You are on page 1of 4

,"Width##other##","Height##other##","Function##other##","Allowed Roof Slope##othe

r##","Material External##other##","Material Internal##other##","VELUX Installati

on products##other##","VELUX Internal accessories##other##","VELUX External acce
ssories##other##","Technical description##other##","Installation instructions##o
ther##","Water Tightness Class##other##","Air permeability Class##other##","Spec
ification Link##other##","Manufacturer URL##other##","Youtube clip##other##","Co
unt##other##","Description##other##","Disclaimer##other##","Labeling - Environme
ntal impact##other##","2d details##other##","Ultraviolet Transmittance##other##"
,"Date of publishing##other##","Product certification##other##","Thermal Resista
nce (R)##other##","Glazing##other##","ThermalTransmittance(window) W/(mK)##other#
#","GlassArea m##other##","ThermalTransmittance(glazing) W/(mK)##other##","Light t
ransmittance##other##","g-value##other##","ThermalBridge(Installation) W/mK##oth
er##","Sound Insulation db##other##","Warranty Years##other##","PerimeterWindow
m##other##","WindowArea m##other##","Operation Mode##other##","Reference##other##
"CFP size 600x600 (060060)",780,780,"Fixed flat roof window","0-15","Acrylic/PVC C
olor NCS S 0502-Y","PVC Color NCS S 0502-Y",,,,"
nal/products/flat-roof-windows/flat-roof-windows-dome/technical-details-fixed"," roof
windows","Passed",4,,"VELUX A/S",,1,"","When installing VELUX roof windows the costumer
must make sure to meet local applicable building and fire requirements. VELUX s
hall not be liable for the objects/drawings and the constructional quality of th
e installation. Please contact VELUX for technical specifications of VELUX roof
windows, flashings, installations products and internal/external accessories.","
ngs/flat-roof-windows",0.05,,"",1.39,"73FQT + ISD 0000",0.72,0.3
6,0.9,0.72,0.53,0.05,36,10,2.4,1.01,"Fixed",,"E",36,,,0.72,,,,,,"Acrylic/PVC Col
or NCS S 0502-Y",,"
P_CVP_flatroof-April2014.pdf",,"Fixed flat roof window","PVC Color NCS S 0502-Y"
,,,,"VELUX A/S","Acrylic/PVC Color NCS S 0502-Y",,,"CFP size 600x600 (060060)",7
80,,780,,,"",,,,,,"CFP size 600x600 (060060)",,,,,,,,
"CFP size 800x800 (080080)",980,980,"Fixed flat roof window","0-15","Acrylic/PVC C
olor NCS S 0502-Y","PVC Color NCS S 0502-Y",,,,"
nal/products/flat-roof-windows/flat-roof-windows-dome/technical-details-fixed"," roof
windows","Passed",4,,"VELUX A/S",,1,"","When installing VELUX roof windows the costumer
must make sure to meet local applicable building and fire requirements. VELUX s
hall not be liable for the objects/drawings and the constructional quality of th
e installation. Please contact VELUX for technical specifications of VELUX roof
windows, flashings, installations products and internal/external accessories.","
ngs/flat-roof-windows",0.05,,"",1.39,"73FQT + ISD 0000",0.72,0.6
4,0.9,0.72,0.53,0.05,36,10,3.2,1.48,"Fixed",,"E",36,,,0.72,,,,,,"Acrylic/PVC Col

