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21 March 2007


Hidden Branches:
Developments in Root
System Architecture
Karen S. Osmont, Richard Sibout,
and Christian S. Hardtke
Department of Plant Molecular Biology, University of Lausanne, CH-1015 Lausanne,
Switzerland; email:,,

Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2007. 58:93113

Key Words

The Annual Review of Plant Biology is online at

root branching, root meristem, monocotyledons, dicotyledons,

phytohormones, nutrients

This articles doi:

c 2007 by Annual Reviews.
All rights reserved
First published online as a Review in Advance on
December 19, 2006

These authors contributed equally to this


The root system is fundamentally important for plant growth and
survival because of its role in water and nutrient uptake. Therefore,
plants rely on modulation of root system architecture (RSA) to respond to a changing soil environment. Although RSA is a highly
plastic trait and varies both between and among species, the basic
root system morphology and its plasticity are controlled by inherent
genetic factors. These mediate the modication of RSA, mostly at
the level of root branching, in response to a suite of biotic and abiotic factors. Recent progress in the understanding of the molecular
basis of these responses suggests that they largely feed through hormone homeostasis and signaling pathways. Novel factors implicated
in the regulation of RSA in response to the myriad endogenous and
exogenous signals are also increasingly isolated through alternative
approaches such as quantitative trait locus analysis.




21 March 2007



Root system
architecture (RSA):
the threedimensional
structure of the root
system, including the
primary root, branch
roots, and root hairs
LR: lateral root
Adventitious roots:
roots that emerge
from shoot


INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
The Morphological Diversity of
Root Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
FACTORS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
The Molecular Basis of Root
System Response to
Nitrogen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
The Molecular Basis of Root
System Response to
Phosphate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Other Nutrients and Exogenous
Abiotic Factors Modulating
Root Branching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
OF PHYTOHORMONES . . . . . . . 98
Auxin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Cytokinins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Ethylene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Gibberellins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Abscisic Acid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Brassinosteroids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100

BIOTIC FACTORS . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Root System Architecture Changes
Triggered by Interaction with
Mycorrhizae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Nodulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
FORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cell Cycle Control of Lateral
Root Initiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Making and Maintaining
Root Meristems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
New Protagonists in Lateral
Root Formation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Regulators of Adventitious
Root Formation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
BRANCHING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Microarray and Proteomics
Analyses of Root Branching . . . .
Isolation of Modiers of Root
System Architecture by
Quantitative Trait Locus
Analyses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
CONCLUSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


subterranean competition of other plants for

these resources. Thus, depending on soil composition, differences in root system morphology or architecture (RSA) may affect competitive ability for soil resources (37). RSA
reects the spatial conguration of roots of
different age and order, implying that the
overall structure has functional signicance
(76). RSA can be modulated in several ways:
through promotion or inhibition of primary
root growth, through growth of lateral roots
(LRs), through the formation of adventitious
roots, and through an increase in root hairs.
The primary root is formed during
embryogenesis, whereas LRs are derived

The root system primarily functions to acquire essential macro- and micronutrients and
water from the soil, and to provide anchorage.
It also participates in secondary functions, including, for example, photoassimilate storage,
phytohormone synthesis, or clonal propagation. During evolution, root organization has
gradually progressed from very simple, such
as rhizomes, to highly hierarchical, including
specialized tissues (12). This elaboration was
likely driven by the fact that the root system
is instrumental in facing major constraints to
plant growth and reproductive success: the
availability of nutrients and water, and the









21 March 2007


postembryonically from existing roots. LRs

originate from the pericycle tissue layer
(sometimes also from the endodermis), generally either adjacent to xylem pole cells (in
dicotyledons) or phloem pole cells (in monocotyledons) (14). Anticlinal divisions of pericycle cells initiate LRs, whose development
mimics the organogenesis of the primary root
in terms of tissue composition and organization (30). Notably, this process can be reiterated in the subsequent LRs of higher order.
In many species, the root system also enlarges through adventitious roots, which can
be broadly dened as roots originating from
shoot structures, usually stems. Finally, any
type of root can increase its absorptive surface by growing extensions of epidermal cells,
the root hairs.
Root hair development and its molecular
control have been well described elsewhere
(102). Other recent reviews focus on the transcription factor networks functioning in the
root (9, 44, 81). In this review, we concentrate on recent advances in the understand-

ing of RSA modulation in angiosperms, with

a special focus on root branching. We refer to root branching as the formation of
LRs or other postembryonically formed roots.
We emphasize recent advances regarding the
role of nutrients and phytohormones in root
branching, mainly achieved by genetic approaches in the model dicotyledon Arabidopsis thaliana, as well as alternative approaches
to investigate the control of root system

The Morphological Diversity of Root

A wide variation in RSA is observed across
species, suggesting that it is determined by
inherent genetic factors. Although there is no
simple classication scheme for RSA (37), it is
well accepted that two main root system morphologies are recurrent in angiosperms. The
rst one is typically found in dicotyledons,
including model species (Arabidopsis, tomato,
pea), and is termed allorhizic (Figure 1a). It

