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1. Are there any Criteria to be a researcher? Why?

B/C of the cyclic nature of research , it can be difficult to determine where to start and when to
Is it important for a researcher to have certain qualities to conduct a researcher
Yes it is important.
2. List some qualities that you think a good researcher needs to have
A research is a comprehensive task and it requires great effort as a researcher on your part. The
first thing that determines the success of your research is your research topic. A good research
topic should have the following qualities.
General Qualities

Scientific Attitude
Unquenchable thirsts for knowledge
Scientific Solution
Keen observation and independent thinking
Seeker of knowledge
Systematic worker
Research mindedness
Unbiased Attitude and other
1) Clarity is the most important quality of any research topic. The topic should
have to be clear so that others can easily understand the nature of your
research. The research topic should have a single interpretation so that people
cannot get distracted. The topic should have to be very clear in your mind so
that you can properly undertake it. The research topic should have to be free
of any ambiguity. Clarity also means that the research topic should have to be
directional and it should set the whole research methodology.
2) Well-defined and well-phrased research topic is a half guarantee of a
successful research. Sometimes researchers phrase the research topic in such a
way that it gives a double-barreled impression. The research topic should have
to be well-defined and well-phrased and it should have to be easy to
understand. it should have a single meaning.
3) The language of the research topic should have to be simple. You should use
technical terms only when it is necessary, otherwise use simple words so that

everyone can understand it. Keep the ethics of writing in your mind to avoid
any unethical term or sentence. Do not introduce any sort of bias directly or
indirectly, willingly or unwillingly in the research problem or research topic.
4) The titling of the research problem should follow the rules of titling. there are
various rules of titling. You can either use a sentence case or a title case but
most of the titles follow title case. Read the rules of titling titles before writing
it down.
5) Current importance should also be the consideration of the researcher while
selecting a research topic. An obsolete topic will not be beneficial for anyone
the topic should have current importance. You should also assess how much
the topic will provide benefit to the field in which you are conducting the
6) Friendly with Respondents it should have to talk to them in the same
language in which the responding are answering and make happy made.
7) Least Discouragement if the people are not co-operate to give correct data.
the researcher should not be discourage and face the difficulties. It good be
called a good researcher.
8) Free from Prejudice A researcher would be good if has no prejudice or bias
study about a problematic situation but he is capable of providing clear
9) Capacity of Depth information:- A researcher should have the capacity to
collect more and more information in little time.
10) Accuracy: - A researcher would be said to be good if he is accurate in his
views his ideas must be accurate one.
11) A good researcher applies a systematic approach in
assessing situations.
Research requires systematic and objective thinking to arrive at
something. Logical reasoning, therefore, is applied by a good researcher.
He can analyze things, meaning, he can break down a complex situation
into manageable bits that he can focus his attention into
3. Discuss and write a short note on the following terms
A. Confidentiality
Is the safeguarding of information obtained in confidence during the course of
the research study. It may be oral (i.e., obtained during an interview) or written

(i.e., obtained during a review of an individual's or entity's records and other

documents). Case study research is often used when a researcher is looking for
in-depth, detailed empirical data about a particular phenomenon. Data may be
gathered using a case study to develop a theory, test an existing theory, or
obtain a more in-depth understanding of themes emerging from quantitative
studies using surveys. Data concerned with matters of public interest may also
be gathered.
Maintaining confidentiality of information collected from research


that only the investigator(s) or individuals

collecting/analyzing data can identify the responses of individual

subjects; however, the researchers must make every effort to prevent
anyone outside of the project from connecting individual subjects with
their responses.
Protect confidential communications, such as papers or grants submitted for publication,
personnel records, trade or military secrets, and patient records.
B. Codes of ethics
Honesty An academic community should advance the quest for truth, knowledge,
scholarship and understanding by requiring intellectual and personal honesty in learning,
teaching and research.
Trust An academic community should foster a climate of mutual trust to encourage the free
exchange of ideas and enable all to reach their highest potential.
Fairness An academic community should seek to ensure fairness in institutional standards,
practices and procedures as well as fairness in interactions between members of the
Respect An academic community should promote respect among students, staff and faculty:
respect for self, for others, for scholarship and research, for the educational process and
intellectual heritage.
Responsibility An academic community should uphold high standards of conduct in
learning, teaching and research by requiring shared responsibility for promoting academic
integrity among all members of the community.
Legality An academic community should observe valid legal norms related to the conduct
and publication of research particularly in relations to copyright, the intellectual property
rights of third parties, the
C. Objectivity

Strive to avoid bias in experimental design, data analysis, data interpretation, peer review,
personnel decisions, grant writing, expert testimony, and other aspects of research where
objectivity is expected or required. Avoid or minimize bias or self-deception. Disclose personal
or financial interests that may affect research.
D. Honesty
Strive for honesty in all scientific communications. Honestly report data, results, methods and
procedures, and publication status. Do not fabricate, falsify, or misrepresent data. Do not deceive
colleagues, granting agencies, or the public.
E. Anonymity
is the protection of a research participant's or site's identity
Providing anonymity of information collected from students or research
participants means that either the project does not collect identifying
information of individual subjects (e.g., name, address, email address, etc.),
or the project cannot link individual responses with participants identities.
F. Alert mind

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