or NCS S 0502-Y",,"
P_CVP_flatroof-April2014.pdf",,"Fixed flat roof window","PVC Color NCS S 0502-Y"
,,,,"VELUX A/S","Acrylic/PVC Color NCS S 0502-Y",,,"CFP size 800x800 (080080)",9
80,,980,,,"",,,,,,"CFP size 800x800 (080080)",,,,,,,,
"CFP size 600x900 (060090)",1080,780,"Fixed flat roof window","0-15","Acrylic/PVC
Color NCS S 0502-Y","PVC Color NCS S 0502-Y",,,,"
" roo
f windows","Passed",4,,"VELUX A/S",,1,"
-windows/flat-roof-windows-dome","When installing VELUX roof windows the costume
r must make sure to meet local applicable building and fire requirements. VELUX
shall not be liable for the objects/drawings and the constructional quality of t
he installation. Please contact VELUX for technical specifications of VELUX roof
windows, flashings, installations products and internal/external accessories.",
" ","
ings/flat-roof-windows",0.05,,"",1.39,"73FQT + ISD 0000",0.72,0.
54,0.9,0.72,0.53,0.05,36,10,3,1.33,"Fixed",,"E",36,,,0.72,,,,,,"Acrylic/PVC Colo
r NCS S 0502-Y",,"
_CVP_flatroof-April2014.pdf",,"Fixed flat roof window","PVC Color NCS S 0502-Y",
,,,"VELUX A/S","Acrylic/PVC Color NCS S 0502-Y",,,"CFP size 600x900 (060090)",78
0,,1080,,,"",,,,,,"CFP size 600x900 (060090)",,,,,,,,
"CFP size 900x900 (090090)",1080,1080,"Fixed flat roof window","0-15","Acrylic/PVC
Color NCS S 0502-Y","PVC Color NCS S 0502-Y",,,,"
," ro
of windows","Passed",4,,"VELUX A/S",,1,"
f-windows/flat-roof-windows-dome","When installing VELUX roof windows the costum
er must make sure to meet local applicable building and fire requirements. VELUX
shall not be liable for the objects/drawings and the constructional quality of
the installation. Please contact VELUX for technical specifications of VELUX roo
f windows, flashings, installations products and internal/external accessories."
," ","
wings/flat-roof-windows",0.05,,"",1.39,"73FQT + ISD 0000",0.72,0
.86,0.9,0.72,0.53,0.05,36,10,3.6,1.73,"Fixed",,"E",36,,,0.72,,,,,,"Acrylic/PVC C
olor NCS S 0502-Y",,"
al%20Specification%20sheets/V22%20Architects%20sheets%20updated/VELUXArchitectsCFP_CVP_flatroof-April2014.pdf",,"Fixed flat roof window","PVC Color NCS S 0502Y",,,,"VELUX A/S","Acrylic/PVC Color NCS S 0502-Y",,,"CFP size 900x900 (090090)"
,1080,,1080,,,"",,,,,,"CFP size 900x900 (090090)",,,,,,,,
"CFP size 1000x1000 (100100)",1180,1180,"Fixed flat roof window","0-15","Acrylic/P
VC Color NCS S 0502-Y","PVC Color NCS S 0502-Y",,,,"
roof windows","Passed",4,,"VELUX A/S",,1,"
oof-windows/flat-roof-windows-dome","When installing VELUX roof windows the cost
umer must make sure to meet local applicable building and fire requirements. VEL
UX shall not be liable for the objects/drawings and the constructional quality o
f the installation. Please contact VELUX for technical specifications of VELUX r
oof windows, flashings, installations products and internal/external accessories
."," ","
rawings/flat-roof-windows",0.05,,"",1.39,"73FQT + ISD 0000",0.72
,1.05,0.9,0.72,0.53,0.05,36,10,4,2.08,"Fixed",,"E",36,,,0.72,,,,,,"Acrylic/PVC C
olor NCS S 0502-Y",,"
al%20Specification%20sheets/V22%20Architects%20sheets%20updated/VELUXArchitectsCFP_CVP_flatroof-April2014.pdf",,"Fixed flat roof window","PVC Color NCS S 0502Y",,,,"VELUX A/S","Acrylic/PVC Color NCS S 0502-Y",,,"CFP size 1000x1000 (100100
)",1180,,1180,,,"",,,,,,"CFP size 1000x1000 (100100)",,,,,,,,
"CFP size 900x1200 (090120)",1380,1080,"Fixed flat roof window","0-15","Acrylic/PV

C Color NCS S 0502-Y","PVC Color NCS S 0502-Y",,,,"

