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Nils Hansen Alemania

Balancing Casacade
Mensaje de la Obra
Balancing Casacade - - The concept of the sculpture bases on the antagonism of
suggested movement and of the balance of form. The cascading flow of the
volumes are almost symmetrically arranged. Combined with a high base the TForm of the whole silhouette gives the impression of a full equilibrium .

2015 25th International Sculpture Festival Stone in The Galilee in Maalot-Tarshiha, Israel - 4th
International Sculpture Symposium in Kartal, Turkey - 6th Gypsum Sculpture Symposium in
Gypsum in Laragne Montglin, France - 2013 1st International Sculpture Symposium \"Spirit of
Diversity\" in Puntarenas, Costa Rica - 2011 5th International Sculpture Symposium in Roldan,
Argentina - 2010 5th International Wax Sculpture Symposium in Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand - 1st
International Sculpture Symposium \"Big Art\" in Kirkcudbright, Scotland - 2009 2nd International
Sculpture Symposium in \"Autumn Inspiration\" in Penza, Russia - 2008 3rd International Wax
Sculpture Symposium in Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand - 2007 2nd International Stone Sculpture
Symposium \"Clach\" at Kelburn Castle, Scotland
2015 Collective Exhibition Amateras Paper Art in Sofia, Bulgaria,Nominated for the Innovation
Award - - Top Row Artist at ZBrushCentral, 2015 - - Audiences 1st Prize V. Int.Stone Sculpture
Symposium Roldan, Argentina, 2011 - - \"Ecliptic\" Shortfilm 2011 - Los Angeles Reel Film Festival,
Honourable Mention - Official Selection RMFF Festival - Official Selection 6th Big Sur International
Short Film Screening Series - Official Selection Vegas Cine Fest - Official Selection Wimbledon
Shorts - - Top Row Artist at ZBrushCentral, 2011 - - Study Scholarship German Government, 20092013 - - \"Sesam\" Work Scholarship Italy, European Union, 2005 - 2006 - - \"Weiterbildung\"
Scholarship, Chamber of Craftsman Cologne, 2001-2003 - - Award: 3rd Best Young Apprentice
Sculptor in Germany, 2000

Nstor Vildoza Argentina

La loca del muelle
Mensaje del Proyecto
En general, los locos muestran aquello que la estabilidad racional no desea ver, puesto
que la locura manifiesta dimensiones irracionales a las que el orden social y la normalidad
no desean enfrentarse. - Los personajes desequilibrados han permitido representar,
desde siempre, aspectos crticos de la sociedad y han dado origen a creaciones artsticas
y literarias de trascendencia mundial. - Dice Andr Malraux: - El verdadero loco, porque no
finge, comparte un dominio con el artista: el de la ruptura, pero la ruptura del artista es un
sostn y un momento de su genio, la del loco es una prisin. El loco est prisionero del
drama al que debe su aparente libertad
2015- * 9 Simposio Internacional de Escultores en madera. Llanquihue, Chile. - 2014- * Simposio
de Escultura en madera. Fedema 2014. Formosa - * 4 Simposio Internacional de Escultura.
(Metal) Concordia, Entre Rios - * 1 Simposio Internacional de Escultura. Instituto Arxo. (Inox)
Picarras, Brasil - * Primer Encuentro Regional de Escultores del Noroeste. (Granito) La Rioja 2012- * Bienal Internacional de Escultura Chaco 2012 - 2011- * Convocatoria de Escultores. Parque
Las Heras, Catamarca. Representante Nuevo Cuyo - * Simposio Internacional de Escultura.
(Travertino) Santiago del Estero. - * Simposio de Escultura.(Madera) Concordia, Entre Rios - 2010* Bienal de Escultura de Chaco, Argentina. (Travertino)
2012: Premio Femechaco. Bienal Internacional de Escultura - 2008: 2 Premio. Simposio de
Escultura de Differdange, Luxemburgo - 2006: 3 Premio. Simposio Internacional de Escultura en
Piedra. Julienne, Francia - 2002: 2 Premio Adquisicin. 79 Saln Nacional de Artes Plsticas.
Santa Fe - 2000: 3 Premio. Simposio Internacional de Escultura Moderna. Lima, Per - 1999: 2
Premio. Concurso Nacional de Escultura en mrmol negro. Parque Avellaneda. - Buenos Aires 1999: Premio Escultores. Concurso Nacional de Escultura en mrmol negro. Parque Avellaneda. Buenos Aires - 1999: Premio de la Ciudad de La Rioja en Artes Plasticas. Famatina de plata - 1998:
Mencin del Saln Nacional de Escultura. Argentina - 1997: 2.Premio y Premio Escultores.
.Simposio Internacional de Escultura en Madera. - Alem, Misiones.

