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Are You The Next "Karate Kid?

Mr. Craig Willits, Chief Instructor at Spotsylvania Martial Arts in Fredericksburg VA, discusses the soon-to-be
released movie The Karate Kid and how you can use the lessons it teaches to become a "karate kid" yourself.

In 1984, the release of the movie The Karate Kid changed the martial arts industry forever. The movie's emphasis
on martial arts as a means of emotional and spiritual development created a sensation. Audiences saw Daniel
learn as much about life as about martial arts through Mr. Miyagi's gentle but firm training. Parents liked what
they saw, and the demand for children's martial arts exploded.

A new version of The Karate Kid will be released on June 11, 2010. In the new version, the characters' names are
different (Daniel and Mr. Miyagi become Dre and Mr. Han), the action takes place in Beijing instead of Los
Angeles, and the Dre learns Chinese kung fu instead of Japanese karate. However, the plot is virtually identical
to that of the 1984 film: a young hero learns martial arts so he can defend himself against bullies, and in the
process becomes a better person and learns some important life lessons.

Millions of people will watch the new movie this month, and will be attracted to its portrayal of martial arts. Both
the 1984 and the 2010 versions of The Karate Kid reflect the positive message of what traditional martial arts
training really is. This message can be summarized in five Martial Arts Lessons:

Martial Arts Lesson #1: Courtesy. As Dre bonds with Mr. Han, they practice common courtesy, which leads to
mutual respect. Dre learns that by submitting to Mr. Han's instruction, he will become skilled at martial arts
more quickly. His rebellious attitude also softens toward his mother and other authority figures.

Martial Arts Lesson #2: Integrity. Dre's opponents in the martial arts contest either cheat to win or do things that
are legal but morally wrong. In contrast, Mr. Han won't let Dre cheat or manipulate the rules. In the process, Dre
learns that you can triumph without doing the wrong thing.

Martial Arts Lesson #3: Perseverance. Martial arts take a long time to learn. Dre spends a lot of time on activities
he thinks are boring, but are really building the skills he needs to be competent at martial arts. In so doing, he
learns that training takes time, and it's not always fun, but it's worth the reward if you stick with it.

Martial Arts Lesson #4: Self-Control. At the beginning of the movie, Dre's response to being bullied is to lose
control, and it gets him beaten up. Through martial arts training, he learns to control his emotions and not give in
to them. This pays off in the final scenes where he must face the bullies without letting the pressure get to him.

Martial Arts Lesson #5: Indomitable Spirit. In the beginning of the movie, Dre is easily intimidated by the kids
who are bullying him. After training with Mr. Han, Dre faces off against his tormentors, and is determined to
continue to the end, even though he is injured. Through martial arts, he learns the importance of courage.

These five principles capture the core meaning and values of traditional martial arts training. They capture the
true message of The Karate Kid: the goal of traditional martial arts training is ultimately to make the student a
better person.

So if you saw The Karate Kid, you are probably excited about martial arts. Remember the movie's martial arts
lessons, and choose a studio that goes beyond the physical to develop the student as a total person. It's the only
way to train -- and succeed -- like Dre.
Spotsylvania Martial Arts offers a free trial program in the following areas:

 Traditional Martial Arts for Children (Ages 6-12): Better Grades, Self-Discipline, Respect, Enhanced Focus
 Traditional Martial Arts for Teens & Adults (Ages 13 and Up): Self-Discipline, Physical Fitness, Goal-Setting, Self Defense
 Krav Maga For Adults (Ages 18 and Up): Reality-Based Self Defense, Realistic Personal Protection

Spotsylvania Martial Arts Headquarters

4100 Lafayette Blvd, Fredericksburg VA 22408
Commerce Center Plaza (across from Spotswood Baptist Church)
Phone: 540-891-9008
Website addresses:

© 2010 Spotsylvania Martial Arts

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