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Whats happening to


2014 is going to be remembered as a bad year

for Samsung and is almost certainly one of the worst in
the companys history. Income has slumped throughout
the year and Q3 profitswere miserable in the
companys key IT & Mobile business segments. Just
what is going wrong over at Samsung?
First things first, lets take a closer look at Samsungs
most recent figures and see exactly which business
division is causing the company the most problems.

Starting with sales revenues, we can see that the

majority of Samsungs business arms have managed to
hold steady revenues for the past three years. Device
Solutions have seen a slow decline in sales, but IT and
Mobile Communications, of which smartphone
revenues make up a majority share, have been steadily
falling since mid-2013. The worrying trend is that
Samsungs mobile division has fallen even faster than it
rose, with revenues now back at early 2012 levels.

The problem for Samsung, in terms of sales, is not that

its products are bad, not that it has fallen behind the
competition, nor that the company is suffering a brand
crisis. More consumers are using Samsung devices
than ever and the company is still the largest
smartphone brand in many regions around the world.
The problem is that the markets where Samsung has
the strongest presence are heavily saturated, leading to
a fall in sales.
Figures we collected earlier in the year showed that
typical Samsung strongholds, such as the US, Western
Europe, and Japan/Korea, are now the slowest growing
markets. Samsung flourished from the Western
smartphone boom through the early 2010s, but the
growth has slowed recently.
Technology is a big part of the reason for this
slowdown. Smartphones sold in 2012 and 2013 still
hold up very well against todays flagship handsets.
There is little reason for these consumers to upgrade
from a Galaxy S4 to S5, or to a new Galaxy Alpha or

Note 4. Especially not at the high prices Samsung


You can see that smartphone sales have been mostly

flat in many markets since 2012, with Asia and Central
America showing the strongest levels of growth. These
are also the two regions where Samsung doesnt have
a hugely dominant share of the Android market. Asia is
actually mostly evenly split amongst a wide range of
competing smartphone manufacturers.

The hugely competitive nature of these growing

markets and technological saturation in others is
putting downward pressure on prices. We can see this
in the success of brands like LG, Motorola, and Xiaomi,
who are all performing this year well due to the lower
price point of their high-end smartphones. HTC,
Samsung, and Sony, which all maintain higher price
points, are all having a harder time.
Samsung has surely been aware of this growth and
competition throughout 2013, yet has seemingly turned
a blind eye to this trend and has remained with sights
squarely aimed at the high-end market. This tactic does
not appear to be paying off.

Profits for Samsungs mobile division are now

substantially lower than 2012 levels and have dropped
off sharply over the last two quarters. Given that the
decline in profits has happened even more suddenly
and sharply than the mobile divisions drop in sales
revenue, there must be additional factors at work.
Samsungs growing product portfolio could have a lot to
do with this. Its huge number of Galaxy S5 variants, the
Note Edge and the upcoming Galaxy A series all add
substantial expenses to Samsungs balance sheet, yet

reception and sales numbers arent going to match that

of Samsungs major flagship launches. Chasing
consumers with new product materials and features is
an expensive business, but it looks like Samsungs
solution of choice to its sales problems.
Read more:
Galaxy S5 sales losing steam against iPhone,
market research suggests
Samsung said to accelerate Note 4 release in
response to strong iPhone sales
Samsung Galaxy S5 mini is out: compact design,
watered down specs
Samsung's Q3 net profit down nearly 50% year-onyear
Apple, which targets an even higher price bracket, is
not suffering to the same extent partly because a lot of
the companys revenue comes from additional product
and service sales. Samsung doesnt have an iTunes

store to keep revenue from existing customers coming

in. Furthermore, Samsung has to compete against a
huge variety of Android OEMs, whilst theres only one
hardware player if youre looking for an iOS device.
This offers Apple some additional security, despite
operating in the same saturated markets as Samsung.
On the positive side of things, Samsungs display panel
and semiconductor businesses have seen profits grow
over the past few years, mostly due to increasing
demand from Samsungs own competitors. The extra
completion and strong growth in Asian markets has
helped push up demand for Samsungs display and
chip products, and Samsungs
manufacturing processeses have become more
profitable as its technology has matured. Samsungs
20nm manufacturing process and memory options are
also expecting strong demand going forward.