Figure 1
(a) Schematic representation of a typical allorhizic root system architecture as found in most dicotyledons,
exemplied by Arabidopsis, in 5-day-old and 12-day-old seedlings. Root hairs are not represented. PR,
primary root; LR, lateral root. (b) Schematic representation of a typical secondary homorhizic root
system architecture as found in most monocotyledons, exemplied by rice, in 7-day-old and 14-day-old
seedlings. Root hairs are not represented. PR, primary root; LR, lateral root; CR, crown root. Root System Architecture and Development




21 March 2007


is usually comprised of at least two root types:

primary (tap) roots and LRs (33). Allorhizic
root systems are dominated by the primary
root, which produces LRs that can form
higher-order LRs. The major growth axis
of allorhizic root systems parallels primary
root growth. Adventitious roots are rare in
allorhizic systems, but occasionally emerge
from the hypocotyl or stems, in particular
upon wounding. In contrast to the allorhizic
root system of dicotyledons, the root system
of monocotyledons (Figure 1b) is characterized by the development of many adventitious roots in parallel to the primary root
(33). In fact, the majority of the root system
in maize and rice is formed from postembryonic shoot-borne roots. Depending on the tissue from which they emerge, they also possess specic names, such as crown or brace
roots (53). Furthermore, some monocotyledons, such as maize, form additional embryogenic roots. These emerge from the scutellar
node and are called seminal roots. Notably,
primary roots of monocotyledons are often
also referred to as seminal roots. All the root
types can branch by forming LRs (35), giving
the root system a bushy appearance. This typical monocotyledonous root system is called
secondary homorhizic. Although the primary
root is important throughout the life cycle in
allorhizic systems, in secondary homorhizic
systems it only seems to be important during
very early stages of seedling development (35).
However, maize seminal roots have a higher
water uptake capacity than other root types
and are thought to be important throughout
the plant life cycle (80).
Most insight into the environmental and
genetic control of RSA has been obtained
by analyses of model species. Among them,
Arabidopsis displays a typical allorhizic root
system, whereas maize and rice form highly
similar homorhizic root systems. However,
maize possesses seminal roots, which are missing in rice. In both species, the primary
root arrests growth shortly after emergence

ABA: abscisic acid





RSA is inuenced by numerous biotic and
abiotic factors that make up the heterogeneous composition of the soil environment.
Thus, RSA is a highly plastic trait, meaning that genotypically identical plants can
heavily differ in RSA, depending on their
macro- and microenvironment. Although this
plasticity is well documented, the underlying molecular mechanisms are poorly understood. However, an increasing number of mutant studies in Arabidopsis start to address this
issue. For instance, one recent study examined
LR formation as a function of water availability. Indeed, lateral root primordia emergence is repressed when water becomes limiting, and this response requires abscisic acid
(ABA) and the LATERAL ROOT DEVELOPMENT2 gene (23). Apart from water, the
other most important abiotic factor for root
system growth is nutrient availability (32, 72).
Among the different nutrients, the abundance
of the two growth-limiting macronutrients,
nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P), exerts the
greatest effect on RSA.

The Molecular Basis of Root System

Response to Nitrogen
The main sources of N in the soil are ammonium, nitrite, and nitrate. Two distinct
N-uptake mechanisms have been described
(42). The low-afnity uptake system functions when N is plentiful, whereas the highafnity transport system (HATS) functions
when N is limiting. In Arabidopsis, high external N concentrations reduce primary as
well as lateral root elongation. In contrast,
LR elongation is induced under N-limiting
conditions (67). LR density is relatively constant across a range of N concentration. However, although the above is true for homogeneous nutrient concentrations in media, the



21 March 2007


situation is different in the more heterogeneous soil environment, where nutrients are
often unequally distributed. Indeed, localized
zones of high N concentration promote rather
than suppress LR growth (32). Therefore, LR
growth is systemically inhibited in response to
globally high levels of N, but locally induced
in response to N-rich patches. An important component in the latter response is the
nitrate-inducible Arabidopsis MADS box transcription factor NITRATE-REGULATED1
(ANR1) (118). In plants with decreased ANR1
activity, LRs do not proliferate in response to
nitrate-rich zones. However, systemic inhibition of LR growth is still maintained, suggesting that ANR1 exclusively mediates localized
responses to N.
Conceivably, N sensing and thereby root
branching are also affected by N transport.
In particular, the Arabidopsis NRT2 family
of transporter-like proteins is required for
HATS (42). One of its members, NRT2.1, was
recently implicated in LR initiation (68, 96).
Lateral root initiation is strongly repressed in
Arabidopsis by a high external carbon to nitrogen source ratio, and this response is abolished
in the lin1 mutant (79), which is defective in
NRT2.1 (68).
Another natural N source that strongly
inuences RSA is glutamate, which results
from the breakdown of organic matter.
L-glutamate-treated seedlings have a shorter,
more branched root system, and this response
is strain-dependent (113). Finally, nitric oxide is required for LR primordia formation in
tomato (22).

