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Copyright 2016 Angela Weng

All rights reserved.

For Dad and Miracle, who believed when I didnt.

I was afire.
The anger that pulsed through my veins, that drowned the
nerves in my body and swallowed me whole, sharpened into
something else.
Something lethal.
A weapon made of cold, calculated hatred.
I raised my palms, watching mercilessly as the fire that
encased me swirled in spirals and roared with unveiled power
and destruction. The noise rattled in waves of echoes,
cascading across the ground, filling the space between sky and
ground until they seemed to touch.
I closed my eyes and the world turned to black ash. I
wanted to see red.
My skin might have been ablaze with fire, but inside, I was
all ice.
Fiat iustitia et pereat mundus. Let justice be done, though
the world shall perish.
I was taking the demonand my entire worlddown with
me, in the name of revenge.
And nothing could stop me.

When my timekeeper shrieked again for the fifth time
today, I woke up to white.
White is the absence of memory. Ironic, since I couldnt
recall where I had once heard that.
As I blinked my eyes open, the white disintegrated amongst
the blinding gold of my room. Sunlight poured through the
window, settling like a sheer veil of golden threads across the
room, like a coat of superficial perfection. I drowsily glanced at
the digital screen resting on my nightstand: thirteen oclock, an
hour after midday.
I slammed my hand down on the top of my timekeeper,
ignored the cracking sound that followed, and settled back into
the comfort of my bed.
Perhaps I shouldve slept earlier last nightI certainly
could have. The last day of school had ended early, but Maria
(my adrenaline-addicted bickering partner-in-crime) and I had
opted to sharpen our often-neglected archery skills at the
arenas instead. Wed declared sleep our eternal nemesis and
had promised to toil until dawn, until the horizon could witness
our glorious achievements with the bow and arrow.
Glory was overrated. The acid-like burn that crawled up my


bow arm was hardly worth yesterdays achievements.

As for now, I was certainly fraternizing with said nemesis.
Shamelessly, for that matter. The worldand Vaelyria, my
kingdomcould wait for another ten minutes. Or twenty.
Bloody Caspaer! My bedroom door slammed open,
blasting me out of my dream-like state. Your timekeeper is on
The white of my dreams had completely disappeared,
almost as if it had never existed at all, swallowed by the noise,
the reality, the now.
Alessandra! Maria shrieked again, leaping back,
checking to see that her olive dress wasnt singed. Splashes of
dark gray filled her auraworry.
What? I mumbled. Fire? Opening one eye, I peered at
Maria who stood with her hands planted firmly on her hips.
Following her gaze, I saw that my timekeeper was, indeed,
on fire. The small flames, intricately shaped like the silhouettes
of dancing figures, were lapping at the melting screen.
I stared in unconcealed admiration of my creation.
A little help here? Or are you just going to watch me fail
at putting out another one of your little fires?
I relented, yawning. In an instant, the flames and figures
disappeared, leaving behind an unrecognizable lump of molten
gold. Two questions. How are you awake, and how did you
get in here?
Good day to you too, you cheerful ball of sunshine,
Maria said.
I stared at her until she sighed. Im awake because I dont
sleep like a pig. I got in here because Im your Protector-inTrainingin case you forgotand I have special privileges.


She wiggled her eyebrows as she declared the last part.

Every royal had two future Protectors, assigned at a certain
age. Maria was one of mine. My grandmother had once
expected us to develop a professional relationshipit was safe
to say that those expectations no longer existed. Making
trouble was the only things Maria and I did together, and we
were too damn good at it.
I grabbed my pillow and shoved it over my face, clinging
desperately to the last strands of sleep before they vanished
altogether...and maybe hoping that Maria would vanish instead.
She raised her hand and a gust of wind rattled through my
room, unraveling my blankets and sending one into the air.
What the bloody I seized my traitorous blanket.
You have five seconds before I make Blake come in
here, Maria said. Her eyesdeceivingly innocentblinked
foxily at me.
Hey, Alessandra? Christa, dressed in pastel, peeked
through the opening of my white bedroom door and slid inside
with her calm, turquoise and white aura trailing after her.
Christa was on a whole different level than Maria and I. She
was the sweet to our sour, the reason to our insanity, the good
to everything bad. It was hard to say anything cruel to her. On
the other hand, I spent most of my life throwing insults at
Maria, who didnt hesitate to throw them back.
It was a wonder that the three of us were friends.
I hate to interrupt Concern flashed in Christas eyes as
she noticed my melted timekeeper.
Dont ask, Maria and I both said at the same time.
but Stark and Blake are both in the lounge waiting for
us. Whats our plan for the day? Christa continued.


I arched a brow. We could hit the training arenas, I said,

a wry smile on my lips.
Marias eyes glinted. Ooh.
Its the first day of summer break, Christa said, although
it was more of a question than a statement.
My eyes flicked to the unspoken reluctance that swirled
around her. Okay, I said as I crawled out of bed. We could
just go swimming in the Palace. guys want to get
out of the Core.
I certainly did. The Core was Vaelyrias capital and
included the Aetherius Palace, beach, and the Vaelyrian Portal
to Earthand was, in part, my personal prison. I couldnt take
a step in the Core without tripping over royal affairs. It didnt
give off a vibe of independence and fun, the way the First Tier,
a silhouette of a semi-circle around the Core containing
Urbanus Litore, Vaelyrias economical center, did.
My friends loved the Core, loved the luxury and beauty that
it emanated. I appreciated the prestige a little less.
You know, we could always hang out in the First Tier, I
What did you say? Maria asked, examining her
I rolled my eyes. Never mind.
Although I barely ever got to escape the Core, the vast
expanse of Vaelyria stretched for thousands and thousands of
miles. Past the First Tier was the Second Tier, with the twelve
principal estates belonging to the richest, non-noble families.
Finally, there was the largest tier, the Third Tier, where I rarely
visited. It included the rest of Novis InvumVaelyrias


Yeah. Our beloved Nephilim Light Kingdom was huge.

And I had the next four months of break to do as I pleased.
Then swimming it is. Just hurry the hell up, Maria waved
her hand.
I snorted. Someones cranky today. Grabbing the clothes
that Maria had laid out for me, I headed for the en-suite
Yeah, well, at least Im not the one who melted my
timekeeper! Maria hollered after me.
Making a point to slam the bathroom door behind me, I
flicked my hand. The emblem on my hip began to tingle as the
water turned on with a loud hiss and sprayed the tile floor in
short, choked sputters. I jumped a foot back, glaring at the
spiral ink emblem embossed on my hip.
My affinity for water wasnt even close to the affinity I had
for fire.
Emblems, which appeared unpredictably, rarely came to
people older than eighteen. I was sixteen, which left me two
little years to gain a fourth emblem, although Nephilim, even
royals, hardly ever had more than three elements.
Even so, I dared to hope. Call me greedy.
Sliding my fingers over the black and silver ink that pooled
in swirls and ancient patterns on my hipsymbols that
represented fire, aether, and waterI grimaced.
Id bypassed the earth element, which sounded entirely too
useful to not have. I loved fire and I didnt mind having
aetherit did allow me to see auras, after allbut I sucked at
controlling water.
But beggars couldnt be choosers. Id take any fourth
elementair or earth, I didnt care.


Sighing, I placed the soft, obsidian towel by the shower and

slipped my silky nightgown down one shoulder.
And stopped.
My vision blurred as if I were staring through a cracked
magnifying glass. My fingers punctured holes in the gown,
tearing the fabric.
The glass shattered.
A nauseous, acid-like feeling filled my empty stomach. My
knees met the cold, tiled floor and I braced both hands on the
sides of the black glass toilet. Tremors rolled through my body
relentlessly, one after another, rippling and crashing like
I clenched my teeth.
Lets get this over with.
A sudden, piercing pain tumbled through me and I was
blinded by a flash of a boy with sandy blond hair and sunkissed skin. His eyes were covered in eerie shadows and he
reached out with his hand until his fingertips almost touched
mine. Suddenly, I felt a chilling surge of electricity within me,
burning impulses of fear and destruction across my skin.
I screameda deafening, shrill sound. Screamed until I
wasnt sure where the noise was coming from. Screamed until I
wasnt sure where the fire began and I ended.
My lungs had been filled with gravel. It was suffocating
the fire. The blood. The smoke. Fear. Paranoia. Anxiety.
And the wordsalways the same.
Come to me, Vespera.
My eyes snapped open and I vomited into the toilet.


Scarlett? I heard Maria knock rapidly on the bathroom

door. She was in the habit of calling me by my last name.
Im fine, I called back, my voice still trembling. I
focused on the sound of my breathin, out, and in again. It
was just thethe
Panic attack? Maria finished for me.
Yeah, I said, trying to sound nonchalant. A bit worse
than usual. I actually vomited. Thats a first. I stood, wiping
away at my mouth as the toilet flushed automatically.
Do you want to go to the Medical Christas voice
carried over the sound of the running water.
I managed a chuckle. If I went to the Medical Centre
every time I had these...attacks...Id live there.
Besides, my panic attacks werent even actual panic
attacks. Rather, they were hallucinations of the same thing
the same personand only Maria, Christa, Stark, Blake, my
grandmother, and Ithaca knew about them.
I meant to keep it that way.
My friends had witnessed these attacks many times
throughout the years, but usually, they werent this bad.
Usually, they lasted only a few seconds long and never left me
feeling so uncomfortable, wary...haunted.
I shook my head, as if I could shake away the haunting
images and the fear as well.
I was normal. I was fine.
After taking a quick shower, I brushed my teeth and got
dressed, pulling on the black fabric of the dress Maria had
I was normal. I was fine.
I pushed open the bathroom door, my hair still wet and


messy. Blake, Stark, I nodded towards them, as they had

made themselves comfortable in my bed. Christa stood by the
nightstand, staring at me in unconcealed concern. I gave her a
reassuring smile.
Princess, Stark greeted, inclining his head slightly. He sat
stiffly on the edge of the mattress.
Sir Desdemona, I gave an exaggerated curtsy, imitating
his polite demeanor. Starks cheeks tinted red and Maria and
Blake erupted into fits of laughter.
I glanced at Blake, who was holding one of my stuffed
angels and was sprawled over the golden bed, tangled in soft
blankets and all. His aura, like usual, was a playful yellow.
I shot him a curious grin. Im almost afraid to ask...Why
are you playing with a little girls stuffed doll?
He stuck out his tongue. Im not sure why angels would
want dolls made out of them. It makes them look mega-cute
and fluffy. Not badass at all like theyre supposed to be.
Insightful, I teased. Ill even let you keep him.
Really? Youre just so benevolent, Blake replied as he
hugged the doll until it stretched at the seams.
I rolled my eyes. Come on. I have to go see my
grandmother before we can go swimming.
Are you sure Her Majesty will allow a commoner like
me? he said, teasingly as he followed me. His aura was
partially a playful yellow...and a dark green? Jealousy?
Dont be ridiculous. You cant be worried about seeing
her grandmother and possibly getting in trouble after all youve
done over the years, Maria interjected.
True, Blake admitted. After you, princess, he winked.


Stark sighed.
As the five of us exited my chambers through the heavy,
white double-doors, a guard shifted to let us through. Your
Royal Highness, Princess Alessandra Rosalyn Imperatrix of
House Scarlett, the guard nodded towards me. Then, Lady
Christa Velvet Alyssabeth of House Fayola. Miss Marianna
Fairfax of House Cornelius. Mister Stark Xavier of House
Desdemona. Blake.
Maria responded with a flaunty wave and a mock curtsy.
Good day to you too, most honorable sir, Blake said,
struggling to keep a straight face. The guard cleared his throat
and Christa elbowed Blake disapprovingly.
I smiled, staring instead at the blinding view before me.
The floor-to-ceiling windows before us that were flanked by
long, shimmery, white curtainscurtains that were particularly
useful considering the entire exterior of the palace was made of
glassgreedily basked in sunlight, revealing the vast expanse
of Vaelyrias cities. Roofs of skyscrapers in various shapes
colored the panorama before me, all radiating outward from the
Core like spiraling waves. I could see everything from the
Palaces two-hundred seventy-ninth floor. Even the billowing
hills and mansions of the Second Tier. Even the outlines of
villages and plains of the Third.
Blake stretched his arms, relishing the sunlight. Its going
to be the best four months ever.
Especially without Celeste around, Maria added.
AhCeleste. Lady Celeste Veronica Topaz of noble
House, Eadvia wasas much as I hated to admitthe
beautiful daughter of Lord Gregory something-something of
House Eadvia. A shame her interior wasnt nearly as pretty as


her exterior.
Didnt she say something about an earth-melding
internship over the summer?
I hope she gets eaten by an earthquake, said Blake.
Maria and I burst into laughter. Celeste was our lifelong
nemesis and the reason Maria and I had been suspended for a
week in seventh grade. My grandmother had been infuriated.
To this day, I doubted shed entirely forgiven me for the
embarrassment Id caused her.
Stupid Com, Celeste had once called Blake, because of
his common status. Its just like you to hang out with the only
honorary Com in all of Caelestis. You know what they say
losers do flock together after all.
The term, honorary Com, had been a jab at Christa.
Although Christa was a noble by blood, she only had one
elementwaterthat she wasnt very good at controlling.
Even Maria and Stark, both principals and of lower status, had
two elements each; my grandmother hadnt overlooked their
high element counts when shed chosen them as my future
Of course, at that time, Maria and I hadnt been able to
resist. Wed tackled Celeste, and the three of us were sent to
the principals office for punishment.
Since then, our hatred had only grown.
Maria pressed the button to the elevators. The white panel
slid up immediately, revealing a large, transparent shaft.
Two hundred eightieth floor, right? Blake asked. The
Queens floor? he added.
I nodded.
Once Blake pressed the button for the two hundred


eightieth floor, the elevator jolted and the panel slid back
down. Christa stumbled and fell into Starks chest. Her aura
flared with excruciating embarrassment. I couldnt help but to
snicker as she righted herself and turned to me.
What? she asked.
Ill keep your secret, I winked.
She leaned closer, her normally pale cheeks pink behind
her curls of red hair as the realization dawned. She looked
around warily, then turned to me. How did you know? she
said so only I could hear.
I crossed my arms. Are you kidding me? I whispered
back. Do you have any idea how you look at him? Because
you might as well tape a sticker to your face that
She squealed as she lunged for me, trying to cover my
mouth with her small hand. Maria glanced at us, confused.
I slapped Christas hands away. Fine. Its mainly because
of your aura.
Christa pouted. Of all people, you just had to have
I shrugged guiltily. Aether was a relatively rare element to
have, but reading auras had its ups and downs.
Sometimes I saw things that I wished I could erase from
my mind, and maybe from the face of the world as well.
The elevator began to vibrate. I sighed and leaned against
the window, expectantly.
Within moments, the elevatorand every molecule inside
itbegan to buzz with energy. The air around me compressed
and stretcheduntil we all vanished for a brief second. Almost
instantly, we reappeared on my grandmothers floor, still inside
the same glass cylinder.


Maria choked, doubling over as she clutched her stomach.

Ugh, I hate this feeling. I swear Im allergic to teleportation
by aether.
Blake snorted. Youve been using these your whole life. If
you really were allergic, youd be dead by now.
Caspaeran elevators channeled the magic of aether
scientists had learned to use aether to power elevators within
buildings decades ago. That invention had revolutionized
transportation in short distances, although fueling long-distance
travel with aether was still inefficient. As an aether user, I
could testify to the amount of energy needed to teleport long
She deals with daily motion sickness. What a true hero, I
Maria glared as we exited the elevator and started down the
hallway, a more decorated replica of the one a floor below.
None the more heroic than you and your periodic panic
Youre crossing the line, I muttered, still shaken from
todays dose of crazy.
I turned to the side, squinting. I could feel my sisters aura
in the vicinitya blend of white and mint. Surprising. She was
rarely calm.
Sure enough, Ithaca, in a bright yellow dress, soon walked
past me with her nose stuck in a book.
I grabbed her small wrist. Youre going to crash into
something, walking like that, I said, playfully plucking the
book out of her hands.
She reached for her book as her aura reddened. What
theAless! Give it back!


I glanced at the cover and grinned. Glad to see that Im

such a good influence on you.
Ithaca rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. It is a good
book, she admitted slowly.
I laughed, patting her head full of auburn hairauburn hair
I somehow hadnt inheritedas she tried to dodge my hand. I
know. Just dont read while youre walking. Head up
Ithaca interjected. I know, I know. Back straight. Eyes
forward. Grandmother has told me that only a thousand times.
She peered at me. Where are you guys going?
Just going to tell Grandma that well be at the pool.
Ooh, can I come? Unfazed by my reluctant expression,
she added, Come on. Take me swimming.
Ask Grandma, not me, I said.
Ithaca snorted. But Grandmas probably still mad at me
for not doing the assignment she gave me to do a week ago.
Shes not going to let me go swimming.
How about I just go get you ice cream tonight instead?
Getting ice cream for Ithaca did not require her to go anywhere
without permission. It sounded like a reasonable compromise
to me.
I bet if Mom and Dad were alive, theyd let me
Well guess what? Theyre not, I said, maybe too harshly.
They had died when I was four, a year after Ithaca was born.
My memories of them were like words on old parchment: I
couldnt read the lines, but I knew there was something written,
however faded.
I had known them. Once.
Ithaca hadnt. To this day, I didnt know if that was a
blessing or a curse. But that didnt stop her from using them as


reasons to defy Grandmother.

Not that I was one to talk.
Before she could respond, I heard the sound of doors
opening, followed by the hiss of soft wind. Wings.



I turned to trace the noise, and sure enough, an angel strode out
of grandmas office.
Her white wings, beacons of light that shimmered with
silver detail, were stretched out behind her and her skin glowed
with Otherworldly health, power, and glory. Her presence sent
a wave of cold, merciless silence through the hall.
She embodied beauty, but of the grotesque, ruthless sort.
Immediately, all Nephilim in the vicinity fell silent and
dropped to their knees onto the cold, marble floormyself
No one dared to speak. Nephilim were only to speak to
angels if the angels granted permission to do soassuming
they even bothered to address us at all.
The silence of the hall was deafening.
I tilted my head slightly to peek out of the corner of my
eye, unable to resist the curiosity but not brave enough to look
This angel, a lesser angel gauging from the lack of purple
tint in her mostly golden and partially white aura, gracefully
strode down the hallway. She was unusually tall and her
features were menacingly sharpher eyes, nose, ears, chin,


and probably her voice as well. She was dressed in a black

business suit and looked every bit like a Nephilim, with only
her blinding wings and milieu of Otherworldly power
indicating her origins.
I dropped my head and held my breath as her heels clinked
against the marble floor as she walked past me. Thensilence.
The angel stopped moving.
My breath hitched as I raised my chin slowly, my eyes
daring to drift upwards.
The angel was still facing down the hallway, but her jaw
was tilted slightly towards me, subtle enough so that I could
barely take notice.
Then her cold minty eyesthose of a lesser angelmet
mine. Her eyes narrowed.
My heartbeat catapulted.
I felt Ithaca shift uncomfortably beside me as I continued to
stare. A second passed. Then another.
Nervous confusion gnawed at me as I was planted in place,
unable to shift, too stunned to fidget.
The angel perused my expression for a few seconds longer,
and then broke her gaze.
I stared after her as the clinking down the hallway resumed.
Only when she entered the elevators and the panel slid
down before her, did everyone breathe a sigh of relief and then
sag from a mixture of whipped up anxiety and awe at her
departure. I stood, numb, and all the other Nephilim in the
corridor followed my example.
No one else seemed to take note of anything peculiar, but I
was so sure the angel had looked at mein a blend of irritation
and suspicion, no less. But why? Did she know I was one of


Queen Maeves granddaughters? Or had I only imagined it?

Who was that? Maria asked.
Gavriel, Christa said. Lesser angel.
I gave her a sidelong glance. I couldnt tell one angel apart
from another, aside from their auras. Was she only visiting?
Christa shrugged. I dont know. Maybe she came to send
Vaelyria her blessings?
I continued down the hallway, brushing my palms over the
fabric of my black dress. An angel had looked at me. So what?
Your Royal Highness, the guards in front of my
grandmothers door bowed.
I nodded towards the guards. May I enter? I prodded,
when they didnt move from the pair of cream doors.
One of the guards shifted his weight from one foot to the
other. Her Majesty has stated that she is busy and does not
want any visitors, Your Royal Highness.
I only need a moment.
The guards looked at me in silence.
Shes my grandmother.
The other guard cleared his throat. Well, I suppose, only
As soon as the guard stepped aside, I pulled one of the
heavy doors open and walked in. Turning, I said, Thats fine.
You guys wait here?
Stark nodded. We will.
I closed the door quietly behind me and turned.
My grandmothers lounge was peppered with antique
wooden furniture that didnt look comfortable and truthfully
wasnt. Before, Id made the deadly mistake of plopping down
on one of the expensive, crafted chairs, thinking that the


cushions would have to be comfortable. After all, the chair had

been sculpted so meticulously, with intricate, carved detail. No
doubt the manufacturers put the same amount of effort in its
level of comfort as they did in its design.
Id gravely miscalculated. It had hurt like crap, as if I had
shattered my tailbone.
I stepped around the threatening furniture and crossed the
room, headed for her office.
And paused.
I felt the presence of two inside the office. Auras glowed
from under the office doorwhite Nephilim auras with specks
of earth tones tinged with red. Grandma wasnt alone.
...I promise you, I would not lie. You must act now. A
loud, rough, male voice that sounded somewhat familiar.
My feet froze in place.
Do not tell me what I must do. The warning came from
my grandmother. I am the Queen of Vaelyria...
I tilted my head to one side, not catching the rest of her
There was an angry growl. You wont have to... I leaned
forward again, struggling to hear through the nearly
soundproof door. ...Ive just informed you about, before its
too late! A wisp of red aura glowed from under the door.
Grandmother sighed. I could imagine her tapping her cheek
the way she did whenever she was exasperated. Isnt Vaelyria
running smoothly? Is not our economy flourishing?
A pause. Then, Isnt it obvious? The Council members...
How do I know you arent hoping for the same? Gavriel
didnt mention a word of this, Grandmother argued.
Something slammed into the table. Blasts of red aura


ricocheted from the room. I would not! You know very well
that angels do not interfere with Caspaeran issues! The door to
the office swung open like a clap of thunder, and an enraged
man in a business suit stormed out. He straightened his collar
but looked as if he might rip it off entirely.
Duke Gray of the House Nyaferum.
As the Duke of the House Nyaferum, the head of one of the
eight noble houses, he was an esteemed Council member and a
frequent visitor of the palace. His counsel usuallyusually
held value in the eyes of my grandmother.
Today was an exception.
I took a step forward at the exact time the Duke looked up.
The shock on his face was blatant. His mouth opened
briefly and snapped closed as if he were about to say
something, then thought better of it.
The Dukes eyes flicked to the office doors, then back to
me. IYour Royal Highness, he gave a stiff bow.
As soon as I nodded in acknowledgement, he quickly
scrambled out of the room. I stared after him as he pushed
through the heavy doors of the lounge, out into the corridor.
The doors slammed shut behind him.
Grandma exited her office a few moments later with her
hands folded neatly in front of her. She wore her hair as
usualin an elegant, braided up-doand her royal blue dress
spanned to her knees. Ridiculous, she shook her head.
I inhaled, hesitant. Seconds passed and she failed to notice
Her head snapped up abruptly, irritation and surprise
clouding her eyes. Alessandra? What are you doing here? she


said, her tone accusatory.

I scratched my chin. II was just going to tell you that
my friends and I werewere going to go to the pool today. In
case, you know, in case you were wondering where I was.
She tightened her lips and nodded. Now I know.
I bit down on my bottom lip. That was clearly a dismissal.
But... What was he...what were you two arguing about? Is
something wrong? Whats going on with the Council?
Grandmothers eyes narrowed and her lips thinned. Her left
hand was tremblingshe was nervous, despite what she
wanted me to think. Not a good sign.
You can tell me. I can aid you in whatever you need me
to, I said as quickly as I could. Grandmother
No, Grandmother snapped. Theres nothing wrong, and
if I hear you say another word about it, you will not leave your
chambers for a month. Do you understand me? Her words cut
through the air like spears. Relentless, absolute, undisputed.
Aw, hell. That would surely ruin my summer.
I disobeyed everyone all the time. And I did so at leisure
sometimes for a reason, sometimes simply for my own
amusement. Bending the rules, trespassing into male dorms at
Caelestis, sneaking out to Urbanus Litore even after curfew:
these were all fair game.
But never did I directly disobey my grandmother. I wore a
mask before her, one of dignity and nobility and royalty, of
everything but myself. She, after all, expected nothing else.
And when I disappointed, I was never forgiven.
I gave a swift nod and exited her chambers without another
Are you alright? Stark whispered, his voice only audible


to me as the doors shut behind us.

I glanced at him, at the sharp angles of his jaw and the faint
stubble grew along it.
Was my discomfort so obvious?
I managed a nod.
I tried to act normalact as if I hadnt overheard what had
appeared to be an argument about a grave political issue. I tried
to forget about my grandmothers murky and guilt-ridden
auraa telltale sign that she had just lied to me. I tried to
forget that my own grandmother had just attempted to deceive
I didnt, of course.
We went to the brand new rooftop pool of the Centre
Man! This is totally badass! Blake hollered as he
splashed around in the water in his aquamarine swim trunks.
He had always liked to swim.
You look like an overexcited dolphin, I told him as I sat
on the ledge of the pool, kicking my legs in the water.
Blake blew me a kiss. Thank you, Aless, and he dived
back under the water. Pools of waves formed where he had
disappeared, shimmering under the vast Vaelyrian sunlight.
Not a compliment, I called, arching my head back so that
I could see the glistening sky and the upside-down country
under it. I shook my head as droplets of water from my hair
sprayed my skin and traced the roofs of the skyscrapers that
curved outwards from where I was.