Ideas like the Galaxy Note Edge are novel, but they
arent going to attract mass market appeal.
Samsungs problems are grounded firmly in its
smartphone division, the rest of the company seems to
be faring much better. The company doesnt seem to
have adapted to the changing nature of the smartphone
market over the past 18 months. Slowing growth in the
West, falling prices, and increased competition is a
tough environment to do business. Samsungs current
strategy is costing the company dearly.

With all of the above said, Samsungs various divisions

are all still profitable and the smartphone segment
remains a huge earner for the company. Samsung isnt
facing a Blackberry or Nokia-esque decline into
oblivion, as it still has a strong brand presence
throughout most of the world. Samsung is still making
more money that a lot of its rivals and is not the only
big brand feeling the pinch this year.
Instead, Samsung is suffering the comedown after
years of outstanding sales and expenditure is riding
high as the company searches for a way to reverse this
inevitable slump in sales. Time will tell if Samsung can
recover its previous fortunes.
Apa yang terjadi ke Samsung?
oleh: ROB Triggs
30 Oktober 2014
samsung galaxy note 4 kesan pertama (8 dari 20)
2014 akan dikenang sebagai tahun yang buruk bagi Samsung dan hampir
pasti salah satu yang terburuk dalam sejarah perusahaan. Penghasilan telah
merosot sepanjang tahun dan Q3 keuntungan yang menyedihkan dalam kunci

segmen bisnis IT & Mobile perusahaan. Hanya apa yang salah selama di
hal pertama yang pertama, mari kita lihat lebih dekat tokoh Samsung terbaru
dan melihat persis yang divisi bisnis menyebabkan perusahaan paling
Dimulai dengan pendapatan penjualan, kita dapat melihat bahwa sebagian
besar lengan bisnis Samsung ini telah berhasil menahan pendapatan stabil
selama tiga tahun terakhir. Perangkat Solusi telah melihat penurunan lambat
dalam penjualan, tapi IT dan Mobile Communications, yang pendapatan
smartphone membuat saham mayoritas, telah terus jatuh sejak pertengahan
2013. Tren mengkhawatirkan adalah bahwa divisi mobile Samsung telah jatuh
lebih cepat daripada naik, dengan pendapatan sekarang kembali pada tingkat
awal 2012.
Samsung Q3 2014 Pendapatan
Masalah bagi Samsung, dalam hal penjualan, tidak bahwa produknya adalah
buruk, tidak bahwa itu telah jatuh di belakang kompetisi, atau bahwa
perusahaan menderita krisis merek. Banyak konsumen yang menggunakan
perangkat Samsung dari sebelumnya dan perusahaan masih merupakan
merek smartphone terbesar di banyak daerah di seluruh dunia. Masalahnya
adalah bahwa pasar di mana Samsung memiliki kehadiran terkuat sangat
jenuh, yang mengarah ke penurunan penjualan.
Angka kami mengumpulkan pada awal tahun menunjukkan bahwa kubu
Samsung khas, seperti Amerika Serikat, Eropa Barat, dan Jepang / Korea,
sekarang pasar berkembang lambat. Samsung berkembang dari booming
smartphone Barat melalui awal 2010 ini, namun pertumbuhan telah melambat
baru-baru ini.
Teknologi adalah bagian besar dari alasan untuk perlambatan ini. Smartphone
yang terjual di 2012 dan 2013 masih tahan sangat baik terhadap handset
flagship hari ini. Ada sedikit alasan bagi konsumen untuk meng-upgrade dari
Galaxy S4 untuk S5, atau ke Galaxy Alpha baru atau Catatan 4. Terutama
pada harga tinggi biaya Samsung.
Data Global Smartphone