Pascale Archambault Canad

Ecuanimidad de Animo
Mensaje del Proyecto
Mi obra propone un pie que da un paso, en todas las direcciones posibles, hacia
el desarrollo colectivo y la participacin en bsqueda del equilibrio entre el ser
y el medio ambiente. - - En la punta del pie, en contrapartida, represento
nuestro planeta. La tierra formada por manos, que representan el ser humano.
Manos que, con el trabajo y el esfuerzo, buscan conjuntamente la igualdad y la
armona. - - La escultura entera representa un ideal de la unin que
deberamos recrear para obtener un equilibrio y una ecuanimidad entre todo
2014, BEAUCE ART INTERNACIONAL DE ESCULTURA, St-George, Qubec, Canada - 2009, 3er
INTERNACIONAL DE ESCULTURA, ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala - 2005, INTERNACIONAL
Catarina, Brasil - 2000, SIMPOSIO INTERNACIONAL DE PORNICHET, Bretaa, Francia - 1999,
DE ROSARIO, Rosario, Argentina
1er Festival internacional de escultura, Guatemala Inmortal, - - Premio del pblico - - Premio de los
nios - Primer concurso internacional de escultura en mrmol de Montevideo, Uruguay - Reconocimiento del jurado - - Premio del pblico - Segunda Trienal Americana de escultura,
Resistencia, Argentina, - - Premio del pblico Juan Alberto Garca - - Premio Nuevo Banco del

Qian Sihua China

Mensaje del Proyecto

It is Chinese way to express equilibrate.The outward square symbolizes

earth, the inner circle symbolizes heaven. earth revolves round the
heaven,developing balance forever.
2015 11 INT.Sculpture Symposium Davos (Swissland) - 2015 The XX International woodsculpting
Symposium (Kemijarvi Finland) - 2015 Sculpture by the sea Aarhus (Denmark) - 2014 6th Tehran
International sculpture symposium (Iran) - 2013 Sculpture by the sea Bondi Australia - 2012 China
National fine art Institute Exhibition Beijing - 2012 The 4 International Sculpture Symposium Autumn
- Inspiration. Penza Russia - 2012 Chinese pose---The 2nd China Sculpture Exhibition - Shanghai
Beijing Wenzhou - 2010 China Taizhou International Urban Sculpture Symposium - Taizhou - 2010
Korea-China Contemporary Sculpture Exhibition Korea - 2010 China Tangshang International
Urban Sculpture Symposium Tangshang - 2009 XinJIang International Cities Sculpture Symposium
Xinjiang - 2009 12 International Symposiumof Stone Sculpture in Friuli Venezia Giulia Italy
2014 jury special award 6th Tehran International sculpture symposium (Iran) - Listening to the Sea
Excellent works Ping Tan International sculpture symposium (China) - 2012 Our way awarded
Bronze medal of Hua Tianyou Sculpture Award China - 2008 Five Element Olympic Rings Award
for Olympic public art exhibition - China - 2002 Tian water City Award for public sculpture China 1999 Sunlight awarded Bronze medal The 9th Chinese National Fine Arts Exhibition Beijing China
- 1999 son of the earth Awarded 4th Ba Shu Arts Prize Sichuan - 1994 Road of Hope Awarded

