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Name: Guidocus, Mae Ann

Section: BSN- 2A

May 7, 2016

A spreadsheet is a document that stores data in a grid of horizontal rows and vertical
columns. Rows are typically labeled using numbers (1, 2, 3, etc.), while columns are
labeled with letters (A, B, C, etc). Individual row/column locations, such as C3 or B12,
are referred to as cells. Each cell can each store a unique instance of data. By entering
data into a spreadsheet, information can be stored in a more structured way than using
plain text The row/column structure also allows the data to be analyzed using formulas
and calculations.
For example, each row of a spreadsheet may store information about a person who has an
account with a certain company. Each column may store a different aspect of the person's
information, such as the first name, last name, address, phone number, favorite food, etc.
The spreadsheet program can analyze this data by counting the number of people who
live in a certain zip code, listing all the people who's favorite food is fried veal, or
performing other calcuations. In this way, a spreadsheet is similar to a database.
However, spreadsheets are more streamlined than databases and are especially useful for
processing numbers. This is why spreadsheets are commonly used in scientific and
financial applications. For example, a spreadsheet may store bank account data, including
balance and interest information. A column that stores the account balances of several
clients can easily be summed to produce the total value of all the clients' balances. These
amounts can be multiplied by the interest rate from another cell to see what the value of
the accounts will be in a year. Once the formula has been created, modifying the value of
just the interest rate cell will also change the projected value of all the accounts.
The most commonly used spreadsheet application is Microsoft Excel, but several other
spreadsheet programs are available including IBM Lotus 1-2-3 for Windows and
AppleWorks and Numbers for Mac OS X.
Workbooks A workbook is the file in which you work and store your
data. Because each workbook can contain many sheets, you can
organize various kinds of related information in a single file.
Worksheets (Spread sheet) is a primary document used to store and
work with data. It is organized in cell in the form of rows and column.
Use worksheets to list and analyze data. You can enter and edit data
on several worksheets simultaneously and perform calculations based
on data from multiple worksheets. When you create a chart, you can

place the chart on the worksheet with its related data or on a separate
chart sheet.
The title bar works in MS Excel is that the title bar display both the
name of the of the application and the name of spreadsheet for
example Microsoft excel this is an application where you can type the
format or calculate a data for example of calculate data is monitoring
cases of dengue fever in the a province while the menu bar it work in
MS Excel is that it displays all of the menus available for use in Excel
XP. The contents of any menu can be displayed by left-clicking the
menu name for example of menus is file,edit,view,format, tools,data,
window, help this can help if you want to have work in MS Excel by
click that menus you work successfully.
4. What are the different version of MS Excel and the difference of
each version from one another?
Excel 2013-2010
-Excel 2013 - continuing Microsoft's commitment to collaborative
working and increasing the user's ability to visualise, analyse and
present their results quickly and efficiently.
Excel 2010 to 2007
- At a glance, it doesn't look as though there's a great deal of
difference between Excel 2007 and Excel 2010. A couple of additions
to the Ribbon, the new Backstage view and a handful of bonus
features such as the Slicer and Sparklines. It could be said that an
"average" user could switch from 2007 to 2010 without batting an
Anyone that handles large amounts of data, however, will appreciate
the additions made to Excel, many of which are designed to bring the
power of data analysis to those unwilling to dedicate hours trying to
work out how to use what appear to be impenetrable tools.
Excel 2010 to for Windows Phone 7
-If you have Windows Phone 7, you can use Microsoft Office Mobile
2010 to work with your files from anywherewhether you're at work,
at home, or on the go. Excel Mobile 2010 is part of Office Mobile and
already on your phone in the Office Hub, so you don't need to
download or install anything else to get started.

You can use Excel Mobile to view and edit workbooks stored on your
phone, sent to you as email attachments, or hosted on a SharePoint
2010 site through SharePoint Workspace Mobile 2010. When you edit a
workbook via SharePoint Workspace Mobile, you can save your
changes back to the SharePoint site when you're online.
You can create, update, and instantly recalculate your spreadsheets
using many of the same tools you already know and use in the desktop
version of Excel
64-bit Excel
-Excel 2010 is available in a 64-bit version, which means that power
users and analysts can create bigger, more complex workbooks. By
using a 64-bit version, you can address physical memory (RAM) that is
above the 2-gigabyte (GB) limit that exists in the 32-bit version of
Excel. You will need to have at least 5-10 gig of memory on your PC to
significantly benefit from using the 64-bit version. Most PCs have at
most 3 gig, which is far too small.
5. How do you format cells in Excel?
a) Select the cells(s) you want to modify.
b) Click the drop-down arrow next to the Number Format
command on the Home tab. The Number Formatting drop-down
menu will appear.
c)Select the desired formatting option. In our example, we will
change the formatting to Long Date.
d) The selected cells will change to the new formatting style. For
some number formats, you can then use the Increase Decimal
and Decrease Decimal commands (below the Number Format
command) to change the number of decimal places that are


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