Anda dapat melihat bahwa penjualan smartphone telah sebagian besar datar
di banyak pasar sejak 2012, dengan Asia dan Amerika Tengah yang
menunjukkan tingkat terkuat pertumbuhan. Ini juga merupakan dua daerah di
mana Samsung tidak memiliki pangsa yang sangat dominan pasar Android.
Asia sebenarnya sebagian besar terbagi rata antara berbagai bersaing
produsen smartphone.
Sifat sangat kompetitif dari pasar-pasar berkembang dan saturasi teknologi
pada orang lain adalah menempatkan tekanan pada harga. Kita bisa melihat
ini dalam keberhasilan merek seperti LG, Motorola, dan Xiaomi, yang
semuanya tampil tahun ini dengan baik karena titik harga yang lebih rendah
dari smartphone high-end mereka. HTC, Samsung, dan Sony, yang semua
menjaga poin harga yang lebih tinggi, semua memiliki waktu yang sulit.
Samsung telah pasti menyadari pertumbuhan dan persaingan di seluruh
2013, namun telah tampaknya menutup mata untuk tren ini dan tetap dengan
pemandangan tepat ditujukan untuk pasar high-end. Taktik ini tidak muncul
untuk melunasi.
Samsung Q3 2014 Laba
Keuntungan untuk divisi mobile Samsung kini jauh lebih rendah dari 2012
tingkat dan telah turun tajam selama dua kuartal terakhir. Mengingat bahwa
penurunan laba telah terjadi lebih mendadak dan tajam dibandingkan
penurunan divisi mobile pendapatan penjualan, harus ada faktor tambahan di
tempat kerja.
portofolio produk Samsung tumbuh bisa memiliki banyak hubungannya
dengan ini. Jumlah yang besar dari varian Galaxy S5, Catatan Ujung dan
mendatang Galaxy Serangkaian semua menambah biaya yang cukup besar
untuk neraca Samsung, namun penerimaan dan penjualan nomor tidak akan
cocok dengan Samsung meluncurkan andalan utama. Mengejar konsumen
dengan bahan produk baru dan fitur adalah bisnis yang mahal, tapi sepertinya
solusi Samsung pilihan untuk masalah penjualan.
Baca lebih banyak:
penjualan Galaxy S5 kehilangan uap terhadap iPhone, riset pasar

Samsung mengatakan untuk mempercepat Catatan 4 rilis dalam menanggapi

penjualan iPhone yang kuat
Samsung Galaxy S5 mini keluar: desain yang kompak, disiram turun
laba bersih Q3 Samsung turun hampir 50% year-on-year
Apple, yang menargetkan braket harga yang lebih tinggi, tidak menderita
pada tingkat yang sama sebagian karena banyak pendapatan perusahaan
berasal dari tambahan penjualan produk dan layanan. Samsung tidak
memiliki toko iTunes untuk menjaga pendapatan dari pelanggan yang sudah
ada yang datang. Selain itu, Samsung harus bersaing melawan berbagai
macam Android OEM, sementara hanya ada satu pemain hardware jika Anda
sedang mencari perangkat iOS. Ini menawarkan Apel beberapa keamanan
tambahan, meskipun beroperasi di pasar jenuh sama dengan Samsung.
Di sisi positif dari hal-hal, panel display dan semikonduktor bisnis Samsung ini
telah melihat keuntungan tumbuh selama beberapa tahun terakhir, sebagian
besar karena meningkatnya permintaan dari pesaing Samsung sendiri. Ekstra
penyelesaian dan pertumbuhan yang kuat di pasar Asia telah membantu
mendorong permintaan untuk Samsung display dan chip yang produk, dan
processeses manufaktur Samsung ini telah menjadi lebih menguntungkan
sebagai teknologi telah jatuh tempo. Samsung proses manufaktur 20nm dan
memori pilihan juga mengharapkan permintaan yang kuat ke depan.
samsung galaxy note tepi x aa 11
Situs seperti Galaxy Note Ujung adalah novel, tetapi mereka tidak akan
menarik daya tarik pasar massal.
masalah Samsung didasarkan tegas dalam divisi smartphone, sisa
perusahaan tampaknya faring jauh lebih baik. Perusahaan tidak tampaknya
telah beradaptasi dengan perubahan sifat pasar smartphone selama 18 bulan
terakhir. Perlambatan pertumbuhan di Barat, penurunan harga, dan
meningkatnya persaingan adalah lingkungan yang sulit untuk melakukan
bisnis. Strategi Samsung saat ini biaya perusahaan mahal.
Dengan semua kata di atas, berbagai divisi Samsung semua masih
menguntungkan dan segmen smartphone masih menjadi penghasil besar
bagi perusahaan. Samsung tidak menghadapi penurunan Blackberry atau
Nokia-esque terlupakan, karena masih memiliki kehadiran merek yang kuat di
sebagian besar dunia. Samsung masih membuat lebih banyak uang yang
banyak saingan dan bukan satu-satunya merek besar merasa terjepit tahun