Milton Estrella Ecuador

Equilibrio geomtrico
Mensaje del Proyecto
Equilibrio Geomtrico - - Producto de la fusin de la bsqueda constante del
equilibrio entre lo geomtrico y lo orgnico, que sin duda son experiencias
vividas da a da en el tiempo y el espacio cargado de emociones y
frustraciones, y que con el espritu se logra que hable la materia. - Parte
importante de la vida que sin l no podramos ser coherentes en el espacio,
como el jin el jan, como la luz y la oscuridad, como el agua y la tierra, como el
blanco y el negro, como la vida y la muerte, sin duda lograr un mensaje visual
a travs del volumen y la riqueza de la textura, el pulido y las lneas muy
marcadas que logro fusionar en una obra hacen de ella ms rica plsticamente,
y su equilibrio en forma y volumen hacen del espacio un mundo nuevo y de
goce esttico, el jugar con elementos que la naturaleza me provee que solo a
mi emocionan me llevan a descubrir nuevos retos dentro de este mundo tan
rico en formas, ms la riqueza geomtrica con la que convivimos y la orgnica
que cada da la remplazamos, hacen de la materia un vnculo directo con mi
esencia al ser parte imprtate del trabajo. - Milton estrella
- Museum of Koyang, Korea. 2002 - 2003. - - Biennial in Painting Vasby Konsthall Suecia 2003. - Participation in the Sculpture Comite Olimpico mundial en, Zuisa . Olimpiadas Bejin, - China. 2008
- - Participation in the International Carnival of Sculpture in Qubec, Canad 2009, 2012 - Concurso Internacional de Escultura Monumentalen Nieve Comprimida Breckenridge, Colorado USA (Estados Unidos) 2013. - - Simposio Internacional de Escultura en Marmol Casa de la Cultura
Ecuatoriana. 2013. - - Exposicion en el Carrousel del MUSEO DE LOUVRE Paris Francia 2013 - Simposio Internacional de Escultura en Marmol Pealolen Santiago de Chile 2014 - - Simposio
Internacional de Escultura en Granito Corea del Sur Museo Art Mosan 2014. - - Simposio
Internacional de Escultura en Marmol Machachi Ecuador 2010, 2011, 2015. - - Bienal de Escultura
San Antonio de Ibarra, Ecuador 2007, 2009, 2011, 2015
First Honor Mention in the First Sculpture Bienal (Second Place), Ambato 1994. - - First Award in
the Sculpture Contest \"Mariano Aguilera\", Quito 1995. - - First Honor Mention in the XXXVII Paint
Contest, \"Saln Nacional de Octubre\" (Second Place), Guayaquil 1995. - - First Award \"Concurso
de Retrato Museo de la Fundacion Ecuatoriana de Desarrollo\", Quito-Ecuador, 2000 - - Second
Honors, Hall Third National Sculpture Museo de Arte Moderno, Cuenca, 2006. - - First Award in the
Sculpture Comite Olimpico Ecuatoriano, Guayaquil 2008. Olimpiadas Bejin, China. - - Fifth in the
Sculpture contest worldwide, Comite Olimpico Internacional, Suiza 2008. - Olimpiadas Bejin,
China. - - First Honor Mention in the Paint Contest, Saln de Julio, Guayaquil- Ecuador 2008. - First Award in the symposium the sculpture international en Machachi Ecuador 2010. - - First Award

in the International Carnival of Sculpture in Qubec, Canad 2012. - - First Award in the Estatuilla
Colibr Premio Cineastas, Actores y Actrices, Quito-Ecuador, 2015.

