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m= Alexandria University Architecture and Construction | whey Faculty of Engineering 4 Semester 2011-2012 « Spectal Scientific Programs Visual Design Final exam oT 0a ‘Question 1: 15% of total mark Draw a landscape drawing 20 *30 cm expressing a geometric composition taking into consideration balance, contrast in texture, shapes' direction and colors. Question 2: 15% of total mark From your color studies; Compare between Ostwald color theory and Munsell color theory with - descriptive drawings . Question 3: 20% of total mark Complete the following: (Draw the colors' circle and the juxtaposition of colors) ‘+ The complementary color of the blue color is * The harmony color with yellow is ~ + The complementary color of the cyan color is ‘+ The Juxtaposition of grey color with orange color make the grey color appears ~ Question 4: 25% of total mark The follo ig drawings represent the plan and elevation of a building facade; Trace the shadows on plan and elevation and indicate shadow direction : Plan Question 5: 25% of total mark Draw the two points perspective of the following cubes using the wood texture as finishing material for the cubes. ONY Se © The first square 1= 3x + The second square 2= 2x ‘©. The third square 3= 1X © The fourth square 4= 3x © The fifth square 5= 6x © The six square 6= 5X Wish you the best of luck... Dr. Ali Bayou Be weeees SS SS SS SS ee eee a] Alexandria University Special Scientific Programs Dy FL Faculty of Engineering Architecture and Construction @ ie Course: Fundamentals of Architectural Design (CAE210) esa pp ly J) Term: 4 BD ala bat Tmeatiowed:6rours 9 V_Z _ oll et 8 soa End of Term Exam coal Gall gs clad Mobile Home Mobile homes (also informally called "caravans" or “trailers") are prefabricated homes built in factories, rather than on site, and then taken to the place where they will be occupied, They are usually transported by tractor-trailers over public roads. While these homes are usually placed in one location and left there permanently, they do retain the ability to be moved, as required in many areas. Behind the cosmetic work fitted at installation to hide the base, there are strong trailer frames, axles, wheels, and tow-hitches. Living in a mobile home does not mean that one should give up neither comfort nor beauty. However, as a designer for mobile homes, one should consider their mode of fabrication and materials of building, Question 1 Answer the following questions: ‘ 1. The typical design act is comprised of 3 processes. What are these processes, and how are they related to each other? 2. List the different possible design generators. And give one example (architectural or non- architectural) for each generator. Which one did you use in your mobile home? Question 2 You are assigned to design a mobile-home unit to accommodate a family comprising of the parents and a single child. Your unit should adequate space for the following functions: 1. Sleeping 2. Living 3. Eating 4, Services Deliverables: * Analysis Diagrams © Furnished Plan (1:50) * One Elevation (1:50) Two Sections (1:50) Perspective ‘+ In addition to any other drawings and diagrams that explain your concept and support your design Best of Luck Dina TAHA BE eS eee Y | Alexandria University Special Scientific Programs ian LI} racuity of Engineering Architecture and Construction Peon ENVIROMNMENT (1) atee- a Please answer the following questions, using sketches and graphs as appropriate: 1. What are the differences between passive solar energy and active solar energy concepts in Architecture? 2. Define the following terms in the context of Environmental Control: Sundial, Sun Path, Altitude Angle, Azimuth Angle, Longitude, Latitude, Solar Radiation Square, Wind Rose, Wind Square, Wind Catcher. 3. To design buildings with daylight in mind, a designer may use: a) Form, b) Orientation, c) Side light, d) Top light, or e) Courtyards and Atria. Explain. 4. Discuss 2 of the strategies that can be adopted in designing a layout of building groups, taking into account environmental factors such as sun, wind and daylight. = \ =e Prof Dr OsamaM. Abdel-rahman. 2011 Alexandria University Faculty of Engineering |Architec.& Constr. Eng. Program June 2011 Eng. Mat. and Stress Anal. CAE206 Spring Semester ‘Time allowed: 3 hours 1. For the area shown in Fig.1 Final exam a- locate the centroid. 20 b- Determine the moment of inertia a 1, about the centroidal x axis. x. _. [ee (10 Marks) 60 Ay paisa! daa sas Sally 9 lanl Leta ald YONY gui aga Sula y Apuasigal al gal BN pal ual lela COU + Ga ji = eee 2. For the steel beam shown in Fig.2 a- Draw the normal force diagram. prevent the support at B from horizontal translation. The cross-sectional area A,=1320-mm’, and E, = 200 GPa (5 Marks) b- Determine the horizontal displacements at CRB. 50004 c- Determine the force required to A c 3. For the cross-section shown in Fig.3 and due to the given tensile a- Draw the normal stress diagram. b- Find the maximum value of (P) Zz so that, max. compressive stress do not exceed 40MPa The cross-section properties are: A = 9600 mm?, 8.48(10)’mm*, 4.504(10)’mm*. C2 Marks) Exam Committee: Prof Dr. Mohamed Diwan, Dr. Mona .Elsalamawy (2) normal force P $84 Pz 120 Ke 20 7° 2570 im in_ mm fune2011 PAtcxnaria University [Faculty of Engineering Architec.