Sebaliknya, Samsung menderita comedown setelah bertahun-tahun

penjualan dan pengeluaran luar biasa naik tinggi sebagai pencarian
perusahaan cara untuk membalikkan kemerosotan yang tak terelakkan ini
dalam penjualan. Waktu akan memberitahu jika Samsung dapat memulihkan
nasib sebelumnya.

Samsung Electronics Segment Revenues and Operating Income

in Context
DEC 3, 1210:57 AM

As first introduced last week, Samsungs revenues have grown

primarily due to the expanding volumes of smartphones. In todays post
I convert the revenues and operating incomes to US Dollars and
compare them to a set of companies.
First, I should note that Samsung has changed both the designation of
its divisions and the way it reports revenue. Broadly speaking,
Samsung Electronics has four major divisions:
1. Semiconductors. This includes memory products as well as
systems such as CPUs.
2. Display products. This used to be called LCD but has been renamed Display Products.
3. Telecom. This is mainly mobile phones but includes additional
products and services for telecom operators and PCs. The division
has recently been re-named IM (IT and Mobile communications).
4. Consumer Electronics. This group has changed names from Digital
Media and Appliances to CE. The majority of sales value comes
from televisions but also includes consumer electronics and
The company further combines Semiconductors and Display Products
into a group called DS (Device Solutions) and Consumer Electronics
and IM into DMC (Digital Media & Communications).

I tried to reconcile these various nomenclatures with color coding in the

following graph. Semiconductors are blue, Display components are red,
Consumer Electronics are Yellow and Mobile are grey.

Each gridline represents $10 billion.

One more point to note about revenue recognition: Relatively recently
the company has switched from reporting consolidated revenues to
gross revenues. This means that current sales include inter-segment
sales. So, as much as it is possible, the data above shows sales from
division to division as well to external customers.
When it comes to reporting operating income, the company offers four
segment values: Consumer Electronics (Appliances, TV, Digital

Media), IT and Mobile (including mobile phones), Display Panel

(formerly LCD), and Semiconductor.
I used the same color coding to show the income values in the same
scale as the graph showing income:

Its now possible to compare Samsung Electronics with Google,

Microsoft and Apple in terms of divisional (as a proxy for product-line)
revenue and profitability over a five year period.

