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Mankind has much it needs to remember if it is in fact to survive its current

incarnation on this planet we call earth.

It needs to remember that religion is a guide, a pathway to the creator. Not a
method to create a power base for the few and riches for them. ie, the
Churches. Before religion there was a spiritual knowing that all creation is
equal, nothing is above or below each the other. Hence the old Pagan saying
" As above, So below." this also recognizes the fact we are of the creator,
its spark of "godhood" resides in us all, and in all creation. This reminds me
of a dream i had after a deep meditation and a question asked. I shall speak
of it now.

Not that long ago i followed a very Shamanic path. But not one from books, It
was a way given to me by what some would call Ancestral memories,
Dreamwalks, or a number of different titles.
The steps for this particular workings were given to me by a very special
friend. With whom i have since lost contact with.
One night before i went to sleep, i did my usual meditations, and this time i
asked my guide," Who am I?" And that night i was shown this.
In the beginning there was a swirling maelstrom of energy. All of the energies
of creation were there. Earth, wind, water, fire, and spirit. All of them
separate and unique. All with a will to create. But alone they could create
very little.
Spirit being the calmest of the 5, saw that the elements were at conflict with
each other, in their creation process, and suggested that the elements
combine to create. After many failed attempts, the elements finally learned to
combine and created the universe, the stars, planets and the space in
Spirit looked at this creation and felt a great emptiness. Even though it was
beautiful beyond compare, it was empty and barren. So spirit talked to the
elements again, and asked May I take a small portion of your energies and
divest them into myself?
The other 4 energies contemplated for a long time, during this time the
universe settled into what it is now, eventually the energies agreed. And they
divested a small portion of their energies to spirit. Spirit then set about its
creation. It created life, trees, grass, everything, using the combined energy
of all. In doing it this way all things are connected to all energy.
Next to make sure that life did not forget, it gave of itself to create the spirits
of memory. And divested all things with a small portion of spirit. So now the
spirits of memory, could communicate with all things. And all things could

communicate with spirit.

The elements saw spirits creations, and were pleased. For as long as your
creations remember us, we shall be their guardians, and teachers. they said.
We do this because we are all now part of you, and yet separate, within you
is the power of creation and destruction over all things.
You will be remembered as creator.

Now does this Dream signify i am the creator? No, it signifies i am of The
Creator. And through an act of self sacrifice he gave life to me. And gave me
gifts beyond anything. All in need to to is remember. But remember what?
Remember that which our current religions do not teach and try to hide. We
were gifted life by The Creator, through its sacrifice. it made us equal to all
things because of its gift of spirit.

Now many will wish to argue simantics with me. "I am against religion", "i
am pagan", they will try to lable me as evil etc. I am not agains Religion,
only those that abuse it for personal gain, and do not teach the proper
spiritual message of religion. I am Pagan, Well that is self exclamitory for
those who know what the term means. If not research it. Am i an evil
person? well some would say yes, others no, some would say if it is called
for. I am all of these and none of these.
The next thing that mankind needs to remember is, NO MAN NOR BEAST HAS
MORE VALUE THAN ANY OTHER. No man is above me nor below me, we are
all equal. This is a gift to us form our Creator, and as such can not be altered
by man. So i ask you this, Why do we allow a few to rule over us without
reprecusions for their actions against us? Why have we allowed others to
deem themselves "above" us, or" better "than us? Why have we given away
our Gifts from The Creator?
Sitting in front of my computer I marvel at the advancement of man over my
lifetime. Advancement in medicine, technology, knowledge. Yet as i sit staring
at my screen as i type this i have to wonder was it all worth it?
Mankind in all its splendor and glory, has forgotten where it has come from.
Has forgotten its rudimentary past. War, famine, strife, greed, persecution,
these are the lessons we learn today. And there was a time that it was not so.
At least not to the point it is today.We have forgotten how to live within
nature, that nature was once our greatest and most precious resource. It was
our teacher, our healer, our nurturer, our friend.
The time has long since past into history that this was so. In today's society
there is no room for nature, as we strive to build bigger cities, to house an

ever increasing population, that we can no longer feed. Greed has replaced
love, for "money makes the world go round." That we destroy the rainforests
which provide us with most of our life giving air we so desperately need to
survive. We destroy the very thing that sustains us.
What has happened to the times that we all worked together to live, and
survive? What has happened to the times that people worked together and
strived for a harmonious life, to live together, to protect each other, and to
love one another?
All in the name of progress, that is the saying i hear most often now. Well
what is it that we are progressing towards? If one truly looks at were mankind
is heading, it is towards certain destruction, as we deplete our natural
resources, fill the air with poisonous gasses, strive to reach to the stars when
we don't even know about our own planet.We advance far to quickly and
forget far to easily, in our effort to strive for greatness, and to be the master
of all we see, we forget one basic truth. We are truly never the master of
anything, but ourselves.
With the images and sayings i post on Facebook, i hope to re awaken the true
spirit of mankind. The spirit that has so long been forgotten, Love,
understanding, and acceptance of our fellow man. For if one truly thinks
about it what separates us? Nothing,we all live on the same planet, all of our
blood is red, and most importantly, we were all created by the same creator
no mater what you name he/she/it, and this act of creation was the ultimate
act of love. This creator force gave freely of itself, so we could have life. So
we could live in harmony with all of "Its" creation.
We strive to reach the stars, and yet forget, we are already a part of them.
We destroy the earth, and again we forget we are a part of it, so in destroying
it we destroy ourselves. We have forgotten that every man, woman, child,
animal, tree, stone, everything in creation, WE ARE APART OF THEM, AND
THEY OF US. We have forgotten that we come into this world with noting, and
we leave with nothing.These are the lessons we have forgotten in the name
of technology.Now i have but one question for you.
To date, we the huddled masses have allowed and condoned the wilful
destrucion of our planet, Genocide of many human races, wholesale
slaughter of animals, all because we have allowed only a relative few to
"control" us. To determine what is best for all of us. For them to strip us of
our Gifts from That Which Created All, and still we sit and do nothing.
These dangerous trends must end if we are to continue to survive. This is
only the beginning of my writings. There will be much more to come. So
welcome one and all to" A Path Less Traveled."

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