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tverteerant cverserant ccvereerant Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord. Psalm 33:12 FOUNDING FATHERS fo the kindly influence of Christianity we owe that agree of cul freedom, and political and vocal happiness, which mankind new enjoys... Whenever ‘the pillar of Christianity shall be ove reent republican forms of government ~and all ‘letsngs which le from them ~ mut fll ith “Am appeal to arma and tothe God of hove i al that fleas Sir, we ate not weak ifwe maken proper ‘ure of those mene which the God ef mature hath, placed in our power. Beside, ex, we shall net fight our battles alone, Thee iss just God whe. presides over the destinies of mations and wh will, ‘ale p friends to fight our battles for ut «He ie dear or peace roel atte be purchared a the price of chang and slavery? Forbid it Almighty God! “ve lived, sir, along time, and the Lange T ‘the mare convincing proofs see ofthis erath: That im the alfirs of mem, Ife sparrow ‘wales the Lard builds the houte, they Ibo in vain who build it.I Brmly believe this, and Taso belive ‘that without His concurring ad, we shall ecceed im them” Jeon Mosse ‘+ Parton Hawa ney net what courte there may take; but give me liberty or give me death PRESIDENTS “Teds the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to splore His protection and favor” # Guoxox Wasninerox ‘We have no government armed with power capshle of contending with ‘human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Our Constitution war made only for « moral and religious people. It iz whelly inadequate fe the government of any other” Jou ADASE "efere any man can be considered as a member of civil snciety, he srt he considered asa rubject of the Governor of the Universe.” + Jaaats Maois0x “And can the liberties of «nation be thought secure when we have semered their only firm basis, a canviction in the minds of he people that there liberties are of the gift of God? That they are not to be violated but with His wrath? Indeed Tremble for my ‘country when Ireflect that God is just; that His justice cannet sleep foreve “# Taouas Jurrmnsow “Taig not that in che chain of human events, the birthday of the nation: ist olubly linked with the birthday of the Savior? That i forms leading event in the progress of the Gospel dispensation? Ie it not that the Declaration of Independence firet organized the social compact ton the foundation of the Redeemer’s mistion upon, earth? That it laid the comerstone of human government upon the first Precepts of Christianity?” 4 Jomie Qrawer Anaaes SUPREME COURT JUSTICES “The Bible isthe best of al books, for it ix the word of Ged and teaches us the way to be happy in this world and in. the next. Continue therefore to read i and te regulate your life by its precepts.” 4 Jom Jar Frat Gms Jorrtce “Providence has given to our people the choice of their rulers, and it ie the duty, at well a the privilege and interest of our Chris nation, to select and prefer Christians for their rulers.” Jom Jax: Finer Cues Jornice “Human lay must reet ite authority ultimately upon the authority of that law which is Divine... Far from being rivals or encsnies, eligi snd law are twin sisters, friends, and mutual assistants, Indeed, these to sciences ran into exch other” x Jaaas Winson- Ontoneat Jorricx Om ‘rar US, Suramar Coox? “One of the beautiful bonsts of our municipal jurisprudence is that (Christianity is « part of the Commen Law... There never has been & pevied in which the Comamen Law did net recognize Christianity us Tying at ite foundations... I verily believe Christianity necessary tothe support of civil society” + Jostrn Sroat U.S, Soranue Covsr Jorrioe SUPREME COURT RULINGS “There is no dissonance in these [egal] declarations. These are not individual sayings, declarations of private persons: they are organic [legal, governmental] utterances; they speak the voice of the entire people. ‘These, and many other matters which might be noticed, ds volume of ‘unofficial declasations to the mart of organic utterances that this it 4 (Chistian nation.” Cuvcu or rin Hoty Taner. US. 1882 (Grannwous Drcitow Dactasnno Anica « Cuassrian Narion) Sionincavrey, Tax US. ‘Soranur Count orrap Doras OF COUET RULINGS AND LEGAL DOCUMENTS ‘as raxcxDene To AuaTVE AT Tas WULENG; BUT mY 1962, WAN THE Soranux Covar sravox bows VOLUNTARY PaAvaa DY SCHOOLS, “Why may net the Bible, and especially the New Testament, without note oF ‘comment, be read and taught at 4 divine revelation in [echools] ite feneral precepts expounded, its evidences explained and its glorious Principles of morality inculated? .. Where can the porest Principle of morality be lenrued os clearly er perfectly a from the New Testament?” ‘+ Vibatv, Ginano's Exrovrous, 1846 (Graxnuovs Droiston Couneenon%e AND ‘EncovaAotta max Urs oF Tax Brats nt ‘Govemnenrr-Row Sooo) CONGRESS “We area Christian because the Taw demands it, not to ‘in exclusive benefite or Ae avoid legal disabilities ‘bat from choice and ‘education; and in a land thus universally Chistian, what is Co be Ibat that we sball pay de regard to Christianiey?” + Suva Jooiotaxy ‘Commrrmx ReroEr, Jascoany 19,1853 Ae the time ofthe adoption of ‘the Constitution and the smendments, the universal seotiment was that Christianity chewld bbe encouraged. In this age there can be ino substitute for Christianity... That was ‘the religion of the founders ofthe republic and ‘they expected it te remain the religion of their descendants” * Hoorn Jootezsy Counrrres R&2O%n, Manon 27, 1854 EDUCATION “Lat every student be plainly instructed and earnestly prested to consider well the tain end of is life and studies isto know God and Jesus Christ which is etermal life John 17:3) and therefore to lay Christ im the bottom 0 the only fvundstion of all sound knawledge and learning. And seeing the Lord only giveth wisdom, let every one seriously set himself by prayer i, secret to seek it of Him (Proverbs 2,3). Every one shall so exercise himself in reading the Scriptures twice «day that he sball be ready to give such a ‘ccount ef hie proficiency therein.” * Haxvaan 1636 Srvpanr Gompeias “All the scholars are required te lve a religious and blameless life ‘sccording tothe wales of God's Word, diligently reading the Holy Scriptures, that fountain of Divine light and truth, and constantly attending all the duties of religion,” 4 Yaax 1787 Seopa Goran FOREIGN OPINION “The Americans combine the notions of “There is no country in which the people are religious as in the United Stater. convert, civilize, educate. .to take care of ‘their widows and orphan to preach, extend, “The great Christianity and of liberty so intimately in ‘heir minds that itis impossible to make them, conceive the one without the other” # ALIKE DE ‘Toogurvaun: Fauxcs Ontr2vE3 oF AMERICA It 1831, aoruox o Desoczsoy mx Aurarch svumaber of relighrus ecieties existing in the United Stater is truly erprising: there are sme of chem for everything; for instance, societies to distribute the Bible; to distribute tract; to encourage religious journals; to parify preserve, reform the faith; to build hogels, calow congregations, reppoet extablith Sunday scheolr..t0 prevent drunkenness, et.” * Acwme MURA Feswon optaavas ov canton 1832 A you would like to know Jesus as Lord and Savior, visit Need Him Ministry at ‘To download free Bible for your phone, go to Hobby Lobby, Hemispheres, and Mardel Stores—7707 SW 44th St.- Oklahoma Cty OK 73178 - www hobbylobby,convabout-usidonations ministry

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