Smartphone Vendor Market Share, 2016 Q2

The worldwide smartphone market grew 0.7% year over year in 2016Q2, with
344.7 million shipments, according to data from the International Data
Corporation (IDC) Worldwide Quarterly Mobile Phone Tracker. This slowing
growth is primarily due to the decline in developed markets such as United
States, Canada, Japan and Western Europe. This quarter's shipments were
slightly lower than forecast and IDC expects to see a noticeable slowdown in
smartphone shipments in 2016 with China showing a more mature growth
pattern. Android dominated the market with an 87.6% share in 2016Q2.
Samsung reasserted its global leadership with the success of its new flagship





















Source: IDC, Aug 2016

Contact IDC to purchase smartphone data

Samsung retained its number one position in the worldwide smartphone market
with a 22.8% share in 2016Q2. This retention of position comes in the midst of a
YoY growth of 7.7%. This is largely attributed to the success of the new Galaxy
S7 and Galaxy S7 Edge flagship devices. In addition to this, increased shipments
of lower-end models, particularly to regions like Southeast Asia, the Middle East,
and Africa also contributed to its success. Samsung's streamlined portfolio of
devices, including the affordable J-series, proved successful in many mid-tier
markets that were typically dominated by local brands.
Apple shipped a total of 40.4 million units, which is a 15% decline year on year
from 2015Q2. The new iPhone SE did well in both emerging and developed
markets. The iPhone 6s was its best-selling device globally, followed by the SE
and 6s Plus.
Huawei continued to be in the number three spot this quarter. There was a
continued push on premium devices from its portfolio, with the P9 and Mate 8
devices. The shipments of mid-range and high-end phones accounted for around
50% of its smartphone shipments in 2016Q2. The average selling price of
Huawei devices has been increasing steadily both YoY and QoQ. What remains
to be seen is how successful Huawei can be at penetrating the high-end segment
in the US.
OPPO, which ousted Lenovo last quarter to grab the number four spot, retained
its position in 2016Q2. With a share of 6.6% of the smartphone market, OPPO's
main play is in China. With aggressive marketing it continues to find success in
Asian markets outside China. The R9 followed by the A31 are its top devices this
vivo, which got into the top five category in 2016Q1 in the place of Xiaomi,
continued in the same spot this quarter. It maintains strong momentum in China
with the X6 being its top selling handset. Using celebrity endorsements and
advertisements, vivo has been able to capture a huge following and create a
strong brand presence.

Smartphone Penjual Market Share 2016 Q2

Pasar smartphone di seluruh dunia tumbuh 0,7% dari tahun ke tahun di
2016Q2, dengan 344.700.000 pengiriman, menurut data dari Data
Corporation International (IDC) Seluruh Dunia Quarterly Mobile Phone Tracker.
pertumbuhan melambat ini terutama karena penurunan di pasar negara maju
seperti Amerika Serikat, Kanada, Jepang dan Eropa Barat. pengiriman kuartal
ini sedikit lebih rendah dari perkiraan dan IDC mengharapkan untuk melihat
perlambatan nyata dalam pengiriman smartphone pada 2016 dengan China
menunjukkan pola pertumbuhan yang lebih matang. Android mendominasi
pasar dengan pangsa 87,6% di 2016Q2. Samsung menegaskan kembali
kepemimpinan global dengan keberhasilan perangkat andalan baru.

IDC: Smartphone Penjual Market Share 2016 2015 Bagan

Periode Samsung Apel Huawei OPPO vivo Lainnya
2015Q3 23,3% 13,4% 7,6% 3,2% 2,9% 49,6%
2015Q4 20,4% 18,6% 8,2% 3,6% 3,0% 46,2%
2016Q1 23,8% 15,4% 8,4% 5,9% 4,4% 42,1%
2016Q2 22,8% 11,7% 9,3% 1,0% 5,9% 40,2%
Sumber: IDC, Agustus 2016

Hubungi IDC untuk membeli data ponsel cerdas

Samsung mempertahankan posisi nomor satu di pasar smartphone di seluruh
dunia dengan pangsa 22,8% di 2016Q2. retensi ini posisi datang di tengahtengah pertumbuhan YoY 7,7%. Hal ini sebagian besar disebabkan oleh
keberhasilan Galaxy S7 dan Galaxy S7 Ujung perangkat andalan baru. Selain
ini, peningkatan pengiriman model lebih rendah-end, terutama untuk daerahdaerah seperti Asia Tenggara, Timur Tengah, dan Afrika juga mendukung
kesuksesan. portofolio efisien Samsung perangkat, termasuk terjangkau Jseri, terbukti berhasil di banyak pasar mid-tier yang biasanya didominasi oleh
merek-merek lokal.

