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KMM Coursework

Part B
Deadline: 12noon, March 20th, 2008
Submit to ITO
The part B of KMM course covers the CommonKADS framework for business and
organisational context analysis that makes use of several practical worksheets and
conceptual modelling methods. This exercise allows you to demonstrate your
knowledge of this method.
Question A: (Marks: UG4: 100%, MSc: 70%)
Based on your understanding of the CommonKADS framework, produce a detailed
process model that depicts knowledge management activities that are being carried
out as a part of this framework. Imagine that you are using this process model as a
stand-alone tool to explain to someone who does not know about CommonKADS
activities previously.
Note that such as a detailed process model may be quite complicated and therefore
requires further deliberation on some of the processes, you may therefore want to use
process decomposition techniques to describe their sub-processes. By deploying
process decomposition techniques, you are therefore able to provide different levels of
abstraction through processes and their sub-processes. Give explanation on the design
rationale of your process model, wherever appropriate. Also take care to provide
additional/separate textual description to give descriptions of those processes to
complement the graphical part of the process model. You may also consider including
the actor information in your process model, so that it is clear which actors are
involved and in which actions, and how they interact with each other.
To answer this question, you can choose to use the UML Activity diagram or another
process modelling method for this purpose.
Question B: (Marks: UG4: 0%, MSc: 30%)
You have a client that is a software company who wishes to automate the
CommonKADS business analysis and organisational context analysis methods as far
as possible to assist knowledge management projects. Your task is to examine the
process of CommonKADS business analysis and organisational modelling methods
and propose knowledge system solutions, where possible.
Using the process model that you have built above, apply the appropriate/relevant
CommonKADS techniques to identify those processes that are suitable for automation
(that may be a knowledge based solution or not). Justify why you have chosen certain
processes to provide (knowledge based) automated support. Also explain why other
processes are not suitable for knowledge based support.
NOTE: make sure you clearly provide your name, student registration number,
course name on the first page of your submitted report.

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