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Jake Van Pelt


Prior to the workshop, I was quite concerned that my paper was incorrectly
structured, as I wasnt able to structure a traditional intro paragraph given the lack
of argument to be made. Additionally, being able to effectively answer the
questions was also a bit worrying, primarily the question regarding how I believed
the audience was to react to the essay I had typed, considering how my audience
was FSU admission staff for the Bryan Hall LLC. This meant I really didnt know if
they were going to look at my paper and react to it as a person would, or as
someone who simply reviews essays and see if the author seems qualified, without
factoring personal thought into the decision. I found the workshop to be quite
helpful. When reviewing the other members papers, I was able to see how other
people decided to structure their paper, and also get to see other writing styles.
While my fellow members were reviewing my paper, they would give a tip to me on
the spot like if there was a grammatical error that needed to be fixed or if my
thought wasnt quite complete, which, coming from a fellow peer helped make it
seem more like friendly advice than cold critique. As for advice outside my personal
concerns, my fellow members pointed out that my definition of genre was kind of
beating around the bush and that my conclusion was fairly weak compared to the
rest of the paper for the reason of not properly restating main points, and not giving
a proper sense of closure to my paper. With regards to revising, I plan to reread my
paper a few just to make sure there arent any random grammatical errors to
disturb the paper; completely rewrite the entire conclusion; add a bit to the part
where I talk about how I believed my audience for my initial essay would react; and
tweak my definition of genre.

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