I drifted back to the conversation I overheard in my

grandmothers chambers. What had the Duke been worrying
about, that my grandmother had been so quick to dismiss?
Youre overthinking it, I told myself. If my grandma says
theres nothing going on, then theres nothing going on. Not
here. Not in Vaelyria. Not in the most beautiful and perfect
universe there was. Especially not on the first day of May, the
first day of my summer break that tasted so much like freedom.
I jerked my head to face Maria whose brown eyes were
peering curiously into mine. I asked if you ever planned on
actually getting in the pool, she said.
I slid off the ledge, sinking chest-deep into the pool. So
pushy, I teased, snapped out of my thoughts, and sunk under
the warm water. Reflective rays of sunlight shimmered through
the small waves and caressed my skin.
Just as I emerged from the surface of the water, a giant
wave came from the side and washed over me. Something
jabbed into my arm and I shrieked, climbing out of the pool in
a swift, hurried motion.
Blake! What in hell?
He grinned mischievously, but I raised my arm above the
water, frowning curiously at the blood that was trickling down
my forearm. Something had cut me, but I could heal it easily
with aether.
I was much more interested in revenge.
I raised my arm, ready to punish Blake with five times the
amount of water he had doused me in. The water in the pool
started to rise as the emblem on my hip began to tingle.
Come on.


I never got the chance.

A loud noise erupted in a booming clash and a tremor
threw me headfirst onto the floor.



I would never forget the billowing gray smoke that suddenly
poured out from several of the stories beneath us. The
unmistakable smell of fire and burning. The screaming. The
sirens. The alarms. Then, the eerie silence that followed.
Everything I had heard in my grandmothers office came
reeling back to me. The realization dropkicked me in the
stomach as I looked on in horror.
My grandmother could still be in her office. She didnt
have an affinity for fireshe could be burnt alive. She didnt
have an affinity for aether eithershe couldnt heal herself.
Reflex took over my body. I didnt remember when or how
I got off the slick wet floor, but my legs were carrying me as
fast as possible and my heart raced into cardiac territory,
pulsing urgently in fear and anticipation. I sprinted for the glass
door leading out of the rooftop pool and threw it open, ignoring
the banging sound it made against the sheer wall.
Princess! Stark grabbed my arm, his hand like a band of
steel. Dont!
He stepped in front of me, blocking my exit, my only exit,
with his strong, large body and his aura flashed an anxious red


that temporarily blinded me.

Stark, stop it! I shook off his arm with an animalistic
strength that I didnt know I had. He reached for me again and
I dove past him. Let me go! I shrieked, infusing my voice
with compulsion.
He struggled for a moment, but weakened enough for me to
push his hand away. I sprinted down the short flight of marble
stairs, one foot in front of the other, another step closer to
where I wanted to be.
Where I needed to be.
What if Ithaca was also there with my grandmother? What
if...what if something happened to them?
The dull roar in my head dimmed as I skidded to a stop.
Tears pooled in my eyes from the smoke, and I dug my
fingernails into my skin. There was no pain, only fear.
At the bottom of the stairs stood a column of ghastly redorange fire, dancing like the silhouette of a figure. I could
almost see the face of the figure in the fire. Dark eyes, a
sinister if it could stop me.
And for a moment, I hesitated.
But fire was my element, at my mercy, and not the other
way around. It would not burn me.
Please, I could hear Stark begging me from behind,
fighting with my compulsion as he followed me down the
stairs. Let someone else handle this, he urged. Ill go. Ill
take Maria and well see if we can find the Queen and Ithaca.
Go back up there. Rescue helicopters will be coming soon.
Stark rarely asked for anything.
I gave one last look at his desperate dark gray eyes and
swallowed the panic in my throat. You cant go down there.


You dont have an affinity for fire, I said, shoving at his chest
until he stumbled back a step. Go get the others out safely.
Without a second thought, I plunged into the flames, ignoring
the sudden suffocating feeling that overwhelmed me. I heard
Starks frenzied yell, but he was already far behind me.
Fire lined the walls like wallpaper.
Come on. Keep moving, I urged myself on, focusing on the
sound of my breathing and not the thundering of the flames, of
the furniture that was splintering and croaking and crashing, of
the paintings on the walls that were falling and burning and
I would not fall or burn or break.
I punched the buttons to the elevator. A little spark of
electricity spewed from the elevator doors. Nothing else. I was
an idiot for even trying.
Okay. No elevator.
I turned to the stairs. Flames had overtaken the stairwells
itd take too long for me to get to my grandmothers floor.
Okay. No stairs either.
I turned and kicked the glass wall of the palace, ignoring
the pain that ricocheted up my leg.
A crack formed and wisps of fresh, clean air trailed into the
Twice. Thrice. The entire panel shattered at my fourth kick.
Shards of broken glass cut into my bare skin and I felt the stabs
of pain that penetrated the bottom of my foot, stinging like
I bit down on my lip. Bloody Caspaer, I muttered,
lowering myself out onto the ledge. My heart pounded
furiously as I glanced at the ground below me. So, so below


Grabbing the edge of the wall, I started to climb down. Id
done this sort of thing before. Wed scaled enormous rocks at
Caelestis Academy many times over the years, but we had had
grappling hooks and climbing gear to make sure we didnt fall.
Right now, I had only my hands to hold me up.
I didnt have a fear of heights, but hell, I was scared of
falling. Time slowed and the dull roar in my headthe
ringingfailed to cease. I couldnt see anything anymore. The
air was filled with smoke and fire and embers and... the sound
of a helicopter?
I dug my nails into the plaster of the ledge and dared to turn
around and stare as a helicopter swerved towards me and
hovered beside the palace walls.
A wave of relief poured through my body, as if my fear and
panic had been doused with a bucket of much-needed ice.
Jump in! I heard the pilota man I didnt recognize
yell over the noise of the propellers. I grimaced, glancing down
at the ground that seemed miles below me, and heaved myself
into the opening of the helicopter.
The left side of my body crashed into the helicopter floor as
I rolled across it. Numb.
Despite the pain of the impact, the breath that I had been
holding escaped out of my mouth. We need to get to... I
began, my voice raspy from the smoke damage to my throat,
and then was interrupted by another voice.
WaitI inhaled.
My grandmother was standing over me, her hand holding
onto the headrest of her seat. Oh my God, I managed to


stand, ignoring the excruciating pain in my foot and the new

headache that was settling in. Youre okay?
She seemed perplexedconfused, but angry at the same
time. What are you doing here? Why arent you with Miss
Marianna and Mister Stark?
I winced, shaking my bleeding foot and hopping as if I
could somehow erase the pain. II thought you and Ithaca
were still inside. I was on the roof, and then I thought you
were Is everyone alright? I shivered.
The bottom of her royal blue dress was singed black.
My grandmother exhaled. The entire building has been
evacuated. A few casualties have been confirmed. There were
some who were unable to make it out in time.
Ithaca? And my friends?
I havent seen Ithaca, but Ive been informed that she is
The pilot called something over his shoulder.
Noted, my grandmother said, turning back to face me.
Another helicopter just picked up Mister Stark, Miss
Marianna, Lady Christa, and that blond boy from the rooftop.
Theyre headed for the Second Tier, to one of the principal
I breathed another sigh of relief.
My grandmother glared at me. Youre lucky. We were
taking another round around the sides of the palace when the
pilot spotted you. We didnt think we would find anyone else
alive here, she paused just to give me a disapproving look.
We werent supposed to find anyone else here, much less the
Point taken. Whats going on? Why did the Centre Palace


just blow up? I asked, frantic.

Grandmother shrugged under a convincing pretense of
calmness. The London Portal, she called over her shoulder to
the pilot, who saluted.
I heard her instructions, but didnt give it a second thought.
You were there earlier today...when the Duke told me of a
possible conspiracy by the Council members.
Conspiracy. In Vaelyria. That had been what Id overheard.
How was that even possible?
It seems now that he was right.
In other words, she had been wrong, but of course she
didnt say that. Nor did she apologize for lying to me.
There has been an attempt on my life, she said, a layer of
anger seeping into her voice. And they will try again. But they
wont succeed.
I waited.
But I am not their only target. I need you to leave
I blurted out something along the lines of Blegh? and she
arched a brow, impatient.
My mind wasnt working. She needed me to leave
Vaelyria? Please let this be some sort of sick joke. Not that my
grandmother ever did joke. To go where?
Earth, she answered curtly. Cruelly, even.
I snorted as a meager attempt at laughter. No. Then I
looked up, surprised at my own words. That was the first time I
had ever blatantly rebuffed her.
Grandma gave me a stern look. You do not have a choice.


You will take the London Portal to Earth and stay there until I
ask for your return.
I felt the color drain out of me. She was serious. But, but
now, right now?
She waved her hand, not an ounce of emotion or relent
escaping her steely hazel eyes. The throne is at risk and you
are the heir. The rebelling Council members will target you
first before anyone else. We dont have time to wait. She
frowned. I had planned to send you with your future
Protectors, she narrowed her eyes at me, but you werent
with them. Theres no more time. Maybe its better this way. It
would be harder for you to be found if you are alone.
I gaped. Do I not have a say in this?
Her expression was unsympathetic. Look, she pointed
towards the Palace. Look closely.
I frowned, my eyes tracing her gaze. Smoke billowed out of
the glass palace in some sort of sick, grotesque imagebut I
had already seen that. What am I supposed to be looking at?
I leaned a little out of the helicopter squinting into the distance.
There were specks on the ground surrounding the Palace.
Palm trees?
No. Not trees.
My chest tightened as the realization bludgeoned me in the
head, making my headache all the more worse.
Soldiers, I whispered. There were soldiers all around the
Palace. None of them were standing idle. The little dots in the
distance, they were moving, fighting. This wasnt just a small
conspiracy. Not something that would pass over in a day or
This was...War, I whispered.


Grandma nodded. A coup by some of the Council

members. They have more resources, more power, than I had
expected. Do you understand the gravity of the situation?
What about you? I asked, desperately trying to find a
reason to stay. I couldnt leave Vaelyria. Not my perfect,
beautiful, and sun-glossed kingdom, although it didnt look so
beautiful right now with smoke still unraveling from the Centre
Palace and thousands of soldiers killing and dying around it.
Bodies were strewn across the grass, turning green into red.
She nearly scoffed. If I were to leave, all will definitely be
So you expect me to wait on Earth for an unknown
amount of time? Do nothing while Vaelyria is in danger? That
was just ridiculous.
The helicopter came to a stop. Yes. Blend in with the
humans. Do whatever you must do to survive. Our forces are
still holding. You must leave before things get worse. I cannot
risk your life in all the chaos to come.
I flinched. Risk my life, as if it were hers to risk. Was I only
the heir to her? Not family?
I can fight. Im not going to lie down and get killed if I
stay, believe it or not, I said before thinking. Wow. My
sarcasm was at an all-time high today.
You will be more useful safe and far away. Do not argue
with me any longer, Alessandra. My decision has been made.
Useful. She wanted me to be useful.
It was starting to rain now. The sound of thunder rattled the
air peppering the windows with large raindrops. Anger and
rebellion were storming inside me at the same thunderous pace.
I couldnt leave this kingdom. I had to stay and fight. My


grandmother knew what my instincts were. I didnt back down

from danger well. I hid even worse.
But there was no stopping her. There are Earthly funds
you can use under the alias Macy van Buren. When you reach
London, England, or wherever else in Earth you choose to go,
you can access the funds with this card. She handed me a little
square chip.
I grabbed the object, gripping it tightly until it nearly cut
into my palm. You were prepared for something like this,
werent you? the words emerged from my lips bitterly.
My grandmother waved her hand. The money has always
been there ever since you were born.
I turned away. Angry.
Alessandra. Look at me.
A command. I turned to face her.
She paused so long that I thought she was going to simply
stare me into nonexistence. Then, Thank you, she finally
I closed my eyes briefly, before opening them again. I
wanted nothing more than to start a fire and watch it burn,
burn, burn through her senses until I became a living candle,
until she realized that sending me away was the wrong
decision. Because it was the wrong decision.
I know this may be...hard for you, she added. A little
span of blue aura flashed before me. Sympathy, at last.
She knows better than I do, I told myself, even though I
was itching to rebuke her.
I stepped off the helicopter. Rainwater soaked through my
cover-up. Right. I was still wearing a bikini under that. I hadnt
even gotten the chance to change before some stupid


conspiracy had shattered my world.

I had to be dreaming.
Grandma didnt follow me out of the helicopter. I walked,
dazed, to the London Portal, the guards stepping aside as I
Your Royal Highness, the guards nodded towards me.
I lifted my palm and turned it so that the Portal creaked
open. Beside the Portal, the stormy waves of the Divine Sea
seemed more venomous than beautiful, as if the sea were about
to suck in Vaelyria and everyone in itin one horrifying wave.
For a moment, I wanted it to.
I refused to look back, as if that somehow could salvage the
pitiful pieces of my defiance. My lips quivered as I murmured
the entry words.
My last thought before I stepped through the Portal
something I had never gone through before. And alone. My
first day of summer was already my last.
I will be back.



So, this is what Earth is like. Rainy. Dark. Wet.
I stood on the side of a large stone-paved street. Soaked.
Few trees lined the street, so unlike the palm tree-ridden land
of Vaelyria. It was bitterly cold and the hair on my skin stood,
goose bumps forming along the sides of my arm. Clouds
covered the sky, casting everything in darkness. The lamps
along the walkways were dim and hardly helpful.
Shops dotted both sides of the street and a few transporters
rolled down the pavement.
There were humans, everywhere, their auras flashing and
shifting as they walked by, green, blue, and yellow.
I peered at them curiously. They were, for the most part,
shorter. Louder. Clumsier. None of them seemed to notice that
I had just appeared out of nowhere.
I mustve looked strange in my bikini and cover-up without
shoes on a dark, rainy day. Then again, the Blanketa magical
veil created by some archangelwas supposed to hide
anything Caspaeran and Otherwordly from the eyes of humans.
I was unsure how it worked.
I crouched, not caring that I was in the middle of a crowded
sidewalk and that humans were pushing past me, and placed a


palm over my foot. Dirt that had caked my skin washed away
in the rain. I grimaced, the pain subsided as my aether emblem
Standing, I wrapped the cover-up tighter around my body. I
had never imagined that my first trip to Earth would be like
this. It was always supposed to be a rite of passagean
adventurous trip with my friends. Not alone. And definitely not
after being practically exiled. This had to be a nightmare that I
could wake up from. I wanted to wake up. Now.
Looking down at myself, I sighed. I needed some real
clothes. I fingered the little card in my hand and felt the texture
of the little numbers on it as I headed for the closest clothing
shop. How did I use this thing, anyway?
Hi! How may I help you? said a lady dressed in a black
business suit as she approached me with her hands folded in
front of her. Her aura flashing a cheery yellow color.
As I neared her, I saw that she was, indeed, different from
Nephilim. She wasnt only shorter, but her features were less
sharp and the clothes she wore were thicker and rougher than
what I was used to.
I ran my fingers through my wet, messy strands of hair with
uncertainty. Um...I need clothes, I stated.
The lady raised her eyebrows. Right, she waited for me
to continue.
I stared back at her, confounded, until she finally
So, do you know what youre looking for?
Honestly, I had never really shopped for myself before. My
clothes were always selected for me. Additions came in every
week. So no, I didnt know what I was looking for.


I shrugged and answered. Well, anything, really.

That seemed to be the wrong answer, because the ladys
frown deepened. Well, we have a variety of things. If you
I tried to think of what I normally wore. What about...
something... sophisticated?
This seemed to brighten her mood. She clasped her hands
together. Of course! We have the Ted Baker collection, and
I waved my hands, interrupting her mid-sentence. Um,
thats fine. Thank you! I said, quickly speeding off. Scanning
my eyes around the shop, I grabbed a blouse, a nice pair of
pants, some pretty wedges that I liked, and a large, chic tote
bagall items most similar to Vaelyrian fashion.
Vaelyrian fabric had been softer, with often more vivid but
consistent hues, but no matter. I was supposed to be practical,
not picky.
Heading for the counter, I paused in front of a stack of
umbrellas. I narrowed my eyes, grabbed one, and slid in front
of the checkout counter.
You have to wait in the queue, someone said. Red aura.
I stood there for a few seconds with a look of surprise
plastered on my face. A queue? There was a queue? Id never
waited in a queue in Vaelyria.
Back there, another said, pointing to the line of humans.
Ohokay. Im sorry. I swallowed a groan and walked to
the back of the line.
After waiting for what surely had to be an eternity, and
contemplating multiple times to compel my way to the front of
the line and then convincing myself that it was immoral, I was


finally called to the counter.

Did you find everything alright?
I nodded. Yes, I said, placing the items on the counter.
The cashier punched some numbers into the register. When
she finished, she said, That will be two hundred seventy-two
pounds, fifty-eight pence, please.
What in the world was a pound? Was it their version of
aurum and argentum in Vaelyria? I handed her my card, unsure
what to do with it. She gave me a weird look and swiped the
card in the little machine right next to me.
Please sign your name, she gestured towards the machine
with screen in front of me.
When I looked at her blankly she lifted up the black pen on
the side of the machine. With this.
My grandmother had said that the card was issued under an
alias. I took it, thought for a moment, and wrote, Macy van
Buren on the screen. The machine beeped.
Thank you, the cashier said and handed me the bag of
clothes and my receipt.
Have a nice day, I said.
It would take me forever to get used to things here. Not that
I will be here, long, I reminded myself. Just a little longer.
After I found a public bathroom in the mall (the toilets
were white seats with two flushes? Caspaeran toilets were
made from obscure, colored glass, powered with the harnessing
of the water element in high-end facilities. Even the toilets in
the Third Tier flushed automatically), I changed into my new
clothes and discarded my bathing suit and cover-up. I came out
of the shop feeling slightly better, but not much. I rubbed my
forehead as I walked the streets with my open umbrella raised


above my head. Rain splattered against the fabric.

Did Grandma really expect me to sit around until she called
for me? Whether or not Vaelyria went down in flames? I felt
ridiculous. I was standing on Earth. I had just waited in a
queue to buy clothes with pounds. And I was alone. Shame
riddled my expression. I had to help. But how? Where on Earth
would I find help?
No, no. I had to find my way back to Caspaer and solicit
the help of another Light Nephilim Kingdom.
I stood in the rain, thinking.
Caesia was my best chance. I had never been to Caesia,
although it was the largest and most powerful Light Kingdom
in Caspaer aside from Vaelyria. Besides, Caesia had always
been Vaelyrias closest allyat least up until recently.
Grandmother had just informed me of Caesias withdrawal
from the Light Nephilim Alliances since their King had
implemented a new policy.
Nevertheless, I was still the heir of Vaelyrias throne, and
no matter what the new policy of Caesia was, I doubted their
King would risk tensions between Vaelyria and his Kingdom.
Before I could convince myself otherwise, I closed my eyes.
The teleportation would take a good amount of my energy,
but I didnt have another choice.
Caesian Portal. Spain. The molecules around me began to
buzz and crawl, then everything was swallowed into a vortex
of noise, light, then nothing.
I opened one eye. Sunny, at least. I opened the other eye
and looked around. Once again, I was standing in the middle of
a street. Dry.
In comparison to London, this city in Spain was more


spacious. The architecture was less traditional and meticulously

detailed, but more vibrant and open.
The people, however, were similar in their differences from
Nephilim. Although they were tanner than the humans in
London and, for the most part, wore thinner clothing of
different styles, they were still shorter and louder than the
people of my world.
Buenos dias, a man said, speaking to someone else.
I arched a brow. Right. They spoke...Caesian, albeit with a
different accent. Or...Spanish, as it was called here on Earth.
I turned to follow the glimmer of a golden veil. The
Caesian Portal, a large, shimmering dome that humans couldnt
see stood before me. I lifted my hand, flicking my wrist
clockwise and said, Aperi super imperium, turris. Da mihi
ingressum ad medium mundi. Open upon my command.
The golden veil fell away, crumbling into sparkling yellow
dust. I subconsciously ran my fingers over the bracelet and
around my wrist, apprehensive of what I was to expect.
Here goes nothing, I muttered and stepped into the black
whirlpool, tunneling away into the Caesian Portal until I
practically fell out of the other sideCaesia.
The kingdom smelled like fresh-cut grass and spring
leaves. It had the same energy that Vaelyria did. I could feel
the elemental magic humming in the ambiance, resembling the
atmosphere of Vaelyria, so unlike the dreadful silence of Earth.
I barely had the time to inhale when I saw a glint of silver
heading towards my collarbone. Reflexively, I blocked the
sword with the umbrella that was still in one hand and used my
free hand to twist the bracelet around my wrist, activating
Goldfyre. The metal spiraled and elongated into the shape of a


long, diamond-edged, golden sword. Clasping the hilt tightly, I

cringed as the two blades met threw the umbrella in their faces
so I could grip Goldfyre with both hands.
Another blade lunged forward from behind me and I turned
to parry. No quiero hacer dao! I protested in Caesian. My
hands shook from the effort of holding the soldiers back. They
glanced at one another, skeptically, wearing military caps that
covered their dark hair.
Caesia est cerrada a los extranjeros! The borders are no
longer open. Do you carry an approved badge?
I opened my mouth to speak and then closed it. Meekly, I
shook my head, no.
Their expressions immediately darkened. Who are you
and why are you trespassing into the Kingdom of Caesia? one
guard eyed me carefully, his Caesian words rough. His
expression meant business.
I cleared my throat. I am Alessandra Rosalyn Imperatrix
of the royal House Scarlett. Daughter of the late Layla and
Julian Scarlett, granddaughter of Queen Maeve and the late
King Andover of Vaelyria.
When they stared at me blankly, I continued. First
princess and heir to the Kingdom and future protector of the
realm. Light Wielder of Fire, Aether, and Water, I somehow
said without stumbling. I come to seek an audience with your
I stared at them expectantly as I waited for their response.
They had to be a little impressed.
After a few moments of silence, one of the guards raised
his eyebrows at me. Princess of Vaelyria?


I nodded.
Without warning, he threw his head back and laughed,
heartily. A princess of Vaelyria, arriving this way and
completely unaccompanied? Ridiculous.
My eyes gradually creased into slits. I would not lie about
something like this, I said, indignant. Vaelyria is in danger.
The other guard crossed his arms. And you are in danger
too if you dont get out of here now. Do you not know the
punishment for trespassing in Caesia?
I clenched my fists, trying to pour compulsion into my
words. Although I was supposed to have a strong compulsion
ability, compelling other Nephilim had always been quite
difficult. On the other hand, compelling humans was
supposedly stress-free.
I told you already! Im not lying about this. Queen Maeve
is my grandmother and our kingdom needs my help. Please,
just bring me to your King.
One of the guards nodded. Yes. II suppose.
The other one shot him an exasperated look. Dont be
ridiculous. Shes lying. She must have an ulterior motive. Do
away with her, he ordered.
I scowled. This guard had to be an aether user as well, else
hed never be able to resist my compulsion. The other guard
snapped out of his daze, fumbled for his handgun, and raised it
towards me.
I lifted the hem of my shirt. I have three emblems on my
insignia. How many commoners do you know with three
emblems? I challenged.
The guards squinted at the embossed emblem on my hip.
It could be fake, one of the guards accused.


This was so, so stupid. I came this far so that these foolish
guards would accuse me of harboring some ulterior motive? Of
impersonating myself?
The guard with the gun shifted his weight. What if she
really is a princess?
Nonsense. The other guard stiffened and repeated,
Nonsense. We have our orders to shoot trespassers and
persons of suspicion upon sight!
Would you shoot yourself if you had orders to, you fool?
I mocked. The frustrated words tumbled out of my mouth
before I could stop them.
The guard ignored me and continued to persuade his
partner. Are you questioning Ign...?
No! Its just Flashes of timid and anxious auras
swirled around the two guards.
The guard hesitantly tightened his grip on the holster.
Desperation and frustration whirled inside me like a storm.
These paranoid idiots. They would refuse meattempt to kill
meon a premise of absurd orders and Caesias national
isolation. I could fight back. But how far would I get? The city
gates? The palace walls? I didnt know my way around here. I
would be shot before I could find their King and bargain for
I did the only thing I could. I turned around raising my
hand to open the Spain Portal.
Aperi super imperium, turris, I blurted out as fast as I
could. Hatred was boiling in my chest but it would do me no
good if I were dead.
Shoot! the order came again, more frantically.


He did.
My heart felt like it ricocheted from one side of my chest to
the other rapidly beating in fear. Da mihi in terram ingressu
mundi! I finished and leapt forward, just as the thundering of
the gun shattered the air.



