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TGC Fellow Unit Template *

Prepared by:
Chris Heffernan
School/Location: Jefferson Junior H
Naperville, IL
Subject: Social Science
Unit Title:
Latin Am
Time Needed: 6 weeks
Unit Summary:
The 7th grade Latin America unit has three primary targets.
How physical features and climate have impacted Latin Americas development thr
Examine the struggles facing Latin American nations today
Identify the environmental consequences that have impacted Latin America.

Stage 1 Desired Results

Common Core State Standards
Cite specific textual evidence to
support analysis of primary and
secondary sources.
Determine the central ideas or
information of a primary or
secondary source; provide an
accurate summary of the source
distinct from prior knowledge or
Determine the meaning of words
and phrases as they are used in a
text, including vocabulary specific
to domains related to
history/social studies.
Describe how a text presents
information (e.g., sequentially,
comparatively, causally).
Integrate visual information (e.g.,
in charts, graphs, photographs,
videos, or maps) with other
information in print and digital

Students will be able to independently use their learning to
Use available tools and resources to gather and synth
Develop a student mindset to see multiple perspectiv
Develop a student mindset to see that there are mult
given problem.

Students will understand that
Physical systems impact human
How do the
of Latin Am
Migration of people in Latin
citizens of t
How do Lat
America can lead to
overpopulated cities and
deal with th
undocumented immigrants in a
How has La
number of Latin American
impacted b
Governments (both democratic
How are ch
and authoritarian) have been
America im
ineffective in dealing with social
issues in many Latin American
NAFTA, CAFTA, and other FTAs
have both positive and negative
impacts on Latin American
Deforestation of the Amazon has
short term and long term

Introduce claim(s) about a topic or
issue, acknowledge and
distinguish the claim(s) from
alternate or opposing claims, and
organize the reasons and evidence
Support claim(s) with logical
reasoning and relevant, accurate
data and evidence that
demonstrate an understanding of
the topic or text, using credible
Use words, phrases, and clauses
to create cohesion and clarify the
relationships among claim(s),
counterclaims, reasons, and
Establish and maintain a formal
Provide a concluding statement or
section that follows from and
supports the argument presented.
Illinois State Goals
17.A.3a- Explain how people use
geographic markers and
boundaries to analyze and
navigate the Earth (e.g.,
hemispheres, meridians,
continents, bodies of water).
17.A.3b- Explain how to make
and use geographic
representations to provide and
enhance spatial information

consequences for the land

owners and the world.

Students will know (Content)
Students will be a
Definitions and examples of Free
Write an ar
Trade Agreements, deforestation,
the impact
migrants, and corruption
Latin Amer
How to read a variety of maps for
Cite eviden
claim state
How to read primary sources
Analyze pro
using annotation skills
complex iss
How to analyze and synthesize
multiple perspectives on an issue
trade agree
Compare h
(ie. an environmentalist, an
impoverished Amazonian farmer,
and Africa (
a lumber executive, a naturalist).
deal with s
Compare h
nations and
deal with s

including maps, graphs, charts,

models, aerial photographs,
satellite images.
17.B.3a- Explain how physical
processes including climate, plate
tectonics, erosion, soil formation,
water cycle, and circulation
patterns in the ocean shape
patterns in the environment and
influence availability and quality of
natural resources.
17.C.3b- Explain how patterns of
resources are used throughout the
17.D.3b Explain how
interactions of geographic factors
have shaped present conditions.
17.C.3c- Analyze how human
processes influence settlement
patterns including migration and
population growth.
17.D.3a Explain how and why
spatial patterns of settlement
change over time.
15.B.3b Explain the effects of
choice and competition on
individuals and the economy as a
15.D.3a- Explain the effects of
increasing and declining imports
and exports to an individual and to
the nations economy as a whole.

Recognize perspectives
Investigate the world
Communicate Ideas


The World and its People

Nystrom Desk Atlas
Geography Alive Mapping Lab
Articles from Junior Scholastic
accessible from EBSCO
Opposing Viewpoints Database
Taking a Position on Human
Activity in the Amazon Rainforest The New Law of the Jungle Immigrating to South AmericaThe
New American Dream
International Migration 2013
Migration Policy Institute

Stage 2 Evidence
Assessments FOR Learning: (ex:
kwl chart, exit ticket, observation,
draft, rehearsal)

Assessment OF Learning: (ex:

performance task, project, final

Evaluation Criteria (Learning Target or Student Will B

Use primary source texts from Latin America to determ
fact and opinion, and objective summary of texts.
Exit Slips
Socratic Seminars
Corner discussions
Skype with Latin American schools

Argument essay on deforestation submit papers to

groups, poverty groups, and other potential stakehold
Develop a social media profile of a migrant moving b
Latin America
Mapping Lab Activities

Stage 3 Learning Plan

Summary of Key Learning Events and Instruction ( Make this a useful outline or summary of your
lesson plans will be separate)

Day 1 Geography Alive Challenges 1 & 2
Day 2-3 Geography Alive Challenges 3 & 4
Day 4 Geography Alive Challenge 5
Day 5 Taking a position on Human Activity in the Amazon Rain Forest Pros & Cons of Co
geography analysis

Week Two:
Day 6 - Taking a position on Human Activity in the Amazon Rain Forest Potential Constru
To Build or Not to Build
Day 7-8 Research Amazon Deforestation from other perspectives using Opposing Viewpo


Day 9 2 Great pieces of evidence to support your claim
Day 10 Counterclaims & Rebuttals

Day 11 Construct your arguments essay using claim, evidence, counterclaim, & rebuttal
Day 12 Determine who needs to see your argument & email to other perspectives for fee
Day 13-14 Migration Corners Activity and Discussion
Day 15 Research Where do Latin Americans migrate to?

Week Four:
Day 16 Research Why do Latin Americans migrate to the locations they do?
Day 17-18 Problems caused by migrations of people Favelas, Confederation Cup Riots, T
Day 19-20 Research Free Trade Agreements impact on the people of Latin America using

Week Five:
Day 21 Primary Source Analysis Choose a viewpoint from Opposing Viewpoints & determ
Purpose, Fact & Opinion, & write Objective Summary
Day 22 Develop open-ended questions for Latin American migrant students & students in
many migrants
Day 23 Skype with students in Mexican school ideally one with a migrant population
Day 24 Skype with students in Brazilian school ideally one with a migrant population
Day 25 Create a Twitter Profile of a Latin American migrant tracing the journey through tw

*adapted from Understanding by Design Model

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