The Molecular Basis of Root System

Response to Phosphate
After N, P is the second limiting macronutrient for plant growth. In Arabidopsis, increasing levels of inorganic phosphate (Pi ) stimulate primary root elongation, but decrease
LR density and suppress LR elongation (67).
However, under low to moderate levels of
Pi , LR growth is favored over primary root
growth (115). In severely Pi -starved plants,

primary root growth is strongly inhibited and

LR number can increase up to ve times as
compared to optimal Pi concentrations (73).
The determinate primary root growth on low
Pi media results from cessation of meristematic activity and loss of auxin responsiveness
in the root meristem (72). Indeed, auxin has
been implicated in the Pi -starvation response
(2, 72, 73, 88), although this subject remains
controversial (44, 67, 115).
Several mutant studies have shed light
on Pi -sensing pathways. Arabidopsis pho2 mutants overaccumulate Pi , demonstrating that
the internal Pi concentration is important
for RSA (115). PHO2 encodes an unusual
E2 conjugase. Mutants in PHOSPHATE RESPONSE REGULATOR 1 (PHR1) display altered shoot/root growth ratio in Pi -starved
conditions and altered low Pi -induced gene
expression (98). PHR1 encodes a MYB-like
transcription factor, which binds promoter sequences of low Pi -induced genes. Recent evidence suggests that PHO2 and PHR1, together with the microRNA miR-399, dene
a Pi signaling pathway (6). miR-399 is induced under Pi starvation, and its overexpression represses PHO2 expression and results
in high Pi concentrations in leaves (19, 40).
Conversely, miR399 expression is repressed by
high Pi , stabilizing PHO2 transcripts. However, PHO2 expression is also Pi regulated in
a miR399-independent manner. Both miR399
and PHO2 are thought to act downstream
of PHR1 (6). The identication of matching
PHO2 and miR399 orthologs in other higher
plants suggests that this Pi signaling pathway
is evolutionarily conserved.

Other Nutrients and Exogenous

Abiotic Factors Modulating Root
Apart from N and P, other nutrients also
inuence root development. For instance,
iron limitation suppresses LR growth but
promotes LR formation in Arabidopsis (82).
Also, limiting sulfate results in a highly
branched root system because of increased LR Root System Architecture and Development




21 March 2007


formation (72). Finally, more general abiotic

factors also impinge on RSA. For example,
light is a major positive regulator of root
branching (20, 105).
Interestingly, light also limits adventitious
root formation in Arabidopsis (105). However,
much less is known about the inuence of
the other factors (discussed above) on adventitious rooting in model systems. This might
result from the focus of these studies on early
stages in Arabidopsis development, when adventitious roots are rarely formed outside the
context of wounding.

IAA: indole acetic


In addition to exogenous factors, several endogenous molecules are pivotal determinants
of RSA. For instance, vitamin C antagonizes the effects of N and sugar in LR
growth (91). Also, root growth is perturbed
in the rsr4 (reduced sugar response 4) mutant,
which requires vitamin B6 supplementation
for normal development (112). However, the
most important endogenous modulators of
root system development are the different
The bulk of genetic and physiological
evidence suggests that nutrient status and
availability and other abiotic factors trigger changes in RSA by modulating hormone
homeostasis and/or signaling (44, 77). This
notion is supported by the observation that
responsiveness to certain abiotic factors is
lost if a certain hormone response pathway is
no longer fully functional. For instance, mutants in the auxin transport mediator AXR4
(28) are unable to respond to local N-rich
zones (119). Also, the systemic inhibition
of LR formation in high N conditions is
abolished in the ABA-insensitive mutant abi4
(104). Thus, auxin might mediate localized
responses to N, whereas ABA mediates systemic responses. Further, suboptimal sulfate
promotes root system growth by modulat98




ing auxin homeostasis through transcriptional

induction of NITRILASE3 (NIT3), an enzyme that converts indole-3-acetonitrile into
the major active endogenous auxin indole-3acetic acid (IAA) (62). Finally, recent advances
also suggest that auxin signaling mediates LR
as well as adventitious root formation in response to light stimulus (20, 105, 107). Below we highlight the signicance of individual
hormones in modulating RSA.

The minor active endogenous auxin indole3-butyric acid is an efcient promoter of adventitious root formation and commonly used
as such in horticulture. However, the more
abundant IAA appears to be most important
for RSA in planta. Generally, IAA promotes
LR development, for instance when applied
exogenously (63, 64). Few exceptions to this
rule have been observed [for example, exogenous IAA application does not promote LR
formation in fern (55)]. Importantly, auxin is
necessary for all stages of lateral root development, i.e., initiation, emergence, and growth
(15, 16). In Arabidopsis, acropetal auxin transport from young aerial tissues into the primary root triggers lateral root formation by
promoting cell division of pericycle cells adjacent to xylem vessels (16). Basipetal auxin
transport in the root tip also appears to inuence LR emergence, despite the fact that LRs
emerge relatively far from root tips (16). The
precise site of LR initiation is probably more
a consequence of auxin transport than of de
novo auxin synthesis, although data to determine when and why a lateral root is initiated
in a certain position along a primary root are
lacking (3).
Genetic studies have conrmed the predominant role of auxin in LR formation.
For instance, mutants or transgenic lines
with elevated auxin biosynthesis display signicantly increased root branching (10, 60).
Consistently, mutants with low auxin content or impaired auxin signaling have a very
short, poorly branched root system (17), also



