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Reflection HD 426

Working with Children who Challenge Teachers Skills

HD 426
Maura Maldonado
Pacific Oaks College

Reflection HD 426

Working with Children who Challenge Teachers Skills

This class was informative in many ways. The knowledge of the teacher was evident
with every concept and idea that she shared. Her delivery of information and the hands on
materials she shared in class made it obvious that she valued and enjoyed working with children
with challenging behaviors and their families.
In this class I learned the importance of communicating with all who are involved with
children including children with behavior problems and specific diagnosis. I learned that family
support is as important as supporting the child. I became familiar with resources of all kinds for
families and children in need. I was introduced to Parents Place, a family resource place with a
plethora of information for families and children in need. What I especially liked about this
facility is that students and teachers are invited to use the resources for their own personal or
professional use and may refer families and children in need. I learned that the way I perceive
emotions doesnt really matter, to be effective with children with challenging behaviors I need to
understand how the child is feeling and help him/her express them self and how to self-regulate
if possible.
Techniques that were reaffirmed were observations and written evaluations. Through
observation a teacher may see what triggers a childs behavior. Observation can let a teacher
know if the indoor or outdoor physical environment needs to change. Or what type of activities
may help a child and if a child needs more specific support. Following through with the family
is a concept that was stressed over and over. This technique creates trust and respect between the
teacher and parents. Making sure teacher and parent are communicating and working on the
same page is important to the success of the child with challenging behaviors.

Reflection HD 426

Another important technique that I learned is to create a normal and inclusive

environment for all. Special activities should be available for all children not just the special
or challenging ones. Having special materials for only a few can separate these children from
the group. It is important not to create situations where only certain children are singled out.
Social skills are important for all children. Through class discussion the point was made of the
importance of mainstreaming children and creating an environment that encourages all children
to work or play together. Sometimes teaming up certain individuals can help a child by example.
A socially competent accomplished child can be a positive example for a child who needs help
interacting with others. Caring about a child is the basis of being effective with a child. This is
the same for children with or without a disability. When a teacher communicates with a child
and takes the time to get to know them they feel cared for and supported, anyone including adults
benefits from feeling this way.
Realizing the importance of communication with everyone involved with a child has
helped my ability to work with staff. Reflecting on the days events then sharing my thoughts
and listening to their suggestions is a great way to decide what worked and what didnt. This
class has shown me the importance of sharing ideas on how we can better support a child at
school as well as how to speak to parents in a way that doesnt put them on the defensive.
Parents know their children and positive collaboration between teacher and parent is important.
Communication and collaboration between my classmates and I is always productive.
Although I am not working right now when my classmates share situations they are having at
work with children, parents or staff I am able to express my opinion and knowledge that comes
from my experiences over the past thirty-three years. My classmates have also contributed to me

by continuous support when it comes to school work and the computer. This semester has been a
difficult one for me, my temperament and attitude towards my life has been tested on more than
one occasion. I am thankful for my new found friends and will continue to seek their
knowledge, expertise and friendship.

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