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Archive Server Installation Guide

*Turn off windows firewall and make sure all the pre-requisites in the manual are satisfied.

Install IP > my comp> advance settings

Enter in command prompt:
For IPv4:
netsh int ipv4 set dynamicport tcp start=8091 num=57444
netsh int ipv4 set dynamicport udp start=8091 num=57444

3. Command prompt: input

netsh int ipv4 show dynamicportrange tcp
netsh int ipv4 show dynamicportrange udp

Start the Registry Editor by clicking Start > Run > regedit > OK.


Locate HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services

6. Add (or change) the following DWORD entry:

Entry Name: Size
Value: 3

Right-click My computer. Select Properties > Advanced system settings >

Advanced. In the Performance area, click Settings and select the Advanced tab.
From Processor scheduling, select Background services and click OK.
Install SQL Server:
Tick the box:
Client tools connectivity
Client tools backwards compatibility
Management tools basic & complete
Database engine services

Make sure .Net 3.5 is installed.

go to server manager >manage.
1 Database collation SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS
2 Mixed > Set password
3 SQL Configuration Manager
SQL Network Configuration > Protocols MSSSQLServer > Disable Shared
1 Follow 5.3 page 38 (Installation on Windows with Microsoft SQL)
2 Follow 5.4
In Database files:
15. Create folders in the drives for the Database files
1 Install Java and C++(2005,2008)
2 Task Manager>Tomcat Services>Apache Tomcat Services(Start)


Tomcat > manage app

Mount iso >Mastersetup.exe
Tick box:
Archive server and components, Clients(Admin Client),Document Pipelines(Sap
Solutions, Info, Perl, Remote Interface)

1 Change Directories to one root folder for easy access.

(Install the patches, make sure the Apache Tomcat and Archive Spwaner are stopped in the
task manager services tab)
1 Apache tomcat , Archive Spawner (Start)
Setting Up the Infrastructure:



Create root folder

a ISO1
b VOL001
Create Buffer folders:
a Buffer1
b Buffer2
Open Text Administration Client
Storage Devices
a Add Storage Devices
1 VJB1
2 Hard Disk Read Only
3 Container File
4 Go to mount point (Ex. G:\\)
5 Tick Restart Storage Manager
6 Refresh
7 Status will be changed to attached
Create Volume
a Disk Volume
1 VOL001
1 Mount Path
2 Hard Disk Read Only
Create VOL002
a Same as above (i)
Disk Volumes
a New Disk Volume
1 Buffer1>mount path
2 Buffer2>mount path
a New Original Disk Buffers
1 Attach volume
1 Eg. Buffer1, Buffer2
Follow page 88 of the guide.
Original Archives
a New Pool


Disable Certificates
Attach Volume of the archive
Go to software and find the test file codes
Then go to command prompt and run the codes in order to run the write job

Go to Jobs and right click purge_buffer1 and click start right job > after press refresh at
the right
When deleting volumes delete it in the command prompt or Utilities
For command Prompt
Enter code dsTools export DB (file name)
For Utilities
Click export and enter the Volume name

For Purge jobs go to Buffer and click properties and set it to 100%

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