21 March 2007


conrming the requirement of auxin for primary root growth. However, overall auxin
content is not always positively correlated
with LR number. For instance, some mutants
with fewer LRs have elevated rather than decreased auxin levels, but are impaired in auxin
signaling (57). Nevertheless, as expected, mutants impaired in root polar auxin transport
are affected in LR development (51), and the
same is true for auxin signaling pathway mutants. For instance, the gain-of-function solitary root (slr) mutant, which carries a stabilizing mutation in the IAA14 negative regulator
of auxin signaling, displays decient early LR
primordium formation because cell division
is not maintained in the pericycle (41). Similarly, the gain-of-function mutant massugu2
(msg2), defective in IAA19, displays a signicantly decreased LR number. IAA19 inhibits
the activity of the auxin response factor (ARF)
(NPH4)/ARF7, a positive regulator of
LR formation (110). In summary, both
auxin transport and signaling strongly inuence RSA, but, because of the inherent interdependency of these two processes
(65), their individual impact is difcult to




In contrast to auxin, exogenous cytokinin

(CK) application suppresses rather than promotes LR formation, and transgenic Arabidopsis plants with decreased cytokinin levels
display increased root branching and also enhanced primary root growth (114). Thus, the
general auxin-cytokinin antagonism also appears to hold true for root branching (20).
The notion that cytokinin negatively regulates root growth has also been veried by
studies of cytokinin perception and signaling mutants. For instance, double mutants
for the redundant Arabidopsis cytokinin receptors AHK2 and AHK3 display a fastergrowing primary root and greatly increased
root branching (97).

Gibberellic acid (GA) biosynthesis has been

detected in root tips of different plants and GA
signaling is indeed required for primary root
growth (39, 58). However, a major role for
GA in root branching has never been clearly
demonstrated, although GA acts synergistically together with ethylene to promote both
initiation and growth of adventitious roots in
ooded rice plants (106).

Ethylene is thought to mediate some auxininduced responses because several auxin

signaling mutants of Arabidopsis are also
ethylene-insensitive, and because expression
of ACC synthase, a rate-limiting enzyme
for ethylene biosynthesis, is strongly auxininducible (109). Indeed, moderate concentrations of ethylene inhibit root growth, likely
by impinging on the maintenance of the quiescent center and root cap both in maize and
Arabidopsis (93). Root-specic mutants overcoming this inhibition have been isolated in
Arabidopsis (108). Interestingly, these mutants
display decreased auxin levels in the root and
can suppress the enhanced branching phenotype of auxin overproducers, suggesting that
auxin not only inuences ethylene homeostasis, but also vice versa. However, the suppression effect could also be due to reduced
auxin transport from the shoot into the root.
A role for ethylene in root growth was also
conrmed in rice, where it is necessary for cell
proliferation in adventitious roots (74). Ethylene might also have a role during LR emergence by promoting the breakdown of cortical
cells (63).

CK: cytokinin
GA: gibberellic acid

Abscisic Acid
Recently, ABA was also implicated in root system development because exogenous ABA application inhibits primary and lateral root development in Arabidopsis (7, 25). ABA action Root System Architecture and Development




21 March 2007



The role of brassinosteroids (BRs) in root development has
been largely overlooked in the literature, likely because most
BR biosynthesis and signaling mutants have a pleiotropic
dwarf phenotype, making it hard to judge whether or not an
associated root phenotype is a primary defect. Several classic
BR mutants show an overall reduction in root growth as compared to wild type. For example, the bri1 mutant, resulting
from a lesion in the BR receptor, shows an approximate 50%
reduction in primary root growth. Also, the cpd mutant, which
is defective in a rate-limiting BR biosynthesis enzyme, displays
an approximate 40% reduction in primary root growth as well
as decreased LR number and growth (87; K.S. Osmont, unpublished observations). The recent nding that loss of function of the novel plant gene BRX results in a root-specic
BR deciency substantiates a crucial role for BR in root system development. brx loss of function results in strongly reduced primary root growth, but also in increased formation of
(slower-growing) lateral roots. Interestingly, such compensation of slower primary root growth by increased root branching is a general feature in Arabidopsis accessions.

BR: brassinosteroids

in LR development is thought to be auxinindependent (25), but is modulated by nutrient availability (104). Interestingly, in rice
ABA stimulates rather than suppresses LR formation from primary roots (18). However,
whether this is a common feature of monocotyledons remains to be determined. Interaction between IAA and ABA has been also proposed, because some mutants with pleiotropic
defects in ABA responses in roots are also
impaired in auxin-mediated LR development

Brassinosteroids (BRs) are abundant in shoots,
but have also been detected in substantial
amounts in roots of maize and tomato (117).
Indeed, gene expression studies suggest that
BRs are synthesized in roots, albeit at lower
levels than in shoots (59). Like auxin, BRs
promote primary root growth at low concentrations, but are inhibitory at higher con100




centrations (87). It also has been proposed

that BRs affect LR development by regulating auxin transport (5). However, evidence is
now mounting that there is signicant interaction between the BR and auxin hormone signaling pathways (85, 90). Indeed, many auxin
signaling genes involved in root growth and
development are induced by both auxin and
BRs, and this induction requires BR biosynthesis (59, 89). Also, microarray analyses indicate that many BR-responsive genes are also
auxin-responsive (43, 86, 90).
In general, the role of BRs in root development has been largely overlooked because
of the pleiotropic dwarf phenotypes of many
BR biosynthesis and signaling mutants. However, a recent study of an Arabidopsis accession
with a short and highly branched root system
revealed a root-specic BR deciency, which
is due to loss of function of BREVIS RADIX
(BRX). This deciency is responsible for the
RSA phenotype and connects BR biosynthesis
and auxin signaling in Arabidopsis roots (85).
Finally, rice mutants affected in BR biosynthesis or sensitivity also show signicant root
morphology phenotypes (83).