A sting of pain throttled my ear as I sprinted away from the
portal. Lifting one palm to my skin, the aether began to take
I could not believe that the Caesian guards had doubted me.
Mocked me. Attempted to kill me. The trip there had succeeded
in nothing more than leaving a damned impression of Caesia in
my mind.
I retracted Goldfyre and weaved through the crowds of
peoplewho took little note of me because of the Blankets
magicand bitterly bit the inside of my cheek. My shoes
pounded against the stone ground. I darted into an alley and
leaned against a brick wall. I doubted the insolent Caesian
guards would take the time to chase me this far.
Anger and frustration coursed through me. What could I do
now? Where could I go? I was alone and in an unfamiliar
What was the next step of my plan? Hell, did I even have a
I peered out of the alley. As I had guessed, there were no
guards in sight. Rounding the corner, I started down the street.
A faint idea flickered in my mind. Caesians had refused to


aid me, but what about the Aeridorics? As small of a kingdom

as Aeridore was, it could still provide me with some sort of
help. At this rate, any support I could get was welcome.
I closed my eyes, willing my mind to focus on the location
of the Aeridoric Portalin Romania. Once again, the air
around me scattered and reformed as I reappeared in the middle
of a city street in Romania.
Almost immediately, a splitting migraine erupted in my
head and I doubled over. Bloody Caspaer. Id teleported way
too much for one day and my aether was utterly depleted. I
struggled to open my eyes, but I could only see lights
everywhere. My vision was hazy as I tried to right myself. It
was colder here. I could feel the frosty air on my skin.
Breathe. I was fine. I was going to be fine. And I was.
As my vision began to clear, I looked around.
The city I was in was completely different from both the
cities of the Vaelyrian and Caesian Portals. It was frigid here
but at the same time, the flashing lights surrounding the
buildings and the streets that I was in were welcoming. There
were fewer humans walking the streets, and the ones that were
were bundled in thick jackets.
And, like usual, they were shorter with softer features.
In just a few hours, Id been to so many places, saw so
many fresh things. I wished I had the time to marvel at so many
But I didnt. I turned to search the vicinity for the Aeridoric
Portal. The golden veil was to my right, and it instantly fell
away when I raised my hand and said the entry words.
Here I go again, I thought, before I was swallowed into
Caspaer once more.


At this rate, traversing portals was going to become a

hobby of mine.
Seconds later, I tumbled ontosnow. It was definitely
snow that crunched under my shoes. It never snowed in
Vaelyria, and the sight was as foreign to me as the scene of
London had been.
I looked around, almost expecting a guard to assault me,
but no one appeared. Aeridore was certainly lacking in
security, although I preferred this welcome much more to that
of Caesia.
I bent down, unable to resist grabbing a handful of snow. I
inspected it methodically, before quickly dropping the pile. I
hadnt expected the stupid white stuff to be so damn cold. How
did the Aeridorics live like this?
There was an aura behind me. A Nephilim. Perhaps the
security wasnt so terrible after all.
I spun around just as the woman spoke.
And you are?
I blinked, before finding my voice. AAlessandra.
Rosalyn Imperatrix. Of royal House Scarlett. Heir to Vaelyrias
The woman arched a brow, but didnt look as skeptical as
the guards had been. Ah, Your Highness, she said, her eyes
tracing my face as if she were checking her facts. I am Seleina
of House Abascal. Ambassador to Aeridore and a part of its
I felt a flood of relief. At least she believed me.
May I ask, Your Highness, what brings you here?
Aid, I said. Vaelyria is in danger. I came to seek the
help of the other Light Kingdoms.


Seleina ran her fingers through her silver and gray locks of
hair. Yes, Ive heard about the crisis. Her Majesty, Queen
Maeve, sent you here alone?
I cringed, stuck between telling the truth and answering in
affirmative. Deciding on the former, I said, She sent me to
Earth, actually. I came here on my own to ask for help.
Seleina nodded. Her Majesty means to protect you. It was
a wise decision, Your Highness. I mean no impudence, but
perhaps you should listen to her.
I frowned. I cant stand by as Vaelyria goes through a
political upheaval. I came here because I wished to seek
audience with the Aeridoric king.
Im afraid thats not possible, Your Highness. His Majesty
will not be in the kingdom for an unknown amount of time
foreign matters, I hear.
Ive come to talk to him about foreign matters, I pointed
Her aura was apologetic. Theres simply no way to
arrange a meeting. But, Your Highness, if youd hear my
counsel, I advise you to return to Earth and do as your
grandmother had bade.
And be completely oblivious to the events occurring in
She paused for a moment. Perhaps I can offer you
something, Your Highness. An arrangement.
I hadnt expected that. I leaned forward, intrigued. An
She nodded. Stay in Earth until you are summoned by
your grandmother. I keep you notified about any events that
occur in Caspaer in the meantime, assuming you stay nearby in


Bucharest, Romania.
Bucharest, Romania. That mustve been the human city and
kingdom the Aeridoric Portal was in. I narrowed my eyes, still
reluctant and somewhat wary. Youd do that?
Seleina shrugged. As an ambassador, I like it when things
stay peaceful and in balance. It makes my job easier. You,
Your Highness, are important to Vaelyrias future, and your
safety is best guaranteed if you stay on Earth. So yes, I am
I played over her words in my mind. Was I convinced? Not
entirely, but I couldnt think of a much better arrangement.
Besides, her aura seemed rather calmeither she was a really
good liar, or she was telling the truth.
Four months, I decided. Ill stay for four months, and if
Her Majesty hasnt called for me then, I will return on my
She nodded. Your choice.
Thank you then, Seleina.
She curtsied. A pleasure. Ohand if you want to pass the
time and also have a way for me to find you, you could find
work at the Bamboo Club in Bucharest. Theyre hiring, and its
a good place to blend in.
Ill look into it. Thank you again, I smiled.
Ill see you soon, Your Highness, she said as I turned
albeit disappointedback into the Portal and into the cold
streets of Bucharest.
I supposed I had no choice but to do as Seleina had
It took me all but an hour to find the Bamboo Club.
Bun! the manager, a lively young blonde, greeted as


soon as I entered the lively building. She had the kind of smile
that took up her whole face and crinkled at the edges and a
small, round nose. What can I get you?
I was nearly blinded by her bright, blue-green aura that
shined with enthusiasm. It took me a few seconds to answer.
A job, actually, I said, nearly yelling over the music.
The sign says youre hiring? I pointed to the paper on the
wall and infused just the tiniest bit of aether into my voice.
Her pupils dilated and her aura turned a murky gray for the
briefest moment. She began to nod. Da! Come with me. My
name is Sherri. Sherri Toma. She led me to the bar. You
can? she asked, holding up a bottle of some alcohol. Tuica?
Or something like that?
I hesitated a moment, before nodding. Yes.
She nodded, popping the top off the bottle, and swiftly
poured a shot. She added something and mixed it. You try.
I shrugged and copied her actions, spilling a tiny bit of
Tuica on the table. Oops.
Sherri winked. Good enough. Any credentials? Ill have to
fill out some forms.
I tried not to outwardly groan. This was going to be
bothersome. Perfectly feasible, but bothersome, nevertheless.
While keeping eye contact, I took a deep breath and
enriched my voice with the little aether I had left. Youve
already seen all my forms.
Sherris shoulders sank and her aura turned a temporary
murky gray. Oh, oh yes. Yes, I believe I did. And your name
please? Im afraid Ive...forgotten, she was obviously
confused, as she rubbed her forehead. Poor girl.
I hesitated. The credit card was in my middle name. Did


that make it my legal name on Earth as well?

I wasnt sure. Just in case, I said, Macy van Buren. But I
normally go by my middle name. Alessandra.
Alessandra! Of course. And your age, please? I cant seem
to find any record of it.
Sherri suddenly frowned. Sixteen? Oh! I thought you were
olderIm sorry, you cant work here if youre sixteen. You
have to be at least eighteen.
Thats what I said, I said quickly. Im eighteen.
She hesitated again, before falling under the compulsion of
aether. Right! And your birthdate?
I was born in the midst of summer. Ithaca used to tell me
that was why I was so hot-blooded. Not that she was in any
place to talk about hot-bloodedness.
July twenty-fourth, I said.
Sherri put away the paper she had been taking notes on.
Great, thank you. Work starts at eight tomorrow. Is that good
for you?
I nodded. Thank you.
She grinned, overcoming her aether-induced confusion as
her aura returned to its usual vividness. So, now that thats
over with, are you from around here?
I shook my head. Just moved to this kingdom. Given her
unsurprised look, I asked, You can tell?
Sherri tilted her head to the side. Hmm. Well for
one...youre missing the obligatory winter jacket, she
chuckled and gestured to my blouse, but I think its the
accent. And the fact that English is your main language. Are
you British?


Sort of. I responded with a shrug.

Whend you get here? And why Romania? She covered
her mouth, embarrassed. You dont have to answer those
questions. Im just curious.
I waved my hand. I came here...well...this morning. And
Romania because...its a convenient place for me and I heard
good things about it.
Sherri grinned. Youre the spontaneous type?
You could say that.
Have a place to stay?
Not yet.
Sherri clasped her hands. Theres a great apartment
complex a few miles from here. I live thereso do some of the
other baristas who work here. You could check it out.
Apartment complex?
Sherri wrinkled her brows. A place for you to live. Unless
you have other arrangements already.
Ahshe meant living quarters. I hadnt even thought about
finding a place to stay, but now I couldnt believe I had
overlooked that. I will. Thank you.
See you! she called after me as I stepped out of the club.
Mission: Blend In and Become a Barista was already a
I waved all thoughts of Grandma, Ithaca, and Vaelyria out
of my mind as I flipped the credit card in my hand over and
over. If I was going to blend in amongst humans, I needed to
buy food and clothes and arrange for my living quarters.
I wrinkled my nose as I stood by the streetsthe smell that
came out from the back of each transporter was absolutely


Even worse, I had no idea how to get myself a ride.

Turning to one side, I saw that a man on the sidewalk next
to me was waving his hand up and down. A transporter pulled
him and he slipped inside.
Transporter! I called, waving my hands and trying not to
shiver from the cold. Transporter!
A bright vehicle came to the stop before me. The driver
rolled down the window and gave me a weird look. What
country are you from? A transporter?
So judgmental. I ignored him as I slid into the backseat.
Im looking for a living quarter. Theres supposed to be one a
few miles away?
No living quarters, Im afraid, but theres an apartment
complex I know of, he said nonchalantly.
I rolled my eyes. Take me there, please.
The driver nodded and began to drive.
Settling in the comfort of the seat, I heaved a sigh. I was
going to be such a convincing mortalwith some practice.



Hours later I walked up the stairs of Atanese Hallthe
apartment complexcarrying bags of food and other
supplies I needed and tugging behind me a white with browntrim suitcase. It was late evening, and the sun was already
setting, casting a multi-colored glare from the window.
Elevators, I thought, sighing. At least Caelestis had
Instead, I walked up three creaky flights of wooden stairs
before finally stopping at room 302. I pulled out my key card
and held it against the scanner above the doorknob. A small
green light lit up above the knob and I pushed open the door.
It groaned open, revealing a white futon, a television, and a
kitchen. A bedroom door was visible past the lounge and hung
slightly ajar. A green aura seeped from the other room. Right.
The human who had given me the key had said something
about a roommate.
Hello? I knocked.
SheOh! A girl with glossy, shoulder-length hair, stared
back at me in surprise as she pulled open the door. Hi. new roommate, right? The landlord said
something about that.


Nice to meet you, I said, sticking out my hand.

Alessandra Scarlett.
She shook it, her skin warm. Brooklyn Tian.
A native? I asked.
Brooklyn laughed. Oh no. I moved here recently, too,
from Canada.
Canada, I repeated.
Mhm, she said. I love your shirt. Whered you get it?
Thanks, I think its...UhTed Baker? I answered,
She shrugged. Never heard of it.
London brand, I said, right on cue.
Brooklyn clapped her hands. Cool! Ive never been to
England. You have to tell me about it someday.
I smiled with discomfort. Yeah, its just like...a city, I
replied awkwardly, because, frankly, I probably knew less
about England than they did.
Brooklyn gave me a wry smile. Well, anyway, make
yourself at home. I guess you can take the bed on the right, if
thats cool with you.
Thats perfect, I said.
I felt another aura. At that moment the lounge door flung
Brooklyn! a familiar voice exclaimed. Blonde hair. Big
brown eyes. Sherri Toma bounced into the room. Her mood
was clearly radiant. Buna! Anyone miss me?
Nobody missed you, Brooklyn retorted in a singsong
voice. But I did get my new roommate.
Sherris eyes set on me and froze. Oh my gosh!
Alessandra, right?


Brooklyns eyebrows shot up to the sky. You two know

each other?
Sherri nodded furiously. Shes our new coworker at the
Bamboo Club. Its fate, right?
Before I could ask why Sherri was even in Room 302 of the
apartment complex, Brooklyn said, Sherri and I have been
friends ever since I moved here. She likes to barge into my
room every day. Its routine.
And I live down the hall, Sherri said. Knock on my door
if you need anything. She yawned. Im going to get some
sleep. We have the early shift tomorrow. Ill see you guys.
With one last wink, she strolled out of our living quarters and
tucked the door behind her closed.
I stared after her.
Overwhelming at times. I feel you, Brooklyn said.
Just surprised by the level of energy she can maintain, I
said, still in awe.
Brooklyn laughed. I tried to room with her before. I
couldnt handle it because she was such a morning person.
I breathed a sigh of relief. I am so not a morning person.
Thank goodness. Want to just eat at the club tomorrow, or
do you have someplace else in mind?
Club sounds great, I said. I bought some food to fill the
Brooklyn looked confused for a moment. Then, she said,
Oh you mean the fridge. Yeah, just fit it wherever.
The fridge. I was going to have to take notes.
I pulled out all the fruit I had bought, set it on the counter,
and placed all the perishables in the fridge.
As I extracted the food from the shopping bags and placed


them into the fridge, a new wave of dizzinessof disbelief

crashed over me.
Just this morning, everything had been normal. How
quickly, suddenly, could everything change?
And when would all of this be over?
What in the world! I heard Brooklyn exclaim. I glanced
up only to see that electrical currents were sizzling across the
side of the refrigerator. A loud popping noise made me flinch.
Damn it all.
Stop. I had to stop getting anxious. I needed to calm down.
After holding my breath for a good five seconds, I uneasily
exhaled ever so slowly. Nothing happened.
Relieved, I gingerly lifted my hand away from the fridge
and set it on the counter. After one last flare of light, the
sizzling stopped.
What in the world was that? Brooklyn muttered under
her breath. I could hear her heartbeat pounding against her
Probablysomething wrong with the circuits? I
She let out a sigh. Probably.
I hesitantly put the last item into the refrigerator, slowly
closing it. Careful. I willed myself to relax as I gave into my
thoughts. So much had happened in so little time. Who knew?
Maybe tomorrow Grandmother would send for me and I could
leave all of this behind.
Id tell Maria and Christa all about my experiences on
earth. I would tell them about Londons queues and pounds and
pence, about the Caesian guards rudeness and stupidity, about


Seleina and Aeridore, and about the kind humans at the

Bamboo Club. Wed laugh and joke over it and itd all be done
Hours later, after getting to know Brooklyn a little better
and learning more about my job as a barista, I groggily brushed
my teeth and fixed my hair and tumbled into my sheets that
were strewn across my bed. Sometime during the night I heard
someone whisper, Vespera, but if I dreamt at all, I didnt
The next morning I woke to the sound of running water.
Ithaca mustve been showering upstairs.
My eyes found the ceiling above me and I traced the cracks
in the cement. Then my eyes narrowed. Itha I began to
groan. Then I sat up, startled.
Reality check.
This wasnt Vaelyria. The Councils plot, England, Spain,
or Romaniait hadnt been a nightmare or a dream. It was
real. I crumpled the bed sheets in my fists. I was in Atanese
Hall. On Earth. A disappointed groan escaped from my lips.
Gloomy already? Brooklyn peeked in. Her aura was a
bright green.
I pulled the soft blankets over my head. What time is it? I
mumbled. I so was not a morning person.
Too early, I know, but Sherri insists. Were going to get
some breakfast in fifteen minutes.
And I thought Caelestis started too early, I muttered.
Half an hour later, Sherri, Brooklyn, and I arrived at the
Bamboo Club. I had put on the black uniform Sherri had given
What do you want to eat? Sherri asked.


Anythings fine, I said, still too overwhelmed with my

current situation. My stomach didnt have much room for food.
I wasnt in Vaelyria anymore. And I had to stop that mental
Brooklyn hopped onto one of the stools in the back kitchen.
There are some Romanian specialties I love. Want to try?
I shrugged. Sounds good.
A group of workers filed in through the open door.
Theres everyone, Sherri said. Hey, come here! she called.
About a dozen young men and women gathered around the
table. Many of them smiled at me.
Alessandra, this is Vasile, Charlotte, Zac, Claudiu,
Dimitri, Penelope, Alina, Ionel, Adrian, and Mel, Sherri
rattled off a list of names that I couldnt possibly remember.
Hey, one of the other guysClaudiu?with dark brown
hair and brown eyes nodded, putting an arm around Sherris
Possibly a boyfriend. I put him into my list of notable Earth
Some of the staff ate with us. Others who had already eaten
set out to do their jobs.
Oh, crap! Sherri slapped her forehead as I placed my
plate in the sink. I forgot to flip the sign.
The one by the door? I asked.
Sherri nodded. Could you do that really quickly?
Thatd be my first job of the day. I straightened my chest.
Sure. I headed out of the backroom into the bar area, past
the empty dance floor. Hanging by the main entrance was a
white sign. I couldnt read the Romanian language, but I just
flipped the sign over and hoped that it was on the right side.


Just as I began to turn away, a shadow caught my eye. No,

not a shadow, it was a black aura with tinges of other colors.
A Dark Nephilim.
My vision zeroed in on the girl walking past the clear front
entrance of the club, down the otherwise empty street.
Oh, hell no. I slammed open the door and lunged at her
without a second thought. Reflex and adrenaline gripped me as
cold wind stung my skin as Goldfyre elongated from my wrist.
The Dark Nephilim turned and stared at me in horror. A
Light Nephilim, she said in disgust, as she ducked from my
sword and barreled towards the alley.
I gave chase, turning into the little street she had scurried
What the hell are you doing here on Earth? I accused,
mid-blow. This demonic creature. Her elbow connected with
my shoulder and I gasped as the pain ricocheted down my arm.
I was here first, she said, her voice filled with venom as
she kicked the back of my knee. I live here, she growled.
I tumbled onto the ground gasping for air as I summoned a
ring of fire and tossed it at her. Bull. Some of her clothes
caught on fire and she shrieked.
Damn you. Damn you all, she said, and scampered across
the grass.
I chased after her, pumping my arms to force my legs to
move faster.
Get back here! I hollered. Who knew what sort of havoc
she had in store for the city if I let her go?
She darted around the corner of another buildingdamn,
she was fastI lost sight of her.
I skidded to a halt, pausing only to observe my


surroundings. There was no sound, no trace of hereven her

aura had vanished completely. I took a deep breath.
I had to capture her if I saw her again and. what
with her? Killing her was the obvious answer, but what was she
doing on Earth?
Id interrogate her. Or keep her until Grandmother sent for
me so she could interrogate her instead, but it wasnt as if I
could tie her up and keep her in my closet until the time came.
I sheathed Goldfyre in frustration.
Giving up on my chase, I walked across the lawn, through
the small alley, and back into the Bamboo Club.
Brooklyn was standing by the door. Um. Hi.
Hi! I greeted, brushing dirt off my clothes from my
earlier skirmish and replacing my disgust with false
exuberance. I...fell.
Hm, she looked me up and down, shrugged, but didnt
seem to really care.
Cringing, I headed across the dance floor.
Oh, there you are! Can you work the bar? Sherri asked as
she wiped over one of the tables.
Yeah, sure, I said, already heading over to the bar area
and stood behind the counter.
Maybe Seleina would come today. Or even better
Instead, my first customer was a middle-aged man. He
walked up to the bar and sat on one of the stools with a steely,
I-dont-give-a-crap expression.
I froze.
His aura. It was Light Nephilim white.
My heart thumped against my chest.


He didnt pay me any attention as he flipped through one of

the menus. Sighing, he put the menu down and said, A
Scotch. The usual.
Only then did I realize he was talking to me. Right, one
moment, I said, quickly looking away.
There was a pause. Wait.
I glanced up, meeting his eyes.
His dark sapphire eyes narrowed in on mine, and I took a
step back. You are...? he asked.
My breath hitched in my throat. AA new barista. I
didnt know what else to say, and every part of my body told
me to be wary.
He continued to peruse me with a dangerous expression. A
Light Nephilim. I havent seen another in years, he observed.
I was supposed to be in hiding. Im not I started to say,
but he held a hand up interrupting me.
Theres no use in denying it. The way you carry
yourselfI may not be an aether Nephilim, but I know a
Nephilim when I see one, his voice was low. Menacing.
I took a step back. Who are you? What do you want with
me? I gritted my teeth.
He arched a brow, leaning farther over the counter. Want?
I want nothing from you. I havent given a shite about Light
Nephilim since I was exiled seven years ago from Caspaer. I
came here for the good Scotch.
I narrowed my eyes. Exiled. Why?
At my question, his mouth curved into an edged smile. I
killed some important people. Turned a few enemies into
My eyebrows knotted. What the


Alessandra? I turned to see Brooklyn enter the bar area

and stand beside me behind the counter. Do you know where
Sherri put the shot glasses?
Uh. No, sorry. I turned back around to face the
Nephilim...and saw nothing.
His stool was empty. The place he had occupied moments
ago was replaced by empty space.
I looked around, shocked, but there was no sign of him.
What are you looking for? Brooklyn asked.
Nothing, I answered, sighing as I lined up the bottles of
alcohol on the shelf.
Of course there were NephilimLight and Darkon
Earth. I had been nave to think otherwise.
I barely caught a wineglass before it fell onto the ground
and shattered into a thousand pieces. It didnt matter. Id be
back in Vaelyria in a matter of days.
As it turned out, Grandmother didnt send for me the next
week, or the week after that. An entire month passedstill
there was no sign of my grandmother or anyone else from
Vaelyria. Seleina visited twice, to tell me that nothing had
changed and that the war was still going on and that I should
stay where I was.
My optimism began to decay along with my willingness to
adapt to life in Romania.
Why not? Youre getting more shy for no reason, which is
kinda weird cause people usually get less shy over time,
Sherri frowned when I told her I wouldnt be going to the local


I did have a reason. These people couldnt replace Christa,
Maria, Blake or Stark.
The Bamboo Club could never replace Caelestis. Romania
could never replace Vaelyria.
Come on, Sherri pressed, when I didnt respond. I
promise that youll have fun.
I gave her a weak smile and told her Id think it over. That
was enough for her to badger me nonstop until I acquiesced.
On the night of the party, between trying to ignore frenzied
aurasmore specifically, auras of humans getting turned on,
drunk, the usualthe black-haired boy, Dimitri, chatted with
me. He seemed to never run out of questionsquestions I
could hardly answer.
So your dad is a scientist?
Yeah. Hehe researches stuff. I tried to remember
anything I could about human scientists from the CSI show Id
been watching last night. White lab coats? Goggles?
Suddenly, Sherri grabbed my arm and steered me off to a
He totally likes you, she said, giggling. A red cup was in
her hand. Half empty. Her aura was so scrambled that I didnt
have to guess how much she had drunk.
I stifled a laugh. First of all, thats ridiculous, I said
dismissively. Second of all, youre drunk.
Sherri giggled again. No, no, Im not. Then she stumbled
forward and more or less passed out in my arms.
Oookay honey, I tried to lift her upright. Were going
back to the apartments. Way to pass out at a party you made
me go to, by the way.


Brooklyn strutted towards us in her unreasonably high

stilettos. Wow, shes done already?
I winked. Some cant hold their liquor.
Brooklyn laughed. Im pretty tired anyway and my heels
make my feet feel like crap. Lets drag her back together. Its a
short walk.
The moment we were outside, cold wind tackled my skin.
I shivered, running my free hand up and down the bare skin
of my other arm.
You alright there? Brooklyn asked.
Im perfect, I said. Far from it.
We tugged Sherri along in a struggle. Im going to give
her a hard time about this when she sobers up, Brooklyn
muttered under her breath.
If she ever does sober up, I corrected.
Brooklyn sighed, shaking her glossy black hair. Sherri,
At the mention of her name, Sherri moaned, then clutched
her head while we dragged her towards the apartment complex.
At least her legs were sort of working.
So, Brooklyn asked, Whend you get that tattoo?
I raised my eyebrows. What tattoo?
The one on your hip? The silvery black one.
She mustve meant my insignia. I wasnt aware that she
had even noticed it. Oh. That. A while ago. Technically, true.
I cant believe your parents let you have a tattoo at our
age. Ive always wanted one, she said wistfully.
My parents are pretty cool. Lie. My parents were dead.
According to Grandmother, they had died in an accidentshe
never told me the details, no matter how often I begged her.


