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Township of Chatsworth Committee of Adjustment ‘Minutes Wednesday July 20, 2016 6:30 P.M. Members Present: Chair ‘Mayor Bob Pringle Member Brian Gamble Member Shawn Greig Member Scott Mackey Member Elizabeth Thompson Staff Present: ‘Township Planner Ron Davidson Staff Carolyn Viietander-Marx 1. Calllto Order Chair Pringle called the meeting to order at 6:20 p.m, isclosure of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof. None 3. Committee of Adjustment Moved by Scott Mackey ‘Seconded Elizabeth Thompson Be it resolved that the minutes ofthe July 6, 2016 Committee of Adjustment Mesting be approved. Carried 4, Public Meeting Applications for Consent B5/2016 and B6/2016 - Thompson Public in Attendance Ryan Johnson ‘Anne Kurita Sarah Kurita Sharon and Larry Neely Craig Curran David Gils Steve Thompson Page 1 of 2 ‘Township Planner, Ron Davidson gave an overview of the epplications and explained that the purpose of the two severance applications was to create a new non-farm residential lot and to ‘enlarge an existing, adjacent lot by way of a lot addition. It was explained that the Grey ‘Sauble Conservation Authority was hoping that the new, non-farm residential lot be shifted {urther away from the woodland feature on the property. Mr. Davidson advised that the lot could be located 50 metres from the edge of the woodland, Dut no further, do to site line issues along the Township Road. He advised that the Road Superintendent supported the Planner’s recommendation. Mr. Thompson, the owner's husband, advised that he was satisfied with the Planners recommendation. ‘At that time it was: Moved by Shawn Greig ‘Seconded by Scott Mackey Bo it resolved that Consent Application 85/2016-Thompson be granted subject fo the conditions on the decision sheet. Carried twas: Moved by Elizabeth Thompson ‘Seconded by Scott Mackey {Be it resolved that Consent Application 86/2016-Thompson be granted subject fo the ‘conditions on the decision sheet on the understanding that the lot is located 60m from the edge of the significant woodland. Carried 5. Closure of Committee of Adjustment Meeting Iwas: Moved by Elizabeth Thompson ‘Seconded by Scott Mackey That the Council of the Township of Chatsworth do now leave Committee of ‘Adjustment. Carried Bob Pringle, Chair Ron Davidson, Assistant Secretary-Treasurer Page 2 of 2

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