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Comparison is good mental exercise. It is due to the reader and to myself, as well as to Anzimee and
Lolix, to indulge a
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present mood prompting me to make an analytical comparison of these two women.

What was it that fixed so unalterably my desire to wed Anzimee and not Lolix? Both were
gentlewomen, the first by nature, the second by--yes, by nature also. I was, however, about to ascribe the
sweet charity of Lolix to the perception on her part of the misery she would feel, placed in like situation
with those who suffered in very fact. But the ability to so perceive could arise only from its existence in
her nature. No, it was her nature finally developed. Both women were refined, intelligent, and both were
beautiful, though of types m widely variant as a blush rose and a white lily. Anzimee was a born
daughter of Atl; Lolix was one by adoption. A small difference, surely, since both were in full accord
and equally sensitive to, the good, the beautiful and the true, in the polished refinement of erudite
Poseid. Truly, the relations between Lolix and myself were wrong, but she was not on that account less
dear to me, nor was my regard for her less tender and loving. Her companionship had become a part of
my life. If I had a sorrow or was despondent, she interposed her sympathy and cheered me. My anxieties
were also hers; my joys her joys. In everything but name she was my wife. Then why did not I
acknowledge the fact before mankind? Because karma ordered otherwise. I loved Anzimee also.
Through this love, karma operated to annul its own tendencies to espouse Lolix. And the mode of this
operation was exhibited in my recognition of Lolix as possessed of every requisite to make me happy
except in her one lack, that of psychic perception of the relation of the finite to the infinite. Absurd? No.
That my soul craved such an ability on her part, and found it not, but did find it in Anzimee, was
evidence of the growth of the frail seedling of interest in. the occult life of the Sons of the Solitude,
which had been somewhat matured by the words of Rai Ernon of Suern, years before. Sayest thou that if
a little such interest worked such error in life that deep interest would make for the losing of the soul,
wherefore thou wilt have none of it? Not so. It was the not being true to the
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ideal at that time gained, true with all my soul, that did the mischief, just as in the myth of Lot's wife,
she had never been turned to salt had she obeyed, not curiosity, but the higher injunction.
Lolix had no dimmest perception of this psychic link between the things of earth and the things of
infinity. I had; I knew Anzimee had; wherefore I ordered my life so as to include her and exclude Lolix,
whereby I did both them, myself and my conception of God (which is but a redundant expression, for no
one finite can injure Infinity) a fearful injustice. But karma lay in wait for the evil of my life, demanded
payment--and got it, every jot; no words can paint the suffering of the expiation. I scarcely propose to
try and shall rest content if a realization of some part of it shall deter others from sin through the
certitude that there is no vicarious expiation for evil done, and no escape from its penalty.
The Law of the ONE reads: "Except a man overcometh, he shall not inherit of My life; I will not be his
God, neither shall he be My son." There can be but one way to such overcoming, the ever-recurrent
plungings into material incarnation, until the errors of the personal will are at-oned to the Divine Will.
There can be no vicarious undoing, 1 and soon will I show why. Another can not do thy breathing for

thee. Reincarnation, the ever-recurrent prisoning of the soul in fleshly bodies, is but expiatory, is but
penalty. If in His Name ye are become free, if in that Way ye have overcome, and in place of being
slaves to are masters over desire, ye have undone sin. Then is there no more incarnation for you in the
prison of this death, miscalled life. There is no other Way; the Great Master pointed none.
In expiation of my dark past I must needs return into the world, thy world of sin, sorrow, sickness and
pain, and disappointed longings for the peace that passeth understanding. Is not my twelve thousand and
more years of further wanderings in the far land of this world, far from my Father's house, and feeding
on the husks called joy, suffering the fevers, pains and
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disappointment of hopes, enough of expiation? Yet for a little while longer I must and, impelled by love,
willingly do serve Him. Some souls shall have even more than I, if they turn not. Which will ye? Will is
the sole Way to esoteric, or occult Christian knowledge. Whosoever will, shall have Eternal Life. But
the will to overcome must replace our will of desire, as the fresh air replaces the exhalations of our lung.
As the atmosphere is around about us, and, inhaled, becomes our breath, so the Will of the Spirit is
around us and, entering into the heart that hath determined to strangle into submission the serpent,
suffers us not to know defeat. But I, and Lolix, refused this Breath, and unwilling, turned away. Oh! the
horror, the pain, of those lost ages, lost with her! But refound by us both, in--overcoming. I am sorry to
admit that such moral obliquity could ever have warped my character, even twelve thousand years ago!
Will is the only Way to Christ.
Is it not an appalling contemplation, to think that, having determined to put Lolix away and to install
Anzimee in her place by honorably wedding her before mankind, I was able to calculate upon my
knowledge of Lolix and to depend upon her acquiescence in keeping my secret because of her unselfish
love for me? Monstrous! I knew that Lolix did nothing by halves. Having given herself to me, she would
not expose my iniquity, even though I rejected her for another; society had no reproach for a woman
In pursuance of my plan, I proposed to obtain the spoken affirmation of the love that had long been
confessed by the demeanor of Anzimee. Then I would tell Lolix all, reserving nothing, and throw myself
on her mercy. Even after these many, many centuries, when--Laus Deo!--reparation is at last complete, I
look at the record of this part of my life when I was Zailm, and wonder that the very confession does not
scorch holes in the paper upon which it is written. Moral turpitude is a fearful thing, for, though
conscious of its being sinful, I was but dimly aware of the hideous blackness of my action.
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Canst thou dissociate, reader, thy horror at the one action sufficiently to take interest in the recital of my
profession of love made to Anzimee, after I had hidden from my own sight the evil of my life? It may be
almost futile to try; yet it is possible to forget anything out of sight, at least to such a degree.
"That one may smile, and smile, and be a villain."
More especially is it easy to smile when the evil is in such a fax, far past tense, is atoned, and the villain
is one no longer. Thou wilt pardon me if I hint the Way of at-onement. Of all my thousands of years of
my many lives, to which in this history I can but briefly allude, I draw for thee one lesson that the weary
pilgrimage hath taught me, and in my soul I pray thee heed it. For I am longing for my release, when I
may go out into the blessed realms that mine eyes have seen, mine ears heard, and myself been amidst,
with Him who openeth and no man shutteth, and shutteth and no man openeth. So this know, and these

things; so long as any that read my words turn aside, and will not to know and do His Way, so long do
ye keep me out of my part in the Great Peace, until His spirit shall cease to strive with thee, or hinder
thee. I am working and sacrificing that ye may know that Way; and tread it. Yet some of you will, even
at the finality, be of them that, denying Him, are by Him denied. Out of all the glorious systems of
worlds, only Earth denieth, for acknowledging Him by words and crying, "Lord, Lord," they yet hate
one another in their serpent-dominated hearts. Think not that I use any figure of speech when I say
"serpent"; microscopists know better. "He that soweth to the flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but
he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit have Life everlasting." They that are alive have crucified
the flesh with its affections. Some will close the eye and the ear to my message I have of Him. By that
shall the seed of Eternal Life be closed out of their souls, and they shall die. 1 But so
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many as in all things turn unto the Way shall in no wise be cast out. He said it who is true. Keep thy
lamps trimmed and be wise, not foolish virgins.

188:1 NOTE. See foot note on page 236
190:1 NOTE--in this connection read the last age of this book, which closes the history given of a Life
redeemed upon His Cross.--Ed.

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