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Title: Group Cohesion

1. A sociogram can measure

a. friendship choices within the group
b. the presence or absence of cliques in groups
c. the extent of group attraction
*d. all of the above
e. a and c
Title: Group Cohesion
2. The common thread among the definitions of cohesion is that cohesion is made up of what two
basic dimensions?
*a. task and social cohesion
b. task and organizational cohesion
c. social and organizational cohesion
d. psychological and organizational cohesion
e. psychological and social cohesion
Title: Group Cohesion
3. Which of the following is NOT an antecedent to cohesion according to Carron's model?
a. environmental factors
b. team factors
*c. organizational factors
d. leadership factors
e. personal factors
Title: Group Cohesion
4. The number of athletes holding scholarships and the eligibility requirements are examples of
which antecedent of cohesion?
*a. environmental factors
b. team factors
c. organizational factors
d. leadership factors
e. personal factors
Title: Group Cohesion
5. Task and affiliation motivation are examples of which antecedent of cohesion?
a. environmental factors
b. team factors
c. organizational factors
d. leadership factors
*e. personal factors
Title: Group Cohesion
6. According to Carron and Dennis, the most important personal factor regarding the
development of social and task cohesion is
a. socioeconomic status

b. gender
*c. individual satisfaction
d. age
e. race
Title: Group Cohesion
7. Which of the following statements regarding antecedent factors affecting cohesion is (are)
a. Smaller groups have higher cohesion than larger groups.
b. More distinctive groups have higher levels of cohesion.
c. Compatibility between a coach and players is related to cohesion.
*d. none of the above
e. a and c
Title: Group Cohesion
8. The questionnaire used most often in the early research on cohesion in sport was called the
a. Group Environment Questionnaire
*b. Sport Cohesiveness Questionnaire
c. Multidimensional Sport Cohesion Instrument
d. Unidimensional Sport Cohesion Survey
e. none of the above
Title: Group Cohesion
9. Which of the following is NOT a construct identified in the Group Environment
a. group integrationtask
b. group integrationsocial
*c. group attractionenvironmental
d. individual attraction to grouptask
e. individual attraction to groupsocial
Title: Group Cohesion
10. Michael Jordan spoke about everyone on the team coming together (cohesion) when they
"stepped between the lines." This belief in one another is known as
*a. collective efficacy
b. group similarity
c. group norm
d. group role
e. collective ability
Title: Group Cohesion
11. Using the Group Environment Questionnaire, research has revealed that group cohesion is
related to which of the following?
a. reduced absenteeism
b. increased satisfaction of members
c. attributions for responsibility for performance outcomes

*d. all of the above

e. a and b
Title: Group Cohesion
12. Individuals holding stronger beliefs about the cohesiveness of exercise classes are
a. more likely to attend more classes
b. more likely to drop out
c. more resistant to group disruption
d. a and b
*e. a and c
Title: Group Cohesion
13. According to the latest definition provided by Carron, Brawley, and Widmeyer, cohesion is
seen to be
a. unidimensional
b. static
*c. instrumental
d. a and c
e. a and b
Title: Group Cohesion
14. The Group Environment Questionnaire was developed to distinguish between
a. individual and group concerns
b. task and social concerns
c. normative and role relations
*d. a and b
e. b and c
Title: Group Cohesion
15. Which of the following is NOT one of the principles underlying the team-building model
developed by Carron and colleagues?
a. role clarity and acceptance
*b. autocratic leadership style
c. distinctiveness and togetherness
d. group goals
e. conformity to group norms
Title: Group Cohesion
16. A sociogram is
a. a measure of team cohesion
*b. an illustration of affiliation and attraction among team members
c. a sociological measure of social factors affecting groups
d. a social psychological inventory to measure group dynamics
e. none of the above
Title: Group Cohesion

17. Which of the following statements about cohesion is (are) true?

a. Higher normative expectations are associated with higher levels of cohesion.
b. More sacrifices are made by players when cohesion is high.
c. Higher cohesion is related to a more autocratic decision-making style.
*d. a and b
e. b and c
Title: Group Cohesion
18. Which of the following statements is (are) true?
*a. There is a positive relationship between both task and social cohesion and performance.
b. There is a positive relationship between only social cohesion and performance.
c. There is no relationship between task cohesion and performance.
d. There is a negative relationship between task cohesion and performance.
e. a and b
Title: Group Cohesion
19. Which of the following statements is true?
*a. The cohesionperformance relationship is positive for both interactive and coactive sports.
b. The cohesionperformance relationship is positive for only interactive sports.
c. The cohesionperformance relationship is negative for only interactive sports.
d. The demands of the sport do not influence the cohesionperformance relationship.
e. none of the above
Title: Group Cohesion
20. Which of the following statements best represents the relationship between cohesion and
*a. This relationship is circular.
b. Cohesion has a stronger effect on performance than performance has on cohesion.
c. Cohesion has no effect on performance.
d. Cohesion is negatively related to performance.
e. none of the above
Title: Group Cohesion
21. Which of the following statements is (are) FALSE?
a. There is a positive relationship between cohesion and satisfaction.
b. There is a positive relationship between cohesion and conformity.
c. Higher team cohesion is related to higher resistance to disruption.
*d. none of the above
e. a and b
Title: Group Cohesion
22. Which of the following tips can build team cohesion?
a. Develop pride within subunits.
b. Avoid excessive turnover.
c. Encourage participation in social cliques.
d. all of the above

*e. a and b
Title: Group Cohesion
23. Which of the following statements about building cohesion is (are) true?
a. Set goals that are easy to accomplish to keep up spirit.
b. Keep meetings to a minimum to avoid complaints.
c. Encourage team identity.
d. a and b
*e. a and c
Title: Group Cohesion
24. From an athletes perspective, to help build team cohesion you should
a. give teammates positive reinforcement
b. resolve conflicts immediately
c. be responsible for yourself
d. a and b
*e. a and c
Title: Group Cohesion
25. Which of the following sports require the highest level of task cohesion?
a. golf and archery
*b. basketball and ice hockey
c. swimming and tennis
d. baseball and wrestling
e. volleyball and bowling
Title: Group Cohesion
26. In a study by Spink and Carron on building cohesiveness in a fitness class, which of the
following strategies was (were) employed?
a. distinctiveness
b. group norms
c. individual sacrifices
*d. all of the above
e. a and b
Title: Group Cohesion
27. Which of the following was (were) found to be a barrier to cohesion?
*a. members' struggling for power
b. little turnover in group membership
c. similar personalities among group members
d. a and b
e. b and c
Title: Group Cohesion
28. In setting up a team goal-setting program, which of the following guidelines should be

a. Involve all team members in establishing goals.

b. Set specific and challenging goals.
c. Reward progress toward team goals.
*d. all of the above
e. a and b
Title: Group Cohesion
29. The dimensions of the Multidimensional Sport Cohesion Instrument include
a. attraction to the group
b. unity of purpose
c. quality of teamwork
*d. all of the above
e. a and c

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