication in todays organization
distinguish between technical and general communication
identify the barriers of communication process

1.2 Purpose of Communication

A purpose is something that we seek to attain or accomplish through our
efforts. When we speak or write to our friends, we may not have a specific
purpose, except to keep in touch; when we chat with a group of friends, we
want to socialize and express ourselves. But in an official or business
situation, when we speak, listen or write to customers, subordinates or
superiors, we have a specific purpose of achieving something.
Communication could have many objectives depending on the situation and
persons involved. Communication within a family, classroom, theatre,
seminar, boardroom or organization has different objectives, which depends
on the purpose that has to be achieved.
The objectives of business communication would include the following:
To inform: This is the foremost objective of any communication.
Information is power, and information needs within and outside the
organization are usually met through communication.
To convince: Businesses survive through influence. It is important to
convince employees to work efficiently.
To educate: To spread knowledge and develop skills and attitudes
among people working in the organization is another purpose of
To train: Communication is a fundamental part of any training
programme. Training is required to achieve proficiency in specific skills.
Instructions, demonstrations, practice and discussion during training
require communication to be an integral part.
To motivate: High level of morale and motivation are a must to ensure
high levels of productivity and efficiency to keep going. Communication
provides a means to keep these motivation levels high.
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Communication Skills

Unit 1

To integrate: Large business organizations have different business

units, departments and territorial divisions, which pursue different
targets. Communication provides the means for and integrated approach
in pursuing organization goals.
To build relations: Good relations are a must for the continued success
of any business organization. Communication provides the means for
building and nurturing mutually beneficial relationships.

1.3 Process of Communication

A process, by definition is a systematic series of action or operation of a
series of changes directed to some end. Communication is a two way
process in which there is an exchange and chain of ideas towards a
mutually acceptable direction. The process of communication involves two
or more persons participating through a medium that carries the information
or message for a particular purpose, which is mutually understood by both
the sender and the receiver. The basic model of communication is depicted
in the figure 1.1.

Fig. 1.1: Basic Communication Model

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Communication Skills

Unit 1

Elements of Communication Process

Sender / Encoder / Speaker
The person who starts the communication process is normally referred to as
the sender. He is the person who transmits, spreads, or communicates a
message with the purpose of informing, persuading, influencing or changing
the attitude, opinion, or behavior of the receiver.
Receiver/Decoder /Listener
A receiver is the targeted audience of the message who will receive the
message and translate (decode) it to understand the real meaning and
sends back the feedback (response) to the sender.
Message is the encoded idea transmitted by the sender making the
formulation of the message extremely important, for an incorrect patterning
can turn the receiver hostile, making him lose interest altogether.
Another important element of communication is the medium or channel. A
medium helps the sender to convey the message to the receiver.
This is the top circle that connects the receiver in the communication
process with the sender, who, in turn, acts as a feedback receiver and, thus
gets to know that the communication has been accomplished.
Self Assessment Questions
1. Write any 5 objectives of business communication.
2. State True or False
Business communication always has a specific purpose of achieving
3. ____________ is a systematic series of actions or operation of a
series of changes directed to some end.
4. _____________ is the encoded idea transmitted by the sender making
the formulation of the message extremely important, for an incorrect
patterning can turn the receiver hostile making him lose interest

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Communication Skills

Unit 1

1.4 Importance of Communication in Business

Communication is the lifeblood of a business organization. No organization
can succeed or progress, build up reputation, and win friends and
customers without effective communication skills.
In fact, successful communication is the foundation of strong and pleasant
relationships between the seniors and sub ordinates, between the workers
and the management, between the customers and the sellers. Efficient
system of communication helps in better coordination and efficient control of
all the activities that take place in the organization. Communication leads to
clear understanding, good production, healthy climate, and willing
cooperation among the various levels of employees. Therefore,
communication is very crucial for the smooth running of the organization.
Consequently, effective communication affects the profit and prosperity of
firms, organizations and shop keepers.
Poor and ineffective communication system may result in mismanagement,
bad business and sure show down. Communication can build or destroy
trust, depending on the use of words. A poorly worded message or talk may
result in communication breakdown. On the other hand, planned and wellmeant communication helps in better service, removes misunderstanding
and doubts; builds up good will, promotes business and earns favorable
references. It is the key to success in business and trade. A good
businessman believes in the saying, 'take care of communication and
success shall take care of itself.'
Success of any business lies in effective communication. The more effective
the communication is, the better the results are. Communication is effective
when it produces desired action in the reader or audience. Effective
communication is essential for the survival and progress of a business
The ability to communicate effectively is an essential quality of a
businessman. A person may be intelligent but he may not be able to get his
message across to others. Ideas are generally common, but the ability to
convey them to others is rare.
A successful communicator affects the minds of his readers, employees,
supervisors, customers, suppliers, investors and business associates. They
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Communication Skills

