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The Earth and the Universe

Unit 1

Audio scripts:
Unit 1, activity 7, page 7. Listen and complete the text.

When we focus on science, we always talk about the scientific method. We do this because
science helps us to get new knowledge from facts that we can test over and again. Science doesnt
allow speculation or beliefs. It follows methodical steps or organised stages. The first step is to
develop a hypothesis that is an idea or explanation that we want to test with experiments. Then,
we do the experiments to obtain data. With this information, we can generate a scientific theory,
which explains scientific facts. Finally, we can use models or simplified ideas of reality to explain
theories and make predictions.

Unit 1, activity 16, page 9. Listen and complete the text.


In temperate climates, there are four seasons: winter, spring, summer and autumn. Nevertheless,
not all the planets regions have four seasons. Equatorial areas, the regions that are between the
Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, have a constant temperature all the year. In those regions, they
talk about rainy seasons and dry seasons. The polar regions do not have four seasons either. The
North Pole and the South Pole only distinguish between midnight sun and polar night.

Unit 1, extra activity 3. Listen and repeat. Mark the stress in the words.

a) Universe.
b) Astronomy.
c) Galaxy.
d) Rotation.
e) Revolution.

algaida editores, S.A. Authorized photocopiable material.

f) Theory.

Unit 1, exam activity 4. Listen and complete the text.


The Moon is the only satellite of the Earth. It was formed approximately 4.5 billion years ago. The
Moon is in synchronous rotation with the Earth, always showing the same face.
It doesnt emit its own light. It reflects the light of the Sun. Its surface is composed of rocks and
dust. It doesnt have an atmosphere or liquid water, but ice has been discovered.
On 21 July 1969, Neil Armstrong became the first man to step foot on the Moon. He was the
commander of the American mission, Apollo. More than 11.5 million people worldwide watched
the television broadcast.


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