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Extraction and Analysis of Salt Deposit in Soil Obtained from Keana Local Government

Area of Nassarawa State

1. G.S. MOHAMMED (A4468)

Corresponding Author Email: -


3. E. E. ALU

Heavy metals which may co-exist with soil salt when present above their threshold levels could
be hazardous to the body system. Common salt samples extracted from soil samples in Keana
Local Government Area in Nassarawa State, Nigeria, were digested in 3:1 aqua-regia (HCl:
HNO3), and analyzed for Lead, Cadmium, Chromium, Arsenic and Nickel using Atomic
Absorption Spectrophotometry. Potassium and Sodium were analyzed using Flame Photometry
while Chloride ions were quantified via volumetric analysis. The mean concentration (mg/kg) of
lead (0.120.01), cadmium (1.841.04), arsenic (0.100.09), sodium (3.613.97) and chlorine
(3.490.003) were higher than their threshold levels recommended by World Health
Organization (2007) and Nigerian Industrial Standard (2007) in salts and foods. However, the
level of nickel (0.0040.005) and potassium (2.800.30) were within the threshold limit while
chromium was not detected in any salt sample. Further studies on selective removal of these
heavy metals and other elements are therefore suggested to isolate them from the soil salt
samples before consumption.

Some soil contains salt (Sodium Chloride) which are extracted and consumed as table salt. Salt
mining and usage has been in existence and is as old as civilization itself (Maurice, 2003). Cases
of environmental pollution confronted frequently and threatening food safety is due to heavy
metals. Trace heavy metals are significant in nutrition, either for their essential nature or their
toxicity. Toxic metals set up conditions that lead to inflammation in arteries and tissues, causing
more calcium to be drawn to the area as a buffer, contributing to hardening of the artery walls
with progressive blockage of the arteries and osteoporosis. In general, heavy metals have no
function in the body and can be highly toxic. Their toxicity is due to excessive intake. The largest
amount of trace elements found in human body has been absorbed via food. Salt is a biological
necessity of human life and it is added to most of food. It is necessary for the body to produce
digestive acids, stimulate the liver and helps get rid of gas. Besides enhancing taste, salt acts as
an antimicrobial or microbiological control agent. It contributes to certain chemical reactions that
create a wide variety of food characteristics (Kuntz, 1994).
In a previous study, common salt samples extracted from soil deposits in Bormanda and Karim
Lamido Local Government Areas of Taraba State were analysed for toxic metals (Pb, Cd. As. Cr
and Nickel) and results showed concentrations (mg/kg) of Pb, Cd and Ni to be 0.4700.005,
0.0400.001 and 0.1400.03 respectively while Chromium and Arsenic were not detected
(Mohammed et al, 2011).
In a related study, the concentration of some trace elements such as Pb, Cd, Zn, Fe, Cu and Al in
edible salts (Kitchen salt and Table salts) were determined. The mean and standard deviation of
Pb, Cd, Zn, Fe, Cu and Al in kitchen salts were 1.590.90, 0.910.32, 6.022.54, 17.86.11,

1.240.90 and 5.820.61 mg/kg, respectively. Also, the mean and standard deviation of Pb, Cd,
Zn, Fe, Cu and Al in table salts were 0.860.52, 0.650.34, 6.54.86, 15.35.95, 1.210.79 and
5.600.75 mg/kg, respectively (Khaniki et al., 2007).
The aim of this research is to extract and analyse soil deposit obtained from Keana LGA. This
would be achieved through the following objectives:

To investigate the presence of heavy metals Lead, Cadmium, Chromium, Arsenic, and

Nickel in the salt extracted from the soil in Keana, Nassarawa State.
To investigate the concentration of Lead, Cadmium, Chromium, Arsenic, and Nickel

likely to be present in the extracted salt.

To determine the concentration of Sodium Chloride (NaCl) present in the soil sample

processed locally in Keana.

To compare result with the maximum permissible limits set by necessary authorities
(NIS, WHO) and to recommend to authorities a means of further refining of the salt, if
the heavy metals are beyond tolerable level.


As a result of soil, atmosphere, underground and surface water pollution, foods and beverages
are getting contaminated by heavy metals. The effect of environmental pollution on
contamination of foods and on their safety for human consumption is a serious global public
issue and widely addressed. The site of reference in this research work is Keana LGA,
Nassarawa State, where there has been extensive mining of edible salt. This community has been
involved in the commercial production of salt for numerous years. Since this salt is gotten from
the earth crust, the presence of heavy metals can be possible. It is therefore essential to find out
how the salt deposit in this area is suitable for human consumption.


4.1 Sampling Location
The sampling location is Keana, Local Government of Nassarawa state, Nigeria its headquarter
is in the town of Keana which has an area of 1,048 km2 and population of 79,253 at the 2006
census (
4.2 Sample Collection
The salt mining location was marked at three points (A, B and C) and holes were dug at each
point to a depth of 1feet. The soil sample was then taken using a hand trowel from the three
different points, and poured into three different polythene bag and labeled as A, B, and C
samples. The sample was transported to the laboratory in a plastic tight container and the
samples were carefully weighed out using weighing balance and were found to be 1943.7g,
1853.1g and 1933.8g for Sample A, B and C respectively. The samples were then transported to
the laboratory and stored in a cool and dry place prior to bench work. 250g of each sample (A, B
and C) was then weighed with an Analytical Balance, and poured into different plastic bags. The
sample was treated by removing all physical impurities that were visibly found in the soil sample
to ensure that it was rid of any unwanted materials like dry plants and heavy stones
4.3 Hydration of Soil Sample
250g of each soil sample (A, B and C) was measured and poured into a conical flask. 500ml of
distilled water was measured using a measuring cylinder and added to the conical flask. The
resultant solution was then stirred continuously with a stirring rod to dissolve the salt content
from the soil. The solution was allowed to stand for 10-15 minutes to allow for proper
dissolution of salt. The process of stirring the solution in the conical flask and allowing the