Unit 1

form a good impression of the company and the communicator. He builds

the goodwill of the company he represents. Goodwill of a person or
company attracts customers and wins friends.
Therefore, the ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing is
an asset for the communicator. Through successful correspondence, he
leads his business to success. The letters, reports, memos etc., which he
writes to the people, demonstrate his ability in effective communication or
lack of it. A successful communicator is able to run the affairs of a business.
He can plan well and control the working of his organization. He has the skill
to transfer his policies, decisions, objectives and job instructions to the
persons working with him at all levels. So, communication skills are quite
essential for a businessman to perform his managerial functions effectively.
Communication is essential for life in general, but in business settings, it is
critical. Communication is more than just a matter of speaking and hearing,
especially within a business setting. Good communication, on the other
hand, means that your message will be sent and that the people or
organizations understand the message in its entirety. Further, they are much
more likely to respond in a positive manner if the message was
communicated effectively. A poorly communicated message is likely to
result in an unfavorable response.
Communication is one of the basic functions of management in any
organization, and its importance can hardly be overemphasized. It is a
process of transmitting information, ideas, thoughts, opinions and plans
between various parts of an organization.
You cannot have human relations without communication. However, good
and effective communication is required not only for good human relations,
but also for good and successful business. You can use softwares like
business writing software for writing effective business communication,
which is required at various levels and for various aspects in an organization
such as
Importance of communication for manager and employee relations:
Effective communication of information and decision is an essential
component for management-employee relations. The manager cannot get
the work done from employees unless they are communicated effectively of
what he wants to be done. He should also be sure of some basic facts such
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Communication Skills

Unit 1

as how to communicate and what results can be expected from that

communication. Most of management problems arise because of lack of
effective communication. Chances of misunderstanding and misrepresentation can be minimized with proper communication system.
For motivation and employee morale:
Communication is also a basic tool for motivation, which can improve the
morale of the employees in an organization. Inappropriate or faulty
communication among employees or between manager and his
subordinates is the major cause of conflict and low morale at work. Manager
should clarify to employees about what is to be done, how well they are
doing, and what could be done for better performance, to improve their
motivation. He can prepare a written statement, clearly outlining the
relationship between company objectives and personal objectives, and
integrating the interest of the two.
For increased productivity:
With effective communication, you can maintain a good human relation in
the organization and by encouraging ideas or suggestions from employees
or workers and implementing them whenever possible, you can also
increase production at low cost.
For employees:
It is through the communication that employees submit their work reports,
comments, grievances and suggestions to their seniors or management.
Organization should have effective and speedy communication policy and
procedures to avoid delays, misunderstandings, confusion or distortions of
facts and to establish harmony among all the concerned people and

1.5 Differences Between Technical and General Communication

The difference between general and technical communication: In
general communication, even illiterate persons can understand. In technical
communication technical terms are employed, which only literate people can

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Communication Skills

Unit 1

The differences between technical and general communications are based

on the following factors:
Format: The format for general communication is more flexible and casual.
There is no stable format to communicate. However, for technical
communication, there is a protocol (fixed format), which must be followed.
Tone: The tone used for general communication is very casual and
informal, whereas, we cannot use the casual tone for technical
communication. We have to be very correct with the grammar. The tone
should be clear and well understood whether the communication is oral or
Recording: In technical communication, the message, written or spoken, is
recorded for official use in the future, but in case of general communication,
we normally do not record the message.
Importance of Feedback: There is no communication without a feedback,
in case of general communication; feedback may not create a big problem
as in the case of technical communication. The nature of technical
communication is such that without a feedback, the communication is
Self Assessment Questions
State True or False
5. Technical communication can be understood by laymen
6. Format for general communication is flexible and casual
7. Tone used in technical communication is casual and informal
8. In technical communication without feedback, the communication is

