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Baked Arbroath

Smokies, starter
2. Arbroath Smokies
4. small tomatoes
seasoning to taste
juice and grated zest of 1. lemon
100g grated Cheddar cheese
150ml double cream
25ml Scotch whisky
Allow plenty if time for preparation of the fish!!
SERVES 4 as a starter
1. preheat the oven to 200c or gas mark 6
2. Skin, bone and flake the fish into 4 ramekin dishes. (take your time to remove the
3. Skin, seed and chop the tomatoes and add to the fish together with seasoning,
lemon juice and zest. Mix thoroughly.
4. In a bowl, mix half the grated cheese with the cream and pour over the fish. Allow the
cream and cheese to filter through the ramekin slightly and the sprinkle the remaining
cheese over the top.
5. Bake in the preheated oven for 10-15 minutes until bubbling and gloden on top.
Sprinkle a little whisky over each ramekin and serve.

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