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The Altar flowers today are given to the glory of God.

Write your prayer requests here

This Week at Aldersgate

Today, September 25

If you would like your prayer request to

be included on the Caring For One
Another daily e-mail prayer chain,
please check here.

8:30 am
9:00 am
9:45 am
10:00 am
10:00 am
10:00 am
10:00 am
11:00 am
12:00 pm
3:15 pm
4:45 pm
6:00 pm

If you have a prayer concern,

there are several avenues for
sharing with the Aldersgate
You may submit your requests to
the Caring For One Another email prayer chain. Contact Jeanne
Hamlin (

The detachable portion of this

bulletin includes a space for
written prayer concerns that you
may place in the offering plate.
Also, please check out the Prayer
Wall at

Coffee and Refreshments (RR)

Worship (Sanctuary)
Friendship Class (208)
Coffee and Refreshments (RR)
Agape Class (108); Seekers (111)
Youth Sunday School (YR); Childrens Sunday School (106)
Sermon Scripture Discussion Group; Sisters in Scripture (RR)
Worship (Sanctuary)
Coffee and Refreshments (RR)
Youth Praise Band (S)
Youth Study Camp (YR)
Youth Group (K,HR,YR)

Monday, September 26

Here WEE Grow Again tear down (lower level)

6:30 pm
Finance budget session (208)
7:00 pm
Boy Scouts Troop 119 (FH,K,106,107)
7:00 pm
Families Anonymous (108)

Tuesday, September 27

Rev. Robertson at Virginia Clergy Leadership Program in Richmond

9:30 am
10:00 am
Quilters Guild (RR)
1:30 pm
Alzheimers sppt grp (208)
5:30 pm
Exercise group (RR)

Wednesday, September 28

Rev. Robertson at Virginia Clergy Leadership Program in Richmond

1:00 pm
Staff Meeting
5:15 pm
Cov. Discipleship (Parlor)
5:30 pm
Small Group Prayer meeting (108)
6:30 pm
Moonlighters Quilters (FH)
7:00 pm
Womens Bible Study (YR)
7:30 pm
Chancel Choir Practice (S)

Membership AND Discipleship

Thursday, September 29

Rev. Robertson at Virginia Clergy Leadership Program in Richmond

11:00 am
Busy Hands Fellowship (HR)
2:00 pm
Treasurer (208)
6:30 pm
Sweet Adelines (FH)
7:00 pm
Praise Band Rehearsal (CR)

Friday, September 30
6:00 pm

Girl Scouts of Skyline Council Sleepover (UFH,HR,K)

Saturday, October 1
8:00 am
9:00 am

11:00 am

Mens Group (208)

Girl Scouts of Skyline Council
LBT Choir (108)

CR = Choir Room
FH = Fellowship Hall
HR = Hospitality Room
K = Kitchen
RR = Reed Room (Old Sanctuary)
UFH = Unfinished Fellowship Hall
WC = Welcome Center
YR - Youth Room

1500 East Rio Road

Charlottesville, VA 22901
Twitter @CVAUMC
September 25, 2016





The Book of Discipline of the

United Methodist Church 2012

Communication Card

We Gather for Worship

We Gather to Worship
My Jesus, I Love Thee

Part VI

Please take a moment to fill out this

card, then tear at the perforation and
place it in the offering plate.



Rachel Miller, Dir. of Min. with Young People

As It Is In Heaven
Better Is One Day
*Opening Prayer
Myron Ripley
Loving God, we have come today to give you honor and praise through
our worship. You are the God of all creation. You are the God of our
redemption. You are the God who leads us to serve you and the world.
Anoint our hands and feet in your service for the transformation of the
world. In Jesus name. Amen.
Childrens Message

Rev. Rob Robertson, Lead Pastor

We Hear the Word


Rachel Miller, Dir. of Min. with Young People

*Opening Hymn 144

*Opening Songs



*Opening Prayer
Bob Forrest
Loving God, we have come today to give you honor and praise through
our worship. You are the God of all creation. You are the God of our
redemption. You are the God who leads us to serve you and the world.
Anoint our hands and feet in your service for the transformation of the
world. In Jesus name. Amen.

Rev. Rob Robertson

Childrens Message

On Eagles Wings
Chancel Choir

Scripture Lesson

Matthew 25:31-45 NRSV

Membership AND Discipleship

*Hymn of Prayer 334

All For Love


Sweet, Sweet Spirit

Prayers of the People and Lords Prayer

Rev. Rob Robertson

Offering Prayer and Offertory We Look Up to You, Dear God M. Paulson

*Doxology 95

We Go Forth to Serve
*Closing Song

Rev. Rob Robertson

We Respond to the Word

In Christ Alone
Rev. Rob Robertson

Music During Communion

arr. M. Hayes

We Hear the Word

Prayers of the People & Lords Prayer

Offering Prayer

We Go Forth to Serve
*Hymn of Commitment 593 Here I Am, Lord (It Is I, Lord!)

Glory to God Forever

Rev. Rob Robertson


Rev. Rob Robertson

*please stand as you are able
Additional information is projected on the screens

Chapter One
Section I. The Church
Pastoral Charge


*please stand as you are able

Additional information is projected on the screens

Name: ________________________

201. Definition of a Local Church

The local church provides the most
significant arena through which
disciple-making occurs.
It is a
community of true believers under
the Lordship of Christ. It is the
redemptive fellowship in which the
Word of God is preached by persons
divinely called and the sacraments
are duly administered according to
Christs own appointment. Under
the discipline of the Holy Spirit, the
church exists for the maintenance of
worship, the edification of believers,
and the redemption of the world.

Rev. Rob Robertson, Lead Pastor

We Respond to the Word



*Call to Worship
Bob Forrest
Leader: Make a joyful noise to the Lord.
People: Worship God with gladness.
Leader: Come into Gods presence with singing.
People: We are Gods people, the sheep of Gods pasture.
Leader: Give thanks to the Lord; bless Gods holy name,
People: for Gods steadfast love is present now and endures forever.


Offering and Song of Response

"This Is My Fathers World

Come Now, Children

Matthew 25:31-44 NRSV

Membership AND Discipleship

arr. Anna Laura Page

202. The Function of the Local

Church The church of Jesus Christ
exists in and for the world. It is
primarily at the level of the charge
consisting of one or more local
churches that the church encounters
the world. The local church is a
strategic base from which Christians
move out to the structures of
society. The function of the local
church, under the guidance of the
Holy Spirit, is to help people to
accept and confess Jesus Christ as
Lord and Savior and to live their
daily lives in light of their
relationship with God. Therefore,
the local church is to minister to
persons in the community where the
church is located, to provide
appropriate training and nurture to
all, to cooperate in ministry with
other local churches, to defend
Gods creation and live as an
ecologically responsible community,
and to participate in the worldwide
mission of the church, as minimal
expectations of an authentic church.

Email: ________________________


Phone: _______________________
I would like to:
Learn more about Aldersgate
Be added to weekly e-Note
Join Aldersgate Church
Be baptized
Receive a call from the pastor
Gave my tithe and/or offering
Volunteer as a Greeter for 11am
Volunteer to host Sip n Chat
Learn more about volunteering in
Childrens Church during
9am or 11am worship
Be a last minute substitute in
Childrens Church during
9am or 11am worship
Provide dinner to the
AUMC Youth Group
Join a musical group:
Chancel Choir
Praise Band
Aldersgate Ringers
Instrumental Ensemble
Youth Praise Band
Joyful Noise Singers
Other _______________________

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