That was only a year after Ithaca had been born. I had been
four years old.
Brooklyn groaned. Lucky. Mine arent, she complained.
I smiled wistfully. At least she remembered what her
parents looked like. I only knew what they looked like because
of pictures.
I sighed as we headed down the empty street, sharing
Sherris weight between us. As we stopped at an intersection, I
knitted my eyebrows.
The grass by the street was giving off a strange purple
glow. I narrowed my eyes as my brain processed the
information. I froze. My breath caught in my throat. No. Not
the grass.
There was a dark shape slithering forward in my peripheral
vision. It had purple eyes and black fangsa lesser demon.
My first thought was something along the lines of well Ill
be damned. I had fought demons beforebut never alone. I
was always with professors, directing me, instructing me.
There was never any real danger. Id even killed some. But
now I was on Earth accompanied only by two humans. This
Salve, Nephilim. Sanguis lavabo. I will bathe in your
blood, it hissed.
Ever since seeing the Dark Nephilim on my first day on
Earth and the exiled Light Nephilim on my second, I hadnt
encountered any other Otherwordly or Caspaeran creature.
The sudden sight of a demon was so unexpected.
Appalling, even.
Thatsso charming of you to say, I choked on my


Brooklyn was shaking beside me. Thatswhat is that?

she asked. Like a... a wild boar or something? What is it the middle of the city
I gave her a strange look. The Blanket mustve been doing
its job. Ill distract it. Can you drag Sherri the rest of the way
by yourself? I asked.
Brooklyn frowned, her eyes flitting in random directions.
Oh my God. We should call animal controlyou just cant

Take Sherri back to the complex as fast as you can. Stay

there until I return. This time my voice was filled with
Brooklyn stiffened and nodded in agreement, aether getting
the best of her. O-okay, she said, her complexion an ashy
gray. She quickly started off with Sherri hoisted up on her
The demon screeched in protest. I cringed at the nauseating
Brooklyn wobbled a few more steps anddropped to the
Brooklyn! I yelled. She had fainted. This was...awful.
The demon bared its fangs in her direction.
I could hear my heart thudding against my ribcage.
Brooklyn and Sherri were powerless. They couldnt fightbut
I...I could.
I knew how to do this. I could do this. Reflexive adrenaline
was racing through my veinsan extensive energy that I
hadnt felt since I left Vaelyria. You hunt me. Not them. The
words were more courageous than I had anticipated.
The demon hissed, clawing the grass, shredding up the


wildflowers. Yes, but their souls are a good appetizer. You are
my entre.
I bit down on my lip and tried to recall what I knew about
I remembered what my grandmother had said. Lesser
demons could devour the souls and minds of Light Nephilim
until they became only a shell of what they used to be. Greater
demons could choose to only feed on the angelic portions of
Light Nephilim souls and transform them into Dark Nephilim
with the Nephilims compliance. The very thought was
The demons snarl ripped me back into the present.
No thank you, I said, rotating the golden bracelet around
my wrist. Left, then right. Goldfyre immediately expanded into
a long sword. I gripped the hilt tightly with both hands.
I lunged forward with Goldfyre raised beside me.
Valeant, it growled, its fangs aimed towards my throat.
I dodged the demons attack and thrust Goldfyre into its
mouth. Its long teeth clamped down on the diamond-edged
sword, stopping my attack. Go. Back. To. Hell, I said
between my gritted teeth. As the demon reared up to claw me, I
fell backwards onto the grass, hitting my head on the ground
with a sickening thud.
It seemed to be laughing at me now. One of the demons
claws landed on my stomach and I cried out in the slicing pain
that ricocheted through my body. I could feel the gash in my
skin. Blood wet the grass. I tried to kick forward, but the
demon reached out with its other claw and held my body down,
Weak, Nephilim.


I swung the blade once more. The sword came in contact

with the demons shoulder. It howled in agonya sound of
complete torment and repulsionand sent me rolling a few
feet. I was covered in dirtgrass and petals in my mouthand
my head was spinning from the pain.
My vision blurred as I saw the demon lunge at me once
more, and ignis. A column of fire radiated from my sword. The
demon didnt have time to register the flames that were
suddenly everywhere.
Ignis. Ignis. Ignis.
I watched the demon burn.
Even after the demon was reduced to gray ashes, I watched
the fire burn. I watched it burn and burn until there wasnt a
trace of the demon left. Only singed grass remained. At the
clench of my hand, the fire twisted itself into a slip of smoke
and disappeared.
I took a deep breath and placed a hand over my wound and
waited for aether to take effect. The wound closed. I exhaled
and the exhilaration and anxiety finally escaped me.
We were okay.
Behind me, Brooklyn groaned. She was conscious.
She groaned again.
Youre going to be okay, I promised. Can you stand?
She mumbled something that was barely audible and
receded back into unconsciousness. Guess that was a no.
Somethingleavesrustled behind me. I stilled.
There was an uneasy presence. Someone was watching.
Whos there? I demanded, whipping my head around.
A shadow stepped out from behind a tree. I recoiled,


confounded. It was the middle-aged Light Nephilim I had

encountered earlier. The same one with dark hair and even
darker, sapphire eyes.
Not bad, he mused. Killing a demon alone, at your age.
Not bad at all.
I snorted, partly relieved, partly irritated. You were
watching and you couldnt be bothered to help?
I dont help the weak, he smirked. But I think youve
proven yourself worthy. The talent is there...although, he
mused, your technique needs work.
Prick. I wouldve picked a fight right then and there if I
hadnt been so goddamn tired. Im so glad youre willing to
grace me with your presence. Now if you dont mind, I have
some friends to tend to, I gestured towards Brooklyn and
Sherri, who lay unconscious on the grass.
Youve grown attached to humans, he noted.
Theyre good to me. I felt the need to defend myself
and them. Do you need something?
The man shrugged, lighting a cigarette. If you want to
learn how to fightreally fightthen come find me. If not,
suit yourself. Just dont come crying when you have hundreds
of demons hunting you down, and you have no way of
defeating them.
I stared at him.
Youre not in a Light Kingdom anymore. No one will be
protecting you here but yourself, he blew gray smoke into the
I wrinkled my nose and glared, watching him as he turned
around to leave. My eyes skirted towards the singed grassthe
only remnant of the demon I had killed earlier.


Then, for some reason, I called out. Wait!

He turned his head slowly to meet my eyes. Yes?
I swallowed. The opportunity to become stronger was too
great to pass up. I didnt want to just hide on Earth. I wanted to
become better. Whats your name? I asked.
Levi, was all he said. He didnt ask me for mine.
Levi, I repeated, tasting how the word sounded in my
mouth. Im Alessandra, I said anyway. Its nicesort of
to meet you, I nodded.
He nodded back.
I inhaled. Teach me how to fight. Please.
His eyes glinted with mischief, as if he had expected me to
agree all along. Every midnight from now on, Ill find you.
Then, before I could even complain about the inconvenience of
midnight lessons, he slinked back into the darkness.
I shook my head, baffled. Levi was weird and most
definitely dangerous, but nevertheless I had agreed to train with
him. Ridiculous.
Somehow, I managed to half-carry, half-drag both Sherri
and Brooklyn back to Atanese Hall. When I set Brooklyn on
her bed, I told her with a voice full of aether, We saw a boar
and we called animal control. Then you came back here and
fell asleep.
She nodded off.
Then I compelled Sherri as she was sprawled across the
futon. You passed out at Carlisle Inn, drunk. Of this night
you remember nothing at all.
That was the first time I killed a demon on Earth.
Strangely enough, after the fight with the demon, I felt
more alive than I had in weeks. Sureit was twisted. Demons


were evil incarnate and sought to wreak havoc upon

everything; nevertheless, I couldnt suppress the excitement
that sparked in me whenever I sighted a demon. The adrenaline
rush, the instinctive reflexes, the action and exhilarationmy
powers coursing through my veins were irresistible. If I had
been any normal functional being, I wouldve loathed a battle
with a demon. Unfortunately, I didnt fit into that category. The
very thought of fighting a demon made my heart accelerate and
my senses explode into color against my will. I loved itas
much as I hated to admit it.
For the next two months, I killed many more demons with
Levi. He taught me, trained me, and revolutionized me. These
fights became mysecrettwisted thrill. It was my personal
gateway to my past. Something that symbolized the world I
had left behind.
A world I would return to.
Seleina, as promised, visited weekly. Her news was always
the samenot much had changed. The war was still going on.
My grandmother had gained some ground in fighting back the
Council members. The war was in her favor, but still ongoing,
And still, my grandmother didnt come for me.



Levi had me pinned to the ground, a blade against my neck.
Your form is terrible, he said, his eyes full of disdain. Have
you learned nothing?
I pushed him off me. Ive gotten better.
I knew he thought so, too, but apparently it was too painful
for him to give me a compliment.
Better. Doesnt mean youre good, he said, which was
probably as close to a compliment as it could get, when it came
to Levi.
Jerk. Granted, he had saved my life a good amount of
times, and I was wholly indebted to him, but still. Jerk.
I pretended to turn away from him, but pivoted and slid my
leg across the ground, sweeping him off of his feet. My rare
opportunity jumped out at me when he stumbled backwards a
few steps, and my heart pounded in excitement. Crouching
low, I rocketed off the ground and lunged towards him,
Goldfyre in one hand. The blade was only inches from his neck
when I felt a sickening punch against my stomach. Spit flew
out of my mouth and I keeled over, tumbling onto the ground.
The sound of my ragged breath thundered in my ears.
Ow, I groaned.


Levi leaned over me, cracking his knuckles, amused.

I swear you only ever smile when Im in pain. My words
sputtered out through rapid breaths.
He crossed his muscled arms, not even bothering to deny it.
I groaned again and rolled onto my side.
Get up, he barked.
No goddamn sympathy, old man, I muttered under my
breath as I crawled to my feet.
Youre not terrible, Levi offered. Had you been up
against someone a lot weaker than me, you mightve succeeded
in that last attack.
Thats not a compliment, believe it or not, I grimaced,
focusing my aether onto my palm and placed it over my
abdomen. Come at me again. I wont make the same mistake
twice, I challenged.
Youre at your limit. Any more and you wont wake up
tomorrow. At all, Levi added. Most of the time, I couldnt tell
whether or not he was joking. Assuming the worst was
probably reasonable.
Whatever. Ill see you tomorrow then, old man, I said,
brushing the dirt off my clothes.
How many times must I tell you not to call me that? Levi
growled, whacking me on the head with his knuckles.
Ow! I said, but smiled anyway. Just the truth, I
shrugged. Can we track a demon tomorrow? We havent
killed one all week.
Levi arched a brow. So eager. I hope that eagerness
doesnt get you killed one day.
I rolled my eyes. Come on, old man. You did say I wasnt
terrible, right?


His eyes narrowed at the words, old man. Well see, he

answered cryptically.
Fine, I said, unsatisfied. See ya tomorrow, young one, I
smirked, and started back towards my dorm.
Wait, he said, and I loitered. I watched as he fished
something out of his pocket. It was a hairpin that was decorated
with a myriad of peridot gemstones and diamonds, carved into
a rose.
He held it out towards me. I want you to have this.
My jaw dropped open, but I clamped it shut as a sly smile
spread over my face. Aww, Levi, I teased. I didnt expect
you to own something so pretty and delicate.
He choked on a laughhis aura flashed a quickly
concealed pinkand stepped forward until he was only a foot
away from me. Then, without breaking eye contact with me, he
twisted the rose clockwise until it had completed three
revolutions. Suddenly, the petals of the rose spun and
protruded into blades with sharp, diamond-gilded edges,
snapping in line to form a single, thin dagger. The pin itself
became the base for the hilt.
I nearly leapt three feet into the air. When my heart had
receded back into my chest, I glared at his smug expression.
You get a kick out of scaring me, dont you?
Levis nearly black eyes twinkled mischievously, and
placed the pin in my hand. Consider it a gift. The daggers
name is Rosethorne.
My smile definitely reached my ears. Thanks, old man.
You can be okay sometimes.
His smile faded; his friendliness definitely had an
expiration time. If you want to track demons tomorrow, you


better sleep. Now.

I didnt have to be told twice. Beelining for my dorms, I
swung upon the door and stormed towards my bed, aching in
every part of my body.
Not up for a movie tonight? Brooklyn said.
I shook my head. No. Im tired.
Brooklyn shrugged. Youre tired every night. Im not one
to give a damn, but are you all right? Whats going on?
What was going on?
There was a lot going ontoo much and too little. Ever
since I had discovered the excitement of tracking and banishing
demons with Levi, I had finally found something to look
forward too. On most nights, Levi trained me for hours until I
felt like I was beaten to a pulp, and he never failed to make me
feel miserable the next morning. I woke up to the pain in my
joints and muscles daily, but the strain also gave me a sense of
satisfaction, like I wasnt sitting around and doing nothing. On
nights where we tracked and killed demons, however, I felt
On the other hand, Grandmother had abandoned me for
three months and twenty days. Id counted. At this rate, I was
going to have to disobey Grandmother and return to Vaelyria.
My self-allotted four months was almost up.
Well, for one, its two a.m., I gave a weak smile.
We stayed up until four some nights in the beginning, she
Not tonight. I really am tired. Next time, Brook. I gave
another smile and walked away before she could press me
The days came and went with routine.


Looking dazzling as always, Dimitri told me when I

walked into the Club and dropped onto one of the stools.
What he means is that you look like...well...crap,
Brooklyn said.
Appreciate the honesty.
You fell again, didnt you? Dimitri remarked jestingly as
he plucked a strand of grass out of my hair.
I winced. I mean, what was I supposed to say? That Id
been out demon fighting until morning? It wasnt as if he
hadnt already been inured to my excuses.
Howd you know? I stood to get a towel to wipe the
counter, when a shudder slithered through me. I frowned in
confusion. Searing pain suddenly shot into my body and I cried
out in agony.
Alessandra? Dimitris eyebrows knotted together in
genuine concern. His aura was an anxious red.
You okay? Brooklyn turned to face me with a look of
I clenched my jaw and my muscles stiffening. II have a
headache. IIm going to go outside for a little bit, I
stammered as I stumbled out the double doors and into the cold
street. There were spots in my vision and I couldnt quite make
out the buildings in front of me anymore. All I could feel was
the jarring pain that was ripping my insides into shredsand it
was everywhere. My head throbbed, my heart ached when I
shifted, and my muscles were hardly functional. What the hell
was happening to me?
I managed to wobble down the street and turned into a
desolate alley.
And my hip, God, my hip. It felt like it had been stabbed


with a poisonous lance and then drenched in acid. The searing

pain made it difficult to inhale and my chest ached with every
breath. I wanted to scream, but my mouth went limp.
For the fourth time in my life, I felt what it was like to
Then I collapsed against the alley wall, sprawled onto the
It happened again.
The hallucination that wasnt minethe image of a boy a
little older than I was. His expression was dark, dangerous, and
I strained to catch a glimpse of his eyes that were obscured in
wispy-dream shadows. And his voicethe words he spoke
sounded like waves of the ocean.
Or a poisonous abyss.
Hello, Vespera.
The world that was gray became splashed with color. My
chest tightened until I couldnt breathe. Even though I knew I
was imagining it, it felt so real, so vivid, that I gasped for
I knew him. Every part of me recognized him, but at the
same time, I had no idea who he was. And yet...the only
emotion I could feel was fear. Panic slithered down my spine.
A suffocating tightness squeezed my chest and I couldnt
He blinked. Once.
And then I screamed.



I drifted awake to the color blue.

The sky.
I blinked. Once. Twice. I mustve fainted from the pain.
The pain. My eyes settled on the barely visible patch of
skin beneath my uniform. My body tingled with adrenaline as
the numbness faded.
Holding my breath, I lifted up the hem of my shirt and
inhaled. A new spiral had manifestedthe air emblem.
Hell yes.
I couldnt help but to smile. While I had always wished for
an earth emblem, receiving a fourth emblem, whatever it was,
was undeniably incredible.
A giddy feeling swept through me and I felt light-headed. I
had a sudden temptation to jump up and down and pump my
fists in the air.
This was astonishing. A fourth emblem. How many
Nephilim were this lucky?
The appearance of a fourth emblem was enough reason for
me to return to Vaelyria, right? I wasnt all that superstitious,
but all this time, my grandmother hadnt sent for me. Maybe
this was heavens decree or something to finally get me going.
Besides, four months was basically up. A few days in advance
changed nothing.
It was time. It had to be.
Optimistically, I started towards Atanese Hall to get my
belongings and my stash of weapons I had hidden under by
bed. Once I gathered my stuff, I would find Levi and tell him
the good news. I knew practically nothing about the old mans
origins and he knew nothing about mine, but we had become
friends in one way or another. I wanted him to return to


Vaelyria with me, if he was willing to go.

I bounded towards the hall door pulled it open and
practically skipped up the first flight of stairs. I reluctantly
paused for a moment as I waited to let a man pass down the
narrow stretch of stairs before I could continue my jubilant
The man was tall, dark-haired, and sauntered with an air of
confidence. He was surprisingly good-looking for a middleaged man, despite the obvious scar that ran down one cheek,
with snake-like eyes, and sharper features than what I had been
used to seeing here. He glowed with an unearthly health. I
swallowed my confusion and ignored the buzzing in my head.
I didnt know what it was that made me speak, but I
couldnt shake off the discomfort he caused me. You never
saw me here. Forget this, forget me, I ordered with a voice
full of aether. I turned to move past him, my shoulder brushing
his. A sharp chill coursed through me. I turned to look at him
and froze. His eerie gaze locked on me.
For the strangest second, neither of us moved. Then he
smileda smile that sent shivers down my spine.
It was so obvious; I couldnt understand how I hadnt
realized it sooner. He had no aura. I couldnt explain itit was
something I had never encountered before, but that wasnt all.
He was way above average in height for a human, he was much
stronger than any mundane, and radiated a sense of familiar,
celestial power. His eyes were radiant, his ears were slightly
pointier than those of humans, and he held himself with an
elegance that belonged to another world. The Middle World.
My feet were planted to the wooden steps, my eyes frozen


to his cold, steely tourmaline green eyes, then fixed on the

silver insignia on his neck that was partly covered by the collar
of his shirt.
The man leaned forward. Forget you? Wouldnt that ruin
everything? he whispered, his breath frosty on my cheek. Ill
remember whatever Id like, Princess Alessandra Rosalyn
Imperatrix, First Daughter of royal House Scarlett.
I felt another presence and everything went dark.



When I woke, I sat up with a start, my breathing unstable. A
choked pant escaped from my throat as I made sense of where I
wasin a cold, bright room, strapped to a metal chair.
I was back in Caspaer.
I could feel the elemental magic in the air. The humming
and singing of magics workings were patterns that resembled
music to my ears.
Only then did I feel sharp pains in my throbbing head.
Someone mustve wounded me from behind. Cowards. They
couldnt even have faced me head on.
I clenched my fists. Dammit, I muttered under my breath.
I was supposed to have returned to Caspaer on my own free
willnot as a prisoner.
Damn it all.
Something behind me moved. I wasnt alone.
So youve finally woken. Youve kept me waiting long
enough, a scaly voice spoke.
I abruptly turned my head to the side to see the dark haired
man walking around the room. He was dressed differently now,
in a formal suit. Strapped to his belt was a long sword with a
curved edge.


I could basically feel the blood that undoubtedly tainted

that sword.
How had I not sensed him earlier? I winced, struggling to
break free of the metal straps that held my wrist to the
Release me. I demanded, with more confidence than I
thought I could have mustered.
The man leaned forwardamused. He took a crooked
finger and stroked my cheek. His touch felt icy on my skin and
I recoiled.
Weve been searching and tracking your kind for ten
years. Now that your fourth emblem has appeared, do you
think wed let you go so easily? his voice teased.
My kind? I leaned back against the hard chair, disgusted.
You were following me all this time?
The man shrugged, unaffected, and held up a miniature
little devicea bloody device. This tracking device was in
your body since you left Vaelyria.
I nearly threw up at the sight of the bloody object. Was he
speaking the truth? How had I been ignorant enough to
overlook a tracking device in me?
And, well, theres her.
A new figure entered the room
Everything clicked instantly.
Alessandra, she said, emotionless.
I snarled. You tricked me. All this time, you were lying

The man waved his hand. Oh, dont be so hostile. It was I

who instructed her to feed you lies about the situation in


Caspaer and to keep an eye on you. It was a job well done, the
man turned and handed somethingpresumably a bag of
coinsto Seleina. Shethat vile, disgusting creaturetook it,
nodded her head and left the room.
Id get revenge for this.
The man stepped forward and lifted up the hem of my shirt,
only slightly, and smiled when he saw the silver emblem
embossed on my hip.
Dont touch me, I growled, yanking against the metal
chains on the chair.
He laughed. With the power of Nephilim who might wield
five elements, we will conquer all of Caspaer, he said, his
voice rattling like a snakes tail. You dont know how hard it
was to be patientand we werent even sure it could be you!
Youve made us work very, very hard, especially since your
disappearance, he said excitedly, his eyes glowing as if he
were insane. But all my work has finally come to fruition.
Five elements? Youve caught the wrong person. I only
have four, idiot, I snapped.
The man just smirked.
I struggled against the metal clamps wondering why I
couldnt feel the usual elemental power running through me. If
only I could summon somethinganythingto fight against
this monster.
He seemed to read my mind. Oh, dont even try. You cant
channel your elements with those on.
I sunk my teeth into my lower lip, almost wishing that I
could taste my blood, and stared at the metal clamps around my
wrist. I hadnt been near the metal for so long, I had forgotten
about it. They were made out of anti-elemental materialmore


specificallyquicksilver. The damned metal was the only

substance that could suppress a Nephilims elemental abilities.
So that was why I couldnt use aether or any of my other
elements either. The only weapon I had was Rosethornethe
peridot and diamond pin in my hair that Levi had given me
and I couldnt exactly reach it.
My elements were gone.
I felt empty.
Where am I? I growled through gritted teeth.
He smiled, almost as if he was baring his fangs, and tapped
his fingers on the chair.
I snarled, trying to scratch him, trying to injure him any
way possible.
He chuckled. Why, Princess Alessandra, you dont
I glared at him, but somehow I could sense his words even
before he even spoke. And it frightened me.
A slip of sunlight emanated through the open door of the
room. I could smell the familiar humid smell of cherry
blossoms and the salty ocean. Yet in the cold, artificially
lighted room, I felt nothing but hatred for the place.
Were in your dear Kingdom of Vaelyria, of course.
I stared at him in in disbelief. Questions washed over me
instantly. Vaelyria? My Kingdom? How was this even
That meantthat meant so much more than what grazed
the surface. What those words meant for my grandmother
I waited for myself to wake up. I rattled the chains even
more. Nothing happened. I kicked against the chair, unable to
free myself. Still nothing. I closed my eyes. I tried calming my


heartbeat. Wake up. Nothing.

Youre lying, I finally said.
He laughed without any humor at all. Of course Im
telling the truth. Whats the point in lying to a useless child?
I wanted to rip the metal clamps off of my wrists then
shove them down his throat. Dont you think you should be
more careful talking to your future Queen? I said with more
venom than I probably should have had. I knew all I could
offer were useless threats. If no one was coming to my rescue
now, it could only mean that Grandmother had already lost
The man smiled. Your temper excites me. I can only hope
you will use that rage to destroy the other kingdoms, he stared
at me with mocking pity. Queen Maeve has been dethroned
and sent to the dungeons, although I have been kind enough to
allow your sister to continue at Caelestis Academy. I must say,
Vaelyria did put up a heroicwell, tragicfight. For...two
I snarled with hatred. So it had already happened. And
which desperate savage are you? A greedy Council member? A
dim-witted mercenary hired by those scoundrels?
He waved his hand. Silence, you insolent girl. Im no
mere Vaelyrian, he said. Caesia, he hissed. Caesia is the
powerful country that conquered yours. Remember the name
Caesia. The kingdom that had refused me, whose guards
had tried to kill me. Of course.
I couldnt wait to destroy Caesia.
He then frowned. Arent you going to ask what exactly I
want you to do?


I managed a cold laugh. Of course not. It doesnt matter

what you want me to doI wont do it. Especially if it
involves your crazed plans in taking over Caspaer.
The man narrowed his eyes. Very well then. Drink this.
He lifted his hand to reveal a small pebble-sized vial. I
recognized it immediatelythe silver liquid shone with an
eerie glowmore quicksilver.
If I drank it, it would negate my power for a certain amount
of time and I wouldnt be able to do anything about it either.
With the amount of quicksilver in the bottle it would be about a
month before I could even create a little spark. That was so not
Like hell, I spat in his face. I wasnt surprised when he
backhanded me across my cheek.
The slap stung; his gaze burned farther into my eyes.
Drink it, he commanded.
I stared at him stubbornly, even as he pried open my mouth
and forced the liquid inside with his cold, rough hands. I sunk
my teeth into his skin. He grunted before pulling my mouth
open even wider. A rush of bile rose in my throat as he made
me swallow. There was a burning sensation in my throat, and I
felt the need to puke, but couldnt quite make myself throw up.
He gave me a toothy smile. All better. If anyone asks why
you are powerless, you will say that a demonic Nephilim
drugged you with quicksilver while you were away. I will see
you once more before this wears off, and if you cooperate,
there will be no need for another vial. On the other hand, if you
dont cooperate, Im afraid many others will also suffer.
I will allow you to attend classes at the Caelestis
Academy. I am sure you will know the consequences of telling


anyone, and by that, I mean any person at all of your capture. If

anyone asks, you returned on your own will because you
realized how much you missed Vaelyria, and that you will
become a princess to the Kingdom, no matter who rules it, he
paused. Besides, my plan will proceed very soon, he seemed
to say to himself.
I hope you rot in Hell.
He turned his gaze back to me. In the meantime, your
cooperation is vital. Do you understand?
I didnt understand what he really needed me for. I did,
however, understand that I didnt like the way he talked to me.
I am the Princess of this Kingdom. Your words mean
I felt a stab of pain, as he slapped me across the cheek
again and smiled at my sharp intake of breath.
You are only what I tell you to be. I ask again. Do you
understand me?
I hesitated.
He raised his hand. I asked you a question. Do. You.
Understand? Every syllable was enunciated forcefully, as if he
were trying to etch them into my mind.
What would he do to my grandmother and Ithaca if I
continued to refute him? What was I risking? My pride faltered
momentarily and I gave a slight, barely noticeable, nod.
Good girl, he grinned. Youll proceed to Caelestis
I didnt respond. He took it for acquiescence.
In five days you will parade around Vaelyria and convince
the people of your compliance. I have many uses for you, but
that is all for now. Then he turned so that his back faced me.