Apple mengirimkan total 40,4 juta unit, yang merupakan tahun penurunan
15% pada tahun dari 2015Q2. IPhone SE baru melakukannya dengan baik di
kedua pasar negara berkembang dan dikembangkan. IPhone 6s adalah
perangkat terlaris secara global, diikuti oleh SE dan 6s Plus.

Huawei terus berada di nomor tiga tempat kuartal ini. Ada dorongan terus
pada perangkat premium dari portofolio, dengan P9 dan Mate 8 perangkat.
The pengiriman mid-range dan ponsel high-end menyumbang sekitar 50%
dari pengiriman smartphone di 2016Q2. Harga jual rata-rata perangkat
Huawei telah meningkat terus baik YoY dan QoQ. Apa yang masih harus
dilihat adalah bagaimana sukses Huawei bisa di penetrasi segmen high-end
di AS.

OPPO, yang digulingkan Lenovo kuartal terakhir untuk mengambil nomor

empat tempat, mempertahankan posisinya di 2016Q2. Dengan pangsa 6,6%
dari pasar smartphone, bermain utama OPPO adalah di Cina. Dengan
pemasaran yang agresif terus mendapatkan kesuksesan di pasar Asia di luar
China. R9 diikuti oleh A31 adalah perangkat puncaknya kuartal ini.

vivo, yang masuk ke lima kategori top di 2016Q1 di tempat Xiaomi, terus di
tempat yang sama pada kuartal ini. Ia memelihara momentum yang kuat di
Cina dengan X6 yang menjual handset top. Menggunakan dukungan selebriti
dan iklan, vivo telah mampu menangkap berikut besar dan membuat
kehadiran merek yang kuat.=======

Samsung was the top smartphone vendor for both Q4

2015 as well as the complete year, according to a latest
report by market research firm Gartner. Specifically, the
South Korean company sold over 83.4 million units last
quarter, claiming 20.7% share of the market, which is up
from 19.9% share reported in Q4, 2014.

Apple came in second with 17.7% market share, down

from 20.4% share the Cupertino-based company claimed
in the year-ago quarter. Huawei, Lenovo, and Xiaomi
rounded up the top five with 8%, 5%, and 4.5% shares,
respectively. Notably, Huawei achieved the best growth
with a 53% jump in sales.
Overall, global smartphone sales saw an year-on-year
jump of 9.7% last quarter, which the report said was the
slowest growth rate since 2008.
For the complete year too, as already mentioned,
Samsung retained the top spot - its market share stood at
22.5%, although that was down from the 24.7% share it
had in 2014. Apple's share slightly increased and stood at
15.9%, giving the company the second spot.

Here also, Huawei was the best performer in terms of

sales jump.
Talking about the smartphone operating system (OS)
market, Android retained the No.1 position in Q4 with
over 80% share, which is a jump of over 4% compared to
the year ago quarter. Apple iOS' share fell from 20.4% to

The data shows that Windows Phone sales dropped to

4.3 million units last quarter from 10.4 million in Q4 2014,
giving the OS just 1.1% market share. This is broadly in
line with what wealready know.
Finally, struggling BlackBerry's share of the market slid
even closer to zero.

