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Sekolah Tinggi Agama Buddha Negeri Sriwijaya Tangerang Banten
The purpose of this study is to describe how the needs of Information Systems
and Technology Information in chedi and temples in district of Tangerang. This is an
exploratory qualitative research with qualitative descriptive and inductive
approach. The object of the research is the need of Information Systems and
Technology Information in chedi and temples in district of Tangerang. The scope of
research are based on the needs and gaps of Information Systems and Technology
Information in chedi and temples in district of Tangerang. In collecting data, the
researcher using non-test technique as the main instrument. The data collection
were using interviews, observation, and documentation. Data validation was done
with credibility, transferability, reliability, and objectivity. The credibility of the data
include overtime research, triangulation of data, reference materials, and member
check. Analysis of the data by using a model of Miles and Huberman. The results of
the study describe the forms of Information Systems chedi and temples in the
district of Tangerang is a Blackberry application (mesenger, broadcast, group),
social networking, information systems presence, a word processing program, the
program data processing, database programs, websites, and blogs chedi and
vihara. While information technology at chedi and temples in the district of
Tangerang consist of equipment operational support like sound system, the
Personal Computer (PC), TV-monitor, LCD-projector, camera, and external modem as
a means of internet access. Information system requirements at chedi and temples
in Tangerang district consists of the need for the availability of information systems
such as websites, attendance list Information Systems, Information Systems
knowlege sharing, data management information system, and the need for digital
maps in the form of a website. Information Technology needs chedi and temples in
the district of Tangerang is a need for Internet infrastructure, PCs, laptops, printers,
and LCD-projector. Chedi and temples in Tangerang district need Information
Systems and Information, also includes the need for a social media admin BBM,
Facebook social networking admin, admin data management and knowledge
sharing related to Information Systems and Information Technology.
Keywords: needs assessment, information systems, information technology

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