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Batara Kala:

Once there was an evil giant. He was called Batara Kala. He liked to kill people, especially
children. His hair was was made form fire. Everybody was frightened of him.
One day, The chief of gods, Batara Guru, invited all the gods and goddesses to drink sacred
water in Paradise. The water was called Tirta Amertasari. Anyone who drank the water, he or
she would live forever.
Because Batara Kala was not invited, he secretly flew into Paradise and stole some of the
water and drank it. Unfortunately the god of Sun, Batara Surya, and the goddess of Moon,
Batara Chandra, knew what he did. They reported what Batara Kala had done to Batara
Visnu, the keeper god of universe.
Batara Visnu took his weapon, Cakra, and shot it to Batara Kala. It hit him on the neck.
Batara Kalas body was separated from head at once but his head was alive. He was very
furious with Batara Surya and Batara Chandra. He swore to take revenge on them.
The giant, Batara Kala, then chased Batara Surya and Batara Chandra. He swallowed them
up. Fortunately, Batara Surya and Batari Chandra could escape from Batara Kalas throat
because he had no longer his body.
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Cerita Rakyat Batara Kala daalm Bahasa Inggris dan Terjemahan
Once there was an evil giant. He was called Batara Kala. He liked to kill people, especially
children. His hair was was made form fire. Everybody was frightened of him.
Suatu ketika, ada seorang raksasa. Dia dinamakan Batara Kala. Raksasa itu suka membunuh
orang khususnya anak-anak. Rambutnya terbuat dari api. Semua orang takut kepadanya.
One day, The chief of gods, Batara Guru, invited all the gods and goddesses to drink sacred
water in Paradise. The water was called Tirta Amertasari. Anyone who drank the water, he
or she would live forever.
Suatu hari kepala para dewa, Batara Guru, mengundang semua dewa dan dewi ke surga untuk
minum air suci. Air itu dinamakan Tirta Amertasari. Siapapun yang meminumnya, dia akan
hidup selamanya.
Because Batara Kala was not invited, he secretly flew into Paradise and stole some of the
water and drank it. Unfortunately the god of Sun, Batara Surya, and the goddnes of Moon,
Batara Chandra, knew what he did. They reported what Batara Kala had done to Batara
Visnu, the keeper god of universe.
Karena Batara Kala tidak diundang, dia terbang secara diam-diam menuju surga dan mencuri
beberapa air itu dan meminumnya. Celakanya, Dewa Matahari, Batara Surya, dan Dewi

Bulan, Batara Chandra, mengetahui apa yang dia perbuat. Merekapun melaporkan perbuatan
Batara Kala tersebut kepada dewa penjaga alam, Batara Visnu.
Batara Visnu took his weapon, cakra, and shot it to Batara Kala. It hit him on the neck.
Batara Kalas body was separated from head at once but his head was alive. He was very
furious with Batara Surya and Batara Chandra. He swore to take revenge on them.
Batara Wisnu mengambil senjatanya, cakra, dan menembakkannya kerah Batara kala. Senjata
itu mengenahi lehernya. Tubuh dan kepalanya pun terpisah namun kepalanya masih tetap
hidup. Diapun sangat sangat mendendam terhadap Batara Surya dan Batara Chandra. Dia
bersumpah akan melakukan balas dendam.
The giant, Batara Kala, then chased Batara Surya and Batara Chandra. He caught and
swallowed them up. Fortunately, Batara Surya and Batari Chandra could escape from
Batara Kalas throat because he had no longer his body.
Raksasa itu, Batara Kala, mengejar Batara Surya dan Batara Chandra. Dia menangkap
mereka dan menelannya. Untungnya Batara Surya dan Batara Chandara dapat meloloskan
diri dari leher Batara Kala karena dia sudah tidak memiliki tubuh lagi

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