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Content Standard(s): (Module 2)


explain, and predict natural phenomena governed by

Newton's laws of motion, acknowledging the limitations of their
application to very small or very fast objects.
Concepts and skills students master:

1.Identify and calculate the direction and magnitude of

that act on an object, and explain the results in the objects
change of motion
Students can:
a. Predict and evaluate the movement of
an object by examining the forces applied to it(DOK 1-2)
b. B. Use mathematical expressions to describe the movement of an object
(DOK 1-2)
c. C. Develop and design a scientific investigation to collect and analyze
speed and acceleration data to determine the net forces acting on a
moving object(DOK 2-4)
Unpacked Standard(s): (Module 2)
Examine Natural Phenomena to calculate
and explain Newtons Laws of the movement
of objects.

Essential Questions: (Module 2)

How do force, mass, speed, and


work together?
How can you know there is a force at work?
Students will set their own personal goals by. (Module 3)
Teacher models her own roller coaster and takes a virtual tour of real roller coasters. After this the
Teacher has students make a preliminary sketch to plan out goals for their rollercoaster.

Progress on students' personalized goals will be monitored by(Module 5)

Students will update their picture or reevaluate the design of their roller coaster as they build. Teacher will
give opportunities for students to review their sketches.

Rules and Procedures (Module 5)

Rules: Respect (we talk about what it means) Teacher, Other Students, Roller Coasters (fragile), The
Room. If students do not show respect they will be given a warning. If the behavior continues they will
not get to participate in the current activity. If the behavior persists, the office will be called and they
will have to go home.
Procedures: 1) Entering the Room- Students sit down and cannot work immediately on roller

coasters. 2) Begin the day reviewing past science concepts and introducing any new science
concepts for the day. 3) Dismissed by groups to retrieve their roller coasters.

Stage 2 Assessment Evidence Directly Aligned to Content Standard

Pre-Assessment, including analysis of the pre-assessment results. (Module 3)
Have students write a Short Constructed Response (SCR) explaining: What is the science behind how
a roller coaster works?
Performance Task(s) or Assignment Description(s): (Module 3)
Pre-Assessment: Have students write a Short Constructed Response (SCR) explaining: What is the
science behind how a roller coaster works?
Post-Assessment: Have students write a similar SCR explaining: What is the science behind how
YOUR roller coaster works?
Rubric: (Module 3)
Holistic Rubric
Tier 4 : Students accurately uses 8-10 scientific terms to explain what Newtons Laws of Motion are
and how they see them at work in their roller coaster and other places in life. Scientific terms including
but not limited to: inertia, force, gravity, mass, acceleration, action, reaction, centrifugal, centripetal.
Tier 3 : Students accurately use 6 scientific terms to explain what Newtons Laws of Motion are and
how they see them at work in their roller coaster. Scientific terms including but not limited to: inertia,
force, gravity, mass, acceleration, action, reaction, centrifugal, centripetal.
Tier 2 : Students accurately use 6 scientific terms to explain what Newtons Laws of Motion are.
Scientific terms including but not limited to: inertia, force, gravity, mass, acceleration, action, reaction,
centrifugal, centripetal.
Tier 1 : Students neither use terms to explain Newtons Laws nor apply them to their roller coaster.

Pre and Post Test results







Self or Peer Assessments (Module 5)

Continual assessments by themselves testing if
their roller coaster is functional and making
necessary changes.


Formative Assessments, Summative Assessments,

etc. (Module 3)
Formative Assessments would include the PreAssessment, and students create a Virtual Roller
Summative Assessments include building a
working paper rollercoaster for marbles and writing
an SCR Post-Assessment.

Stage 3 Learning Plan Directly Aligned to Content Standard AND Assessments

Learning Activities: (Module 4)
The following are activities that will satisfy the expectations of Re-engagement, Student Choice, Relevancy,
and Teacher/Student interactions.
Re-engagement: Periodically as students are building their roller coasters the teacher will be assembling
pieces of roller coaster track as well. When the teacher is done assembling the track pieces they will be
awarded to students who can correctly answer questions related to the science concepts that are highlighted in
the standards and rubrics. Example Question: How do you see inertia in your roller coaster? And Show me
potential energy from your roller coaster.
Student Choice: This is mainly met by the nature of students building their roller coaster in the manner and
style that they choose.
Relevancy: The science concepts are mainly relevant to the students in regard to their roller coaster.
Example: If a students loop-ti-loop in their roller coaster fails to work than the student is reminded by the
teacher about the forces at work and the student will see that understanding the forces at work will help them
be successful at creating a functioning roller coaster.
Interactions with students: Teacher uses positive and constructive feedback, and asks questions about
students particular choices in construction, while students are making their roller coasters to help generate

positive interactions. As students enter the class the teacher engages in chit chat before the day officially
In a given day the schedule will look like this for daily Activities:
Welcome Time: (12:55-1:05, 10min) Students trickle in, informal chit chat with students. Students not allowed
to work on Roller Coasters yet.
Review previous concepts: (1:05-1:10, 5min) (Connection, Concentration, Context)
Whole Group Science Instruction (1:10-1:25, 15min) Teacher introduces new science concepts through various
demonstrations using marbles. Includes a whole class discussion of how they see the concepts in real life and
how they see it in their roller coaster. (Curiosity, Concentration, Connection, Context, Coherence)
Individual work on Roller Coasters: (1:25-2:25, 1hr) During this time students construct their roller coaster and
collaborate with each other. Teacher helps students individually and builds pieces of roller coaster to give away
later in the day for responses to questions. (Coaching, Concentration, Connection, Context)
Snack and Bathroom Break: (2:25-2:40, 15min)
Individual work on Roller Coasters: (2:40-3:40, 1hr) During this time students construct their roller coaster and
collaborate with each other. Teacher continues to help individuals. Every fifteen minutes, teacher regroups the
class to review science concepts by auctioning off roller coaster pieces to students who know the answers to
science questions. Amount of questions per fifteen minutes determined by the number of pieces the teacher
was able to assemble. (Coaching, Concentration, Connection, Context)
Clean Up and Parents Pick Up (3:40-4:00, 20 min)
Stage 4 Feedback Strategies, including Timeliness (Module 5)
Behavioral Feedback: Teacher will acknowledge and encourage positive behavior and a spirit of teamwork

Content Mastery Feedback: Teacher has informal conversations with students as she monitors the room and
progress on functional rollercoasters.

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