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IPA, 2006 - Proceedings of the Carbonate Seminar, 1976

Disc Contents




J.T. Berry
Robertsora Research International Limitud

Petrographic studies of Miocene carbonates from a wide range of
locaalities in Indonesia have shown that they have been subjected to a
number of diagenetic processes including dissolution, cementation,
neomorphism, silicification, dolomitisation, fracturing and stylolization.
Whilst most of these processes are common to all the depositional fadm
types (e.g. reefal, near reef, shallow shelf and outer shelf open marine
facies), the reasoils for the development of reservoir rocks depend on
which of the above mentioned processes have been dominant. The
original particle types of the sediments play an important role in this
respect. Coral reefs in which a large volume of the original sedimentary parcides con& of interconnected corallites commonly form
good reservoir rocks in view of the fact that the aragonite skeletons
of the corals frequent@ suffer dissolution resulting in good mouldic
porosities Elsewhere, however, the phase of dissolution is foIlowed
by cementation with a resulting loss of porosity. The effects of neom o r p h i i also uuse porosity reduction especially with respect to fine
scale porosity within the m-crite matrk Dolomitisation has a varied
distribution and in many cases iS assodated with clay minerals. Petrographic examination indicates, however, that porosities are only rarely
developed within the dolomite mosaics The other diagenetic processes
including stylolitization and silicification are much more l d i s e d

Tertiary marine carbonates, including reefal
limestones, occur widely throughout Indonesia (e.g. Adinegoro. 1973; Pelton, 1974).
and during the last few years the writer has
examined numerous examples of Miocene
carbonates from wells on behalf of oil companies operating in the Indonesian a..and
grom surface exposures. The examinahom
have been principdly of a petrographic
nature using thin sections with a view to
determining the nature of the facies types
and the diagenetic history of the rocks.
The carbonate faaes types present in the
Miocene include a variety of shallow marine
sediments including reefal, near reefal, shelf
. and open marine shelf limestones, each of
which possesses distinctive faunal and/or
floral components and distinctive sedimentary textures. One of the most important
factors responsible for the distribution and
types of porosity is the way in which diagenesis has affected the various original
particle types of the sediments. The dia-

genetic events that have taken place are

described below, although it should be
stated here that the factors controlling the
diagenetic processes (e.g. the sources of, and
the reasons for the distribution of the calcium carbonate cement) are much less certain.

Leaching (Diilution of Aragonitic
This process has affected many Miocene
limestones probably as a result of perd a t i n g undersaturated freshwaters which
take the aragonite of skeletons into solution.
The outlines of the original skeletal fragments are usually preserved by a miaite
envelope which is not dissolved. Inside the
envelope, therefore, mouldic porosity is
developed, and if the envelope is porous
and/or broken then solutions can circulate.
Sediments which contained a high proportion
of aragonitic skeletal material which has
suffered this dissolution can act as good

reservoirs for hydrocarbons. The best examples in

Indonesian Miocene carbonates include reefal
limestones which contain large amounts of in situ
coral skeletons or the associated sediments which
possess much comminuted coral debris and
sometimes also pelecypod shells. Many of the
Indonesian micritic limestones, with what appears
to be fine scale vugular porosity, are thought to
have originated in a similar manner, i.e. leaching
and enlargement of the sites of very finely
comminuted aragonitic skeletal debris, usually of
coralline origin.
Whether or not mouldic porosity is preserved in
the geological record depends of other diagenetic
factors, principally cementation by calcite. The
supersaturated with carbonate due to the
dissolution of aragonitic skeletons or of calcite of
limestones. When this happens the calcite can be
precipitated as a cement (sparry calcite) in the
available pore spaces. Examples in the Miocene
limestones are numerous and include

Sparry calcite cementation of moulds such

as coral moulds or coral debris/pelecypod
debris moulds. This feature is most
common in the reefal and associated
facies because of the abundance of
leached moulds in these facies.
b. Syntaxial rim cements around echinoderm
fragments. Here the cements grew into
intergranular pore spaces usually causing
their complete destruction so that, at most,
only a little primary intragranular porosity
remains. More rarely the syntaxial rims
grew at the expense of the micrite matrix.
Syntaxial rim cements are most common
in the echinoderm/algal/foram 'skeletal
sands' on the shelf or in pockets within the
reef framework.
Miocene limestones of all facies types ranging
from reefal to 'deep water' open marine types
display other forms of sparry calcite, namely
microspar and pseudospar (terms of Folk, 1965).
They have formed mainly by the coarsening of the
micrite matrix or by replacement of skeletons. A
mould did not form and the crystals commonly do
not follow the original boundaries as with sparry