1.6 Barriers to Communication

D.E. McFarland has defined Communication as the process of meaningful
interaction among human beings. More specifically, it is the process by
which meanings are perceived and understanding is reached among human
beings. But there may be some barriers in the communication system,
preventing the message from reaching the receiver. These barriers are as

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Communication Skills

Unit 1

1. Language barrier Different languages, vocabulary, accent, dialect

represent national or regional barriers. Semantic gaps are words having
similar pronunciation, but multiple meanings like- round; badly
expressed message, wrong interpretation and inexpert assumptions.
The use of difficult or inappropriate words/ poorly explained or
misunderstood messages can result in confusion.
2. Cultural barriers Age, education, gender, social status, economic
position, cultural background, temperament, health, beauty, popularity,
religion, political belief, ethics, values, motives, assumptions,
aspirations, rules/regulations, standards, priorities can separate one
person from another and create a barrier.
3. Individual barrier It may be a result of an individual's perceptual and
personal discomfort. Even when two persons have experienced the
same event their mental perception may/may not be identical, which
acts as a barrier. Style, selective perception, halo effect, poor attention
and retention, defensiveness, close mindedness, insufficient filtration are
the Individual or Psychological barrier.
4. Organizational barrier It includes poor organization's culture, climate,
stringent rules, regulations, status, relationship, complexity, inadequate
facilities/ opportunities of growth and improvement; whereas, the nature
of the internal and external environment like large working areas
physically separated from others, poor lighting, staff shortage, outdated
equipment and background noise are physical organizational barriers.
5. Interpersonal barrier Barriers from employers are lack of trust in
employees, lack of knowledge of non-verbal clues like facial expression,
body language, gestures, postures, eye contact, different experiences,
shortage of time for employees, no consideration for employee needs,
wish to capture authority, fear of losing power of control, bypassing and
informational overloading, while barriers from employees include, lack of
motivation, lack of co-operation, trust, fear of penalty and poor
relationship with the employer.
6. Attitudinal barrier It comes about as a result of problems with staff in
the organization. Limitation in physical and mental ability, intelligence,
understanding, pre-conceived notions, and distrusted source divides the
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Communication Skills

Unit 1

attention and create a mechanical barrier, which affect the attitude and
7. Channel barrier If the length of the communication is long, or the
medium selected is inappropriate, the communication might break up. It
can also be a result of the inter-personal conflicts between the sender
and receiver, lack of interest to communicate, information sharing or
access problems, which can hamper the channel and affect the clarity,
accuracy and effectiveness.

1.7 Measures to Overcome Barriers in Communication

Following are some of the additional measures to overcome the barriers to
Developing good relationships
Purposeful and well-focused communication
Co-ordination between the superior and the subordinates
Avoid technical language
Right feedback
Accurate message
Clarity in message
Proper communication channels.
Self Assessment Questions
9. Identify at least 3 barriers to communication , ,

1.8 Summary

Communication is a process.
Communication has some purposes.
There are various steps in a communication process.
Communication plays a vital role in any business organization.
There are differences between general and technical communication.
There are barriers to communication, which can be overcome.

1.9 Terminal Question

1. Explain the process of communication.
2. What is the role of communication in business?
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Communication Skills

Unit 1

3. What are the various barriers to communication? How can you

overcome them?
4. What are the differences between general and technical

1.10 Answers

Assessment Questions
To inform, to convince , to educate
Language barriers, cultural barriers, interpersonal barrier

Terminal Questions
1. Refer 1.3
2. Refer 1.4
3. Refer 1.6
4. Refer 1.5
Andrews P.H., Herchel R.T. (1998), Organizational Communication,
1st Edition AITBS Publishers
Fisher D. (2007), Communication in Organizations,2nd Edition, Jaico
Publishing House

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