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Postgres migration process

Migrating Postgres cluster from one version to another version (8.4 to 9.0)

Below steps must be performed on the source cluster

o Ensure that the Applications are down for all the databases in the
production cluster
o Take a backup each database (in binary format) parallely in the cluster
with the below command from the Postgres bin directory. This will help
perform parallel backups and finish the backup faster.
pg_dump -Fc -U pgsql -f /backup/dbname.dmp -v -p 5432 dbname
>> /logs/dbname.log 2>> /logs/dbname.log
check the status of pg_dump in dbname.log
o Take a global dump of the cluster using the below command
pg_dumpall -U <superusername> -p 5432 -g > /backup/global.sql
o Copy the contents of /etc/sysctl.conf file
o Copy the postgresql.conf file
o Copy the pg_hba.conf file
o Copy pg_ident.conf file (if exists)
o If you have ldap configured. Copy the /etc/ldap.conf contents. To find
if there any LDAP connections and pg_ident.conf connections, pg_hba.conf
file must be checked
o Take the list of contrib modules installed
o If there is a replication setup like Slony. Stop the slon processes and take a
copy of Slon.conf files and slon logfiles (just for reference)
o At the database, take the list of schemas, count of tables, count of Indexes
and count of functions. Use the following queries after connecting to the
Select pg_size_pretty(pg_database_size(dbname)); -- database
Select distinct schemaname from pg_tables; -- number of
schemas in the database
Select schemaname, count(tablename) from pg_tables group by
schemaname; -- number of tables in a schema
Select schemaname, count(indexname) from pg_indexes group by
schemaname; -- number of Indexes in the schema
Select count(proname) from pg_proc group by proowner; -- number
of procedures in the database by
o Copy both the backups to the target server
Below steps must be performed in the target server
o Ensure that Postgresql-8.4 (Solaris 64-bit version) is installed with the
necessary options same as the source server. Use pg_config in the source
server to the get the installation options.
pg_config configure (this is not required if you are untarring and
unzipping the installer. This is only helpful when you are using make
or gmake to install)




Make the entries similar to /etc/sysctl.conf

Create a directory for the data directory with postgres user as the owner
with 700 permissions
Create a new cluster using ./initdb command. Include options according
to source cluster
./initdb D data dir l <logfilename>
Copy the postgresql.conf file from the source data directory or make the
similar entries
Copy the pg_hba.conf from the source directory or make the similar
Restore each database individually (and parallely) by using the following
command from postgres bin
./pg_restore -C -d twitter_oltp -p 5445 v
Compare the number of objs with the same queries fired in the source
Change the entries according to source postgresql.conf file and source
pg_hba.conf file
Note : from pg_proc we can get to know if we are missing any
contrib modules

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