RSA is not only inuenced by abiotic factors, but also by a range of biotic factors. Notably, in the wild, plant roots are in contact
with saprophytic and pathogenic microorganisms, which can drastically change RSA. For
example, after petunia is infected by specic
Ralstonia solanacearum strains, LR elongation
is inhibited, but new lateral roots with abnormal morphology are induced (120). Most
frequently, however, changes in RSA are triggered by symbiotic interactions. Unfortunately, the best-characterized plant model system, Arabidopsis thaliana, does not form root
symbioses and thus cannot be used to address questions of plant-symbiont interactions
and their impact on RSA. Nevertheless, an



21 March 2007


increasing amount of data has emerged from

the analyses of alternative systems.

Root System Architecture Changes

Triggered by Interaction with
Unlike Arabidopsis, more than 80% of higher
plants associate with mycorrhizal fungi, which
elicit profound changes in the root morphology of host plants (47). In particular, ectomycorrhizae suppress root elongation and induce dichotomous branching of short LRs,
culminating in the formation of coralloid
structures resulting from higher-order dichotomous branching. All of these anatomical
structures are variable depending on the plant
and fungal species. Once the fungus is established, root branching is suppressed, which
makes the plant more dependent on the nutrients provided by the fungus (47, 94). Whether
this modication of RSA is a direct consequence of symbiosis or an indirect effect of
improved nutrient status of the plant is not
clear. However, it appears that symbionts can
trigger RSA changes by promoting LR initiation very early in the interaction (46). Moreover, the maize mutant lrt1 normally lacks
LRs, but displays extensive LR development
following inoculation with the mycorrhizae
Glomus mosseae (92). Notably, many microorganisms that interact with plants can produce
plant hormone analogs. Thus, symbiotic association might employ hormone signaling
pathways to regulate RSA. Indeed, numerous
studies have tried to determine the importance of modications in hormone homeostasis in symbiosis establishment and the associated changes in root branching (e.g., 24, 71).
However, it remains to be determined which
pathways are denitely recruited.

The second most important symbiosis of plant
roots is their association with N-xing bacteria in legumes, a process termed nodulation.
Nodules and LRs share some common fea-

tures. For instance, both organs form adjacent to xylem poles, develop meristems, and
break cell layers to emerge. In support of this
idea, the lateral root organ-defective mutant of
Medicago truncatula initiates both nodule and
LR formation, but does not complete either
process. Moreover, nodule formation shares
common molecular processes with LR development (24, 50).

branching of a
meristem into direct,
nearly equivalent


Biotic and abiotic factors can feed into RSA at
different levels. For instance, although some
factors mainly promote LR emergence, others inuence LR initiation. Moreover, such
control could occur at multiple entry points
because a multitude of factors required for
normal root branching has been identied,
mainly by molecular genetic approaches in
Arabidopsis (26).

Cell Cycle Control of Lateral

Root Initiation
The initiation of an LR starts with the reentry of a pericycle cell into the cell cycle
and subsequent anti- and periclinal cell divisions, which eventually lead to the differentiation of a LR meristem. Thus, it is not
surprising that cell cycle control is important for LR growth and development (77).
It has been hypothesized that pericycle cells
are blocked at the G2 stage of the cell cycle
in Arabidopsis (15). However, most pericycle
cells appear to remain in G1, and only xylemadjacent pericycle cells, which include the LR
founder cells, progress into G2 (8). Nevertheless, the G1-specic cyclin D4 and the G1
to S transition inhibitor Kip-related protein 2
(KRP2) have both been implicated in LR initiation (27), suggesting that both G1- and G2specic cell cycle blocks must be overcome to
form LR primordia. Interestingly, KRP2 expression is auxin-repressible and overexpression of KRP2 leads to reduced LR initiation
(48), substantiating a role of auxin in LR initiation through control of cell cycle progression. Root System Architecture and Development




21 March 2007


Thus, despite their obvious importance, it appears that cell cycle genes are not the primary
determinants of LR initiation.