"," r
oof windows","Passed",4,,"VELUX A/S",,1,"
of-windows/flat-roof-windows-dome","When installing VELUX roof windows the costu
mer must make sure to meet local applicable building and fire requirements. VELU
X shall not be liable for the objects/drawings and the constructional quality of
the installation. Please contact VELUX for technical specifications of VELUX ro
of windows, flashings, installations products and internal/external accessories.
"," ","
awings/flat-roof-windows",0.05,,"",1.39,"73FQT + ISD 0000",0.72,
Color NCS S 0502-Y",,"
-CFP_CVP_flatroof-April2014.pdf",,"Fixed flat roof window","PVC Color NCS S 0502
-Y",,,,"VELUX A/S","Acrylic/PVC Color NCS S 0502-Y",,,"CFP size 900x1200 (090120
)",1080,,1380,,,"",,,,,,"CFP size 900x1200 (090120)",,,,,,,,
"CFP size 1200x1200 (120120)",1380,1380,"Fixed flat roof window","0-15","Acrylic/P
VC Color NCS S 0502-Y","PVC Color NCS S 0502-Y",,,,"
roof windows","Passed",4,,"VELUX A/S",,1,"
oof-windows/flat-roof-windows-dome","When installing VELUX roof windows the cost
umer must make sure to meet local applicable building and fire requirements. VEL
UX shall not be liable for the objects/drawings and the constructional quality o
f the installation. Please contact VELUX for technical specifications of VELUX r
oof windows, flashings, installations products and internal/external accessories
."," ","
rawings/flat-roof-windows",0.05,,"",1.39,"73FQT + ISD 0000",0.72
Color NCS S 0502-Y",,"
s-CFP_CVP_flatroof-April2014.pdf",,"Fixed flat roof window","PVC Color NCS S 050
2-Y",,,,"VELUX A/S","Acrylic/PVC Color NCS S 0502-Y",,,"CFP size 1200x1200 (1201
20)",1380,,1380,,,"",,,,,,"CFP size 1200x1200 (120120)",,,,,,,,
"CFP size 1000x1500 (100150)",1680,1180,"Fixed flat roof window","0-15","Acrylic/P
VC Color NCS S 0502-Y","PVC Color NCS S 0502-Y",,,,"
roof windows","Passed",4,,"VELUX A/S",,1,"
oof-windows/flat-roof-windows-dome","When installing VELUX roof windows the cost
umer must make sure to meet local applicable building and fire requirements. VEL
UX shall not be liable for the objects/drawings and the constructional quality o
f the installation. Please contact VELUX for technical specifications of VELUX r
oof windows, flashings, installations products and internal/external accessories
."," ","
rawings/flat-roof-windows",0.05,,"",1.39,"73FQT + ISD 0000",0.72
,1.63,0.9,0.72,0.53,0.05,36,10,5,2.9,"Fixed",,"E",36,,,0.72,,,,,,"Acrylic/PVC Co
lor NCS S 0502-Y",,"
FP_CVP_flatroof-April2014.pdf",,"Fixed flat roof window","PVC Color NCS S 0502-Y
",,,,"VELUX A/S","Acrylic/PVC Color NCS S 0502-Y",,,"CFP size 1000x1500 (100150)
",1180,,1680,,,"",,,,,,"CFP size 1000x1500 (100150)",,,,,,,,
"CFP size 1500x1500 (150150)",1680,1680,"Fixed flat roof window","0-15","Acrylic/P
VC Color NCS S 0502-Y","PVC Color NCS S 0502-Y",,,,"
roof windows","Passed",4,,"VELUX A/S",,1,"
oof-windows/flat-roof-windows-dome","When installing VELUX roof windows the cost
umer must make sure to meet local applicable building and fire requirements. VEL

UX shall not be liable for the objects/drawings and the constructional quality o
f the installation. Please contact VELUX for technical specifications of VELUX r
oof windows, flashings, installations products and internal/external accessories
."," ","
rawings/flat-roof-windows",0.05,,"",1.33,"63Q + ISD 0000",0.75,2
.41,1.1,0.68,0.5,0.05,36,10,6,3.92,"Fixed",,"E",36,,,0.75,,,,,,"Acrylic/PVC Colo
r NCS S 0502-Y",,"
_CVP_flatroof-April2014.pdf",,"Fixed flat roof window","PVC Color NCS S 0502-Y",
,,,"VELUX A/S","Acrylic/PVC Color NCS S 0502-Y",,,"CFP size 1500x1500 (150150)",
1680,,1680,,,"",,,,,,"CFP size 1500x1500 (150150)",,,,,,,,

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