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Berlapis, dibedakan menjadi 2 jenis yaitu laminasi (lamination) apabila tebal lapisan < 1
cm dan lapisan (stratification) apabila tebal lapisan > 1 cm
Silang siur (cross bedding) apabila kedudukan lapisan miring antara satu dengan yang

Cross stratification is stratification that is locally at some angle to

the overall stratification as a consequence of changes in the
geometry of the deposi-tional surface during deposition. Usually
one or more beds in some part of a section show cross stratification,
Cross stratification comes about by deposition upon a sediment
surface that is locally at an angle to the overall plane of the
depositional surface; this usually but not always involves erosion of
the depositional surface as well, either prior to or concurrent with
deposition. Some terminology: small-scale cross stratification is
on scales of up to several centimeters,
Planar stratification is also common in carbonate rocks, although
less so than in
What is the origin of planar lamination?
In many cases, especially in fine siliciclastic sediments and sedimentary rocks, it
must certainly be the outcome of deposition by fallout without traction in which the
nature of the settling material varies, for some reason, with time. The differences might be
in particle size or in composition. Such lamination is commonly way down in the
submillimeter thickness range. Many mudrocks and shales show such planar lamination.
Planar stratification is also common in successions of interbedded thin (on a
centimeter or even a millimeter scale) event siltstones or very fine sandstones and
background (that is, fallout-without-traction) mudrocks or shales. You will learn more
about such event beds later. In brief, an event stratum (usually referred to as an event bed)
is any stratum that was deposited by a brief event, on a geologically instantaneous time
scale, by such things as turbidity currents, debris flows, river floods, or shallow-marine
In many well-sorted coarse siltstones and sandstones, the planar
lamination is the outcome of fallout with traction or of differential
transport (See the discussion of modes of deposition at the end of
the preceding chapter.) How might we know that? Because of its
commonly close association with ripple and dune stratification In

what seems to be a flow environment in which the flow strength is

decreasing with time (from plane-bed transport to ripples or dunes)
What is the origin of planar lamination?
In many cases, especially in fine siliciclastic sediments and sedimentary rocks, it
must certainly be the outcome of deposition by fallout without traction in which the
nature of the settling material varies, for some reason, with time. The differences might be
in particle size or in composition. Such lamination is commonly way down in the
submillimeter thickness range. Many mudrocks and shales show such planar lamination.
Planar stratification is also common in successions of interbedded thin (on a
centimeter or even a millimeter scale) event siltstones or very fine sandstones and
background (that is, fallout-without-traction) mudrocks or shales. You will learn more
about such event beds later. In brief, an event stratum (usually referred to as an event bed)
is any stratum that was deposited by a brief event, on a geologically instantaneous time
scale, by such things as turbidity currents, debris flows, river floods, or shallow-marine
In many well-sorted coarse siltstones and sandstones, the planar
lamination is the outcome of fallout with traction or of differential
transport (See the discussion of modes of deposition at the end of
the preceding chapter.) How might we know that? Because of its
commonly close association with ripple and dune stratification In
what seems to be a flow environment in which the flow strength is
decreasing with time (from plane-bed transport to ripples or dunes)

g: Series of horizontal layers within an outcrop of rock. The most

common sedimentary structur
uspense umumnya terjadi pada sedimen-sedimen yang sangat kecil ukurannya,
sehingga masih mampu diangkut oleh aliran fluida yang ada. Sedangkan
bedload terjadi pada sedimen yang relatif lebih besar ukurannya, sehingga gaya
pada aliran yang bergerak akan memindahkan partikel-partikel yang besar

melalui dasar permukaan.

Proses transportasi material sedimen secara bedload dibedakan lagi menjadi 2
jenis, yaitu:
Arus traksi (traction)
Arus traksi terjadi ketika proses pengangkutan material sedimen menyentuh
permukaan, sehingga arus ini akan membawa material sedimen dari dasar
permukaan. Selain itu proses pengangkutan pada arus traksi juga dapat terjadi
melalui saltasi (meloncat). Sedimen yang dihasilkan oleh arus traksi ini
umumnya berstruktur silang siur

