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1. Name

The name of the Association shall be “the Toronto Municipal Professionals”

referred to hereafter as “TMP”.

2. Objects

(1) to represent professional, supervisory, management and other employees

eligible for Toronto Municipal Professionals (TMP) membership in all aspects of
their labour relations with the City of Toronto;

(2) to negotiate and administer an enforceable agreement with the City of

Toronto, governing terms and conditions of employment; and

(3) to maintain and improve such terms and conditions of employment.

3. Membership

3.1 Membership in TMP shall be open to all professional, supervisory and

management employees of the City of Toronto and any other employees of the
City of Toronto determined appropriate by TMP, excluding persons currently
represented by a trade union or another employee association representing non-
union City or Toronto employees.

3.2 Members in good standing are those who have provided the City of Toronto with
appropriate authorization of salary deduction in the amount of TMP’s dues.

3.3 The dues or fees for a member who is on sick leave or long-term disability leave
shall be waived during the term of leave.

3.4 Only members in good standing may vote or hold office.

4. Officers of the Association

The Officers of TMP shall be the President, Vice-President, the Secretary and
the Treasurer.

5. Executive Committee

The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, Vice-President,

Secretary and Treasurer. All members of the Initial Executive Committee shall
be elected by the General Membership at the Founding Meeting for a period of
not less than 6 months and not later than the date of the initial AGM. Thereafter
the Executive will be elected in accordance to the bylaws.

6. Vacancy in the Executive Committee

6.1 If at any time, the office of President falls vacant, the Vice-President shall
become President of TMP until a by-election for the position is conducted.

6.2 If at any time, a position on the Executive Committee, other than that of the
President, falls vacant, the Executive Committee shall notify the membership and
may appoint a member in good standing of TMP to the position to serve until a
by-election for the position is conducted.

6.3 The process and timing of by-elections shall be established by the By-laws of
TMP, and shall not be subject to change other than by amendment of the By-

7. Functions of the Executive Committee

It shall be the duty of the Executive Committee to carry on the business of TMP
as directed by the members and to investigate and report on matters of interest
to TMP.

8. Quorum of the Executive Committee

A quorum of the Executive Committee shall consist of the President and one
other member of the Executive.

9. Committees

9.1 Standing Committees shall be established by the By-Laws, and shall not be
subject to change other than by amendment of the By-Laws.

9.2 The Executive Committee shall have the power to create and to terminate special
or ad hoc committees, as it sees fit for the realization of the objects of TMP and
to conduct of the business of the Association.

9.3 The current list of special committees and their terms of reference shall be
published as an Appendix to the By-Laws.

9.4 The Leadership Committee is established to make recommendations to the

Executive Committee and will continue in its terms until the initial TMP AGM.

10. Meetings

10.1 There shall be an annual general meeting, held in the month of May each year,
or such other month as may be fixed by the Executive Committee. The number
and timing of other regular general meetings shall be established by a By-Law.

10.2 Special general meetings shall be held at the call of the President on the advice
of the Executive Committee or on receipt by the Secretary of a written request
signed by 25 percent of members in good standing of TMP.

11. Dues

11.1 Dues and any other fees or charges payable by members or categories of
members shall be fixed by a majority vote of the members present at the annual
or any other general meeting.

11.2 Members in default of payment of dues or any other fees or charges shall cease
to be members in good standing if the dues, fees or charges are not paid within
30 days of the date of notice from the Secretary.

12. By-Laws

By-Laws shall be submitted for approval or amendment at a general meeting,

and adopted or amended by a majority of members in good standing present.
No By-Law shall be interpreted as taking precedent over any article or provision
of this Constitution.

13. Amendment

This Constitution shall be amended only by vote in a meeting of TMP in which

two-thirds of the members in good standing present concur. Notice of the
amendment shall have been given to the membership, through the Secretary, at
least two weeks before the meeting.

19 May 2010 (Founding Meeting)


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