Making and Maintaining

Root Meristems
Beyond cell cycle activation, root meristem
formation requires the activity of a number of
factors that organize the differentiation and
reiterative production of the root tissues from
the apical meristems. In molecular terms, this
process has been best described for the primary root of Arabidopsis. Whether the same
factors function in elaborating and maintaining LR meristems largely remains to be determined. Nevertheless, it is reasonable to
assume that lateral and primary root meristem development are driven by principally
equivalent factors (78), a notion corroborated by recent analyses of mutants and transgenic lines that are impaired in root meristem
The embryonic primary root apical meristem (RAM) comprises a pool of stem cells
that are required for continuous root growth.
In the Arabidopsis RAM, a small group of
slowly dividing, so-called quiescent center
cells maintains the stem cell identity of the immediately surrounding cells (101, 111). The
two PLETHORA (PLT) genes encode AP2type transcription factors that act redundantly
to pattern this root stem cell niche. Strikingly,
their ectopic expression is sufcient for initiating root meristems (1). Loss of function
of both PLT genes results in failure to maintain the quiescent center, leading to stem cell
differentiation and eventually breakdown of
the RAM. Importantly, plt1 plt2 double mutants also display defective LR meristems, indicating that these genes are likely required
for the maintenance of all types of Arabidopsis
roots. Likewise, overexpression of CLAVATA
3 (CLV3)-like peptides results in the consumption of both primary and LR meristems (13, 36, 52), suggesting that a CLVlike pathway might function in all root types
as well.




A novel factor required for maintaining

the rice RAM is GLUTAMATE RECEPTORLIKE 3.1 (GLR3.1) (66). In contrast to rice
glr3.1 mutants, Arabidopis glr mutants have
no discernable root phenotype, suggesting
that GLR3.1 may have been co-opted for a
specialized function in the rice root. However, although GLR3.1 is a single-copy gene
in rice, there are 20 GLR genes in Arabidopsis. Thus, the absence of phenotypes in the
Arabidopsis mutants might simply reect genetic redundancy. This example also demonstrates that all critical factors for RSA cannot
be easily isolated in a single system. Genome
architecture must be considered, making the
parallel exploitation of different model systems desirable.

New Protagonists in Lateral

Root Formation
Both forward- and reverse-genetic approaches have proven fruitful in the identication of numerous factors that inuence root
branching (see 26). However, for most factors
identied by gain-of-function approaches, it
remains to be seen whether they actually
have a genuine role in LR formation (26).
Among the loss-of-function mutants, many
display pleiotropic phenotypes. Thus, only a
few genes have been shown to be involved
specically in LR initiation and/or growth
(26). For example, the Arabidopsis aberrant lateral root formation 4 (alf4) mutant forms a normal primary root, but fails to form LRs. Notably, this defect cannot be rescued by auxin
treatment (17). Thus, ALF4, which encodes a
protein of unknown function, is hypothesized
to promote competency to respond to LR developmental cues in the pericycle (29).
By contrast, the fully redundant
ARABIDILLO-1 and 2 genes (which encode Armadillo/beta-catenin-type proteins)
are involved in promoting LR development
at a later stage (21). arabidillo 1/2 double
mutants display reduced LR formation, and,
conversely, ARABIDILLO-1 overexpressing
lines show an increase in LRs. Overexpression



21 March 2007


of truncated ARABIDILLO-1 protein fragments containing an F-box motif act in a

dominant negative manner to reduce LR
formation to the levels of the double mutant.
Collectively, these data dene ARABIDILLO
proteins as a new class of root promoting
factors and suggest that they may target an
inhibitor of LR development for degradation
by the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway (21). A
novel F-box protein involved in this process
is CEGENDUO, which negatively regulates
auxin-mediated LR production (31).
Novel insight into the regulation of root
branching has also been obtained from analysis of plants other than Arabidopsis. Of
particular interest is the diageotropica (dgt) mutant of tomato. DGT encodes a type-A cyclophilin and is required for LR primordia
formation. Notably, dgt uncouples LR primordium patterning from cell proliferation
of xylem-adjacent pericycle cells (57), classifying it as one of the earliest known factors in
LR initiation after activation of the cell cycle

Regulators of Adventitious
Root Formation
As compared to LR formation, little is known
about the molecular basis of adventitious root
formation. In part, this might be due to the
rare occurrence of adventitious roots in the
early stages of normal Arabidopsis development. Although it is conceivable that the same
principal mechanisms as in LR formation are
at work, some signicant variation could be
expected, mainly because adventitious roots
generally form from differentiated stem tissues rather than from within other roots. Nevertheless, auxin signaling again appears to be
limiting for adventitious root formation in
Arabidopsis (105), a notion that is supported
by a recent study of a rice mutant, crown rootless1 (crl1).
CRL1 is necessary for crown root initiation
(56). However, crl1 defects can be overcome
by auxin treatment, suggesting that CRL1 acts
upstream of the auxin stimulus. Neverthe-

less, canonical auxin signaling is essential for

the auxin-dependent expression of CRL1, suggesting that CRL1 might be involved in a feedforward loop required for adventitious root
formation. Another rice mutant, adventitious
rootless1 (arl1), is defective in crown root formation as well (69). However, unlike crl1, arl1
cannot be rescued by auxin treatment, suggesting that it acts further downstream in the
process. Notably, both CRL1 and ARL1 encode LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARIES
(LOB) domain family transcription factors.
Interestingly, so far LOB domain transcription factors have not been reported to modulate RSA in Arabidopsis, suggesting either
specicity for adventitious rooting, or simply an increased redundancy among LOBencoding genes in Arabidopsis.