recrystallisation appear to destroy porosities in a
similar manner to sparry calcite cementation, by
the formation of interlocking crystals of sparry
Many of the micritic limestones,
especially those in reefal successions, are friable
and contain appreciable amounts of fine microsized porosity in addition to the larger vugs and
moulds, Friedman (1975) also commented upon
the porous chalky nature of Indonesian limestone
petroleum reservoirs.
The origin of the neomolphic microspar
and pseudospar and the reasons why some
sucessions are completely altered whilst other
successions are not affected, are not clearly
there is a possibility that the
neomorphic processes are related to the activity of
the same percolating waters which were
responsible for cementation. Friedman (1975)
suggested that the alternations of tight and porous
formations may be related to the presence of a
migrating water table. i.e. above the water table
undersaturated solutions would cause leaching and
formation of porosity whilst below the water table
saturated and supersaturated waters would cause
cementation and the growth of pseudospar.
Another possiblility for the origin of the calcite
cement is from dissolution caused by
stylolitization (stylolites are commonly seen along
argillaceous partings) although observations of
Indonesian Miocene limestones indicate that the
process has not been of sufficient intensity to
provide the large quantities of cement required to
transform the sediments into limestones.
Insufficient observations have been made to
indicate whether the stylolites are early diagenetic
or late diagenetic (or possibly even both).
With regard to compaction features these
are most pronounced where the sediments are very
argillaceous and also where argillaceous partings
are common. Clay drapes are developed but
occasionally the less argillaceous limestones are
fractured possibly indicating that at least some of
the cementation was early.
Dolomite occurs as a secondary replacement
mineral and has been recognised in

all the facies types (e.g. reef, shelf, open

marine). It occurs as scattered rhombs replacing the micrite matrix and as dolomite mosaics entirely replacing local areas
of the matrix and eating away the
margins of the fossils, although it is most
common in those rocks which contain distinct argillaceous partings and/or finely disseminated clays. Dolomite rhornbs also
occur in small numbers in association with
the residual clays along stylolites.
The rocks which contain most tiny
euhedral secondary dolomite rhombs are
fine grained carbonates which also possess
appreciable quantities of isotropic clay
grade matrix of quartz and clay minerals.
Recognisable components, in addition to
fossils, include quartz and feldspar grains
and volcanic rocks. Many samples contain
swelling clay identified as montmorillonite.
The latter is a major constituent of bentonites produced by the transformation of
volcanic ash in an alkaline environment (a
marine environment or during early diagenesis. Dunoyer de Segonzac, 1970). The
most common association of dolomite with
montmorillonite (probably of volcanic origin) strongiy suggests that the magnesium
for the dolomite could be provided during
diagenesis of these clays.
Petrographic studies indicate that the
dolomites do not possess visible porosities
except for localised areas of intercrystalline
Chert and chalcedony are quantitatively
very small within the studied Miocene limestones and are confined mainly to replacement of the marsins of echinoderm fragments and pelecypod shells within the full

ranse of .facies types. It is not certain

whether this is an early or late stage diagenetic event.

The objectivesof this presentation have been
to describe the range of diagenetic fabrics
observed in a wide range of Miocene carbonates and to show how the distribution
of porosities is governed by diagenesis.
Clearly one of the most. important processes of porosity formation is the dissolution of aragonite grains such as coral
skeletons. although other diagenetic events
(principally cementation and neomorphism)
govern whether or not the porosities are
preserved. What is less certain is the factors
which control the diagenetic processes, the
sources of the vast quantities of calcite
cement necessary to transform tfie sediments
into limestones and why some successions
are cemented whilst other successions remain open.
Adinegoro. U.. 1973: Reef limestones in the Sukabumi Area Proc. 2nd. Ann. Conv. Indonesian
Pctrolcum Assoc.. Jakarta. pp. 109-120.
Dunoycr de Scgonzac, G., 1970: The transformation of clay minerals during diagcnesis and
low-grade metamorphism: a review. Sedimentology. v. IS, pp. 281-346.
Folk, R.L., 1%5: Some aspects of rccryst;lllisation
in ancient limestones. In L.C. Pray and R.C.
Murray (Editors). Dolomitizatlon and Limestone Diagenesis: a symposwm. S.E.P.M..
Spec. Publ., v. 13. pp- 14-48.
Friedman. G.M.,1975: The making and unmaking
of limestones or the downs and ups of porosity. J. scdim. Petrol., v. 45, pp. 379-398.
Pclton. P.J.. 1974: Exploration of the South Barito
Basin Reef Tract. Kalimantan. Indonesia.
Proc. 3rd. Ann. Conv. Indonesian Petroleum
Assoc., Jakarta. pp. 153-169.

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