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Canby High School Syllabus

Course Title: Wellness Teacher: Mr. Rhodes One Trimester: .5 credits

This is a personal health course designed to for ninth grade students learn to choose healthful
behaviors that will enhance their current lives and prepare them for the demands and stressors of
post-high school education, work and family life. The course includes study on the concept of
wellness and the skills needed for healthful behaviors in mental, physical and social health. In
addition, this course incorporates a holistic approach to personal health and wellness, with an
emphasis on choices and decision- making. Topics to be covered include mental health, healthy
relationships, drug and alcohol use and abuse, and nutritional foundations of health. The activities in
this course will include a variety of group and personal experiences.
Learning activities, worksheets, quizzes, projects, homework, class presentations, discussions and unit tests will be
assigned points based on quantity and quality of workmanship. Assessments are based on national health standards.
Grades will reflect students progress in respect to goals, objectives, scope and sequence described in the planned course
statement. The final exam will be worth 15% of the total points. The total points at the end of the trimester will be
assigned a letter grade. Progress reports shall be given to each student at the sixth week grading periods of the trimester.
The teacher will take into consideration special needs in assigning grades.
Grade reports are posted in the classroom using student ID numbers only or from Synergys student view. The following
scales will be used to determine grades.

Final Exam:


All students will receive 20 points per day for proper attendance, effort, attitude, class participation/content. Students who
are not present will forfeit the participation points. In the event of an excused absence, see the instructor for make-up
work in this area.

Make-Up Policy after Absences:

Following an absence, it is the students responsibility to find out what was missed and to plan to make it up. To make
up missed work, arrange a time with your teacher to complete the needed assignments. The student will be expected to
make-up missed work or tests within a number of days equal to the number of days missed. Any assignment, quiz or test
missed due to an unexcused absence will be marked 0.

Philosophy/Procedures Regarding Class/Home Work:

In order to prepare students for the future, all assignments and projects must be turned in no later than their class period
on their due date. Work not turned in on time will be marked down every day that it is late. No enrichment (extra credit)
assignments will be allowed unless all other assignments have been completed. Students who are designated as TAG
will be given the opportunity to make adaptations to assignments. All adaptations must be discussed and approved by the
instructor before beginning the assignment/project.

Academic Dishonesty:
Cheating will not be tolerated. Cheating on any exam, quiz or assignment will result in a 0 and parent notification. View
CHS academic ethics in the student handbook for more specific examples and expectations.

The tardy policy is school-wide. If a student is tardy they will be sent to the attendance office and marked tardy and
potentially lose points for the day.

Rules and Expectations:

1. Practice Respectful Behavior
Towards yourself, classmates, teachers, and supplies
2. Come to class prepared and geared up to learn.
3. Your best effort is required each day
4. NO drinks in class except water/sports drink
5. All work is to be turned in on time.
6. Maintain a classroom environment that allows all students to succeed
When any of these rules are broken, the following steps will be taken:
Verbal warning; student/teacher conference; third party contact as needed .
1 Concepts
2 Analyze Influences
3 Access Information
4 Interpersonal
5 Decision Making Skills
6 Goal Setting
7 Self-Management
8 Advocacy

Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease
prevention to enhance health.
Students will analyze the influence of family, peers, culture, media, technology, and
other factors on health behaviors.
Students will demonstrate the ability to access valid information, products, and
services to enhance health.
Students will demonstrate the ability to use decision-making skills to enhance health.
Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting skills to enhance health.
Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and
avoid or reduce health risks.
Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and
avoid or reduce health risks.
Students will demonstrate the ability to advocate for personal, family, and community

Oregon University System:

The Oregon University System (OUS) has recently notified all high schools that only courses in which a student has
received a C- or higher will count toward the college prep credit requirement. This requirement begins with the graduating
class of 2005. It is highly recommended that a student with a D grade in a required college entrance course meet with a
counselor to discuss if the course will have to be re-taken.

Students or parents with questions or concerns are invited to contact me in their most convenient manner.

phone: school: 503-263-7200

Please sign and return this ENTIRE syllabus for class credit. The syllabus will be returned to you
once credit has been recorded in the grade book. This is NOT an optional assignment.
We have read and understand the Wellness Skills for Life I classroom syllabus.


(print students name)

(parents/guardian signature)



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