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Corporate:dentity No L36992MH1948PLC014083
2nd Fioor Sharda Terraces Plot No 6S Se(torll CBDBelapur NaviMumbai400614

Te1 91 2267761657 Fax 91 2267761775 ema



Mrs P 5 Meherhomji
Company Secretary

22"d July, 2oLG

The General Manager

Asst. Vice President

National Stock Exchange of lndia Ltd.
Exchange Plaza, 5th Floor

Corporate Re!ationship Dept

BSE Limited

Phiroze JeeieebhOy Towers

Dalal Street

Mumbai400 001
Fax No 2272 2039/22722041

Plot No. C/1, G Block

Bandra - Kurla Complex
Bandra (E)
Mumbai 400 051
Fax No. 2659 82371 2659 8238

Dear Sir

With regard to the Unaudlted Financial Results of the Company

for the quarter ended 30th June, 2016, we are enclosing the


Release in respect of the same for your reference.

Thanking you,
Yours falthfu


Encl.: a/a

Re9d OfrCe 156/157 15th Floor Narlman Bhavan 227 Nariman Point Mumbai4O0 021
Tel 91 22 65 27co Fax 91 22 6565 284.7 website




Corporate ldentity No. 135992MH l94aPLCOl ir083

Consolidoled Revenues up


?tof s hom operolions rlse 3g%

Mumbol, 22d )uty,2ol6: Rollis tndio Limited, o TATA Enterprise ond o leoding ployer in
lhe lndion crop protecrion industry onnounced s finoncior resufs for ihe quorter
ended 30rh June, 2016.

Consolldoled Key Hlghlights -


tolol revenues from operolions were up by 7% to ( 469 crs (t 432 crs previous
yeor) for the quorter ended 30th June 2016. profil before lox (before excepiionol
ilems) rose 387" lot 62 crs (t 45 crs previous yeor).

Profit before tox oi ( 221 crs (< 45 crs previous yeor) included on exceptionol item of
158 crs comprising profil on ossignmenl of leosehold rights lo o plol of lond in the

MIDC oreo, Turbhe, Novi Mumboi to rkeo rndio pvl Ltd. The profit is nel of cosls
including o premium levied underlhe repeoled Urbon Lond (ceiling ond Regulolion)
Act 1976, which hos been poid under protest.
During the quorter, the compony's wholly-owned subsidiory Meiohelix Life Science
Limited ("Metohelix") hos entered into on onongement wilh lndonesion locol portner.
Meiohelix holds 65.77 % shores in the entity nomed pT Metohelix Lifesciences

Slondolone Key Hlghlighk - Ql

The Compony's lotol revenue from operolions wos ot { 27g crs l< 224 crs previous
yeor), for the quorter ended 30ih June 2016. profii before tox (before exceptionol
items) wos ot I 15 crs [? l0 crs previous yeor) Cunenl yeor profit before tox wos ol {

173 crs which included exceptionol income os stoled obove to the exteni of ( l5g crs
reloting to profll on ossignmenl of leosehold righls to o plot of lond in lhe MIDC oreo,
Turbhe, Novi Mumboi lo lkeo lndio Pvt. Lld.

Nole on IND AS:

odopted lndion Accounling Stondords ("lnd AS") from lstApril,20l6

ond occordingly these finonciol results hove been prepored in occordonce with lhe
recognition ond meosurement principles loid down in the lnd AS 34 lnterim Finonciol

The Compony


156/157 Nariman Bhavan 15th Flool 227 Nariman Point M!mbai40002l
Tel 91 2) 6665 27OO Faxgl 22 C'635 2996 website w\ /w.rallis co in



Reporling prescribed under Section 133 of the Componies Act, 2013 reod with ihe
relevonl rules issued thereunder ond lhe olher occounting principles generolly
occepted in lndio. Finonciol resulis for oll the periods presented hove been prepored
in occordonce with lhe recognition ond meosuremeni principles of lnd AS 34.

Commenllng on lhe pe ormonce ond developments, l r. V Shonkor, Monoglng

Dlreclor ond CEO, Rollb lndlo soid, "l om hoppy thot the Khorif seoson hos picked up
on o betler nole now with Soulh Wesl monsoon hoving covered whole of lndio by
l3th July. This hos given o fillip lo the sowings which os on dole is up by 3%. The onsel
of monsoon wos deloyed ond lhe progress in June wos sluggish leoving I l% deficil by
end of ihe monih. This impocted progress of lhe seoson which wos occentuoted by
o shorp drop in colton plonting. Consequently demond ond plocemenl wos muled
during Ql which hos picked up in July".
Commenling further on the Seeds business Mr. Shonkor odded "l om pleosed with the
performonce of Melohelix wilh Seeds revenues rising by 15% to t 2OO crs (t 175 Crs
previous yeor). Profil ot ( 47 crs (t 36 Crs Previous period) registered on increose of
3Uo driven by higher volumes ond belter operoting efficiencies".
During lhe quorler, the Compony inlroduced o new oge producl ,,SUMM|T"; o
poienied, green lobel novel inseclicide posilioned in Collon, Chilli ond Soybeon
segmenls. The recently lounched herbicides Ponido Gronde ond Mork hove received
encouroging response from formers slrenglhening the portfolio in herbicides.
quorte/s performonce olso reflecis lhe improved quolity of operotions in morgins
os well os benefil of betler working copilol monogement resulling in lower finonce



Aboul Rollls lndlo

Rollis is known for ils monufocluring copobilities in crop protection chemicols ond
vorious lypes of chemistries wilh obility lo develop new processes ond formuloiions
supported by the copocily lo regisler new producis. ll hos conlroci monufocluring
ollionces wilh severol multinolionol ogrochemicol componies.

one of lndio's leoding ogrochemicols componies, wilh o cenlury old trodition

of servicing rurol morkets ond o comprehensive portfolio of crop core soluiions for
lndion formers. The Compony is known for its deep undeslonding of lndion
ogriculture, susloined relolionships with formers, guolity ogrochemicols. bronding ond
morketing experlise ond its slrong producl portfolio.
Rollis is


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