Jeremiah! Come in.

I lifted my head to see the newcomer. The white door
swung open immediately and a large man clad in a battle
uniform walked in. I glanced longingly at the sunlight that
filled the room through the open door, overwhelming the
artificial lights. Accompany Princess Alessandra to whatever
class she has at the moment. Never let her out of your sight.
You know the punishment for failure, the snake-man decreed.
The guard stiffened and nodded in agreement immediately.
His eyes flicked back and forth between the both of us. Of
course, he said gruffly.
He probably thought I wouldnt be any trouble to handle. I
would make sure I was as much trouble as possible.
The snake-like man released my handcuffs and I stood up
weakly. My arms and legs were sore, and as much as I craved
to attack him at this very moment, I doubted I could fight the
both of them without a weapon or my elements.
My elements. Without them, I felt like a huskempty and
still without the rush of power inside me.
I clenched my jaw in frustration. I would have to be very,
very, patient. And then he would be sorry he ever set his sights
on Vaelyrias throne. You will pay for this, I threatened.
I hope you are obedient, princess. He smiled wickedly,
ignoring me.
That asshole. I didnt respond. Instead I held my head high
as I followed Jeremiah out of the bleak room. There was a
white-walled hallway with floor-length windows. At the end of
the hallway was an elevator.
This way, Jeremiah motioned towards the elevator.
Quickly, he said, his voice rough.


I resisted an urge to take Rosethorne out of my hair and

stab him. It was more sensible for me to play a longonly for
a bituntil I had a real opening. Then, Id find Ithaca and get
the hell out of here.
Jeremiah was eyeing me closelytoo closelyfor
comfort. I turned my face away from him to avoid his gaze.
I know how to navigate my own palace, thank you very
much, I said coldly, even though that was only half the truth. I
hadnt ever been completely familiar with the entire Palace
only taking the time to know the few floors that I actually used.
What floor was I on? The hundred fiftieth? Hundred sixtieth?
I could see the lands of Vaelyria and the semicircles of
skyscrapers that formed around the palace. I could barely
glimpse the Divine Sea and its shimmering waves from the
view here. It was enough to throw me headfirst into nostalgia.
Aetherius Palace was more of a skyscraper than a palace. In
reality, it looked like a chain of skyscrapers, connected to one
another, all with pointed rooftops. A glass fortressand
Valeyrias pride.
My home.
Golden waves of sunlight passed through the enormous
windows. Vaelyrias beauty betrayed the truth.
I wanted to puke.
The elevator doors opened and I stepped inside. Before
Jeremiah could move, I pressed the button to the lobby.
I remembered the last time I had been in the elevator. The
day my grandmother banished me in order to protect
Vaelyrias heir to the throne. The day that my life and the
world I loved exploded before my eyes.
Like always, the elevator hummed with the energy of


aetherenergy I no longer had within medisappeared, and

reappeared floors below. As the doors slid open, Jeremiah
pulled me forward, his hand clamped onto my wrist. Unsure
eyes followed me as I walked across the people-filled lobby
into the busy road, the road that led out to the main streets, and
I kept my head down to avoid their stares.
Someone bumped into me. My apologies, I said
reflexively, before abruptly stopping myself. My stomach
His expression halted my breath. It wasnt the expression a
mundane Nephilim should haveit wasnt happy, excited, or
even bored or apathetic. It wasnt the expression of an
oblivious citizen of an angry storekeeper or a polished fighter.
His eyes were empty and hollow without a semblance of
feeling. Chills slithered down my spine as I looked around me.
Then I noticed something equally peculiarthe tan, golden
skin of Caesians. What the snake-man had said was true.
Caesia had conquered Vaelyria.
A familiar sound broke me out of my daze with a sense of
relief. A baby was cryingsomething that was so normal, so
mundane. But the babys mother shushed him monotonously.
Dont cry, Jared. Mommys here.
I stared, horrified, and the baby continued to cry. Of course.
The mother had said the words without a hint of warmth.
Without warmth, the words meant nothing to the child.
But why had she done it?
Most of the people were normal. But there were a couple
now and then that reminded me of zombies. I couldnt read
their aura without aether, but I knew that their auras would be
blank if I could. Gone. Totally weird.


I was sufficiently creeped out by the time we reached the

end of the palace grounds.
Get inside, Jeremiah said as he shoved me into the
backseat of a transporter, before sliding in next to me. The
driver seemed to know exactly where we were headed and
started the engine.
Where is Ithaca? I asked, my voice like icy steel as the
transporter began to move.
He didnt answer, averting his gaze as if he hadnt heard
Where is she? I asked again with more force. Dont you
think I deserve to know where my little sister is?
Jeremiah shifted uncomfortably. At the Academy, classes
have not yet ended for the day.
I gritted my teeth. Does she know that Im here?
He cleared his throat. No, Princess, no one knows. Not
yet, anyway.
Will I be able to see her today?
Jeremiah shook his head. No. That was all he said.
My eyes flickered. The snake-like man wanted to confirm
that my elemental powers were negated in case the serum had
failed. He was cautious and thoroughI had to give him that.
But Jeremiah didnt take the precautions that the snake-like
man did. Jeremiah underestimated me, just like any normal
guard would. I could use that to my advantage.
I continued my plea, But she is my sister. Cant I even
have five minutes with her?
Jeremiah averted my gaze. No, he said again.
And what are you going to do? Follow me around class all
day? Watch me do math problems? I said, icily. He bowed his


At least respect the privacy of your Princess if you cant
respect her lineage, I muttered, looking out the window.
There was a group of soldiers standing by a wall, flanked
by a few men. Rebels? Some of the soldiers were erasing
something on the wallgraffiti.
Part of the writing was gone, but the rest read, A DEMON
The soldiers seemed to be yelling. And then was the sound
of a gun. The menrebelsfell onto the ground.
Shocked, I dug my fingernails into the skin of my palm and
turned to Jeremiah.
Did you see that? I asked breathlessly. Bewildered.
Yes, he said, indifferent. And that was all.
The transporter sailed over the bridge that connected Novis
Invum and Caelestis Island, leaving the bodies of those men
A demon of a king. The words haunted me.
The car came to a stop at the end of the bridge and right
before the looming gates of the Academy.
I walked up to the gates of the Academy behind Jeremiah,
and hesitated, my heart pounded with excitement and
nervousness. A feeling of nostalgia overcame methe white
brick building that resembled a castleor a prison, depending
on how I looked at itwas exactly like I had remembered.
Memories came rushing back and most of them were fond.
We turned onto West Campus, and he dragged me after
You dont have to be so rough, I said through gritted


Naturally, he ignored me, and instead said, Your first class
is Battle class. This room. Your schedule will be coming
I was barely listening to him as he shoved me through the
mini-arenas doors.
At first, no one even noticed me. I was only beginning to
think that it wouldnt be so bad, when a girl whose name I had
forgotten met my eyes.
She blinked. Once. Twice. And then she placed a hand on
her chest, pointed another finger at me, and screamed.
She actually screamed.
With that shrill shriek, everyone in the small arena turned
to look at me. Even the instructor stared at me with ghastly
horror. Silence dominated the room and my heart pounded
nervously against my chest.
Hi, I squeaked. More silence.
There were new and old facesdefinitely more Caesian
students than beforebut I didnt see any of my best friends.
Bummer, and not to mention, terribly awkward.
It was Jeremiah who finally saved me. Her Highness,
Alessandra Rosalyn Imperatrix Scarlett. His Majesty has
approved of her return. There will be no questions. Clearly,
his unsaid words were or else.
The instructora big, burly, tattooed man who I had never
seen beforecleared his throat. Of course, he said nervously
and turned to the other students. Everyone! Back to your
attack stances! I shifted nervously when his gaze zeroed in on
me. Princess Alessandra Scarlett, he cocked his head to the
right. Go practice with them.


My throat dried. Uh. Right. Yes, sir, I said, and gingerly

headed towards a group of students. They stared at me warily
when they saw me approaching.
Im supposed to train with you guys, I said. Nice to see
you again, Miranda, Warner, I gave a tight smile to the few
students in the group that I recognized.
They returned with similarly tight smiles. Princess
Alessandra, Miranda, a brunette with big eyes, nodded.
Alessandra is fine, I said. At least, everyone had either
called me that, Aless, or Scarlett before I had left.
Right. Alessandra. This is Elena, Vivienne, Galen... she
introduced me to the half of a dozen students in the group.
I greeted each one with false optimism, before saying,
Want to show me those attack stances you guys have been
Sure, Miranda said and I watched. Only, the moment that
they started to spar with one another, images of Levi flashed
across my eyes.
I hadnt even said goodbye.
Did you get that? Miranda asked.
I whipped my head up. Y-Yeah, I stammered. I got it,
and repeated the same moves. Strangely enough, the moves
were easy to me. Simple and fluid. Levi hadnt been kidding
when he had claimed that he could teach anyone how to fight.
But, as I soon realized, I hadnt learned physical strength
and brute endurance from him. Instead, I had upped my
accuracy and reflex.
Maybe at one point and time, Levi was an assassin.
I chuckled at that thought.
Twenty minutes later, I walked to where Jeremiah stood in


the arena.
I need the bathroom, I said.
Wait until after this class, he said, not looking me in the
That simply wouldnt do. Come on, please. I really need
to goplease? I gave him my most helpless and beseeching
smile. He hesitated for so long that I almost gave up on my
pretty futile begging, but he gave a brisk nod.
Fine, he said, and then followed me out of class.
What are you doing? I asked him as I walked towards the
bathroom. He wasnt supposed to follow me, goddammit.
Waiting outside, he answered, and leaned against the
wall beside the bathroom. Be quick.
Time to improvise. I shut the bathroom door behind me and
locked it. Immediately, my eyes flitted to the window. Itd
have to do.
Turning on the faucet so that the sound of running water
would disguise my movements, I slipped Rosethorne out of my
hair and twisted the rose three revolutions. The dagger slid out
of its compartment, and I used it to cut into the fabric beside
the window. It didnt take me long to yank the entire pane out
of its frame. Gently, I placed the pane of glass onto the ground,
stepped on the cover of the toilet, and hoisted myself out of the
Too easy.
Now, where the hell was Ithaca? I had to find her. I had to
find her and get the hell out of here then I could figure out
where my grandmother was being kept and concoct a plan of
escape for the three of us. There were no powerful allies here
in Vaelyria any longer. The Council was comprised of the


heads of all the powerful houses in Vaelyria. That meant that

those eight houses had already betrayed the royal family.
I landed on the grass outside, smug.
But we had to go somewhere. We would have to go
someplace safe until we could plan the overthrow of the new
Kingbut where?



I tried to maneuver between the trees and stay hidden as I
headed towards the North Campus where Ithacas classes were.
My heart beat erratically as I looked over my shoulder at the
West Campus building every few seconds, hoping no other
guard, or God forbid, the snake-like man, had seen me.
Nevertheless, the West Campus was gated and there was
only one exit.
I pulled my hood up, ducked out from the bushes, and
pushed open the gates.
Stop right there! I heard and turned to see three fully
armed men. What is your name?
I thought quickly and said the first name that came to mind.
Christa Fayola.
Why arent you in class? one of the men asked, gruffly.
Of course I wouldnt have aether at a time like this. Gone
was my compulsion ability, but I didnt exactly have the time
to wallow in self-pity and utter lack of elements. I had to resort
to more normal tactics.
I tried to blush. Im so sorry, I have to go back to Central
Campus to grab some textbooks I had forgotten. I blushed
again and batted my eyelashes. A few months on Earth and I


was already a professional liar?

I am so sorry. Please, forgive me, I added for good
Hmm, one of them contemplated, raised an eyebrow in a
bawdy manner, and took my wrist. We could let you gobut
why should we?
I scowled in disgust and swallowed the urge to rip his hand
off of me. Guards taking advantage of students? It wasnt like
this beforenot when Grandmother ruled. Unrestrained anger
immediately flushed through me.
Oh, well, I dont have much on me except this, I removed
a ring from my fourth finger. You can have it.
I could see their eyes glint with greed when they saw the
flash of gold. One of them held out a wrinkly, calloused hand,
and I dropped the ring into his palm.
Ah, this is fine, fine gold! What riches the noble houses
have! Then he frowned, held it up against the sun, and
squinted. What is this?
I smiled and ran a finger down his chest. A present, I said
The other two men pushed him aside and one of them
grabbed the ring.
The insigniaa scarlet dragonhow do you have this?
Batting my eyelashes in mock innocence, I removed
Rosethorne from my hair.
This is the insignia of the royal family! The other guards
eyes widened. You cant be. Thats not possible!
I turned the rose once.
I only had two options: running or fighting.
Between luck and my own ability, I chose to bet on my


own ability.
Id choose myself. If the past four months had taught me
anything, it was that I couldnt depend on anyone else. Betting
on anything other than myself would be nave. The angels
didnt care.
I turned it once more. They were just normal guardsnot
Protectors or powerful nobles or even trained students at
Caelestis. They were amateurs. I would win. And I had surprise
on my side.
The rose completed its final turn, and the blade snapped
into place behind my back.
Oh, its possible. Very possible, I said, and jammed the
hilt of the blade into the chest of the guard who held my wrist.
Shock terrorized his eyes as he stumbled backwards, spit flying
from his mouth, and crumpled to the ground.
The other two guards didnt even blink. Instead of checking
on their unconscious peer, they advanced slowly without their
weapons drawn and their surprise slowly transformed into my
excitement. I stiffened, tracing their every move with my eyes.
Weve heard all about you and how you had ran away into
the human world. But no one ever told us you had returned,
Princess, the older one said. He lifted a hand, and a small,
weak breeze pushed back my hood, revealing my signature
raven-black hair and dark amethyst eyes.
Dont waste your pitiful elemental powers on me, I said,
The guard was blatantly offended, but he recovered
quickly. Sure, Im not so good with the elements like the
spoiled noble brats are, but I can still have my way with you.
I suppressed a laugh.


Youre as pretty as they say, he whispered in my ear and

simultaneously grabbed my arm. And I am sure our King will
not complain if we have a little fun with you.
Let go, I ordered, content with how icy my voice
I saw his mouth curve into an enthusiastic smile.
One more chance. I said, let go, unless you want to end up
like your friend over there, I jerked my head towards the
unconscious guard.
Like hell I will, he pulled me towards him, but I was
I bent down, kicked his feet from under him with my leg,
and hit him in the head with the hilt of my dagger as he fell to
the floor. A groan escaped from his lips as he landed on the
grass with a thump, unconscious but not dead.
I bent down, grabbed my ring from his wrinkled hands, and
slid it back onto my finger. Thanks, I said.
The younger man stared at his fallen fellow guards, and
suddenly, the look of vulgar excitement on his face was
replaced with fear and anger as he realized he was alone.
How did youa spoiled teenage prissy! He drew out a
small handgun and held it towards me. We were going to
bring you to the King once we were done with you! But now I
think Im going to kill you, instead!
A teenage prissy? Who even said that these days? Eyeing
the movement of his finger on the trigger, I said, Dont you
think your King will punish you if you kill me?
He hesitated.
Lay down your weapon and I will let you go. Serve the
royal family faithfully as you should have, I demanded.


The man snarled and readjusted the handgun. A little girl

like you? Threatening me?
The prejudice was relentless. You have one more chance,
I warned.
As I saw his fingers tighten on the trigger, I ducked and
swung forward with my fist. The punch connected with his jaw
before he could shoot and he fell to the grass beside his fellow
guards. Before he recover and scramble to his feet, I rammed
Rosethornes hilt onto his face and he crumpled.
It would be so easy to kill them now. It would give me
more time. But was it really worth it? Three lives, for maybe,
ten more minutes?
I sighed. They probably had families and someone who
actuallyfor some inexplicable reasoncared about them and
their rubbish lives. It wasnt moral for me to kill them here
even though Rosethorne was practically begging to be
embedded in their bodies.
I dragged their unconscious bodies behind a row of bushes
and hoped no one would notice until both Ithaca and I were out
of Vaelyria. I needed to move quickly.
Pulling up the hood of my jacket, I pushed open the heavy
gate of the West Campus and closed it firmly behind me.
Finally, I exited the clearing, dodging behind trees every now
and then. There were guards stationed every fifty meters and I
took precautions to avoid each and every one of them. Three
lecherous guards were enough for me.
After minutes of jogging, I officially exited West Campus
and stumbled onto the border of Central Campus, where the
dormitories and main buildings were. I had to cross Central
Campus to reach North Campus.


Gently, I pushed open the Central Campus gate and quickly

slid past a guard that was turned away. Taking the path through
the grass rather than the main road, I swiftly passed the green
bushes and trees and I caught glimpses of the flashes of white
brick between them.
The ground paved way for my boots and I felt lightheaded
with a sense of apprehension. I neared North Campus,
following the path, only to stop abruptly.
Crap! Footsteps. It was such a pain to be unable to sense
the aura of another person.
I took a step back and spun behind an evergreen tree. I held
my breath, my fingernails digging into my palms. I leaned
forward, peeked out from the trees and caught a glimpse of a
tuft of medium brown hair, goldenand very Caesian-like
skin, and high cheekbones. But that wasnt what startled me so
It was his aura. I hadnt been able to sense it, but somehow,
I could see it.
For whatever reason, his golden-white aura had seeped past
the constraints of the quicksilver I had drunk earlier.



As he walked along the main road, he absentmindedly lit a ball
of flames in his palm.
A fire user.
As he neared my hiding spot, he stopped tersely, his face
angled towards me.
My hand immediately moved to Rosethorne and vivid
panic rushed through my veins, but there was no way he could
see me. I willed myself to take another breath, to relax.
There was no way he could see me.
He leaned downward, as if he had dropped something on
the ground, and picked it up, shoving his hands into his
I breathed a sigh of relief, relaxed my grip on the dagger,
and watched as he walked away. The footsteps faded but my
questions went unanswered. Why had I been able to see his
aura? For me to be able to see some of it with barely any
aetherit had to be incandescently radiant.
When I was sure I was alone, I exited the safety of the trees
and set back on the path to North Campus, one cautious step at
a time. I had to find Ithaca. Almost instantly, I heard a soft
chuckle. A breath tingled the back of my neck and the smell of


fresh grass, like the scent that followed after a rain shower,
lingered in the air.
I spun around rapidly, frozen, and face-to-face with my
I opened my mouth, unsure of what to do or saymaybe
scream? Instead, a hand covered my mouth as the boy grabbed
me. He spun me around so that he was still holding me from
behindone arm clamped around my waist, the other muffling
my cries. My heart pounded and I winced as I jerked my wrist.
Instinctively, my other hand grasped blindly for Rosethornes
I needed my elements.
Shh. Dont want the guards to find us, my attacker
whispered. His voice was low, but tinted with a Spanishor
well, Caesianaccent.
His words jolted me out of my momentary shock; I
managed to push myself out of his grasp while drawing out
Rosethorne simultaneously. Taking a precautionary few steps
back, I raised my dagger.
He was tallnot particularly muscular, but leanwith a
curious, relaxed expression. His emerald eyes were rather frank
and his ears were slightly large on the sides of his head, but
even so, he gave off an unprecedented sense of easygoingness
and casual confidence. He wasnt dressed like the guards I had
encountered earlier, and he didnt have the hollow expression
of the commoners on the palace grounds either.
Nevertheless, I raised the dagger in front of me, grasping
the hilt tightly.
What had I said earlier? That Id bet on myself. I couldnt
go back on that now.


His eyes swept over me as he took in my appearance. I

clenched both of my hands around Rosethorne even tighter.
Firmly, I demanded. Who do you serve? Why are you
trying to kill me?
The boys dark emerald eyes flickered. He was wearing a
gray, long-sleeved shirt and black pants that were simple, but
subtly seemed to be designer brand. Complete with his messy
brown hair, he seemed as if he had just stepped out of a
Caesian magazine. I, on the other hand, probably looked just as
disheveled as I felt.
Dont flatter yourself. Im quite sure youre the one with
the dagger and assassin attire, he said.
I opened my mouth to protest, but closed it immediately.
Shouldnt you explain why you were hiding behind the
trees? I hope you know that the King does not take spies
lightly. Or assassins.
Shouldnt you be in class? I said, the retort being the only
one I had thought of.
The boy smiled as if my question totally amused him.
Oh, look at you. Congratulations on your class-cutting
skills, I said, irritated, but decided not to knock him
unconscious unless he tried to stop me. He definitely didnt
seem eager to report me, and as long as he didnt recognize me,
he was harmless. Now if youd excuse me, I have something
important to do, I tried to push past him.
He sighed. Faint noises in the background made me look
up. Guards, no doubt. Judging by his expression I could tell he
heard them, too. I turned to leave, before he could ask any
questions, despite my own raging curiosity.


Instead, he stepped in my way, obtrusively.

What do you think youre doing? I said very deliberately,
in a soft but firm voice. The corners of his mouth lifted.
Come on. We cant risk talking here.
Before I could say something along the lines of, good,
because I wasnt planning on talking to you, anyway, he
grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him.
Letlet go of me, I ordered, as I stumbled across the
Do you want to get caught?
I glared at him, but didnt struggle. Perhaps he could help
me find IthacaI couldnt exactly stumble around North
Campus without getting caught. Quickly, he led me across the
lawn to the side of the dormitory buildings and behind a series
of large bushesvery stealthy, as if he had done this many
times beforeand leaned against the white, grand walls.
He placed a finger to his lips, prompting me to remain
quiet, and surveyed the empty landscape before continuing
again. I stared at the familiar buildings and scenery that
surrounded me and didnt dare to take a breath. For a moment,
I forgot about the strange encounter I just had and I took in
every detail of the dormitory buildings that formed a square
around us, complete with the white marble statue of an angel
atop a glistening fountain in the center.
The boy opened the door of the dormitory building for me.
I walked in, reminiscing about the cascading memories that
flooded me. There were familiar chandeliers and paintings
hanging on the walls and ceilings. He led me further down the
main hallway and turned to the male dorm section of the
building before I finally remembered what I was here for. I had


to take the chance.

Princess Ithacado you know her?
Who doesnt?
If I played this right, I could get him to assist me. I need to
find her. Could you help me do that? I asked, as sweetly as
The boy grinned. Yeah. But you wont be able to see her
until the next break. Shes followed constantly by guards
during her classes.
Oh, thats not a problem. I just need to know where she is.
Do you know what class she has right now?
He stared at me, his expression suddenly quizzical. Im
telling you, I know youre hiding something, and if you dont
want the authorities to find you here, you better do as I say.
When I stiffened, he said, Dont worry. I dont know what
youre hiding. Yet.
I didnt like the idea of owing people favors, especially to a
cute guy with too friendly of a smile that insinuated ulterior
motives, but he was my only chance. I couldnt exactly search
every classroom in North Campus for Ithaca and expect not to
be caught.
Can you find Ithaca for me and bring her to me during the
next break, then? I said, trying put my smile back on.
He sighed. Ill try. If shell come with me. Then suddenly
he stopped. Say nothing. Ill handle this.
I had no idea what he was talking about until I heard the
footsteps that slowly approached. I almost doubled over with
surpriseit was Celeste Eadvia, the object of Maria and
Blakes hatred. I pulled up my hood to hide my face and
looked away.


There was a brief moment of silence.

Hey, he said, flashing her an alluring smile that I could
see from the corner of my eye.
I moved my hood lower so that I could peek out, while still
sure that she couldnt see me in the shadow of it.
She blushed, then turned and looked at me rather
disgustedly, turning up her nose at me as she saw the dirt that
covered my clothes. Surprisingly, she didnt seem stunned or
shocked. Then her eyes moved to my handwhich I realized
was still clasped in the boys hand. I jerked my hand away.
Whos that? she piped up, her voice suspiciously jealous.
I couldve sworn there were daggers embedded in her words.
I hadnt forgotten those blue eyes and pretty blonde hair.
Backstabbing, petty, stupid
The boy laughed. A friend. Do you want to go out for
lunch tomorrow?
Instantly, she forgot all about me, and nodded. Of course!
she said excitedly, her cheeks rosy red. Ill see you
tomorrow! she waved, giving me one last irritated glare. She
would probably implode if she knew who I actually was.
When Celeste finally left and rounded the corner out of
sight, the boy motioned towards me.
I followed himmotivated by curiosityup the large,
glistening stairs, into the grander portion of the dorms. The
ambiance immediately changed. It was the noble sector of the
dorms and reserved only for noble undergrads. There were
marble floors and a series of highly polished oak doors that
were complete with brass handles that were laced with
diamonds. While captivated by nostalgia, I took a moment to


realize what that meant.