solution to stand was repeated three times (Kathryn, 2001). The resultant solution was then
filtered into a conical flask, covered with foil paper and the residue was discarded (Block, 2003).
The content of each conical flask was then poured out into an evaporating dish and solution
boiled to evaporate water from the dish leaving the salt crystals. The solution was allowed to boil
until all water evaporated. The evaporating dishes were then removed and placed in a dessicator
to cool before weighing (Kathryn, 2001).
4.4 Digestion of Soil Sample
3g of the crystallized salt was weighed into a beaker and 30ml of aqua-regia (3:1) concentrated
HCl/HNO3 (Aqua-regia) was added to the salt crystals in the beaker. The beaker and its contents
were carefully placed on a hot plate in a fume cupboard and were heated up to almost dryness.
The contents of the beaker were transferred quantitatively by adding three 20ml portions of
deionized water to the beaker, stirring and then filtering into a 100ml volumetric flask. The filter
paper was then washed with deionized water until the filtrate reached the 100ml mark of the
volumetric flask. The filtrate was then transferred into a sampling bottle, labeled and stored in
the refridgerator prior to analysis. This procedure was repeated for the remaining samples B and
C respectively.
4.5 Determination of Chlorine
1g of the Salt crystals was dissolved in 100ml of deionized water and 15ml aliquot of the salt
solution was poured into a conical flask. 1ml of the Potassium Chloride Solution was also added.
The flask was swirled for about five seconds to mix the solution. The burette was filled out with
the standard solution of 0.1mol/dm3 silver nitrate to the 50ml mark and the initial volume of the
burette was noted. 2 to 3 drops of the titrant (AgNO3) solution was added from the burette to the

flask. The flask was swirled for 2 to 3 seconds to mix the solution. The colour of the precipitant
was observed. The titrant solution was added until a red precipitant was formed. The final
volume of the solution in the burette was then noted. The concentration of the Chloride ions was
then determined using C1V1 = C2V2 (Dahl et al 2003).


5.1 Results
The mean concentration (mg/kg) of Lead, Cadmium, Chromium, Arsenic, Nickel, Sodium,
potassium and Chlorine (mol/dm3) are presented in Table 1 below


Concentration (mg/kg)

NIS Standard mg/kg





















2.26 mol/dm3

From Table 1, the result obtained shows that the concentration of Pb in the salt extracted from
soil deposits in Keana L.G.A of Nassarawa State, Nigeria is 0.120.01mg/kg. This concentration
is higher than the permissible 0.01mg/kg limit set by the Nigerian Industrial Standard (2007) for
Pb in foods. Pb concentration was higher than 0.022mg/kg and 0.0005mg/kg reported by Jarup
(2003) and Khaniki et al, (2005) but much more lower than 0.4700.005 reported in extracted
salt in soil deposits in Bormanda and Karim Lamido LGA of Taraba State by Mohammed et al

The concentration of Cadmium in the extracted salt as shown in Table 1 in this study is
1.841.04mg/kg. This is much higher than the maximum permissible limit of 0.03mg/kg set by
NIS (2007) and 0.0400.001 mg/kg Cd reported in salt from soil deposits in Bormanda and
Karim Lamido LGA of Taraba State, Nigeria (Mohammed et al, 2011). Therefore, the
consumption of this locally produced salt can lead to acute effects such as arrhythmia, throat
dryness, cough, headache, vomiting and chest pain.
Chromium was not detected in the salt extracted in soil from Keana LGA. This is similar to
results obtained in analysis of salts in Taraba State where Chromium was also not detected
(Mohammed et al, 2011). In this study the concentration of arsenic is 0.100.09mg/kg which is
higher than the Nigeria Industry Standard (2007) limit which is 0.010mg/kg. The concentration
of arsenic is higher than 0.090mg/kg reported by Khaniki (2005).
The concentration of Nickel (Ni) as shown in Table 1 above in the salt extract is
0.0040.005mg/kg which is lower than the NIS permissible limit of 0.020mg/kg but higher than
0.1400.03 reported in Karim Lamido and Bormanda LGA (Mohammed et al, 2011). This
indicates that the salt is free from toxic levels of Nickel.
The concentration of sodium ion (mol/dm3) as shown in the Table 1 is 3.693.93 which is higher
than the WHO (2007) standard limit of 2.26mol/dm 3 of sodium in food. As seen in the table
above, the salt extracted from soil in Keana LGA contained 2.800.30mg/kg K, which is lower
than the recommended limit of 3.510mg/kg in food, drink and salt WHO (2007). The
concentration of chloride ion as shown Table 4.1 is 3.490.003mg/kg. This is higher than the
WHO standard of 2.26mol/dm3.

The mean concentration (mg/kg) of lead, cadmium, arsenic, Sodium, and chlorine were higher
than their threshold levels recommended by World Health Organization and Nigerian Industrial
Standard. However, the level of Nickel and Potassium were within the threshold limit while
Chromium was not detected in any salt sample.
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