Tania Preminger Israel

\"Balanced Forces\"
Mensaje del Proyecto

This sculpture expresses the state of matter in which opposing forces

(the external pressure and the resistance of the material) are
2013 First Prize. 2nd International Sculpture Symposium of Mercosul in Bento Gonalves, Brasil. 2013 Setouchi Triennale . Sakaide. Japan - 2012 International Stone Sculpture Symposium.
Steinwenden.Germany - 2011 Special Selection Award. International Competition for Sea Art
Festival Busan.Korea - 2010 One of the finalists of the International sculpture competition of the
Tsinghua University.China - 2010 Winner of Competition \" Nashe Otechestvo\", Moskow, Russia. 2007 Second Prize. International Sculpture Competition, \"La Piera Musa Agreste\", Italy. - 2003
Selected as Excellent Works Plan. International City Sculpture Exhibition. Fuzhou, China - 2001
Sculptors Award. International Stone Sculpture Competition. San-Chung, S. Korea - 1998 \"Con
Salud\"Prize.International Biennale Sculpture Competition. Resistencia, Argentina.
2014 Third prize. Sculpture Snow Competition \"SculpOLIMP\" ,Moscow, Rissia - 2013 First Prize.
2nd International Sculpture competition of Mercosul in Bento Gonalves, Brasil. - 2011 Third prize.
Chinese First International Public Sculpture Contest. - 2011 First Prize. Stone Sculpture
Competition\"Forma viva\" Slovenia - 2010 Winner of Competition \" Nashe Otechestvo\", Moskow,
Russia. - 2007 Second Prize. International Sculpture Competition, \"La Piera Musa Agreste\", Italy. 2003 First place. Competition for Sculpture work \" Mifal Hapais\", Israel. - 1999 First Prize.
International Stone Sculpture Competition. \"Nantopietra\" Nanto, Italy. - 1997 First Prize.
International Stone Sculpture Competition. Fanano, Italy. - 1995 Outstanding Prize. International
Stone Sculpture Competition. Hualien, Taiwan

Hiroyuki Asakawa Japn

Corocoro 2016 CHACO - Fall in love
Mensaje del Proyecto

Material :Marble, Glass balls (diameter 17mm) 50 pieces - Size : W1500 X

D500 X H500 piece of travertine marble - Statement - My work\'s title
is \"fall in love\". - My proposal work is the story of life. - Glass balls, the
start where? - Glass balls, through where? - Glass balls, the goal where? Roll the glass balls, it is a story of life. - Do not climb on the stones. - Do
not throw the glass balls. - You can feel happy life. - Corocoro...
2015 International Bykekmece Sculpture Symposium / Istanbul city, TURKEY - 2014
International Sculpture Exchange Exhibition of Japan, South Korea and China / Qingdao city,
CHINA - 2014 The 7th International Sculpture Symposium PENZA 2014 / Penza city, ROSSIA 2012 2012 BenQ International Sculpture Workshop / Hsinchu city, TAIWAN - 2012 The 4th
Sculpture Symposium of Tehran / Tehran city, IRAN - 2011 Alanya Internatinal Stone Sculpture
Symposium / Alanya city, TURKEY - 2011 Hualien International Stone Sculpture Symposium /
Hualien city, TAIWAN - 2010 4th International Sculpture Symposium / Alsace, FRANCE - 2003
Istanbul united sculpture workshop Istanbul city, TURKEY - 2003 International Istanbul Marble
Sculpture Symposium / Istanbul city, TURKEY
2012 Awarded Encouragement /The 2012 Stone Sculpture Triennale of Takamatsu / Takamastsu
city, JAPAN - 1999 Awarded First prize /ISEYOSI Annual \'99-1:Stone, Gallery Iseyoshi, Tokyo
JAPAN - 1997 Awarded The Prize of University\'s purchasing. - 1995 Awarded \"Salon de Printemps

Behnam Akharbin Moghanlou


Wind and Equilibrium

Mensaje del Proyecto

The idea of the design has been originated from the desert architectural
windbreak which traces back to thousands years ago and has been
integrated with the other architectural design. - The windbreaker worked as
a cooling system in Irans desert architecture and it is still used. Curriculum
the 2nd national stone sculpture symposium of Tabriz- Iran 2015 - the 6th international stone
sculpture symposium of Tehran- Iran 2014 - the 5th international wood sculpture symposium of
Tehran- Iran 2013 - Making big stone sculpture for isargharan square in mahalat city Iran 2012 Group Sculpture exhibition, Iranian artists forum, Tehran 2014 - Group Sculpture exhibition, Iranian
artists forum, Tehran 2013 - Group Sculpture exhibition fadak gallery Ardabil city, IRAN 2014 - the
3rd international festival of Irans resistance Art 2013 - the 3rd sculpture biennial tor urban space
Tehran Iran 2012 - the 2nd national stone sculpture symposium of Ardabil city- Iran 2012 - the 1st
national stone sculpture symposium of Mahalat city- Iran 2012
the 2nd national stone sculpture symposium of Tabriz- Iran 2015 - the 6th international stone
sculpture symposium of Tehran- Iran 2014 - the 5th international wood sculpture symposium of
Tehran- Iran 2013 - Making big stone sculpture for isargharan square in mahalat city Iran 2012 Group Sculpture exhibition, Iranian artists forum, Tehran 2014 - Group Sculpture exhibition, Iranian
artists forum, Tehran 2013 - Group Sculpture exhibition fadak gallery Ardabil city, IRAN 2014 - the
3rd international festival of Irans resistance Art 2013 - the 3rd sculpture biennial tor urban space
Tehran Iran 2012 - the 2nd national stone sculpture symposium of Ardabil city- Iran 2012 - the 1st
national stone sculpture symposium of Mahalat city- Iran 2012 - The winner of the gologohar
companys sculpture competition 2012 - the 3rd international stone sculpture symposium of TehranIran 2011 (Professional assistant) - the 2nd international festival of Irans resistance Art 2011