& Constr. Eng. Program ‘June 2011 Spring Semester Final ‘Time allowed: 3 hours marexamn YON gag Eng. Mat. and Stress Anal. CAE206 Naga Dyas Apasight al gl BRD gal jal Qua hel 238 + Ga3l fo 4. For the thin walled section shown in Fig.4, and due to a shearing force Vy = 120KN acting at the shear center, it is required to: a- Draw the shear flow diagram. b- Locate the shear center. ¢- Determine the maximum torsional stress generated when moving the shear force 10-mm apart from the shear center. Dim. inmm Constant thickness t =10-mm I, = 120(10)’mm* eee ee CF Marts) = w CF Marks) 100 MPa . Fig.5 shows a state of plane stress. Using Mohr’s criterion, determine the principal stresses, MB the maximum shear stress and 140 "fa corresponding normal stress (045) and their planes. ae 50 MP Ul« For the beam shown in Fig.6 with EI=10000KN.m,, it is required to: a- Calculate the slope pg, relative slope Yep. b- Calculate the deflections yc, and yp. Oc Draw the qualitative deflection line. (10 sarki) q 30 kV /in a a a [ D 4” m5" Fig.6 Exam Committee: Prof.Dr. Mohamed Diwan, Dr.Mona Elsalamawy 22) June2011 t rE ESO! wT f Alexandria University Special Scientific Programs omy Faculty of Engineering Architecture and Construction (& remecture constuction [ Spring Semester -2010/2011 | CAE207 Construction Materials- Part 2 [Final Exam — June 2011 | Time allowed: 2:00 | ‘Question #1 1. Briefly, define and discuss the importance of the following terms (show limits if exist): a, Maximum and nominal maximum size of aggregate b, Moisture states in aggregate (OD, air dry, SSD, damp) c. Specific gravity of aggregate 4, Normal consistency, initial and final setting time of cement ¢. Hydration of cement and its products, and the dormant period 2. The following table shows the results of two sieve analysis tests for fine aggregates A and B. Sieve size ] Weight retained em | Weight retained gm Sample | Sample A (total we B (total weight =520 em) 425 gm) No. a 0 8 30, 16 0 30 80 _ | 30 120 _ | 100, [65 | 200 2 _ | Pan b 3 | a. Show the sieve analysis calculations for both b. Calculate the fineness modulus of both aggregates, and compure them (which one is finer). 3) Define segregation and bleeding and show the consequences of each 4) Define flash setting of cement and show how you can handle this problem on site | 5) State the typical value for the following: concrete compressive strength. concrete tensile strength, | slump. cement content, water cement ratio. 6) Show and explain the effect of the followi a. specimen shape and size b. loading rate ¢. water cement ratio 7) Describe the deterioration process of concrete due to the attack of a. Sulfates | b. Seawater. and explain in detail what type of cement would be used and why’? c. Alkali aggregate reaction and show what are the consequences of deterioration?. uestion #2 I on concrete compressive strength 1) Classify cement types according to ASTM and state which type of cement can be used in the | following cases: a) A harbor at the north coast of Egypt b) A military structure to be constricted in a short period of time ¢) A building in Semoha, Alexandria 4d) Massive Concrete dam Examiner: Dr Ashraf Ragab Mohamed { U t t C C f t G t i C i C c 5 8 Faculty of Engineering Architecture and Construction y Eonstruton f Alexandria University Special Scientific Programs ae architect 2) What is the importance of using well-graded aggregate in concrete? Draw a schematic diagram showing the grading curves for well-graded, gap-graded, and uniform grading aggregate stating the reason for obtaining such gradations 3) What is the main role played by water-cement ratio in conerete? 4) Define the term "concrete workability" and state the effect on water. aggregate sI on that property. It is a fundamental property? Explain. ape and texture 5) Define the term "slump loss" showing with neat sketches the difference between slump loss of concrete with and without superplasticizers 6) A concrete mix is required for a heavily reinforced concrete frame for a building in Alexandria near the sea. The characteristic 28 days cube compressive strength is 30 MPa, and type Il cement will be used. The minimum member thickness is 30 em, and the minimum clear distance between reinforcing bars is 2.5 cm. No statistical data on previous mixes are available. Properties of available aggregates are given below { Material | BSG | Absorption | Moisture Fineness _| Dry- rodded ] capacity Content Modulus unit weight | | % % | kg/m3 | | Gravel Nominal max. 2.67 [12 [os - [1650 | regate size 19 mm. | | | j 2.50 [23 igs - | 1480 ] | | aggregate size 25 mm_| | I | Natural sand [26116 [25 [2.8 T1610 ] a. Proportion a trial mix using the ACI 211.1 guidelines for a 180 mm slump concrete (in OD condition) using a superplasticizer which can reduce water content by 15%. (you need to decide which aggregate is to be used) b. Adjust the concrete mix to take into the moisture state in the aggregate 7) Explain in detail the process of steel corrosion in concrete and its consequences and give a briet discussion about the role played by the chlorides in this process. With ny bost wishas Examiner: Dr Ashraf Ragab Mohamed aoe Se SS eS PS eee eee ee el | Alexandria University Special Scientific Programs Sy SLID) -acuity of engineering Architecture and Construction Ce ase, Answer the following: 1-For the following flooring types illustrate and explain; material(s)/ installation/ prerequisites/ precautions/ uses Vinyl/ HDF/ ceramic tiles/ timber/cement tiles/ terrazzo 2-"Aluminum has been widely used in the building industry"; discuss and illustrate 3- Illustrate the role of timber as a finishing material With my best wishes Dr. M:A.M.HANAFI

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