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Microteaching is a teacher training technique for learning teaching skills. It employs

real teaching situation for developing skills and helps to get deeper knowledge regarding the art
of teaching (Remesh, 2013). Self-evaluation is a powerful tool that will help to become a better
teacher. Reflecting on what we have done for this assignment may give us insights on how to
produce a good lesson. Overall, there are always plenty things that need to be done to produce
a very good result. The purpose of this assignment is to instil a well-managed teacher in us.
After group members were formed, we perpetuate to orchestrate our plan so that our work will
be more systematic and efficient. This can give us contentment and additionally have an impact
on the results. Furthermore, there are many purposes of this assignment which will be
discussed more below.
On Monday, 11 April of 2016, we have done our micro teaching of TSL 3103 Linking
Theory to Practice where we chose listening and speaking skills to be taught in our
microteaching. My group members comprise with two people more; Ilavarasi and Shevany. The
lesson plan that we have chosen for our microteaching is Shevanys lesson plan as we think it is
the most practical one. It is important that the lesson start off with an interesting activity that can
capture the students attention. So we have chosen to kick off with a song where they can sing
along and dance. This is a great way so that the students will be more willing to participate to
the next activity as they already have the positive first thought of the lesson and they will be
wanting more. They too will be able to internalize the some knowledge about the topic.
For the pre-listening stage, we presented three pictures of people with different
occupation, pointed out dialogues with Wh-questions and answers, teach on their
characteristics of each occupation and ask them with some questions. PowerPoint slides were
used to show the pictures where integration of ICT has been emphasized in this stage.This is to
activate students schemata and arouse their interest. For while-listening stage, We
incorporated pair work which requires the student to face each other. A student will be given a
que card where the other student has to guess where they have to draw out the occupation by
asking wh- questions. This activity helps to enhance their listening skills where it helps them
practically using the wh-questions.questions. Que cards were given in order to give a gist of
what they have learned. Lastly, magix box game were used in the post-listening stage where it
required the students to pick a card from the box and act it out in front of the class where it

helps the students to enhance critical thinking which is one of the criteria in KSSR. Besides that,
this game made the lesson meaningful and purposeful which is stated in pedadogical principles.
By doing this, I realized that students are actually having more interaction and all students are
able to participate even from the beginning of the lesson till the end of the lesson.
There are lots of things that I have learned during the microteaching process. I received a
lot of feedback from the lecturers evaluating and my friends. There are some strengths in our
microteaching and there are also some weaknesses. The evaluators also complimented on our
activities conducted. Other than that, we find that our activities must have been quite interesting
that all students were so much into the lesson. Pupils have to guess the occupation based on
questions posed by other pupils where it kept them alert and engaged throughout the lesson.
Besides that, The evaluators were satisfied with the way I concluded the lesson which
helps to test the students understanding on the subject. The evaluators also praised our ways
of I have learnt how to keep calm in front of the class especially when facing evaluators. This
experience has given me confidence to face real classroom environment for coming days.
Furthermore, it gave beneficial to me as this task changes my view of the real classroom
environment. Hence, it gave me a few tips on how to create and conduct my teaching for
upcoming days using an appropriate lesson plan with interesting activities.
This assignment has showed more advantages in terms of outlook which is able to
produce quality teachers as stated in the Education Development Plan 2013 to 2025.
Microteaching is a vehicle of continuous training applicable at all stages not only to teachers at
the beginning of their career but also for more senior teachers. It enables projection of model
instructional skills. It provides expert supervision and a constructive feedback and above all, if
provided for repeated practice without adverse consequences to the teacher or his students
Apart from that, working on this assignment has improved on my creativity which it
needs us to decide a good and interesting activity and what the reasons to choose. Teachers
without creativity will face a classroom management issues. To the extent, pupils will feel boring
in classroom. Thus, it will develop undesired pupils behavioural issues. As a teacher, the biggest
responsibility in their classroom is their pupils and their future.
Even though we were given quite a lot compliment that really motivates us, there were
also some weaknesses in our microteaching. According to our evaluator, the song that we used

for our set induction was not catchy and clear. Furthermore, it is important to me to enhance my
weaknesses such as some errors in pronunciation and instruction during microteaching session.
Although the errors made by me were not much, but I should practice for some difficult words in
order to make the spelling error free during my lesson in the future. This is because as a future
educator, I should be a role model to my students rather than making mistakes.
To conclude, I feel motivated after going through this experience. By planning a lesson
plan would help teacher to conduct their lesson. I am grateful that I was given the opportunity to
do this task. Young Learners share a remarkable variety of personal experiences, values and
ways of understanding. The language they learn in the classroom is the tool they use to shape
their thoughts and feelings. It is more than a way of exchanging information and extending
ideas, it is their means of reaching out and connecting with other people. To the extent, lesson
plan also allows the teacher to visualize every step of the teaching process in advance. This
visualization typically increases teacher success. Thus, pupils will gain more knowledge and
information from teacher.

Remesh, A. (2013). Microteaching, an efficient technique for learning effective teaching. Journal
of Research in Medical Sciences, 158163.
Ananthakrishnan N. Microteaching as a vehicle of teacher training--its advantages and
disadvantages. JPostgrad Med 1993;39:142

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