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Diversity in Design : the diversity Piplein

May 2009
James Murdock

Charles high school of architecture and design Philadelphia, teaching kids

Helping diversify architecture, stagnant old privligge paradign
Server African and lationa communitys
Praise the schools to imprgove choricn lack of diversity
1.7% are liscenes African americans since Whitney young called attention to
the problem in AIA 1968 national convention
Using Education ot lift kids out of economic academic poverty
Use of the architecture handbook
BUILD SF in san farnciso incorporates history, math and science into studio
culture to help high school students prepare
47000 high school students who participated in ACE mentorpship in 1994, 82
percent are black or Hispanic , 1/3 have design related jobs
The second problem is low percentage of architecture parents whos kids
choose architecture
Denis Man, Proffessor of architecture at university of cincinatiy ,director of
African amereican architects overall liscens are not increasing
Steven Lewis AIA presient of National Organization of Minority Architects
Kis get hit hard by the ver cold and competavie studio culture, and add a
race issue on top of that it compolciates matters.
Race still matters something the faculites at architrectur schoosl around the
country are struggling with
o you dont have to be latinoa or African American to be sensitive to
issues of diversity and race, but if I wehre goint ot be meanifnful
instuttions students of all stripes who come here should be able to find
themselves within the faculty Mark Robbins dean of Syracuse
university school of architecture
Firms have to provide access to clients
We risk irrelevance as proffessions

Making Progress with Diversity in Architecture

July 02, 2012
Ernest beck

2011 one person black ,

General abscens of woman and minorities in the field of design

Design intelligence
Architects Embracing Diversity
December 5, 2008

2000 192, 860 20.3% femal, 2.7% black, 5.6 percent Hispanic
gateway commitment, a vision statement to improve represnation of
mangemtne divesrsity in architecture ducation practice
By 2042 50% will be minorities

The guardian
Paul arendt
July 21 2005

Study by Commissio of architecture and built enviromnet found that

35% of ethn minorities studying architeue went into contructions
Industry tens to recruit in its own image
Making sure reqruitment is fair


Minoritie architecs are rare at blue chip architectural firmlms ,

and selsodm seen in senior managagment positions at these
Image that architecture is preserved for white males
30 percent lost jobs to great depression
Diverse growth for architects is important for economic
23. 8 percent increast from architecture programs

Works Cited

Arendt, Paul. "Architecture "a Barrier to Minorties"" Race Issues. The GUardian,

21 July 2005. Web. 13 Nov. 2015.

Murdock, James. "Diversity in Design: The Diversity Pipeline." Architectural
Record. Architectural Record, 09 May 2009. Web. 15 Nov. 2015.

Ogentoyinbo, Lekan. "In Architecture, African-Americans Stuck on Ground Floor

in Terms of Numbers." Diverse. Diverse, 05 Aug. 2013. Web. 15 Nov. 2015.

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