Of course. The Caesians had taken over Vaelyria, and now
Caesian nobles lived in Vaelyrias noble dorms as well.
For that reason alone, I wanted to strangle him.
The boy led me in front of one of the rooms and gestured
for me to enter.
Wait a moment, I said, suddenly wary.
Trust me, he said. We need to talk.
I dont trust you. Instead, I said, Fine. Well talk. I
entered the room obediently. The dorm room was slightly
messy, but incredibly largemuch larger than normal dorm
rooms. Even the bed was gigantic. But it wasnt just the two of
A secretary or whoever he was, was organizing his books.
Back so soon? the other boy asked.
Ah, Dan, leave us alone, please. And send for Princess
Ithaca after classes have ended. The boy said before I could
Of course, Dan said before exiting quickly.
The moment the doors closed, I glared at the noble, unable
to restrain my anger. What the hell? You just told him
Dont worry. I trust him completely. He wont tell anyone
else anything.
Well, I dont trust him completely.
Unperturbed, he said, Why dont we just start with who
you are?
What I wanted to know was why his aura was such a
phenomenal color. I was not at all interested in telling him who
I actually was.
Im an undergraduate here at Caelestis Academy. That


wasnt entirely a lie. It had once been true.

Even so, he shook his head. Liar. I would have noticed
you already if that were true. I want a name. I wasnt sure if
that was a compliment or an insult, so I stayed silent, my lips
pressed tightly together. Youre not even willing to give me a
name, after all Ive done to help you?
Why dont you tell me who you are, first? I suggested.
He sat down on his bed as I leaned against his wooden
door. Kaidan. He didnt give me his surname and I didnt
Kaidan, I said. Why did you bring me here?
Ah, well, has anyone ever told you about your aura?
Kaidan asked.
Your aura. Kaidan repeated, impatient.
I shook my head, appalled. No, I said warily. Aether
Nephilim are somewhat rare. Id only ever met about a dozen
in my lifetime, and none of them had given me aura analyses.
Yes. Strange that there are two of them in this room.
I stiffened, looking around the room cautiously. Then I
turned to him. Youyoure an aether user? Is that why your
aura is
part golden, he finished. All aether Nephilim have
white-based auras with tints of gold. Like I told you before, I
wouldve noticed you if you were enrolled in the Caelestis
I stared.
But thats not all, Kaidan added. Your aura
isdifferent. Its half golden, half purple. No white at all.
Half purple? Purple aura was the aura of demons. Sure,


greater angels had auras that were mostly golden and partially
purple, but their auras were never...half purple.
I wasnt sure if I was supposed to be insulted. Gee, thanks
for your diagnosis.
I gave him a weird look, but then his eyes sharpened. He
seemed to notice something and slowly he pushed up the hem
of my shirt.
I stepped back out of his reach immediately, but I knew it
was too late.
Thatsinsane. He looked up. Right?
I dont know what youre talking about, I said. Quickly.
Too quickly.
Four emblems? Ive only met one other guy with four
elements before. The King of Aeridore or something. He died a
while ago, he said, advancing towards me.
I raised Rosethorne, no longer interested in playing it coy.
Youre going to follow in his footsteps if you take another
step towards me.
He held his hands up but still took another step forward
Relax. I wont
I threw the blade. He pivoted and it narrowly missed him,
sinking into his headboard.
Curiously enough, he didnt attack. Instead, he turned,
stared at the dagger in his headboard, and laughed. Impulsive,
I cocked my head to one side, daring him to come closer.
He shrugged. Alessandra Rosalyn Imperatrix. First
Daughter of House Scarlett. I thought youd be a bit


I narrowed my eyes at my name. How long have you

known who I am?
I suspected it at first, but I didnt think it was possible.
Well excuse me if Im a bit hostile towards, well, a person
from the kingdom that conquered mine, I said sarcastically.
Ah, he said. That might explain it. What brings you
Nothing, actually. A reptilian Caesian found it necessary
to capture me from Earth and bring me back here. I crossed
my arms and took a proud stance. I just escaped from Battle
Kaidan scoffed as he put a hand to his forehead. His
Majesty will be looking for you. Youve been very reckless.
I frowned. What now?
Which number element is your aether? Kaidan asked.
How was this even relevant? I answered anyway,
He exhaled in frustration. No wonder. Flashing your aura
around like that. You need to learn to hide it. He concentrated
and his eyes glazed over. Suddenly his aura disappeared.
I inhaled sharply. I didnt know I could do that.
All aether users can. You better learn to hide yours, too.
Although you wont be able to hide yours from His Majesty
with that sort of aura.
"His Majesty?"
He frowned. Yes, his name is Ignatius. Tall, scary man
with a scar across his left cheek.
Ahh. The reptile, I said mockingly. Of course hes the
Hes also an aether user, and if youre even near him, hell


sense your crazy aura, Kaidan added.

If I wanted to find Ithaca and sneak out of here, I supposed
Kaidans advice couldnt hurt. How do I hide my aura?
Kaidan seemed pleased to help, Just close your eyes and
try to concentrate.
Concentrate on what? I asked.
He exhaled sounding a bit frustrated. Concentrate on
doing as I tell you to.
I rolled my eyes, but did as he said, anyway.
Kaidan continued, Now reign in your feelings.
Concentrate on putting up a wall around you. Dont let
anyone else read your aura and create an illusion of something
thats not really there.
My eyes flicked open. How do you know how to do this?
This isnt something that I was ever taught to do.
Ive been an aether user my entire life. What about you,
six years?
Seven, actually, I corrected, trying to reign in every
feelingevery emotion. It was more or less impossible.
You cant leave until you get this. If you cant manipulate
your aura, he will always be able to find you, said Kaidan.
And why are you helping me, again? I asked.
Kaidan shrugged. Because I feel like it?
I scoffed. Liar.
Maybe you should try to do what Im telling you to do
instead of arguing with me.
Maybe I should just kill you. Oh wait. I dont have any
elements so that could be a bit difficult.


More, try harder, he said.

My eyes flew open. Stop talking. Its making it hard for
me to concentrate. I tried again, making my mind completely
blank. A blank canvas.
There. You got it, he said.
Well, not anymore.
Shut up, I bit my lip, trying again.
He nodded. Just manipulate it. Make it seem like a normal
aura. Erase the gold and purple and only draw out the white
with hints of whatever emotion, like a normal Light Nephilim
I tried again.
Sounding irate, he said, This is impossible.
I crossed my arms. Well, what do you want me to do?
Like youve said, Ive only been an aether user for nearly half
my life!
Careful. Your aura just detonated.
I groaned.
He walked over to the other side of his room and opened a
drawer. After rummaging for a few seconds he took out some
sort of ring.
The stone is made out of sardonyx and is infused with my
aether. It will hide your golden purple aura from the other
aether usersas long as they dont try to focus on seeing it.
Dont make yourself suspicious, blend in, and your aura will
seem like all others.
I took it, inspecting it suspiciously.
I swear its not poisoned, he said.
I stared at him, wishing that I could tell if he was lying


based on his emotional state with aether. Then again, if he

really wanted me dead or captured, he could easily notify
Ignatius. Why poison me?
Well that makes things easier, doesnt it? I slid it onto the
hand without the Scarlett ring. You didnt think to offer me
the ring from the very beginning?
Learning to hide your aura at will is your best option. The
ring isnt foolproof, Kaidan responded.
Nothing ever is, I said.
He smiledalmost sadlyand glanced at the timekeeper
on his nightstand. Almost time for break. When Ithaca gets
here, you two should leave as soon as possible.
Thank you. I suppose.
Rare display of kindness, however halfhearted it was.
I rolled my eyes.
If He didnt finish his sentence. Before I could
question what exactly he was doing, he leapt across the room
and opened his window. Hey, you
I stared at him, confused. Then there was a knock on the
door, then another. Persistent. I inhaled rapidly, caught off
Ithaca, I said. Finally. I placed my hand on the
doorknob and turned it.
The door opened and revealed a very familiar silhouette.
When I saw the figure standing in the doorway, the only
emotion I felt was relief. My little sister was finally here. Her
auburn hair was braided in two and her hazel eyes stared up at
me longingly. I patted her cheek.
Thank I began to say, but froze immediately.
She didnt seem pleased to see me.


Kaidan pulled the sardonyx ring off my finger and dropped

it into my jacket pocket. Too late, he said.
I turned towards him. You.
He shrugged.
He had the nerve to shrug.
I saw the shadow behind Ithaca and I finally knew what
everyone else had already known. I had been tricked. The
sudden rage that filled me exploded into fiery fragments.
I turned to Kaidan just as the snake-like manthe blasted
Kingstepped into view. You tricked me, I said
venomously, although I could barely believe it myself.
Somehow, I had fooled myself into thinking that I could trust
him even though he was just a stranger. You held me here so
that I would be captured again.
I waited for him to deny it.
Instead, Kaidan only shrugged again.
I glared at him. Silently telling him that I wouldnt make
the same mistake again.
Good work, boy, said Ignatius.



The older guard pointed a laser directly at me.
I should have killed you when I had the chance, I snarled,
clawing at the metal clamps that bound me to the steel chair.
Lesson learned.
He smiled and his eyes lit with revenge. You will pay for
what youve done. His hand flashed once, twice, I felt a
searing pain and warm blood running down my cheek. I
gasped, the pain mercilessly clouding my mind.
Your pretty face is now ruined, Princess. Lets see how
high and mighty you can be now.
I was numb and the excruciating pain sent my head into
somersaults. Everything became a dizzy blur, and then I saw
the silhouette of the guard, holding the beam up to my cheek.
Once more I sank into unconsciousness.
He was here again. I couldnt make out his faceonly his
silhouette. Threatening power radiated from his outline.
He resembled an avenging angel or something. Something
that was too great for even the Middle World.


Too wicked for even the Middle World.

I opened my mouth to reply, but no words came out.
Smoke filled the air, quickly, and I felt as if needles were
piercing my skin, burning through me, numbing me.
Everything shattered.
I woke up in my room at Caelestis Academy screaming
from the nightmare. My jaw ached and everything around me
seemed hazy and unclear.
My elements.
They were still gone and I was still as empty as a shell. Of
course. Had I expected anything else?
I blinked. I wasnt alone.
Nightmare? I recognized Ignatiuss cold voice.
Right now, yes, I said, although it hurt my jaw to speak.
He hissed. Weve been more than generous this time,
Alessandra. Do not push our hospitality.
Generous was clearly an overstatement. A fresh wound
laced my cheek, inflicted by the three guards whose lives I had
stupidly spared. I should have killed them, I thought again. I
tried to sit up, but stopped as soon as I felt anguishing soreness
rip through my body.
Why the hell are you in my room? I dont remember
giving you permission, I said with much difficulty. Damn. My
jaw hurt like hell.
Ignatius growled. Are you looking for a death sentence?
I ignored him and turned slightly so that I could see my


face in the bedside mirror. There was a long scar running

across my cheek, forming an X. Dried blood chalked like
powdered dust on my skin. Oh, would you look at that? Were
matching now, Ignatius, I managed to mumble sarcastically.
King! King Ignatius, he thundered.
I gave him a pointed glare.
He closed his eyes for a moment, and then spoke again.
Your debut must happen as soon as possibletomorrow. You
will still attend classes today. If I hear a word about your
misbehavior there will be punishments.
Like hell I care, I muffled under my breath.
He chuckled. Not for you, Alessandra. For your dear
sister, Ithaca.
Ithaca. I pushed myself up, heat rising in my chest. Dont
you dare. I coughed.
Ignatius gave me a cold smile. Im sure you will
cooperate. Classes start in an hour. Remember the story you
will tell everyone. While you were on Earth, a Dark Nephilim
drugged you with quicksilver so that your powers are
suppressed. Last night, you got a scar from fighting the same
Dark Nephilim who tracked you here but was quickly
apprehended. There will be reporters looking for you. You
know what you are to say, correct?
Without waiting for a response, he leaned forward and
placed a cold finger on my scar.
I flinched at his touch, fighting against every impulse to
bite his finger off.
Soon, he said, removing his finger and heading for the


Even so, I could feel the imprint of his touch on my cheek,

eternally icy. I held my hand up to cup my cheek.
Ill destroy you.
Sebastian! Ignatius roared.
The door swung open and a guard clad in uniform and a
bulletproof vest stepped inside.
Your Majesty, he bowed.
Ignatius smiled. She is your assignment. Keep her in your
sight, always. You know the punishment for failure.
Sebastian bowed. Yes, Your Majesty.
I frowned. Jeremiah. What about him? I asked. Then
Ignatius laughed without any emotion. You dont need to
know the details, sweetheart. Just play your part. Soon enough
none of this will be necessary. I just need a little more time.
He was clearly talking to himself because none of it was
making any sense to me.
I touched my cheek again. It was little compared to
Jeremiahs fate. This time, I had gambledand lost. I didnt
particularly care about Jeremiah, but it could have been
someone else.
It could have been Ithaca.
I assume your silence is your agreement, he smiled. As
your rewardSebastian, bring them in, Ignatius ordered.
Two figures entered the room. Two very familiar people.
My heart catapulted into my chest and I had to bite down on
my lip to stop myself from crying out in joy.
Ignatius was watching me. I turned away.
Dont look at them.
Dont let him know that he can control you.


Dont let him know how much you care about them.
Scarlett! I heard Maria exhale. Then she covered her
mouth quickly with her hand. Your Majesty, Maria bowed
her head.
Stark didnt speak; his gray, stony eyes blazed with
Ignatius smiled toothily. Princess Alessandra Scarlett is
still your future assignment. Im sure you will take great care
of her. Ignatius turned to me with his eyes flickering of
insanity. I will be back for you, Princess Alessandra. Do not
disappoint me, and remember my words.
My eyes tracked the back of his body as he headed towards
the exit. The satisfying sound of the door closing finally
released me from my rigidity.
Oh my God! Aless! Maria half sobbed as she leaped
across the room and stopped beside my bed. We heard you
were back, but now that I can see you with my own
eyes...Youre alive. Alive! I never thought Id see you again!
Her aura. I couldnt see it. My elements were truly, truly
I barely nodded, as I finally turned to look at them. Then I
choked on my words, my eyes flitting over Marias cropped
hair. There was something in her citrine eyes that I hadnt seen
beforethe usual determination was there...butI inhaled.
Hatred. That was the only word that could describe the look in
her eyes. It wasnt directed towards me, but nevertheless, I
could feel the extent of it.
I reached out and took a strand of her thick brown hair and
rolled it between my fingers.
Maria. I breathed. Youyou cut your hair.


Her eyebrows knotted, Yeah.

I didnt know what to say. She had loved her long, silky
brown hair, and now she had cut it above her shoulders. Then
my gaze shifted towards Stark, who had changed less, but his
face was thinner and his expression drained. He was taller and
looked stronger, but seemed wearier than anything else.
As for me, I had disappeared months ago, without a word. I
didnt know how they felt. Betrayed, at the very least. Angry?
Distant? The possibilities were endless.
Honest words and desperate explanations were straining to
exit my mouth, so I clamped my jaw shut. The more they
knew, the more danger they were in.
Did he do this to you? Did he she gingerly brushed her
fingers across the X on my cheek.
I winced, my eyes flitting to Sebastian who still stood at the
door. I swallowed.
No. I accidentally got this byby fighting a Dark
Nephilim who was following me yesterday. It was my fault.
The same bastard had drugged me with quicksilver a week ago
while I was still on Earth, so all I can do is wait for my powers
to come back. As if they could without Ignatiuss permission.
Quicksilver... Maria echoed.
I nodded. At least they captured him last night, I offered.
Maria inhaled, clearly upset, but seemingly convinced.
You were in...Romania, right? Thats what everyone said.
Why did you leave?
To go into hiding. Grandmother thought it would
be...dangerous if I stayed, I winced.
And you couldnt have told us? Maria asked, her eyes
now flashing fervently. We were so worried. You just


disappeared on us!
I so badly wanted to read her aura at that moment. Was
there even a hint of forgiveness in her words? Forgiveness I
wasnt sure I deserved, but craved nonetheless?
I inhaled deeply, wishing that I could explain myself. But
maybe it was betterbetter that they thought Id abandoned
Maria, Stark warned, rubbing his forehead tiresomely.
Maria took a deep breath. Then why did you come back?
I I pressed my lips together, hesitant. I realized that
my duty was here, to Vaelyria. After all, Im the elder princess
of the kingdom. I should be serving Vaelyria ah no matter
who rules it. The words sounded disjointed and broken
coming from my mouth.
I accidentally caught Starks eyes: dark with exhaustion
also with anger. It was clear he didnt believe me at all.
Maria clenched her fists. Thats stupid! You cant obey
him. You cant. I hear that Her Majesty is in the dungeons.
Arent you going to save her?
Behind us, Sebastian cleared his throat. Real subtle.
Maria ignored him. Dont tell me youre just going to
Goddammit. Couldnt she wait until we were alone?
Thankfully, Stark placed a hand on Marias shoulder.
Marianna, he said, his voice low. Dont.
I hoped my expression could show him my gratitude.
Maria, Im sorry, I said.
Marias chocolate eyes softened. Im sure you have your
reasons. I just wish... I just wish you could tell us everything.
I want to, I wished I could say. Hell, Id tell them
everything right now if Sebastian hadnt been staring at me like


a predatory hawk.
Her jaw ticked in frustration. Fine. Heres your schedule,
she handed me a piece of paper she was holding behind her
I looked it over.
1st Period: Multivariable Calculus
2nd Period: Advanced Topics in Nephilim History
3rd Period: Advanced Topics in Physics
4th Period: Grade 11 Honors Literature
5th Period: Physical Training and Conditioning
-Lunch6th Period: Advanced Topics in Hand-to-Hand Combat
7th Period: Elemental Use
8th Period: Advanced Topics in Archery
9th Period: Advanced Topics in Sword Fighting
10th Period: Nephilim Culture
11th Period: Matchplay and Battle
Elemental Use was going to be a huge problem. As was
Matchplay and Battle. My fingers clenched around the fabric of
the bedsheet.
Classes start soon, even though I think its stupid that you
even have to go, Maria continued.
I forced myself to smile even though I dreaded returning to
classes. Im sure Ignatius has his reasons.
Maria scoffed. Whatever evil reasons he has, Im sure I
wouldnt like them, she spat.
Princess, Stark interrupted, you should get ready.
I nodded, slipping out of the bed. Suddenly, everything
seemed to swirl in front of me, and the world turned sideways
as my knees buckled.


Scarlett! Maria cried, as Stark quickly reached out and

gripped my arm.
I-Im fine. Justjust tired, I managed to say. I pulled
away from Stark and slowly walked towards the bathroom,
although I could still feel their stares on the back of my head.
Maria, what do you think I should wear today? I said,
trying to start some small talk.
Well, there are a lot of dresses in the closet. Since its your
firstor secondday back I was thinking maybe that navy
and gold dress that has been hanging there she started to
Her words brought a smile to my lips. Of course. Maria and
her obsession with dresses. She hadnt changed too much. The
day she gave up on clothes was the day the world ended.
You can make the choice, I said, but not before
accidentally meeting Starks eyes again.
He frowned.
I wondered what his aura read.
His frown deepened.
Sighing, I hurriedly walked into the bathroom as fast as I
could in my weakened state.
I had longed for months to return here. Now that I was
back, the feeling wasnt as great as I had imagined. Not when
Ignatius was Kingnot when Grandmother and Ithaca were in
I gripped the edge of the marble sink and stared into the
mirror. The girl that faced me had dark, foreboding eyes, and
lips that were tightly pressed together. Hard lines stretched
across her face and there was an unmistakable look of hatred


that consumed her expression. Ignatius wouldnt break me with

just a physical scar. I would do as I had promisedI would
free Ithaca. In the meantime, I would play the obedient,
harmless princess who lost her kingdom; but only for as long
as necessary.
The corners of the girls mouth twitched upward, almost
After a quick breakfast in my room, Stark and I stopped
before the doors of my first class. Maria had already left for her
class that was a few doors down from ours. Of course,
Sebastian followed behind me, almost like a haunting ghost.
He said nothing. Ever.
I was glad.
Youre ready, Princess? Starks voice was quiet, but
I frowned at him. Why wouldnt I be? I peeked inside the
window of the door. All the students were already there. The
bell was about to ring.
He nodded knowingly and I was grateful that he didnt
press any further. If you say so. Stark pushed open the door
and held it open as I walked in. I hugged my books to my chest
trying not to catch the eye of anyone. Slowly, I felt gazes turn
towards me followed by gasps.
Bloody Caspaer, someone said. Instantly I felt selfconscious. The rumors are real.
I swallowed. There was a very visible scar running down
my cheek, which hadnt been there just yesterday, and although


there were a lot more problematic issues for me to worry about,

I felt a bit self-conscious.
My eyes flicked up and I remembered the part I had to
play. I doubted convincing the world that I was in league with
Ignatius would be very easy, but then again, I had always
underestimated my ability to lie fortunately or unfortunately.
There was a flash of red hair and pale skin as a girl leaned
over her desk to peer at me. Recognition grasped me as I held
Christas gaze. She stared at me with a mixture of surprise and
confusion, and...perhaps it was pain?
An aura-reading ability wouldve been incredibly useful at
the moment.
Instead, I only stared back at her, examining her loose,
bright red curls that bobbed past her shoulders. Her skin was
pale, even for hereven more contrasting with her beautiful
sapphire eyes.
I wondered what had put the strange pallor in her cheeks.
Worry? Anger? Defiance? The feeling of betrayal?
I wouldnt know. I could no longer read the color of her
Swallowing guiltily, I tried to smile at her. That smile
instantly faded when I saw him sitting in the same room as I
was in.
Golden and white aura that I could still somehow glimpse
without my aether. Brown hair. Green eyes.
Princess Alessandra Scarlett, please take a seat.
I turned to meet the eyes of a middle-aged woman who was
sitting at her desk. When I didnt move, she cleared her throat.
Stark nudged my arm before sitting down in one of the


three empty seats.

I narrowed my eyes. My remaining two choices were either
in the back row of shy-girl town or next to Kaidan.
Immediately, I headed towards the back-row seat, then
hesitated before I turned on my heels and slammed my books
down on the desk beside Kaidans.
He looked up, startled.
I sat down. And with a lot of difficulty, I feigned a smiled.
Hello, Kaidan. It is so good to see you, again. I said, my
voice low and deceivingly sweet.
For a moment, his self-assured smile faded as he just sat
and stared at me. His eyes moved to my cheek and he shifted in
his seat.
If only I could have read his aura.
Not waiting for his reply, I forced myself to turn away from
him and stare at the board, purposely shooting him silent
messages about how much I hated him.
Anger coursed through me. He would most definitely be
able to see my flaring aura, even if I could no longer read his or
anyone elses.
Beside me, Kaidan stiffened, tapping his pen on the desk
Prince Kaidan Devereux, is everything alright? the
professor asked.
Beside me, Kaidan inhaled sharply.
My head snapped up. Prince Kaidan Devereux. Prince.
Their green eyes, their familiarity with one another...of course.
Kaidanthe prince of Caesiawas Ignatiuss son.
No, no, of course not, Kaidan said quickly.
My fists clenched.


I hoped that his aura was the color of guilt, because Kaidan
would pay for his actions. Soon. More than that, I would find a
way to free Ithaca and exact revenge.
Caesia is the powerful country that conquered yours,
Ignatiuss voice echoed in my mind.
My grip on my pen tightened.
Caesia would fall by my hands.
An hour of the most boring math class later, with constant
gazes that followed me, I still hadnt figured out a plan to free
Ithaca. And trust me, Id tried. There were scribbles of plots
and maps all over my new math notebook, to no avail. She
wasnt even on the same campus as me. Being four years
younger, she shared no classes with me. Even our dorms were
far from one another, and to make matters worse, guards
peppered the school like flies.
And with Sebastian tailing me like a lost puppy, I never had
any time alone.
Maybe that was it. Maybe I only had to lose Sebastian.
Alessandra? Christa followed me out of class.
Christa! I said, relieved, ignoring the other students that
stared and whispered about me. She opened her arms to hug me
and I stared at her blankly for a few moments.
You dontyoure not mad at me, I stammered.
She sighed. I am, but I still missed you, she sniffed as I
embraced her, taking in her scent. Jasmine perfume? A gift
from me years ago. Its not the same without you, she
You have no idea how much I missed you, I replied,
squeezing her tighter.
She pouted. But this she moved her fingers delicately


over the fresh scar on my cheek, thishow?

I looked away. I was fighting a Dark Nephilim on my way
back to the dorms last night, I said quickly. He had tracked
me here from Earth.
She seemed to buy it, though. It doesnt change a thing.
Butwhy did you leave in the first place?
I cringed. Grandmother thought it was dangerous. She
made me leave. Imsorry.
She scanned my expression. But then whyd you come
back now? Her Majesty is, she lowered her voice. In the
dungeons. Shes been fed quicksilver.
I know. I before I could say that I had also been fed
quicksilver by the same Caesian bastards, I stopped. I was
given quicksilver too. By the Dark Nephilim. I...hope
Grandmother is okay.
Christa stared at me in shock as we walked down the
hallway. Okay? Shes in the dungeons. She is not okay. You
have to find a way to free her, she said almost pleadingly.
Christa. Please. Stop.
Sebastian was just a few meters behind me, but I
desperately hoped that the commotion of the hallway would
hide our words.
Shes probably well taken care of. Ignatius is, I
swallowed, forgiving. I just couldnt bring the words very
kind out of my mouth.
She gaped at me as if I was crazy. I couldnt blame her.
Forgiving? Hesterrible. I dont know why my family
follows him, but I know hes evil. Hes so cruel and she
shook her head. Her dark blue eyes met mine.
God, Christa. Wait, I pleaded with my eyes. Wait until


were alone.
She didnt get my message. Come up with something,
she motioned to the students walking down the hallway, still
sneaking glances at me. Ill help you, Ill do anything I can.
Christa, I implored, Ignatius is our King. Accept him, I
said, my words edged with irritation. I could hear Sebastians
footsteps behind me.
Christa stared at me in shock. Wh-what are you saying?
I gave her a meaningful look that practically oozed talk to
me later and lowered my voice. If only I could somehow get
to Aeridore, I muttered under my breath. They would be able
to help, at least a little.
Christa blinked. Aeridore?
Surprised that she had heard me, I nodded.
Christa slapped a palm to her forehead. God, Alessandra.
You dont know? Aeridore is under the jurisdiction of Caesia.
And apparently it has been...for over eight years.



