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The river is a form of the ecosystem the aquatik has an important role in the
hydrological cycle and serves as a catchment for the surrounding area, so that the condition of
a river was heavily influenced by the characteristics of which are owned by surrounding
environment ,(Suwondo et al, 2004). The River became one of the ecosystems that are
experiencing the heaviest pollution. All good sewer from housing, markets, factories and
other activities like restaurants, hospitals, everything ends up in the river. The waste in the
form of liquid and solid waste, which may be composed of organic materials, toxic or nontoxic. These things can lead to a decline in water quality in the River .
The river is a source of surface water that provide benefits to human life. From as
early as the spring flowing out of the water, across the River to the flow section downstream
happens dynamically. The dynamics depending on the season, the characteristics of the flow
of the River, and the patterns of human life around him. This condition causes the quantity or
the quality will change in accordance with the development of the river environment and
human life.
On the upper reaches of the river relatively little presence a nuisance, because the
surrounding ecosystem have not damaged it can be said to be still in good condition. The
middle part of the river flow will be increased in accordance with the development of the
settlement, then the damage to and the pollution began to appear. While in the lower reaches,
is a condition that is severe enough damage and pollution.
Some of the pollution in the river is certainly caused by the surrounding life both on
the river itself as well as human behaviour as a user. A dominant influence on the occurrence
of a very visible pollution was the damage caused by humans in the quantity depends on the

pattern of his life. Every river that is dense with settlements, ensured it would seem the
exhaust channels leading into the body of the river. So when the dikumulatifkan of some
exhaust chimney will then be made outcasts are quite high.
The result of the activities of the household waste even waste coming from industrial
areas causes disruption of river ecosystem. Many of the dead fish, the water changes color,
odor, the view is compromised and cause other human health problems. The problem arises
due to the inability of power also supported the river against the waste to neutralization.

The Lake is a natural body of water that inundated year-round and always had the quality of a
particular variety of water from one Lake to the other lakes as well as have a high biological
productivity. Basically the process of occurrence of the Lake can be grouped into two: natural
lakes and artificial lakes. The natural lake is a lake formed as a result of natural events, such
as natural disasters, volcanic activity and tectonic activity. While the artificial lake is a lake
that was created intentionally by human activities with a specific purpose in a way to make
the dam in lowland areas.
Population growth and increased its activities, resulting in the destruction of intensity
and increasing pollution. It caused the growth of human numbers are very high Sue providing
the necessities of life. As a result of human exploits against the water resources. In this case,
on one side of nature damaged by exploitation, on the other hand man throw the rest of
sampahlimbah to nature, so that it will pollute the nature. The destruction of nature by human
activity on bodies of water (pollution) is one of the central problems that hit at various places
on the Earth.

On river basin watershed and catchment Lakes as well as the border of the Lake, the
potential damage that can occur are:
Environmental degradation and land erosion caused by deforestation and cultivation
that is not true, thus leading to erosion and sedimentation and cause the superficiality and the
narrowing of the Lake.
Disposal of waste residents, industry, mining and agriculture that cause water
pollution to the Lake.
A variety of activities that take place in the waters of the Lake are also potentially
damaging to aquatic ecosystems, including:
The fisheries in ways that damage the resources (overfishing).
Cultivation of fish with floating nets keramba uncontrolled so potentially waste
disposal of fish feed and water pollution.
Retrieval of Lake water as raw water or as water power (HYDROPOWER) less
taking into account hydrological balance of the Lake so that change the characteristics of the
surface of the water of the Lake and the border of the Lake.
A variety of sources and the impact these problems have damaged aquatic ecosystems
Lakes and potentially or has occurred on some Lake in Indonesia. Damage that occurs among
others are as follows:
The superficiality and narrowing of the Lake, which has been damaging to the
ecosystem of Lake type flood exposure.
Pollution of the lake water quality affect aquatic biota growth and utilization of the
water of the Lake. When disaster occurs (overturn) backflow of material from the bottom of
Lake pollution rose to the surface of the water.
Loss of biodiversity (biodiversity).

The growth of weeds as a result of water pollution of organic waste and nutrient
(Nitrogen and Phosphor is element).
Algae Growth or bloom of algae caused a process of enrichment of Lake water due
to leaching of organic wastes and fertilizer efficacious.
The changing face of the fluctuations of the water of the Lake, caused by damage to
watersheds and catchment lakes as well as the uptake of water and water power, thus
disturbing the ecological balance of the area of the border of the Lake.