When geologists used the principle of uniformity to analyze an

entire sequence of sedimentary rock, the changing environments
recorded in that sequence of rock shows us ow the Earth's surface
itself changed and evolved through time. The deposition of
sediment is recorded in the rock record as sedimentary
structures. Sedimentary structures are useful to us because they
can allow us to reconstruct the environments of deposition of the
sediments, and hence that's where the sedimentary structures
are formed. They're not formed during erosion; they're not formed
during transportation; but during deposition, so the sedimentary
structures, and there's a very wide variety of sedimentary
structures are indicative of a given site of deposition. One of the
most obvious of these structures is "bedding," the layer cake
pattern of rock strata. The contact between two layers of rock is
called a "bedding plane." One of the very distinctive and probably
the most compelling sedimentary structure that one sees when
one looks at a stack of sediments is "bed." Bedding surfaces
represent interruption. They may be long interruptions or short
interruptions. They may be just pulses of sediment where an
interruption lasts just a momentary interruption. They may be
interruptions of thousands or even millions of years. What is very
obvious from everything we know now is that the sedimentary
column that we have, the bedding surfaces themselves almost
certainly represent far more time than the stack of sediments
than we have preserved. The law of original horizontality states
that most bedding initially forms in a horizontal orientation as
material settles to a lake bed or the sea floor, but in some cases,
sloping layers of sedimentary rock buildup; for example, wind can
pile up sand as dunes. As mineral grains of diverse color and
composition are blown across the dune, discernible layering can

develop inclined at an angle parallel to the slope of the dune.

Such angled layers also develop in sand bars and stream deltas.
Geologists refer to this as "cross" bedding because it cuts across
the direction of ordinary horizontal bedding. Sets of cross beds
often develop. For example, at any given point in a stream,
periods of deposition may alternate with periods of erosion as the
velocity of the wind or water changes. A set of cross beds in a bar
will be truncated by erosion, then covered by another set of cross
beds when deposition resumes. Cross bedding is a sedimentary
structure that's very revealing. If we look at a set of cross beds
that are very steep, that are truncated by the next set of cross
beds, then we know that we had a river system or a depositional
system that was constantly interrupting itself and shifting around.
If we have a smooth progradation of cross beds, we know there's
no interruption, and it's just the steady stream of deposition in
more or less a constant fashion. Geologists find cross beds useful
in determining the direction of sediment transport in ancient river
and dune systems. Cross beds form perpendicular to the direction
of the water current and tend to slope downstream.

Nama : Alfian Trisna Adi Surya

NIM : 410014130
Struktur Sedimen Berlapis

dikenal juga sebagai Struktur Bedding. Struktur ini merupakan ciri khas
batuan sedimen yang memperlihatkan susunan lapisan-lapisan (beds)
dengan posisi horisontal pada batuan sedimen yang dibedakan menjadi 2
jenis yaitu laminasi (lamination) apabila tebal lapisan < 1 cm dan lapisan
bed(stratification) apabila tebal lapisan > 1 cm. Menurut Payne (1942),
McKee & Weir (1953).
Genesa : Otto (1938) mendefinisikan Aliran arus di alam tidak
pernah benar-benar seragam, ukuran partikel-partikel juga relatif tidak
seragam. Arus yang memiliki kecepatan rata-rata tertentu dan
mengendapkan partikel dengan ukuran rata-rata tertentu untuk selang
waktu tertentu. Arus memiliki kecepatan rata-rata tertentu dan
mengendapkan partikel dengan ukuran rata-rata tertentu untuk selang
waktu tertentu, satuan sedimentasi terbentuk pada selang waktu itu.

Ketika arus berubah secara radikal dan terbentuk suatu kondisi aliran
baru, maka akan terbentuk satu satuan sedimentasi baru dan didalam
seluruh proses tersebut terdapat fluktuasi kecepatan arus dalam waktu
singkat dan arus itulah yang bertanggunga jawab terhadap pembentukan
laminasi atau fasa(Apfel, 1938).
Layer pada sedimen diendapkan pada kondisi yang pada dasarnya
seragam , arus pengendap layer itu memiliki kecepatan dan arah yang
relatif seragam dengan selang waktu tertentu (tahunan) sehingga
menimbun layer lagi diatasnya berdasarkan hukum horisontalitas.
Umumnya sedimen struktur berlapis laminasi yang memiliki tebal
milimeter ( cth : mudrock dan shale) diangkut melalui cara suspensi
(fluida) karena sedimen-sedimen yang sangat kecil ukurannya, sehingga
masih mampu diangkut oleh aliran fluida, tanpa melalui arus traksi (arus
traksi ini umumnya berstruktur silang siur).
Contoh keterdapatan : Raharjo, W, dkk (1977), membuat Peta Geologi
Lembar Yogyakarta, dimana Daerah Kulonprogo termasuk di dalamnya.
termasuk dalam Formasi Sentolo dengan batuan penyusun pada bagian
atasnya berupa batugamping klastik dengan struktur sedimen berlapis.
Cth lain : bisa terjadi pada lanau dan pasir (sandstone).

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