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Evaluating Gauteng online using Robert Kozma and

Khanya project:
Gauteng online leads a the way for ICT in schools

Robert Kozma focused his research on developing countries (Uganda)

and well developed countries (Finland) and has consulted different
people like Educators, students, village leaders, and policy makers.
Communities and schools can develop websites that share their
information with and culture with other countries. Educator and
students can collect and analyse data and solve problems in maths and

Gauteng online had the same focus with Kozma and Khanya projects by
ensuring that the solution allows communication with peers and
educators within and beyond the boarders of south African system.
They also ensured that the methods and tools system that facilitate
learning and learners who experience barriers in learning are designed
and developed. Compared to khanya projects and kozma who focused in
their countries not only on a province, Gauteng online focused on
Gauteng province as a part of South Africa. Many stakeholders in
education were not consulted eg teacher unions ,community
,community leaders when implementing the program at schools on how
effective it will be in the education of our learners and the community
especially in LSEN schools. The equipments used were supposed to be
adjustable to meet the needs of disabled learners (mouse control).the
community does not take ownership of the school computers as the
principals have fear that when exposing the computers to the
community can lead to thief and vandalism of the school property in
need of computers .(school safety).

Main focus of Gauteng online, kozma and khanya

 Kozma.T he coordination of education ICT and reform policies with
other economic and social policies such as telecommunication,
science and technology.

 Gauteng online: provide all learners access to quality education.

 Kozma.Reform of educational assessment such that it measures

student’s ability to use ICT to solve complex problems in the
contexts of real world situations and school subjects.
 Gauteng online: through e –learning, make notable advantages in
supplying skilled learner for the further study and employment
which improve South African culture, citizenry, democracy and
the growth of the economy.

 Kozma.Evaluating the ICT programs that measure the contribution

of technology on student learning.

 Gauteng online: learners with barriers are supported with tools,

methods and tools but not on practical sense as they can not
handle the mouse or keyboards.

 Kozma.The use of ICT and community technology centres to

support development in disadvantaged communities.

 Gauteng online: Educator development was not effective as

educators were trained for a week on E- learning, for a week
period ,fewer bursaries were awarded educators to

 Kozma.The design to teacher professional development programs

that integrate ICT into the curriculum.

Evaluation of Gauteng online:

The laboratory are well designed with air conditioners to cool the lab
.the computers programmes care well installed with the help of
companies like Gauteng shared services
centre(GSSC)HP,Mecer,pinnacle and business connexion.

Internet connectivity in the early phases was provided but always off
line.laboratories have 25 WYSE thin client terminals with LCD monitors
and biometric readers, keyboards mice. There are also headsets
supplied-two for each computer per learner situated and one for
educator. They are also equipped with a plasma television or data
projector and a screen. Learners can also enjoy Microsoft s productivity
packages and also software for foundation phase like HIV, Encarta,
Google earth and Abode. Soft ware which include anti –virus. There is
also full time security at schools do to the project Gauteng online. A
farm school which are also overcrowded and does not have spare
classrooms available have 7mx7m steel prefabricated structures
equipped as a lab. Special needs school especially for mental and
physical retardation contains additional softwares that suitable to their
specific needs. But does not have suitable hardware components
physical retarded learner.
Educators can
• Make research.

• Design policies.

• Design assessment form.

• Pictures of the learner can be taken and be analysed.

• Make budgets.

• Design a presentation.

• Use E-mails.

• Access internet.

Gauteng online really was great success in the education system and I
which it can be south Africa and a relieve program to facilitate learning
and teaching but it can not substitute educators

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