Gartner Says Worldwide Smartphone Sales Grew 9.7 Percent in Fourth

Quarter of 2015

Global Smartphone Sales Exhibited Slowest Growth Since 2008

iPhone Sales Declined for the First Time
Global sales of smartphones to end users totaled 403 million units in the
fourth quarter of 2015, a 9.7 percent increase over the same period in
2014, according to Gartner, Inc. However, this was their slowest growth rate
since 2008. In 2015 as a whole, smartphone sales reached 1.4 billion units,
an increase of 14.4 percent from 2014.
Low-cost smartphones in emerging markets, and strong demand for
premium smartphones, continued to be the driving factors, said Anshul
Gupta, research director at Gartner. An aggressive pricing from local and
Chinese brands in the midrange and entry-level segments of emerging
markets led to consumers upgrading more quickly to affordable

Mr. Gupta said that 85 percent of users in the emerging Asia/Pacific market
are replacing their current midrange phone with the same category of
phone. In addition, currency devaluations against the U.S. dollar in many
emerging markets are putting further margin pressure on many vendors
that import devices. Current market conditions are prompting some vendors
to consider setting up manufacturing operations in India and Indonesia to
avoid being hit by future unfavorable currency devaluations and high import
In the fourth quarter of 2015, Samsung and Huawei were the only two topfive smartphone vendors to increase their sales to end users (see Table 1).
Apple suffered its first decline in sales of smartphones iPhone sales
were down 4.4 percent.
Table 1
Worldwide Smartphone Sales to End Users by Vendor in 4Q15
(Thousands of Units)


Units Share (%)


Units Share (%)




























44.1 155,551.6



100.0 367,334.4


*The figures for Lenovo include sales of mobile phones by both Lenovo and
Source: Gartner (February 2016)
Although Samsung was the No.1 vendor, Gartner analysts said the
company faces challenges. For Samsung to stop falling sales of premium
smartphones, it needs to introduce new flagship smartphones that can
compete with iPhones and stop the churn to iOS devices, said Mr. Gupta.
With an increase in sales of 53 percent in the fourth quarter of 2015,
Huawei achieved the best performance year over year. Huaweis increased
brand visibility overseas, and its decision to sell almost only smartphones,
gave it a higher average selling price in 2015.
For total sales of smartphones in 2015, Samsung maintained the No. 1
position, but its market share declined by 2.2 percentage points (see Table
2). In 2015, Apple sold 225.9 million iPhones, to achieve a market share of
almost 16 percent. Huaweis smartphone sales approached 104 million
units, up 53 percent year over year.
Table 2

Worldwide Smartphone Sales to End Users by Vendor in 2015

(Thousands of Units)


Units Share (%)


Units Share (%)



22.5 307,596.9




15.9 191,425.8



















44.6 539,691.3




100.0 1,244,739.


*The figures for Lenovo include sales of mobile phones by both Lenovo and
Source: Gartner (February 2016)
In terms of smartphone operating system (OS) market, Android increased
16.6 percent in the fourth quarter of 2015, to account for 80.7 percent of the
global total (see Table 3). Android benefited from continued demand for
affordable smartphones and from the slowdown of iOS units in the premium

market in the fourth quarter of 2015, said Roberta Cozza, research director
at Gartner. In the premium segment, despite Apple's slower year-over-year
fourth-quarter sales, Apple narrowed the market share gap with Samsung
in 2015 as a whole.
Table 3
Worldwide Smartphone Sales to End Users by Operating System in
4Q15 (Thousands of Units)
Operating System




80.7 279,057.5




















100.0 367,334.4




Units Share (%)


Units Share (%)

Source: Gartner (February 2016)

Additional information is available in the Gartner report Market Share:
Devices, All Countries, 4Q15 Update.

Viveca Woods
Rob van der Meulen
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Gartner Consulting and Gartner Events, Gartner works with every client to
research, analyze and interpret the business of IT within the context of their
individual role. Founded in 1979, Gartner is headquartered in Stamford,
Connecticut, USA, and has 8,100 associates, including more than 1,700

research analysts and consultants, and clients in more than 90 countries.

For more information, visit

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