My life could not get any worse. The one weak, flickering hope
I had was gone.
How had I been so stupid, so dense? Seleina had been in
Aeridore. Shed been the one to welcome me through the
Portal. If she was my enemy...then of course the entire
kingdom of Aeridore was as well.
They were all on Ignatiuss side. The other remaining two
Light Kingdoms were weak.
Too weak. Neither of them would be willing to help if I
couldnt show them that a rebellion was possible.
I was on my own. How is that possible?
Im not sure. But only after Vaelyria fell, did the King
announce his control over three kingdoms: Caesia, Vaelyria,
and Aeridore. Apparently there was some secret agreement
between the old King of Aeridore and Caesia years ago.
I shook my head. I dont get it. Why is Caesia even
involved? Didnt this start as a conspiracy from the Council?
Christa frowned. The Council members who rebelled had
conspired with His Majesty, King of Caesia, Christa said,
sounding apologetic for what had transpired in my absence.
From what I hear, His Majesty promised them the Vaelyrian


throne if they helped overthrow Queen Maeve, but instead, he

with the aid of his legions of Aeridoric and Caesian troops took
advantage of the civil unrest and captured Vaelyria from
And the Council members are okay with that?
They were furiousbut being the stupid cowards they are,
they follow His Majesty now.
I was surprised at the fervor in her normally shy voice,
especially since she was actually talking about her own uncle.
Ever since her dad had disappeared, Jerrio Fayola had taken his
spot in the Council. And the guy was a total douchebag. I knew
it. She knew it. Everyone knew it. So naturally, hed follow
Ignatius. And all of this happened within...four months?
Christa nodded. Less than four months. Once the
Aeridorics arrived with the didnt take long to
overpower us in sheer numbers, she sighed. They were
preparing an ambush all along. Vaelyria wasnt really prepared
for war when there was so much internal struggle. They sieged
the Vaelyrian Islands too Caelestis, Novis Imbrem, Palma
Litore, and even Parva Caelo and Carminis Egisseblocking
all trade and import.
Instead of waiting for nothing on Earth, I couldve helped.
Maybe I couldve made a difference.
Its not your fault. You couldnt have done anything,
Christa said, her voice soft, as if she could read my mind.
Hashas anything changed? Between my grandmother
and Ignatiuss reignis it much different? I managed to say.
Christa inhaled sharply. Well, there are a lot more
Caesians here, as youve probably noticed.
I nodded for her to continue.


And everythings more restricted. There are more guards

posted everywhere, since the King knows that many Vaelyrians
oppose his reign, she snuck a glance at Sebastian who was no
longer listening to us, only following us. Economically,
theres been some descent because of the war, but thats
expected. We cant really tell yet. She hesitated.
Go on.
Biting her lip, Christa said, And then, there are the tests.
I frowned. Tests? Like math tests and physics tests?
She unconsciously wound a strand of red hair around her
finger. No. Like disease tests. Every month.
You take them? Where was she going with this?
Christa shook her head, No. No one at Caelestis has taken
them yet. I dont really know why, but a lot of the civilians
both Caesian and Vaelyrianhave. Apparently most of the
other schools have administered the tests already, too.
I tilted my head forward. So?
Every month, more and more people get tested. I think the
students here will get tested too, eventually.
Alright, Christa. Whats your point? I was starting to get
impatient. Was she really telling me all this because she was
worried about some test?
Christa breathed in again, and exhaled. I heard that
sometimes people are still normal after the testing. Other times,
they get all weird and stuff.
I froze. Weird?
She nodded. Like they dont have any emotions. Theyre
like hollow, empty shells. Like robots. Sick robots.
I recalled the scene of the palace road speckled with the
robots, just as she described. The man who had bumped into


me. The crying baby and his lifeless mother.

And if they become like that then theyre taken for
treatment soon after. And they never come back.
They never come back? I prodded for more information.
Christa shrugged. I dont really know where they go and
Ive never even met one either. Caelestis is completely isolated
from the rest of Vaelyria, thanks to Ignatius. All we know are
rumors and what the King tells us, and he said that the people
that become all zombie-like actually carried some plague, and
that the testing is what revealed the plague. But no one ever
knows where they go or what happens to them.
I shook my head, incredulously. And no one ever
questions what the hell is really going on?
Christa shrugged. Nobody understands what the disease
really is. What good would it do the King to lie about
something like that? Besides, the people that do publicly
question him get locked up and killed.
Of course, she continued somberly, there are still a few
groups who wont surrender to Ignatius and work against him
in secret. But theyre going to crumble eventually.
The parade Ignatius had mentionedhe wanted me to
topple the spirit of those groups. Disgusted, I didnt respond,
only focused on the floor in front of me.
Was I really this useless? Without my elements, family,
and throne?
And well, once all of us get tested, what if Im carrying
the plague? They call it AITS-7. Apraxia IT Syndrome. What if
Im taken? What if one of my friends is taken? she shuddered.
I doubt hes even looked for a cure. He doesnt even care.
I closed my eyes briefly. Maybe it was a stretch, but a


thought was slowly forming in my mind. Christa was the

smartest person I knew, and if she could come to the same
conclusion as I had, it would most definitely be correct.
I took a deep breath. Have you ever thought about what
causes AITS-7?
She squinted. I dont know, maybe a new virus or.
I raised my eyebrows, cocking my head slightly in
This time, she froze. Of course, she understood it all very
quickly, and those few words were all it took. Horror spread
across her face.
Oh, God. I see it now. Its all very clear. Alessandra, Im
an idiot! she slapped a hand to her face.
I raised a finger to her lips. Dont tell anyone about this. If
no one suspects maybe its better for them. Think about what
Ignatius would do to the people who suspected him.
Christa nodded hurriedly. I know. I got it.
Promise. But what are you going to do about it? she
asked quietly.
I shook my head. Nothing. And I meant it. Not yet, at
Before she could respond, I turned away abruptly and
entered another hallway. Sebastian, of course, was startled, but
hustled to follow me. I held my books closely to my chest as I
braced myself for my next class. Nephilim History. Joy.
I sat in class casually and ignored the curious glances of all
the students around me. Eventually, I had zoned out and started
daydreaming about the past, before Vaelyria had turned into a


Princess Alessandra? Would you tell us why we, Light

Nephilim, are always at war with Dark Nephilim? the
professors voice slashed through my thoughts.
I looked up abruptly. Dark Nephilim are the pawns of
demons and do their bidding. Theyre the eternal enemies of
the Light Nephilim, ever since the First War, and theyre
against the angels, I said, right on cue.
The professor nodded. You are correct, Princess
Alessandra. What should one do if they encounter a Dark
Nephilim, Mr. Ambrosio? he asked another student, as I
returned to my blank daydreaming.
Attack at once, the student answered without hesitation.
Capture them and kill them if necessary.
Exactly, the professor said with pride.
The shriek of the bell echoed through the hallway.
Good job, class. Remember to turn in your paper on the
past sins of Dark Nephilim. Youre dismissed.



Hours later, I stood in line for lunch. The smell of avocado and
fruit toast filled the Dining Hall.
Avocado and fruit toast was a normal part of Vaelyrian
cuisine. So much had changed...and so much hadnt.
I looked around the room where thousands of students sat
along the long wooden tables. The Dining Hall reminded me of
that of Hogwarts, a school Brooklyn had made incessant
jokes about during my time in Romania.
My eyes lingered over to Celeste, who had evidently
become the self-proclaimed boss of all the noble cliques. Next
to her, were her many, equally snobbish sidekicks. Worst of all,
she was talking to Kaidan. The Traitor. In caps.
I guess evil people really did flock together.
Aless! I felt a punch on my arm and I glanced up to see
who had struck me. Messy blonde hair that stuck up in the right
places and a goofy smile. I grinned. Blake! Finally. Someone
who hadnt changed. I looked him over, warmth flooding me.
You look...good.
Healthy. Normal.
He winked. I know.
I rolled my eyes. Yeah? Hows it been?


He groaned. I didnt believe everyone when they said you

were back. I mean, not that Im complaining, he gave me a
suggestive smile to which again I rolled my eyes at, and I
know its probably hard for you, as he nodded towards the
scar on my cheek, but Im happy youre back. Ive missed
you, he pulled me forward into a bear hug.
Ive missed you, too, I mumbled into his shoulder,
inhaling his scent of cinnamon and something fruity because he
was hugging me so tightly. Try not to squeeze me to death,
He finally let go of me. Hey, dont let that scar bother you,
alright? I still think you look great. With or with or without that
I managed to laugh. Compared to AITS-7 and all the other
chaos that Ignatius was causing, my scar meant nothing.
Hah. Thanks Blake.
He grinned. I just noticedyoure a Scar which is short
for Scarlett and now, he jerked his head towards my cheek.
Very funny, Blake. I narrowed my eyes at him as I
realized he had smoothly snuck into line beside me. Isnt that
He held his hands up. Hey, princesses are generous.
No one said dethroned princesses are.
Blake frowned. Im pretty sure King Ignatius still says
youre a princess, so were good.
At the mention of Ignatiuss name, I sobered up pretty
quickly. His warning still rang in my head. Im starting to get
tired of the staring, though, I finally said after a moment of
silence. It looks like Ive grown wings. Or something.
Blake scoffed. Just ignore them.


Hey, Alessandra, right?

As if she didnt know who I was.
The familiar voice blasted all my hopes of happiness into
pieces. Of course, it was to be expected. I turned around to see
Celeste, dressed in an outrageous skirt, which looked like it
was made of plucked feathers from a poor, helpless bird, and
her group of friends standing next to me.
So youve been to Earth, I hear? No wonder. You even
reek of humans, she batted her eyelashes. No offense. Of
Like hell.
And you reek of draekon poop, Blake interceded.
I nearly fell over laughing. I absolutely adored Blake and I
had to resist the urge to hug him again right now.
Celeste narrowed her eyes. Excuse me?
Bye! Blake waved his hands.
Whatever, Celeste said sourly. The noble clique gave
me another synchronized sneer and stalked off to their hive.
Idiots, Blake muttered.
I suppressed a laugh. Whats new?
Dont worry about them, he said. Wheres your ghost?
Who? Sebastian? Hes over there, I nodded towards the
huge guard standing by the wall. At least he gave me some
space while keeping an eye on me.
Ah, Blake said. Well, scary dude number two is coming.
I gotta admit, Im jealous. I would die to be your Protector-intraining, he said, teasing me.
Before I could understand what he was saying, I heard
another voice.


Black hair, grey eyes. Hey, Stark, I said.

Hey man, Blake greeted, patting Stark on the head
Stark pushed Blakes hand away, nonchalant.
I took my lunch and started to walk towards the table, and
asked. Wheres Maria?
Shes coming, he said.
I turned my head and I kept my voice low. Shes
not...angry at me, is she?
Stark gave me a sad smile. Not at you. Maybe upset with
herselfthat you didnt...
I bit my lip. Stark. Just tell me. The emptiness of the air
around him where his aura shouldve been was a constant
reminder that I was without my elements.
I dont know how to put this, his eyes found mine. I
think she feels inadequate. Feels that you didnt trust her
enough, that you didnt trust us enough, trust enough to tell us
anything. Even now.
My eyes flitted to the floor. Stark.
I know, he cracked a half-hearted smile. Ill tell them to
wait, he said.
I relaxed, pleased to know that he had received my Ill tell
you everything later vibes. Thank you, Stark. Really.
He nodded.
I sat down beside Christa and across from Blake. Maria slid
into the seat on the other side of me within minutes, only to
pick at her food uncharacteristically.
I didnt need aether to see that she was still upset about
earlier, about how I avoided all her questions. Christa seemed
equally perturbedjust less obvious about it. Only Blake


seemed completely unaffected.

Hey, Maria interrupted, to my surprise. I know this
sounds pretty silly with all the other things going on, but you
are going to the Masquerade Congregation next week, right?
Maria asked.
What Congregation?
She stared at me like I had grown two heads. The one
you know, every New Year?
I snapped my fingers. Oh right, sorry. Yeah, sure. The
annual Masquerade Congregation was a ball in celebration of
Caspaers Light Nephilim holiday dedicated to the angels:
Angeli Convivium. According to the tradition of the Light
Nephilim kingdoms, members of the royal, noble, and principal
Houses had to be present. Even though I technically was no
longer a royal, Ignatius had deemed House Scarlett,
traditionally royal. I would have to attend.
Sighing, I looked around the room for Ithaca, but I knew
only students ages sixteen to eighteen ate in West Campus.
But if I couldnt see her at lunch, when would I be able to
see her? What were the chances that Ignatius would let me talk
to her at least?
Would he think of preventing us from going to the
Masquerade Congregationa thought slowly formed in my
mind. That was it! I could get her out, then.
I wiped my lips with a napkineven though I had barely
eaten anythingand wadded it up victoriously, and stood to
throw it away. With my other hand, I scribbled a few words on
another napkin, before sliding it along the table to Christa.
M, S, C, B. My room at 5. Need distraction. She met my
eyes, before nodding.


Trashcans over there, Maria said.

Right, thanks, I smiled as I walked across the dining hall.
I lifted my hand to toss the napkin into the bin, but just
before it landed inside the can, a hand grabbed my wrist.
I gasped, reflexively swinging my other arm around. He
caught it, too, his eyes meeting mine.
Kaidan Devereux.
What do you want from me? I asked, half stunned, half
Come with me, he said, calmly.
Students in the room began to turn and stare.
I lowered my gaze and eyed his grip around my wrist.
Step away from me before I do something I might regret.
I jerked, surprised. Please. Why? Was he ready to
apologize to me? Apology or not, I didnt really care. He was
Ignatiuss son.
Besides, Sebastian would never let me leave with him
anyway. Fine, I agreed, just to see Kaidan try and fail.
Make it quick, I said, yanking my wrist from his grasp.
Sighing, he walked towards the exit where Sebastian was
standing. I followed.
Yeah, good luck with that, I snorted as I watched
Sebastian step up to block Kaidans path.
Kaidan frowned, moved forward to whisper something in
Sebastians ear, and Sebastian stepped aside.
What in hell?
Totally shocked, I followed Kaidan out of the Dining Hall,
my mouth hanging open. Sebastian had just stepped aside for


some random student?

Nonot a random student. The son of my worst enemy.
Outside of the building, the air was refreshingsweet from
the grass and trees and salty from the breeze carried from the
Divine Sea. The brick path was warm under the soles of my
shoes, and I closed my eyes briefly, inhaling the scent of
My home.
Come on.
By Caesians. By people like him.
He veered off into the grass so that we were somewhere
between West Campus and Central Campus. Some irrational
part of me was afraid that he was bringing me to Ignatius, or
trying to catch me alone so that he could kill me, but I quickly
discarded that thought. Ignatius could kill me whenever he
wanted to. He didnt need Kaidan to do it for him. Sebastian
would do just fine.
I dug my fingernails into my palm, remembering once
again how weak I felt. There was no elemental power left
inside of me, no life inside me. They had taken the source of
my power from me.
They had ripped it from me.
He finally stopped walking when we arrived at an old brick
wall that seemed to be the remains of a shack. He turned
What do you want? I asked in contempt.
He didnt respond. Maybe that was for the better. It was my
turn, anyway. My turn to pay back what he had done to me. He
had tricked me. He had basically held the knife and carved an


X into my face. Well you might have trouble deciding what

you want, but I know exactly what I want. I took a step
forward. Because I hate you and I hope you rot in hell.
I raised my hand, and without hesitation, slapped him as
hard as I could. Which was surprising. Not because Id slapped
him. I dreamt of that since he had tricked me.
I was surprised that he hadnt tried to stop me.
I frowned, both annoyed and perplexed. Why? I began to
He turned to glance at me, grimacing and holding one palm
to his cheek. I might as well let you get your anger out, now.
Yeah? Well if you keep letting me hit you then I think
youre going to end up dead, I said, raising my hand for the
second time.
Kaidan forcefully pushed my hand away, putting his hand
back onto his cheek. The skin there was slowly turning pink.
No worries. I wouldnt let it go that far.
I glared at him. Why dont you start with why we had to
walk all the way out here? Exercise?
He didnt respond.
Well, I think Physical Training and Conditioning gives me
enough exercise, so thanks for your consideration, but no
Kaidan simply shrugged.
I scoffed. Oh, I get it. Youre not done screwing with my
life, right? Youre just here to dump some more crap on me
because its so fun. Like father, like son.
He shrugged again.
I held my hands up in frustration. Okay, well, if you want
to play the silent game, maybe you should try it with that wall


over there, I motioned to the brick wall behind him. Im sure

itll put up with your damned nonsense for as long as you
He frowned.
So Ill see you later, asshole! Or maybe if Im lucky, I
wont. I turned to walk away, seething inside and outside and
hoping he could not only feel my anger from my words, but
also my incensed aura. I had only taken a few steps when he
Wait, he paused. I came here to explain everything to
I turned back around, and stared at him, trying to figure out
if he was actually serious. Wow, youre doing a great job, I
said. And if you think that anything you say can justify what
you didthink again. Theres nothing in the world that could
make me hate you any less.
His eyes scrutinized my expression.
I glared back at him, furiously.
He sighed, shoving his hands into his pockets. I didnt
come here to apologize.
I guess that did make me hate him more. I scoffed. Okay,
son of Ignatius. Congratulations, I said, waving my hands in
the air in mock exaltation.
Kaidan raised his eyebrows. I didnt betray you, or,
however else you put it.
I blinked. Somewhere, a bird chirped. Leaves rustled.
Yeah, no. I wasnt going to buy that. Not for the anything. I
laughed. Um, wow. Do you want to say that again?
Kaidan shrugged. I didnt betray you. I actually didand
dowant to help you.


I looked at him, openmouthed. I cant believe youre

trying to deny it, I said with disgust.
I didnt. I really didnt. I had no idea the King would come
to the Academy and I dont know how he found you. Maybe
its that aura of yours?
I laughed coldly. Yeah, right. The King. You might as well
call him, Daddy.
He ran his hands through his hairhair that I wanted to
yank out by the rootsand shrugged. Its true.
So you say, I said mockingly.
Kaidan eyed me carefully. Do I sound like Im lying to
I paused momentarily to think. I wasnt sure, and I sure as
hell couldnt tell without aether. Yes. Absolutely.
He exhaled again. This is impossible. You havent let
anyone see the sardonyx ring, have you?
I frowned, confused. No.
Good. Dont let anyone see the ring. Especially not my
I nearly choked. Why would I ever do something you tell
me to do?
Kaidan sighed. Isnt it obvious? If he sees it hell take it
away. Only put it on when youre able to hide from him.
I stared at him, confused. What had really happened that
night when King Ignatius had recaptured me? Kaidan had
taken the ring off of my finger when Ignatius had found me.
That much was clear. In truth, he hadnt been revealing me, he
was protecting me? Because Ignatius had already arrived by


then and I couldnt hide with or without the ring? And, if

Ignatius took the ring away, it would not only implicate Kaidan
but also take away my advantage of surprise in the future?
My jaw clamped shut. It was a hell of a lot to take in. I
wasnt sure if I believed it or not.
Huh, I said, matter-of-factly. Remind me why I should
trust you? I mean, I did once, and oh wait. Right. That got me
real far, I said, tapping my scarred cheek.
He looked a bit somber. Kind of like a puppythat I
wanted to kick. Im sorry, I really am. I know that you find it
difficult to believe, but I never meant for anything bad to
happen to you.
I thought you just finished saying how everything wasnt
your fault. What are you apologizing for then? I crossed my
The right side of his mouth quirked up. If I had gotten
ahold of Ithaca faster or maybe hid you somewhere better. I
dont know, he held his hands up. There were so many other
things I couldve done. Maybe things wouldve ended
I narrowed my eyes. What is it that you really want?
My father. Out of power.
I ran those words over in my head. Why?
Because hes insane, Kaidan said without offering any
True, I said, but that doesnt make me trust you.
I know what you want, Kaidan said. I can see the
revenge that you crave. Give me time, and I can help you, he
said. When I didnt respond, he added, I swear an oath to the
Lord that I dont mean to hurt you. He touched his fingers to


his lips and then to his forehead in a religious promise.

An oath to the Lord was sacred. He truly didnt mean to
hurt me...but that didnt mean he wouldnt.
It was a convincing oath, but I wasnt sure if it was enough.
Kaidan chuckled, and before I knew it, he stood just inches
away from me. He lifted a finger, hesitantly. May I?
I tracked his movements, warily, but didnt respond.
If he was being honest...he could really help me free Ithaca
and Grandmother. Given, of course, that he was being honest.
Id seen the sway he had had over Sebastian.
I could use him, if he was really on my side. If I was
Who was I kidding? I was so desperate. But if I really did
gamble...what if I lost? What if he was only spying on me
under orders of his father?
I could heal this, you know. If you asked me to, Kaidan
No ones asking, I said, shoving him a few feet back.
He shrugged again. A-plus for immaturity.
Go to hell, I scowled. Oops. Wasnt a good start for
Mission: Recruit The Traitor and Get Him On My Side.
He sighed, and reached for his weapons belt. I stiffened
immediately. Here. This belongs to you. He handed me
Rosethorne, which I flipped over in my hand, surprised.
Youreyoure not afraid Ill attack you with it?
Kaidan smiled. I like to gamble.
I exhaled, and turned the dials on the blade so that it folded
up into a peridot and diamond rose hairpin, again. I slipped it
into my pocket, and turned and walked away from him, half
hoping that he wouldnt hear me and half hoping that he would


for Traitor Recruitment purposes. No. I dont hate you, I

whispered almost inaudibly.
I could imagine his self-assured smile spreading across his
face as I turned away and began to walk again.
Well thats a start, Kaidan said, as he watched me walk



The rest of the school day passed at a slow, torturous speed.
Hours later, Sebastian escorted me into my room and continued
to watch me even after I climbed onto my bed.
"I have work to do," I stated matter-of-factly.
Sebastian gave a brisk nod, but didn't make a move. "Of
course," he said.
My jaw ticked. "You plan on...staying? Even if I just want
to get some homework done?"
Sebastian shrugged. "His Majesty's orders."
I glowered and twisted the sheets in my palm in frustration.
"Fine then. What about Ithaca? School has ended. I can go to
see her, can't I?"
I crossed my arms as Sebastian stared at me. He fingered
the gun that was strapped to his hip while I tracked his
movements with my eyes.
No, after what youve done, the King has forbid you from
seeing Ithaca.
I narrowed my eyes. Until when? Forever?
Sebastian shrugged. Until the King says otherwise.
I thought for a moment. Ithacas room was down the
hallway from mine, but there was no way I could get in there


without Sebastian knowing. Unlike Jeremiah, this guy was

constantly watching me, even as I sat on my bed doing nothing.
I guess I really had to wait until the Congregation to talk to her.
And get her out of here.
I smoothed the fabric of the sheets on the bed. What about
Grandmother? Has he said anything against her?
The guard frowned. I do not know.
Well maybe you should find out, I suggested harshly.
To my surprise, Sebastian actually pressed something on
his wrist that deceivingly looked like a watch. A blue, 3-D
digital screen popped up, along with the face of Ignatius. I
flinched. He looked as snake-like and evil as evereven as an
Sebastian. Why have you called? the digitalized snakeman practically hissed.
Sebastian cleared his throat. Your Majesty, Her Royal
Highness wants to know if she may visit her grandmother.
There was a momentary pause, then laughter.
I seethed with anger knowing full well he would refuse me.
Yes, yes, permit her. I will authorize your access,
Sebastian. The girl should be more than satisfied with that.
Yes, Your Majesty.
I recoiled in surprise as Sebastian turned off the digital
Come with me. I will take you to the dungeons, Your
Royal Highness.
I leaped off the bed. Youre serious?
Sebastian frowned again. Do I appear to be joking, Your
Royal Highness?
The answer was no, of course. Sebastian never joked. I had


decided that he wasnt capable.

