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Use the Same technique
to Fill a Combo Box or
List Box on a VBA
Create Cascading
Dropdowns on a Word







How Do I Fill a Form Field Dropdown List in a

Word Document with Items from a Database?
The Problem...
When creating a form in a Word document you can add a Dropdown List (we propellorheads call
them Combo Boxes) offering the user a selection of items to choose from. The normal procedure is
to "hard code" the list by entering the list items manually into the properties window of the form

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That's OK if the list is not going to change. But if your list changes from time to time you need to
keep it up-to-date. So, if the list is made up from information in a database, is it possible to have
the list update automatically?

The Solution...
The answer is Yes, thanks to ADO and a little VBA programming. ADO (ActiveX Data Objects) is
part of the VBA programming language which allows any Microsoft Office application to talk to a
database. Instead of manually defining the items on the form field's list you can use ADO to
retrieve the list from a database. This example uses Microsoft Access but ADO can talk to almost
any kind of database.

Get the Form Field's Name


You need to know what the dropdown form field is called. Word automatically assigns a name to
each form field as it is added to the document, or you might have named it yourself. Right-click
the form field and open its Properties dialog. The name is shown as the Bookmark property (e.g.

Set a Reference to ADO

So that Word understands your ADO coding you need to set a reference to the ADO object library.
Open the Visual Basic Editor (keys: [Alt]+[F11]) then choose Tools > References to open the
References dialog. Scroll down the list until you find an entry for the Microsoft ActiveX Data
Objects 2.x Library (where x is the highest available number) then place a tick in the adjacent
checkbox and click the OK button.
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Write the Code

The code should run each time the document is opened so that the list is always up-to-date. If you
plan to keep your form as a Word Document (*.doc) file then the code should run on the
document's Open event. But if you plan to save your document as a Word Template (*.dot) file
then the code should run on the document's New event (i.e. when a new document based on the
template is created).

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Both of these events belong in the document's ThisDocument module. In the Visual Basic Editor
double click the ThisDocument entry in the Project Explorer to open the code module...

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The code listing below runs on the Document_Open event, suitable for a Word document. If
yours is a Word template change the name of the procedure to Document_New. The code
contains a number of statements that you will have to edit to suit your particular database:
The Connection String (the line starting cnn.Open) specifies a provider suitable for a
Microsoft Access database, and also includes the database filename and path. Search
for help on ADO Connection Strings if you need to connect to a different type of
database such as SQL Server.
The rst.Open statement is a simple SQL statement that generates a list of unique
items from a named field of a named table and, in this example, also defines the sort
order. If you don't know SQL read some of my SQL tutorials or build a suitable query
in Access and look at its SQL View to get the code.
The form field to which the list items are added is referred to by name (here it is
The loop refers again to the name of the field (here [Department]) from which the list
items are taken.
Note that I have also included error handling in the code...

Private Sub Document_Open()

On Error GoTo Document_Open_Err
Dim cnn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim rst As New ADODB.Recordset
cnn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
"Data Source=C:\Databases\StaffDatabase.mdb"
rst.Open "SELECT DISTINCT TOP 25 [Department] FROM tblStaff ORDER
BY [Department];", _
cnn, adOpenStatic
With ActiveDocument.FormFields("Dropdown1").DropDown.ListEntries
.Add rst![Department]
Loop Until rst.EOF
End With
On Error Resume Next
Set rst = Nothing
Set cnn = Nothing
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Number & vbCrLf & Err.Description, vbCritical, "Error!"
Resume Document_Open_Exit
End Sub

How it Works

The code starts by connecting to the named database and opening a recordset in the computer's
memory. The recordset is defined by the SQL statement which creates a list of unique items (here
it is Department names) from a named table (here called tblStaff). Note that the SQL statement
includes the instruction TOP 25 to ensure that it returns no more than 25 items. A form field
Dropdown can have a maximum of only 25 items on its list.
After moving to the first record in the recordset the procedure first clears any existing items from
the form field list. Then a loop moves through the recordset, adding an item to the form field list
for each record it visits.
Finally, the exit procedure ensures that the recordset and database connection are closed and their
object variables set to Nothing to clear the memory before it exits.

^ top
2007 Martin Green. All rights reserved.

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