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Introduction to AngularJs.
What is Dependency Injection?
Introduction to MVC design pattern.
What are Views, Models and Controllers in Angular
Introduction to Modules, Controllers, Services, factories, filters, Directives, Templates and Routing.
A Simple Demo comparing the traditional development with angular development.
Building a Single Page Application
Creating a HTML App
Adding a simple Angular controller
Adding a simple Angular Model
Explaining the MVC Pattern.
Understanding the concept of ng-App and Modules in Angular.
In depth understanding of models and controllers by creating a demo application.
How to create a model
Explicit models
Implicit models
Where Controllers fit in, and what they do, from Angulars perspective.
Understanding the concept of scope.
Managing Scope and Setting up Behaviour
Building a basic controller.
Extending the Single Page Application with advanced angularjs concepts
A more advanced controller and extending the functionality for the demo application
In-depth understanding of views.
Angulars take on the View a little bit different
Tying a View to a Controller
Tying a View to a model
working with controls using angular eg: textbox, radio buttons etc..
Discussing how to handle various day-to-day development activities.
Working with Expressions.
Understanding the concept of $eval in angular.
a. Understanding the concept of filters
b. Working with existing filters in the demo application
c. Creating a custom filter
d. Extending the functionality using the custom filter

a. Routing in Angular
b. Understanding routing in angular
c. Implementing routing in angular.
D. Designing the application.

Understanding the Directives

When to create a directive
How to create a directive
Interacting with Server side API
the $Http
provided by angular and making REST calls to the server.
Advanced usage
of directives
Calling the REST API Using angularjs
Working with Server side Api

Understanding the concept of promise
Using $q in the demo application
Error handling using $q.
A more advanced controller and extending the functionality of the demo applicaiton
Unit Testing
Understanding the Unit testing using jasmine and Karma framework. Writing unit tests for the demo
application that was built
Building an End to end application using Controllers, Directives, filters
Extending the application to call the REST Base API and writing Unit testing .

Creating a controller and

calling accessing the controller
in a view.

Working with various built in

directives like ng- repeat, ngclick. Quiz on angular.

Creating a custom filter for


Creating simple route and

loading partial views

Directive as an
attribute,Element etc..

Pre-requisites : participants should have knowledge on java script, Jquery
Introduction to AngularJs.
What is Dependency Injection?
Introduction to MVC design pattern.
What are Views, Models and Controllers in Angular
Introduction to Modules, Controllers, Services, factories, filters, Directives, Templates and Routing.
A Simple Demo comparing the traditional development with angular development.
Building a Single Page Application
Creating a HTML App with Twitter Bootstrap
Adding a simple Angular controller
Adding a simple Angular Model
Explaining the MVC Pattern.
Understanding the concept of ng-App and Modules in Angular.
In depth understanding of models and controllers by creating a demo application.
How to create a model
Explicit models
Implicit models
Where Controllers fit in, and what they do, from Angulars perspective.
Understanding the concept of scope.
Managing Scope and Setting up Behaviour
Building a basic controller.
Services and Factories
Working with built in services and factories
Creating a custom services
Injecting services to various other elements
Working with built in filters
Creating Custom filters
Routing in angularjs
understanding the default routing
Using angular ui router
dealing with states
Resolving routes
passing parameters in routes
Working with built in directives
understanding the link function
Creating custom directives
Advanced concepts of directives

Controller to controller communication
Understanding the $broadcast, $on,$watch and $emit
Understanding the promise patterns
Workign with $q in angularjs
Working with form validation
creating custom validators
Advanced Angularjs
Demonstrating in building the application with Asp.Net Web API
Performance tuning angular applications
Unit testing


Day -2


Modern Browsers like chrome,mozilla

JetBrains Webstorm
Visual Studio

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