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Bright Simons
MPedigree Network - Ghana

Simons says the day is not far when every person on
the planet will be able to access a level of connectivity
commensurate with his bare communication needs

hat do you think will be and the game plan would then necessarily we are beginning to take for granted could
the big game changer in have to be based on an ecosystem in which conceivably render other critical bulk-de-
the next three years? mobile is an enabler of multiple connec- manding components of the laptop re-
It may sound like a smart- tions to different nodes of value, only dundant too. I know a very revered world
ass attitude to suggest that mobile value- some of which will be “device-defined.” leader who uses an analog dictaphone and
added services that take after our mPedi- Many such “nodes of value” shall be new wouldn’t touch a computer even if Gan-
gree model (www.mPedigree.Net) shall be pivots of innovation such as “clouds,” “an- dhi himself prescribed it. This great man
the rage in the coming era. But to be entire- alog points” (as in, for instance, a public could conceivably upgrade to a next-gen-
ly frank, we are confronted now with what booth that prints out useful material), me- eration version that linked to some web-
clued-in organizations such as the WEF dia platforms as well as social boxes such based word processor and ultimately other
Global Agenda Council on the Future of as mass campaigns, in fact a great many output devices when the situation requires
Mobile Communications call “Post-Ubiq- conceivable “things.” So the simple an- it. Notions of 3D spectacles and all sorts of
uity.” This simply means that we can al- swer is that the game changer shall be peripherals suggest an impending unbun-
ready see on the horizon a time when eve- post-ubiquity infrastructure that converts dling of the laptop. In that sense the laptop
ry person on the planet can access (and mobiles into enablers of whole new val- as a device in and of itself can be said to be
afford) a level of connectivity commensu- ue-ecosystems. trekking down the path to extinction. But
rate with their bare communication needs. we have to look at the ergonomics of our
In such an era the current value proposi- Why will the smartphone kill the laptop? built environment too, and the socio-eco-
tion to consumers will become severely If this was strictly about “tech futurism,” nomic imperatives they compel. Do you
outmoded, and diminishing returns shall then you probably want to say yes. Voice seriously want to visit your personal bank-
set in all fronts as underutilization (from a prompts and 3D-virtual keypads could er and see him in 3D goggles and combo
value perspective) feeds into underinvest- probably render the keyboard redundant. ear-mouthpieces?
ment and widens opportunity gaps. Mo- And network-side services incorporating Change takes time because we are as
bile-to-mobile will diminish in its allure, many of the “cloud-as-a-service” features emotive as we are utilitarian.

34 TRENDS | June 2010 World Economic Forum June 2010 World Economic Forum | TRENDS 35

Unfortunately, I don’t have very orig-

inal or specific insights into this particu-
lar niche in the space, but I know a chap
in India who is distributing social games
over mobile networks to ordinary phones
in order to transform health-related be-
havior for the better. Surely, this demon-
strates that there is no end to originality in
the entertainment segment of the mobile
innovation space.

Data rates are different in different

parts of the world. How do the oppor-
tunities for mobile companies in devel-
oping world differ from those in the de-
veloped world?
This is a very interesting question. There
is actually now a substantial body of em-
pirical research that has established signif-
icant segmentation in the market, partic-
ularly in the developing world. What has
become obvious is that the “low end” of