The world's oceans clogged by millions of metrics of plastic waste every year.
According to scientists there are about 8 million metric tons of plastic pollution in the sea
every year. Since a few years later, marine experts are actually already gives the signal of the
dangers of plastic waste pollution. Trash that can kill a number of birds and marine mammals,
turtles and other species that depend on marine ecosystem.
The figure of 8 million tons of it the amount of garbage in the oceans calculated
utilizing the latest methods and his research was released not long ago. Approximately 90 %
of 8 million tons of plastic garbage is garbage that float or sink in basic seas. Plastic waste
light very, very harmful to the ecosystem of the oceans, because plastic waste can be broken
down by way of physics, and so tiny plastic fragments, and the results so the plastic particles.
Plastic particles that will eaten by marine life, including sea fish that we consume everyday.
Imagine a sea fish at the dinner table, namely the fish were eating plastic trash it.
Activities in the sea is a source of pollution, which are:

1. Pollution from shipping activities

The pollution caused by the normal operation of the ship's activities, there is a leakage
of fuel oil from the installation of machinery, pipes, tank-tank, spill, or the presence of the
former laundry, which was eventually mixed in water, so that it becomes oily waste. Pollution
resulting from ship accidents happened due to oil spill-spill charge, charge liquid toxic
materials as a result of the accident the ship such as impacts, ran aground, fire, and so on.
2. Marine Pollution from offshore oil mining activities.
Pollution from offshore oil drilling is caused by waste and leakage of drill mud oil
deposits, as well as leakage at the time of exploitation and at the time of the operation of the
transport from the platform to the tanker.
3. Pollution from dumping activities at sea.
Special rules of dumping at sea there hasn't been so much activity still dumping at sea
and wild beach. More industry events will result in more industrial waste dumped in the Sea
(uterus, 1998).
Actually, the existing oil impurities in the water that can be caused by several things,
among others: accidents and spills during the process of production, transport and use, the
precipitation from atmosphere, as well as industrial and domestic wastes due to natural
seepage from the Seabed (Saparinto, 2002).
In a global perspective, the pollution of the marine environment can be caused by
discarded waste activity or activity on the Mainland (land-based pollution), as well as the
activity or activities in the Ocean (sea-based pollution). Contamination of marine
environmental pollution can be divided over contamination is physically and chemically.
The pollution stems from activities on land (land based pollution):

Logging (deforestation), Waste industrial waste (disposal of industral wates), Waste

agricultural waste (disposal of agricultural waste), domestic liquid waste Effluents (sewage
disposal), Waste solid waste (solid waste disposal), land conversion seagrass mangrove
(mangrove swamp conversion), the coastal region in Reclamation (reclamation).
Pollution from activities in the Sea (Sea-based pollution):
Shipping (shipping), Dumping at sea (ocean dumping), mining (mining), the
exploration and exploitation of oil (oil exploiration and exploitation), Marine Aquaculture
(mariculture), Fishing (fishing).
In General, the impact of marine pollution can affect:
1. Marine Organisms
The presence of pollution will have an impact against a decline in the quality of the
waters, so will interfere with the process of biology or Physiology of marine organisms. And
thus will cause death and ultimately lower the population and biodiversity.
2. Against the marine ecosystem
The entry of the remains of fertilizer and organic contaminants into the sea will cause
the occurrence of "eutrophication" occurs so that a particular organism population explosion.
This will result in the occurrence of a change in the balance of the marine ecosystem.
3. Human
Pollution by heavy metals such as Hg (mercury) and Cd (Cadmium), can cause
diseases such as minimata case in Japan that cause death and disability.
4. tourism and Industrial Activities

Destruction of nautical tourism area and the availability of water for industry and
The impact of certain types of pollutants that often cause the occurrence of pollution
in the sea:
a. the impact of industrial waste
Metal Pb (Lead) and Hg (mercury) which is a type of pollutants in the sea, in addition
to lowering the quality and productivity of the sea waters, can also cause poisoning, because
elements of Hg and Pb is dangerous metals that can cause disease in humans if it accumulates
in the aquatic organisms that eat humans. Other industrial waste that is generally lost to the
river and flowed into the sea or were directly lost to sea will accumulate. In a certain amount
that exceeds the power capacity of asimilatif waters, these contaminants will be a sludge
which caused a foul smell. Chemical content of sludge can decrease as well as increase BOD
and DO COD. The sludge also secrete toxic harmful ingredients such as sulphide, phenol, Cr
(Heksavalen), Pb (Lead), and Cd (Cadmium) can accumulate in aquatic organisms and
indirectly is acaman to human life (Suratmo, 1990). For that industrial waste must be treated
before being dumped into the sea via the river.

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