Mincu Nicolar Razvan - Rumania - Mincu Nicolar

Mensaje del Proyecto

Light, as a visible form of energy, is radiated by the motion of electrically

charged particles, transforming the entire nature and regenerating the life of
beings. - Light, as a form of spiritual energy, represents the union of people,
but also the common achievement of future reported to a present
consubstantially related to the past. Light is the symbol of building up the
human soul, and conscience is an instrument for modeling the world. Thus,
the project attempts to underline the birth of conscience, of the human
being in its essence, reported to the collective and particular memory. - The
work is also interrogative, as it depends only on man whether we could
break the darkness with a light ray. - This way, the nature of our vibrating
universe and the power of light to be radiating energy and vibrating wave at
the same time are expressed. By expressing the scientific truth in
metaphors, we can say that the light is singing. Light represents the balance
of the universe and human being and, in its essence, is a metaphor
dedicated to memory and human inter-connection, the symbol of hope. Curriculum
2015 The International Sculpture Exhibition Fuzhou, China - 2014 The International Sculpture
Exhibition Pingtan, China - 2013 The International Sculpture Symposium Brancusi Targu Jiu,
Romania - 2013 The 4nd International Sculpture Symposium Grasse, France - 2012 - The
International Sculpture Workshop, BenQ, Taiwan - 2012 - The 2nd Liu Kaiqu International
Monumental Sculpture, Wuhu City, China - 2011 - The International Urban Sculpture Tsinghua
University, Beijing, China - 2010 - The International Urban Sculpture Symposium Tangshan, China 2012 Exhibition of Monumental Sculpture at National Art Museum Taicheong, Taiwan - 2011
Tangible Rhythms-NCPA Sculptures International Exhibition Art Museum of National Centre for the
Performing Arts/ National Theatre Beijing, China
2015 The Excellent prize The first International Symposium Fuzhou, China - 2014 The
Excellent prize The first International Symposium Pingtan, China - 2014 The Nomination prize
The International Sculpture Competition Qingdao, China - 2013 - The Second Prize - The 4nd
International Sculpture Symposium Grass, FRANCE - 2012 - Excellent Prize - The 2nd Wuhu Liu
Kaiqu International Monumental Sculpture Award, Wuhu City, CHINA - 2011 - Third Prize - The First
China International Public Sculpture Design Contest Exhibition NGCPS: International Week of
Science and Peace, Beijing, China - 2007 - The Carrara Prize - The 2nd International Sculpture
Symposium Grass, FRANCE - 2002 -The Excellent Prize-International City Sculpture Exhibition,

Beijing, CHINA - 2001 Second Prize International Sculpture Symposium La Chtre, FRANCE 1999 - Second Prize-The 2nd International Sculpture Symposium, Ichon, KOREA.