Genetic redundancy generally limits the applicability of mutant analysis for the molecular genetic dissection of root branching in
Arabidopsis. Thus, alternative approaches are
a welcome complement to the described physiological and standard genetic techniques.

Microarray and Proteomics Analyses

of Root Branching
The common availability and affordability of
microarray experiments in Arabidopsis have
also left their mark in the analysis of root development. For instance, transcript proling
of early LR initiation in Arabidopsis has been
performed (49). In these experiments, a major problem in global gene expression analysis of LR formation had to be overcome:
LR primordia cannot be easily isolated in sufcient quantity, and the proportion of primary root cells involved in LR initiation is
very small. Thus, locally signicant expression
changes are easily masked if the whole root
tissue is used for analysis. These problems
were circumvented by blocking LR formation through pharmacological inhibition of Root System Architecture and Development




21 March 2007


auxin transport and, after release of the block,

massive parallel induction of LR primordia by
auxin application. The respective transcription prole established a timeline of differential gene activities. Not surprisingly, many of
them were involved in cell cycle progression.
Cell cycle genes are also misexpressed in a cell
type-specic transcriptome proling experiment of primary roots of wild-type maize as
compared to primary roots of the rootless with
undetectable meristems 1 (rum1) mutant, which
lack lateral roots (116).
Compared to microarray analyses, systematic proteomic analyses of root branching are
very rare. One of the few available studies
again investigated the proteome of the primary roots of rum1 mutants, revealing significant expression-level differences for proteins
involved in primary metabolism, signal transduction, and secondary metabolism (53, 70). A
similar study has been performed for adventitious roots by comparing wild-type maize and
the rtcs mutant, which is completely devoid
of shoot-borne roots as well as seminal roots
(100). Although these proteomic approaches
are surely interesting for studying the dynamics of metabolic changes during root initiation, they might be less suitable for detecting
regulatory proteins found in low abundance,
such as transcription factors.

QTL: quantative
trait locus

Isolation of Modifiers of Root System

Architecture by Quantitative Trait
Locus Analyses
Although RSA is a highly plastic trait, practically all species elaborate a genetically programmed, basic layout of their root system
morphology. Nevertheless, signicant variation in RSA is also observed on the intraspecic level, as illustrated by the diversity of RSA
between different wild isolates (accessions) of
Arabidopsis thaliana grown in identical conditions (Figure 2). So far, this variability has
been largely neglected. However, several recent studies report attempts to isolate genes
that are responsible for this variability, generally by using quantitative trait locus (QTL)
QTL analysis of naturally occurring intraspecic allelic variation enables identication of genes that are difcult to nd by mutant analysis (for instance, because they only
weakly contribute to the studied phenotype).
The fully sequenced genome of Arabidopsis
and established high-throughput genotyping
techniques make QTL analysis highly feasible in this model plant species (4). Most importantly, accessions collected from the wild
should not contain major deleterious alleles.
Therefore, QTL analysis of RSA should be
biased toward the identication of modiers

Figure 2
Root morphologies of different Arabidopsis thaliana wild accessions. Root system architecture of different
accessions at young stage grown in identical tissue culture conditions.






21 March 2007


of RSA rather than genes with a major role

in root formation and/or maintenance. These
modiers can be expected to inuence either
the temporal or spatial control of root initiation or root growth rate.
Another interesting aspect of QTL analysis of root development is the fact that genetically complex interactions can be detected.
For instance, two of 13 recently detected
quantitative trait loci for primary root length,
LR number and LR density, show epistatic
interaction (75). Notably, many of these loci
specically affect LR formation. In another
study, it was noted that the root system of the
accession Landsberg erecta (Ler) is larger and
less affected by osmotic stress conditions than
the system of the accession Columbia (Col)
(38). Among several QTLs involved in this
difference, two loci named ELICITORS OF
DROUGHT GROWTH (EDG) were mapped.
Surprisingly, however, the EDG1 allele of Ler
promotes root system growth as expected, but
the Ler EDG2 allele represses root growth,
and vice versa for Col. However, epistasis between the EDG1 and 2 loci was not detected,
suggesting that additional modiers (to be
found among the other detected QTLs?)
mask the effect of the Col EDG2 allele in this
Importantly, many of the QTL described
so far quantitatively affect RSA to a degree
that allows their detection in other genetic
backgrounds (for, instance in near isogenic
lines), which to some degree mimic mutants
in the respective loci. This enables their identication at the molecular level by standard
map-based cloning procedures. For example,
a QTL that signicantly contributes to the
difference in primary root growth between
the Ler and Cape Verde Islands accessions
encodes an invertase enzyme (103). Also, the
already mentioned BRX gene was identied
through a major QTL responsible for most of
the primary root growth difference between
the Umkirch-1 and Slavice-0 accessions (84).
Traditionally, QTL analyses have been intensively performed in crop plants (99). The
increasing availability of genomic sequences

has now also enabled the identication of

genes underlying QTL in these systems, as
successfully reported for QTL of grain development in rice (e.g., 61). Thus, the cloning
of QTL affecting root branching in rice (e.g.,
54) should also become feasible soon.