the data service spectrum (such as SMS) is

still the bomb as far as revenue drivers go.
And with average revenue per user con-
Entrepreneurial intermediaries can offer a platform tinuing its downward slide for the voice-
segment, mainly because of intense com-
one consider auxiliary services just as
much? For instance, the distribution of
(and I am speaking generally about the
mobile Internet rather than Android per
product of citizen journalism is definite-
ly quite different in feel and look than
for creative individuals to retail ringtones and the like petition, telecom utility managers need, of tickets for live events is still troubled se) that what were once thought of as traditional media. I do have some back-
course, to become more savvy, and ruth- by inadequate retail infrastructure. marginal markets, such as many places ground in the space, as an early support-
What is the single biggest innovation in tors and supply chain actors. In addition less, about the optimal path to revenue di- Mobile may be a way to go. It may in Africa, shall be brought even clos- er of OhMyNews (english.ohmynews.
the industry in the past 10 years? to safeguarding the business of medicine- versification. If the return on investment also, as has been seen in Ghana, albeit er to the trends that spawned com), so this is a somewhat painful
Once again I have to be cheeky and say makers from criminal counterfeiters, the case for high-end data services appear tentatively, offer a path for grassroots such game changers as Google. Giv- subject. I see two key tensions: inno-
the unbundling and reintegration of mo- service actually also saves lives – those of even a bit hazy, operators in the develop- innovation, in which entrepreneuri- en the uncracked nature of infrastruc- vating around the channel of distribu-
bile infrastructure via more complex net- patients and consumers, because surveys ing world tend to cut corners – a situation al intermediaries offer a platform for ture financing in the exciting frontier tion and around the product itself – i.e.
work linkages – such as mPedigree! And have shown incidents of counterfeit med- that accounts for the atrocious mobile In- creative individuals to retail ringtones markets, nothing is for certain though, content. OhMyNews cracked the latter
in case you’ve not read up on our mPed- icines in many parts of Africa that effec- ternet services being peddled by some of and the like (a kind of pared-down Ap- especially about the speed at which when they figured out that for every sto-
igree activities in Africa, here is what we tively give patients a one in three chance the operators across Africa, for instance. ple AppStore). The opportunities are change shall proceed. ry there is probably someone closest to
are enabling. Consumers buy medicine of taking something that can cause them clearly available, provided a holistic it and more qualified to present it (with
from a physical point of purchase (like a harm when they buy medicines to treat How can the entertainment industry enough mindset is held. After years, the most developed mar- a little help) than even the most gifted
pharmacy). They then remotely connect their ailments. I am sure you can imag- capitalize on the recent developments kets have yet to find a way to success- generic reporter. I am not sure wheth-
to a supply chain cloud a few thousand ine a million and one applications based in mobile phones? How will Google’s Android OS change fully monetize traditional media online. er they completely cracked the former.
kilometers away and interact with dedi- on iterations of the same concept. In my The lure is toward end-to-end deliv- the market with Internet capability on What hasn’t the industry considered? What we know though is that the model
cated customer service units of the medi- view, therefore, mobile cloud computing ery, but it is perhaps prudent to coun- all new devices? I hear that the brilliant and affable Pierre didn’t completely take over the world as
cine-maker to assure themselves that they takes the crown. sel a more ecosystemic view of the op- One is immediately tempted to pro- Omidyar has launched a new pay-and- some of us had hoped. People will quite
are buying the genuine article – as it was portunities. Infrastructure bottlenecks claim, in that event, the onset of the read citizen journalism business. Pierre surely pay for authoritative reporting,
when it left the factory – and that noth- Are developers for entertainment and shall persist to the extent that the tele- decline of telecom power, as the anar- founded eBay, remember? There sure- which in a certain sense is the reason
ing untoward has happened in the inter- functional software concentrating too com sector can only remain an enclave chic model of the Web is carried over ly must be something there as far as in- why many organizations such as Eura-
vening time. Intelligent automation, as much on one specific market right of innovation, cut off from the turmoil to the wireless networks, especially in novating the channel is concerned but, sia and Control Risks, who work close-
you might have guessed, drives the scal- now? Are we headed towards a duopo- elsewhere in emerging economies, up developing countries, and with that the perhaps, the improvement of the core ly with journalists, are in business, but
ing up. Other value enablers in this eco- ly? How will that affect the entertain- to a point. Thus, rather than mass dis- business angst christened by Chris An- product should come first, which is it is not clear what other factors are def-
system include medicine safety regula- ment industry?   tribution of app-based products, might derson as FREE. It does certainly mean what Pierre seems to be doing. The end inite anchors of monetization.

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