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ARE YOU LONESOME TONIGHT? Words and Music by Roy Turk and Lou Handman Valse moderato i 5 Fe | 1.To-night Tm down hearted, For thoughwehave part-ed, 1 love you, and 1 al-ways will; And 2.1 holdwithaf- fec-tion, A fond re-col-lee-tion, A ro-mance of days now gone by; And white Im so lonely, Imwrit ing you on -ty, To sve if you care for me still, oft-en 1 won-der, If 1 made a blun-der, By let-ting you bid me “Good - bye.” Gn G — Dm8 7 Am cm A? ES cHoRUS Areyou lonr-some to night Doyou miss me to-night, Areyousor-ry: Does yourmem-0 -ry pe =e # drifted a- part? a? Dm ay Dm stray To a bright sun-mer day, When kissed you and called you "Sweet heart7™=— othe chairs in your parlourseem emp-ty and bare, Do you gaze at your doorstep and pic-ture me there? Isyourheart filled with G7 RECITATION 1 wonder if you're lonesome tonight’ You know. someone said “The world's a stage, and exch must playa part Fate had me playing "in love’ with you as ny sweeineart, Act one was Where we met: I loved you at first glance You read sour lines so cleverly,and never missed a cue Then came act (wo. You sermed to change, yu acted strange. ant whs? T11 never Know Hoaey, you Tied when you said “You loved ine" no cause todaubt you But I rather go on hearing your lies than to go on living without you Now the stage is bare, and Lm standing there with emptiness all around And if you won't come back Co me, then they can Fing ihe curiain down. At ond of Recitation @, ving. "Ts yeur heart” fo 8T

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