Recent advances through forward- and
reverse-genetic approaches conrm the major
role of hormones, especially auxin, in LR initiation and development. An emerging theme
from these studies is the idea that most environmental responses of RSA are mediated
by modulating hormone homeostasis or signaling pathways. Novel insights in this process also surface from alternative approaches
to understand RSA, notably QTL analysis of
natural genetic variation. Also, other systems
and models are being increasingly exploited
to understand fully the variation and conservation of mechanisms underlying root growth
and RSA.
However, despite the recent efforts and
progress in understanding the molecular cues
involved in LR development, root branching, and RSA modulation, many unanswered
questions remain. For example, many factors involved in initiating, patterning, and
maintaining root meristems have been isolated in Arabidopsis. Most of these have been
dened for their requirement in primary root
development. Although recent evidence suggests that some of the pivotal factors have an
equivalent role in LR development, it remains
to be seen whether this is a general rule. For
example, the MONOPTEROS (MP) gene is
absolutely required for primary root formation in embryogenesis. However, mp loss-offunction mutants can form perfectly normal
adventitious roots (95). Does this mean that
homologous redundant factors take over MP s
role in different contexts (45), or is it an indication for an altogether alternative pathway
of adventitious root formation in Arabidopsis?
Many issues that are central to RSA have so
far not been elaborated on at the molecular Root System Architecture and Development




21 March 2007


genetic level. For instance, LRs emerge from

the parent root at a specic angle, often
growing horizontally. What are the molecular
determinants of this feature and how do lateral roots adjust themselves with such accuracy with respect to the gravity vector? Also,

most roots do not grow indeterminately. Is

their longevity genetically programmed from
the start or, rather, under environmental control? Whatever the answers, surely plant researchers mining the rhizosphere will not run
out of interesting questions for a long time.

1. Although RSA is highly diverse, angiosperm root systems can be broadly classied into allorhizic, as in most dicotyledons, or secondary homorhizic, as in most
2. Despite the fact that RSA is a highly plastic trait and thus is difcult to study, several
molecular factors controlling root system morphology have been identied.
3. Although it is well established that RSA and root growth are strongly affected by the
nutrient status of the soil, the molecular mechanisms mediating root system responses
to nutrients are just beginning to be understood.
4. Almost all known plant hormones affect RSA, including auxin, CK, ethylene, BR,
ABA, and GA. However, recent evidence suggests that signicant interactions occur
between these hormone pathways to regulate root system growth. Moreover, it appears that hormones mediate root developmental responses to both biotic and abiotic
stresses downstream of the respective stimuli.
5. The auxin signaling pathway appears to be particularly important in mediating environmental responses of RSA.
6. Physiological data and recent molecular evidence suggest that symbiont establishment
shares common processes with LR development and strongly modulates RSA.
7. Many loss- and gain-of-function mutants affect LR development, but few only affect
LR development and/or root branching in a specic manner.
8. Several alternative approaches have proven useful in dening novel factors and global
responses in LR and adventitious root development, namely microarray, proteomic,
and, notably, QTL analyses.

1. One outstanding question is whether one distinct pathway controls the initiation and
maintenance of root meristems in all root types, i.e., are the same molecular pathways
at play in primary roots as well as lateral and adventitious roots? Are differences in
the pathways initiating distinct root types due to context-specic use of homologous
factors, or do they reect the existence of altogether alternative pathways for root
2. What is the level of conservation of molecular mechanisms involved in root formation
and RSA modulation across distantly related species?







21 March 2007


3. What are the mechanistic modes of action of some important Arabidopsis proteins of
unknown function involved in root branching, such as ALF4 or BRX? Is their function
conserved in other plant species? Conversely, several novel genes important for RSA
have been discovered in model systems other than Arabidopsis. What are the specic
roles of genes like tomato DGT1 or rice LOB domain transcription factors in RSA,
and do they function in the same way in Arabidopsis?
4. One challenge facing those working in the rhizosphere is the inherent plasticity of
the root system. This challenge is mostly tackled by investigating root systems in
standardized tissue culture conditions. Is RSA modulation observed in tissue culture
really relevant for root systems in their native soil environment? Applying novel
imaging techniques for root systems grown in soil (e.g., X-ray imaging, computer
tomography) might help to address this question.
5. Analysis of natural genetic variation can be expected to become an increasingly useful
tool to determine the molecular genetic basis of RSA modulation.
6. Variation of RSA between and within species is commonly observed. Is this variation functionally signicant in an ecological context? For instance, do intraspecic
variations in RSA confer competitive advantages in particular conditions?
7. Model systems such as rice, maize, and poplar are becoming more tractable systems for
studying root development because of increasing availability of genetic and genomic
tools. To understand fully the conserved underlying mechanisms of root growth,
simple vascular plants (for example, ferns) should also be investigated in detail at the
molecular genetic level.
8. During the plant life cycle, the geotropism of roots changes. For instance, LRs emerge
from the parent root at a specic angle, but become geotropic after being diageotropic
or ageotropic for a long period of time. What molecular factors determine their
orientation and changes thereof with respect to the gravity vector?

We apologize to those authors whose work could not be discussed owing to space restrictions.
Work in our lab is supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation and the Canton de

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