Viktar Kopach Bielorusia

Between heaven and earth
Mensaje del Proyecto

Water is a life symbol. - I tell about different physical forms of water and
emotional value in my work. - The Groundwater, Lakes, Rivers, Glaciers,
Oceans, clouds, rain are eternal circulation. Water can change states among
liquid, vapor, and ice at various places in the water cycle. - I model a
recognized sign. I want to create a symbol of this eternal phenomenon. But it not so unequivocal. I speak about dualism of treatment. - I also want
to tell about human life in which all of our acts back to us back. It is the
same circulation. Who sows the wind reaps the storm. - Thoughts and acts
should be exclusively positive. - The our relation to the nature should be
positive and the nature will pay back us the same. - It is necessary to pause
for a moment to meditate in front of a sculpture - for example and to think
about the essence of our being--nature and life - constantly being threatened
by a wasteful utilization of its-finite-wealth. Curriculum
2013 - 4th International Sculpture Festival Qindao, China - 2015 - International Sculpture
Symposium Tehran, Iran. - 2015 - International Sculpture Symposium India - 2015 International Sculpture Symposium China - 2015 - International Sculpture Symposium Kish
Island, Iran. - 2014-2015 - International Sculpture Symposium India - 2014 - International
Sculpture Symposium Spain-Portugal - 2014 - 7th International Conference on Contemporary
Cast Iron Art, Pedvale, Latvia - - 2014 24th International Sculpture Symposium \"Stone in the Galilee\", Israel - 2013 - International
Stone Sculpture Symposium, Istanbul Turkey
2015 - Third Prize, 1st International Sculpture Symposium, Kish Island, Iran - 2013 - Third Prize,
2014 Qingdao International Horticultural Expo International Sculpture - Competition China.
- - - 2011 - He was

awarded the Medal of the Ministry of Culture - \"For his contributions to the cultural development of
Belarus\" - 2011 - Second Prize, The 1st International Public Art Festival of Mudanjiang Jingpo
Lake, China. - 2006 - China Olympic Park, the award (diploma) Beijing, China. - 2005 - First
premium in a nomination a sculpture on 1-st Minsk the International - competition of young
architects \"leonardo 2005\", Minsk, Belarus. - 2004 - Second Prize, Granite Sculpture Symposium,
Mogilev, Belarus. - - Selected as an official representative of Belarus\' for the building of the
Monument - to Mankind. (2002 - \"Monument To Mankind\" ) - 2000 - the
Republican Competitive Exhibition of the Young Artists The New Names - the 2nd - award of the
Byelorussian Presidential Fund of the Support of Culture and Arts (Sculpture) - 1999 - Mass Media
Prize at Snow Fantasy, 1st International Ice and Snow Sculpture - Festival, Murmansk, Russia. 1998 - Parallel Jury\'s Prize in Professionalism nomination at Time. Space. - Personality, National
Young Artists Exhibition-Contest. Minsk, Belarus. - 1998 - Honourable mention at Time. Space.
Personality, National Young Artists - Exhibition-Contest. Minsk, Belarus. - 1996 - Grant of Belarusan
Branch of Soros Fund, Talk With Stones, Plein air. Belarus

Wu Ming Sheng Taiwan

Fanatical Soul
Mensaje del Proyecto

Size: 50cm50cm120cm(H) - - Description: - Through this work, I try to

display some kind of the wonderful mood how beautiful morning! It
like that when we are waking up in the comfortable morning
and walking to the window,then smelling the fresh aroma,
we will know that today will be a nice day. I want to use the sculpture to
convey this joy, and hope through the modern artistic language can show
this romance elegant. Curriculum

2016-Te Kupenga International Stone Sculpture Symposium, - New Zealand. - 2015-7th

Tehran annual international sculpture symposium,Iran. - 2015-Art stationed in Mumbai, India.
- 2014-1st. Gongju international sculpture symposium,Korea. - 2013-10. INTERNATIONAL
(Jingyue Area)International Sculpture Symposium. - 2012- NDHU Public Art International
Sculpture Workshop,Taiwan. - 2012 -International Luleburgaz Stone Sculpture
Symposium,Turkey . - 2011- International Kartal Stone Sculpture Symposium,Turkey .
Awards - 1993 first prize,24th National Skills Competition ,Stone Carving,Taiwan. - 2008 first
prize, Hsinchu County Museum of Public Art,Taiwan. - 2012 National Dong Hwa University
Sculpture Park,Public Art,Taiwan. - 2015 1st prize,7th Tehran International Sculpture

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