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How To Format Font And Size In Clause Title And Clause Text?

(Doc ID 1267320.1)



In this Document
Community Discussions

Applies to:
Oracle Procurement Contracts - Version 12.1.2 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.
***Checked for relevance on 14-Nov-2013***

A. How can you change the font and font size of clause text from Times New Roman to Cambria 11 or any other
B. What fonts can be used in BI Publisher in order to use them in Procurement Contracts?
C. How can you change the font size of the clause title?

You cannot change the font or size when editing the clause text in the rich text editor.
Use the following steps to do these changes. Please note that changes made to OKCTERMS_en.xsl are
considered customizations.
A. How to change the font and font size of clause text from Times New Roman to any other font?

1. XML Publisher Administrator (R)>Templates

2. Search for Template Name = Oracle Contract Terms Template (to test create a duplicate)
3. Do a preview.
4. Take a copy of OKCTERMS_en.xsl for reference
5. In XML Publisher change the following in your copy of OKCTERMS_en.xsl.
In OKCTERMS_en.xsl,
<xsl:variable name="defaultFont">
<xsl:variable name="defaultFontSize">
should be changed as:
<xsl:variable name="defaultFont">
<xsl:variable name="defaultFontSize">
This will change the font and size for the clause body alone.
6. Select to update, to upload the changed OKCTERMS_en.xsl
7. Do another preview and check that the font and size have changed.
B. What fonts can be used in BI Publisher in order to use them in Procurement Contracts?
When the font is changed to 'Cambria' in OKCTERMS_en.xsl like described in the former steps, the .pdf output
is not with font Cambria.
But it works well when font is changed to 'Courier New'.
This link can help to identify what fonts are available in BI:
To do mapping of new fonts to existing fonts:
Please follow this Note 373377.1 to install fonts to BI:
How To Install a Font Using XML Publisher Administrator (Doc ID 373377.1).
If it does not work well for a specific font, check the setup of the font mapping you have done according to this
C. How to change the font size of the clause title?
1. XML Publisher Administrator>Templates

2. Search for Template Name = Oracle Contract Terms Template (to test create a duplicate)
3. Do a preview.
4. Take a copy of OKCTERMS_en.xsl for reference
5. In XML Publisher change the following in your copy of OKCTERMS_en.xsl.
In OKCTERMS_en.xsl,
<xsl:variable name="HeaderFontSize" select="'10pt'"/>
should be changed.
6. Select to update to upload the changed OKCTERMS_en.xsl
7. Do another preview and check that the font size is changed.

You should be aware this is a customization and therefore troubleshooting for this note is not a supported
process, but just a hint of how you should modify the contract template to fit your needs.

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NOTE:373377.1 - How To Install (Register) a New Font Using XML Publisher

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