We took a transporter to the Palace crossing the Caelestis
Bridge. As soon as I stepped foot into the Palace, the guard
ripped out a black cloth and blindfolded me, spinning me in
circles, obnoxiously. When I could no longer keep track of
which way I was facing, he grabbed my arm and guided me as
we walked. I followed blindly, knowing that this was my
chance to finally see my grandmother.
There was so much I had to say to her. I was only able to
hear our footsteps on the rough cement floor and the sound of a
door opening.
I wrinkled my nose at the musky scent.
Another door slid open and I walked forward obediently. I
felt a tug; the blindfold was slipping off my face. The sudden
light was blinding and it took a moment for me to recover. I
looked around.
Where are we? I mumbled, blinking as my eyes focused
on Sebastian, who stood stiffly in front of me, holding the
We are in the highest security dungeons. If you try
anything, you will fail, Your Royal Highness, Sebastian said
Wow. That was pessimistic. I stared at the lines of cells
along the hallway. A handful of guards lined the glass walls.
There were also convicted Nephilim, people I didnt
recognize, and most of them were lying on their cots and
staring up into empty space. I met the eyes of one inmate with
dark hair and shuddered at the emptiness in his eyes. He
pressed a palm against the clear wall, but his expression didnt


Who is that? I asked Sebastian. The guard frowned,

glancing at the cell.
Benedict Jaxon. Former Council member and head of his
noble house. Charged with treason, Your Royal Highness.
Against my grandmother?
Sebastian made a choking noise. Against His Majesty,
Your Royal Highness.
Jaxon. As ridiculous as it was, I instantly respected the
prisoner. Anyone who defied Ignatius was on my side.
A few of the bigger cells appeared empty. I was just about
to turn away when something caught my eye. Something in the
cell moved. I stopped walking and pressed my hands against
the glass wall and caught a glimpse of a clawa silver and
blue wing and a scaly head. It lifted its head to stare at me
with ruby red eyes. A draekon. A baby draekon. Bloody hell.
I stiffened and looked around me to see who had spoken. It
wasnt Sebastians voice. I turned back and stared at the
draekon, in disbelief. Had I imagined it? Did you just speak to
me? I tried to telepathically ask. Of course, the draekon didnt
respond. I really was an idiot.
I turned to Sebastian, incredulously. How are you holding
a draekon captive? Are you guys insane? I blurted. Never in
my life had I seen a real draekon. Sure, wed learned about
them at the Academy, but they lived in the unpopulated deserts
of Caspaer. And they were rare.
The guard crossed his arms. A year ago, His Majesty
managed to capture two draekon eggs while hunting in the
Kave Deserts of Caesia. He then captured another in the Calico
Deserts of Vaelyria. This is one of the two Caesian draekons


the only draekon egg that hatched. It is still a hatchling, Your

Royal Highness.
Even though it was a hatchling, it was my size. As if the
draekon knew we were talking about it, the draekon opened its
jaws and stretched.
Thats not the point. Theyre wild creatures, children of
the original demons, and not meant to be kept in captivity, I
whirled up memories of what I had learned about them.
Ignatius is insane. Even so, I couldnt help but to stare at the
draekon in awe. Its silver scales reflected the gleam of the light
bulbs and its dark red eyes were entrancing.
Then the draekon hissed and I recoiled.
Sebastian grunted. Do not disrespect His Majesty. As you
said, they are children of demons, and are meant to be
controlled, Your Royal Highness.
I scowled, moving my fingers over the cold, clear wall.
Ignatius had gone too far. Draekons hadnt fought against
Nephilim since the First War between demons and angels.
There was no reason for him to imprison them whether or not
they were children of demons. It was justwrong.
I will free you, I thought to the silver draekon.
To my surprise, I heard its voice in my head, again. And I
will wait for you.
Huh? I said, aloud. Sebastian narrowed his eyes,
And then the weirdest thing happened. The little draekon
stretched its silvery-blue wings and screechedmaking a noise
that wasnt quite a roar but nevertheless made the walls vibrate.
My mind seared with fire and I could feel the smoke
suffocating me.


I recognize you as my Keeper.

Keeper? What the hell is a Keeper? I mumbled.
And then I collapsed.
At first, everything looked blurry and shaky, as if I were
looking at the world through a foggy telescope. Then I heard
Somebody was hissing.
I see. I know exactly what has happened to her. You know
to keep your mouth shut, dont you? Ignatius said.
I sat up and rubbed my head in irritation. It hurt like crap. I
glared at the draekon in the cell. Thanks a lot. It seemed to
Y-yes, Your Majesty. What shall I do? Sebastian asked.
Nothing! You idiot! Theres nothing you can do now.
There was a snarl. Why did you let her approach the
Sebastian opened his mouth to speak but Ignatius cut him
off. The King exhaled, angrily. No matter. At least we now
have a way to control the wicked creature. Then Ignatius
paused. Give the device to the girl.
Sebastian hesitated before taking off the device around his
wrist and handed it to me. I cringed and stood up and put on
my most convincing fake smile.
Hello Ignatius. I am so glad to hear from you, I managed
to say, although my mind was still reeling from what had
happened with the draekon. Keeper. What was a Keeper?
King! he thundered. King Ignatius. Then he squared


his shoulders, righting himself. Seeing him never ceased to

send chills down the back of my neckeven if it was a
digitized version of him.
I see Sebastian was telling the truth. The draekon has
acknowledged you as its Keeper even though it was meant to
be mine. It is irreversible. I should punish you for what
inconvenience you have caused me.
I blinked, ignoring his threat. Keeper? What in the world
was that?
Ignatius laughed his hissing laugh.
Foolish girl. He laughed again, and I gritted my teeth,
leaning away from the device. Remember, if you fail to
cooperate, I will kill whoever is left of your family and
How could I ever forget? I spat back, bitterly, before
slamming my hand down on the device. The blue image
disappeared with a clicking noise. I tossed the object towards
Sebastian who caught it swiftly.
Quickly, Your Royal Highness, Sebastian commanded. I
shot him a glare. I suppose chivalry was extinct. It didnt
matter that he always addressed me respectfullyeverything
else that came out of his mouth was brusque.
I rolled my eyes, taking bigger and bigger strides. Then I
To my left was my aunt. Then past her were another aunt,
and then an uncle, and some cousins, and paternal grandparents
who had received the name of House Scarlett after my dad had
married my mother, andthis was practically all my family.
My mouth dropped. I hadnt expected all of House Scarlett to
be in the dungeons. Sure, I wasnt exactly close with any of


these relatives, but still

The relatives that noticed me stared at me in surprise and
some seethed with angerwithout aether, I couldnt grasp any
of their emotional intricacies. Then I came to the last celland
then I saw hermy grandmother. She was sitting on her cot,
facing one of the startlingly bright white walls of her cell.
There was a table with a half-eaten bowl of soup and a book
sprawled open on the desk. Her auburn hair was in a slightly
messy braid and she wore a white shirt and white pants.
Sebastian stepped forward, opened a panel beside the cell
and faced the retinal scanner. It scanned his left eye before
making a few guttural noises.
Sebastian von Nacht. Access Approved. Authorized
Then he motioned for me to do the same.
I faced the retinal scanner and waited as a blue light swept
over my left eye. It beeped.
Alessandra Scarlett. Access Denied. Unauthorized
I turned to Sebastian, expectantly.
Direct override, he said.
Override confirmed, a voice spoke from the speaker. I
recognized it as Ignatius.
Alessandra Scarlett. Access Approved. Authorized
Sebastian stepped in front of the entrance of the cell while a
blue light scanned him from head to toe. The security measures
were impassable. The door slid opened and he walked inside.
I saw my grandma turn around as I stood in front of the


entrance that had just slid shut. The blue light scanned me from
head to toe, searching for weapons and confirming my identity.
My grandmas eyes met mine.
The door slid open and I took a cautious step inside. Her
mouth dropped open and suddenly the weariness in her eyes
wiped clean.
AAleAlessandra? Her familiar voicecomplete
with her classic Vaelyrian accenttrembled.
Unbelievably, I smiled, biting into my lower lip.
Yourealive. She looked dazed. As if I couldnt
possibly be standing in front of her.
Yeah. I managed to say.
Sebastian cleared his throat. His way of reminding me that
he was still here. I will be back in five minutes, Your Royal
Five minutes? Before I could say that five minutes wasnt
nearly enough, that it was hardly enough time for me to stop
smiling like an idiot, much less actually have a conversation
with my own grandmotherSebastian stepped through the
entrance. The door slid closed, and for a moment, I was
paralyzed with fear that I would be locked inside, too.
But Ignatius already had me on a leash. There was no point
in locking me away, too. He needed me to represent his beacon
of victory or whatever he called his kingship. Or so he thought.
Alessandra? My grandmother said then weakly moved to
rise from her cot and stood and opened her arms. I walked into
her embrace, relishing in her familiar scent and touch, and
realized how thin she had become.
She could shatter into pieces right in my arms. She was so
different from the grandmother I rememberedfull of


authority and vigor. What the bloody hell had Ignatius done to
her? I took a step back. Of course, this was why Ignatius had
permitted this meeting. He was sending me a message through
my grandmothers state of being.
Ignatius: 1. Alessandra: 0.
She squinted and brushed her fingers over the scar on my
cheek. How
Ignatius, I answered immediately.
Oh, Alessandra, she sighed, trembling. You mustve
been through a lot, but I wish you hadnt come. On Earth, at
least you were safe. Youre in danger here.
You never came for me, I said. Even though I could see
why she hadnt been able to, I couldnt help but to feel bitter
about it.
Grandmother shook her head; tears rushed down her cheek
as she quickly wiped them away. I looked away. Im sorry,
she murmured. My grandmother never cried. Not like this
this was so...not her. She tucked a strand of auburn-gray hair
behind her ear and asked, How is Vaelyria?
With obvious bugs around the cell there was no way I was
telling her about AITS-7 or anything of importance. I searched
my mind for something I could talk to her about without
raising Ignatius suspicions. Grandmother, whats a Keeper?
I asked, remembering the eyes of the draekon.
A Keeper? It is a draekonspartner. Like a Nephilim
that a draekon acknowledges as its companion. Why? she
asked, confused.
I thinkI think Im a Keeper. Earlier, this silver draekon
did something to me. I looked down at my hands. However,
the glow had now faded away.


Grandma tilted her head in surprise. Impossible. Draekons

are rare familiars. Hardly any Nephilim come in contact with
them. How did it happen?
Ignatius captured some eggs and now one has hatched.
Theyre in here. In the dungeons, I said.
Grandmothers eyelids flitted. Oh thatshe shouldnt.
Theyre wild, ancient creatures, and cannot be tamed. Ignatius
is playing with things he doesnt understand.
I brushed through my hair with my fingers, subconsciously.
So isthis Keeper thing. Is it a good thing?
Grandma inhaled. Well, the affinity is a very strong bond.
The draekon will do anything to protect you, but if it dies, you
will feel inconsolable pain. The same will happen to the
draekon if you die. You wont be able to hide anything from it
as it can read your thoughts. I suppose it is a good thing
though, my grandmother ran her fingers down her cotton
pants. But Ignatius could use you to control it. Or the other
way around.
More playthings for Ignatius.
Ignatius: 2. Alessandra: Still a bloody, freaking, zero.
She moved forward, lifting the hem of my shirt up so that
my insignia was exposed. Do you see that?
I blinked. What? I looked down at my hip and gasped.
There was a faint, new spiral that encircled the rest of the
emblems on my insignia.
Thats what marks you as a Keeper.
I moved my fingers over the silver embossed ink. Weird.
Grandma sighed. Ithaca. How is she? Is she all right? I
havent seen hersince she trailed off, her eyes distant.
Since we lost. The unspoken words haunted me. I do know


shes fine, although I havent gotten the chance to talk to her,

My grandmother frowned, while I kept my eyes trained on
Sebastian, who was outside the cell watching us. He crossed
his arms.
Alessandra, she beckoned. I glanced up. And then she
knelt before methe way no Queen ever should.
Before I could process what in the Otherworld she was
doing, she grabbed my hands desperately. I felt something
press against my palm and my fingers closed around it.
Do whats best, she said, softly, and then coughed.
I nodded slightly, alarmed.
She shuddered, her eyes pinned to the floor, reminding me
once again how broken she now was.
I looked past her shoulder; Sebastian had a bored
expression as he glanced at his watch and tapped his foot
impatiently. I glared at him through the glass wall and hoped
that my irritation was apparent to him. He held up his hand.
Two fingers. Two minutes.
Grandma, stand up. Please, I said as I helped my
grandmother up from in front of me. It frightened me at how
small her wrists were. I slipped the object she had given me
into my pocket.
I will pray for you, Grandma murmured.
The grandmother I knew wouldnt gamble on Otherworldly
I looked at Sebastian. He held up one finger. One minute.
I held up a finger in return, quickly enough so that my
grandmother couldnt see, and he grinned. He actually looked


Grandma inhaled. Layla would be so proud of you.

I stiffened at the mention of my mothers namewhose
face I had long forgotten. Pictures couldnt rekindle my
memories anymore than words could describe feelings.
She stared into my eyes. Her crystal irises were wet and
blurry. I am so, so sorry. Goodbye, Alessandra.
I frowned. Why did it seem like she was saying goodbye to
meforever? Before I could ask, the door slid open, and
Sebastian stepped inside.
Times up. If you dont leave, the room will reject you.
Sebastian said firmly.
Whatever that meant. Coming, asshole, I muttered under
my breath.
Grandma, this is not goodbye, I said, confidently.
Despite what you might know or thinkI wont let you die in
The door slid shut behind me; but I heard my grandma
murmuring to herself.
So headstrong. So, so, headstrong.



Today was my debut, as Ignatius had called it. Basically, it
involved me sitting in the backseat of a convertible transporter
as the chauffer drove me around Urbanus Litore and the rest of
the First Tier, like I was some stupid show-off doll.
Microphones were constantly shoved in front of my face
whenever the transporter came to a stop.
How does it feel to be back, Princess? a reporter asked as
I got out of the transporter.
What do you feel about King Ignatius? About the
dethroned Queen Maeve being locked up in a cell? another
reporter asked.
You hate Ignatius, dont you? one man asked,
desperately. Youll overthrow him and reclaim your place,
wont you? he yelled, just as security yanked him away.
That seemed to be the focus of everyone. They all wanted
to know how I felt about Ignatius and what I planned on doing.
I feel great to be back. I love Vaelyria. Its my home.
IgnKing Ignatius is doing great things for this country and
kingdom. I support him, and Im not interested in fighting for
the throne, I said as monotone as possibleexactly as I had


practiced. Then I gave a little princess smile and waved my

hand as reporters snapped pictures.
Thats a lie! What blackmail has he got on you? said
another voice in the crowd, also laced with desperation. I
stiffened at the sight of the woman who had spoken. Was she
blind? Ignatius had mountains and mountains of blackmail on
me. And they couldnt even tell.
Youre our Princess! Do something.
My fists clenched as I tried to avoid her furious gaze. If
only there was a way I could talk to her without arousing
Ignatius suspicion. If only there was a way I could get a
message across to the peoplea message Ignatius couldnt
Please. Stop.
You coward, she snapped, before a guard seized her.
You blasted coward! You traitor!
I was a coward, wasnt I? I deserved to be the object of her
anger. I deserved all of it. Yet I admired her.
What will happen to her? I asked Sebastian who stood
dutifully beside me.
He scoffed. Death, he answered simply, as I looked on
Contempt surged in my veins. Angernofury. I couldnt
repay her loyalty at the moment, but one day, I would avenge
her death. Hers, and those other true Vaelyrians who would
gladly pay with their lives for our Kingdom.
My Kingdom.
My oath to her was the only thing that kept me sane. I hated
myself for my inability to act. I hated myself for being so weak.



Hours later, I was sprawled across the training arena, limp.
Training was a disaster. Alessandra Scarletta royalwas
weak without her elements. She was weaker than the scrawny
boy in the back of the classroom with only one element. No
offense to him, of course. Sure, Levi had taught me how to be
swift and reflexive, but without my elemental powers it was
difficult to put that training into use.
Even sweet, studious Christa was kicking my ass, and my
physical skills werent nearly enough to defeat her.
Damn. This is new, I groaned, as I lay on the sand floor
of the arena, dripping wet from Christas attack. Im worse
than a one-element first grader.
She sighed, her red hair glinting in the sunlight. Yeah,
sorry Alessandra. You might be pretty badass with your
elements, but without them
I suck, I finished for her, as she leaned over me. I
soaked in the sunlight greedily. Maybe thatd make me dry
quicker. I scowled in frustration. This couldnt go on. At this
rate I would never accomplish anything. Ignatius would be able
to beat me up with one hand.
Yeah. Kind of. I mean, at least youre still stronger than
humans, she smiled sweetly, as if that would reassure me.
I laughed bitterly. Because that is such a compliment.
How am I going to do anything like this?
I wished I hadnt asked.
You could work on your physical combat skills. A new
face leaned over me, silhouetted by sunlight.
Son of my archenemy.


I groaned, covering my eyes with my hand. Shut up.

Youre blocking the view.
I like to think that I am the view.
Smartass. I stuck one happy finger up in the air.
Now thats not very royal-like.
Hi, Kaidan, Christa said, surprised.
Training isnt going so well, is it? I heard him say to her.
Probably laughing silently at me.
Uhm, no, Christa admitted, her voice quiet and shy. Not
so well.
There was laughter. Come on lazy. Get up and do some
laps. Kaidan said.
My eyes snapped open. Excuse me?
Kaidan chuckled. Laps. Around the arena. Fitness.
Christa frowned distastefully.
Come on, little Neph. Twenty laps in half an hour. He
paused. Unless thats too much for you.
I did need some physical training. Plus, this was a good
time to advance my Mission: Recruit The Traitor and Get Him
On My Side.
Oh you are so in for it, I grabbed Christas arm and
pulled myself up. Twenty laps, I agreed.
Are you insane? Christa spewed. Weve never done
more than fifteen in thirty. Thats thirty-three percent more
I wasnt listening. All I knew was that Kaidan wasnt going
to successfully humiliate me. Because I was going to beat the
crap out of him, physically, when all this training was over.
We ran.
Seventeen laps later the only thing that kept me going was


my hatred of Ignatius.
Three more laps. Only one and a half miles left.
My legs were on fire. My heart was beating out of control.
Kaidan was right beside me and seemed that he was easily
running at my pace.
Tired yet? he teased.
Truth was, all I wanted to do was collapse. Everything was
sore and itchy, and the fabric of my tank top clung to me,
soaked with sweat. I pushed forward even harder. Save your
breath, jerk.
We passed Christa, who was standing in the sand and
shaking her head. You guys are seriously doing this, I heard
her say, as she got even farther behind us.
When I completed the final lap, I thought I was going to
Kaidan crossed his arms. Thirty-five minutes.
I rolled my eyes, bending over to stretch my legs. I dont
think I asked you for the time, I said between gasps of breath.
He shrugged. I thought youd like to know how much you
missed your marked by.
Wow, thank you. Youre so encouraging.
He genuinely smiled. Alright. Combat time.
I closed my eyes then opened them again. What? You
cant be serious. What are you? My personal trainer? I
Kaidan cocked his head to one side. Do you want to get
your ass kicked in Battle class, again?
I simmered. Okay, so maybe I had been beaten up pretty
badly during eleventh period, but seriously. My hand-to-hand
combat skills, or even sword-fighting skills for that matter,


couldnt beat a guy who could throw elements at me when he

wanted to.
It just wasnt fair. And I told Kaidan exactly that.
When he heard my complaints, he just laughed, and I
reddened. So if I beat you in combat without using my
elements, youll train with me?
Oh, for goodness sake. Hell
I think thats a great idea, Christa interjected.
Oh, come on Christa. Really? Just what was her problem?
What? No. Thats a terrible idea, I said immediately,
holding my hands in front of me.
Kaidan advanced. I took a step back. What, youre not
afraid of losing, are you?
I crossed my arms. Obviously not. I wont lose.
So its a deal? he said confidently.
Deal. Because it couldnt hurt, right? Wrong. Fighting
with Kaidan made every part of me hurt.
First, he whipped a sword out of nowhere. I barely had time
to draw Goldfyre. When he lunged at me, I was barely able to
deflect, instead I landed on the sand with a loud plunk. Crap,
I muttered under my breath, as his lancewhich was silver and
blacksliced through the air. A strand of my raven-black hair
fell to the floor. That pissed me off.
Maybe wear it up next time? he taunted.
Point taken, I scowled. Son of Ignatius.
The next volley of attacks sent me rolling in the sand, but
each of his swings narrowly missed methankfully, or else
who knew how much hair I would have left. I could tell he was
doing just enough to stay on the offense and I felt a bitter taste
in my throat. He couldve ended this already. Kaidan was only


toying with me.

Come on. Move faster, I urged. React quicker. My
breathing was becoming more and more shallow. I knew the
twenty laps around the arena were taking its toll on me.
Come on, Alessandra! Christa cheered from the side.
I gritted my teeth.
Adrenaline rushed through me. I managed to jump back to
my feet before Kaidan could end this match. I was finally was
on the offense. Every one of my movements was based on
reflex. Based on the combat skills that Levi had taught to me.
My sword whipped around grazing the sand, but no matter
how quickly I traced Kaidans actions, I couldnt predict his
movements or successfully attack him.
Quick, I was.
Strong, I wasnt. Not particularly, anyway.
I spun around, trying to catch him off guard, but he
deflected and managed to push my sword lower so that my
wrist was bent to an uncomfortable position. We were jammed
and he was gaining.
Over already? he faked a smile.
In your dreams, I retorted, and bent my wrist so that
Goldfyre slid away from his sword. There was no way I could
win like this. I stabbed towards his sword, but he blocked me
and sent me off balance. I managed to right myself again,
clutching Goldfyre, out of breath.
Our swords clanged again with a clashing sound that
resembled thunder. The sun glinted off the metal and blinded
me momentarily. My boots dug into the sand as Kaidan pressed
me backwards. I deflected, but I was quickly losing ground.
The arena wall wasnt far behind me. If I kept going like this,


Kaidan was going to trap me against the cement. A split second

later, I ducked.
In a surprise maneuver, I dragged Goldfyre across the sand,
and with one motion I flicked my wrist upwards. Sand sprayed
over Kaidan, and he winced, shielding his eyes. That one
moment allowed me to bring Goldfyre around and against his
I pinned him against the cement wall. You lose, I said
between heavy pants. An uncontrollable smile spread across
my face.
He didnt miss a beat. You cheated, little Neph. His face
was close to mine.
I brushed the little specks of sand off of my forehead. In a
real battle theres no such thing as cheating. I sheathed
In a real battle I would be able to use my elements and
you wouldnt be able to, he said.
You didnt have to go easy on me, I retorted.
He chuckled. Well I couldnt have you dead. The corners
of his mouth turned up. He wasnt meeting my gaze anymore.
Instead, he was staring at my lipsI smirked almost
Mission: Recruit The Traitor was getting a bit too easy.
Kaidan, I said, trying to sound breathless.
He inhaled sharply, his eyes growing darker and his
breathing getting more and more shallow.
Brilliant! Blakes voice. That was great, you two.
I immediately backed away from Kaidan. Oh, Castile, I
didnt know you werethanks.


Christa, want to go now? I think thats enough training for

the day, right?
Christa bounded over, grinning. Whatever you say,
I turned to stare at Kaidan who had also sheathed his
sword. About training with you.
Kaidan smiled at me, almost challengingly. We had a deal.
You won.
I could have left it at that. But Kaidan was right. If I wanted
to save Ithaca and my grandmother, I had to get betterand I
wanted him on my side. I swallowed and bit my lip.
No. Train with me. Here. Tomorrow.
He looked up, surprised.
I didnt wait for his answer. I motioned towards Christa.
Lets go.



We went to the Caelestis Library, and as usual, Sebastian
Remind me why were here again? Christa asked.
I ignored her.
Oh my! Princess Alessandra and Lady Christa. How may I
help you? the librarian asked, tucking a strand of hair behind
her ear.
Where are the books about draekons? I asked.
Draekons? Christa murmured, equally surprised.
The librarian thought for a moment. Your Royal Highness,
I believe theyre all in section D-5.
Thank you, I said quickly, before rushing off to that aisle.
Why are we researching draekons? Christa said in a
hushed voice.
I inhaled sharply. Because I think I formed anan affinity
with one. Or something like that.
Christa couldnt hold back her small shriek. She clamped
her hand over her mouth immediately after. What? Youre
serious? A draekon? When? Where?
I stood on my tiptoes and began to sift through the books.
In the dungeons. When I went to see my grandmother.


Theyve captured draekon eggs, three actually. Only one

hatched and
and it recognized you as its Keeper? Christa asked.
I guess. How do you know what a Keeper is?
Christa rolled her eyes. Unlike you, I actually pay
attention in class.
I scoffed. Too much attention, I muttered.
Stop searching. I can tell you everything you need to
Really. Ive read a ton of books about them, she
I rolled my eyes. Of course she had. Christa was a lover of
non-fiction, the more informative, the better. I, on the other
hand, preferred fantasy novels about attractive guys and badass
Okay, fine. Enlighten me. What do I do?
Christa smoothed down her hair. Well, youve named it
already, right?
Named it? Name a draekon? I wasnt sure if I had heard
Well yeah. Once its recognized you as its Keeper its
your job to name it. So is it a girl or a boy?
Was she crazy? Huh? How in the bloody
Christa snapped her fingers. Dont curse in a library.
I rolled my eyes. Oh come on. Its not a church,
Boy or gir
How can I even tell? I asked. Christa shook her head as if
it were the easiest thing in the world.
You really dont pay attention in school at all, do you?


I shrugged. Nope. Not at all, apparently.

What color is it? she asked.
I thought for a moment. A really dark silver and blue.
Maybe a little purple. Like indigo.
What shape were its scales?
I dont know. Diamond shaped, I think.
I gaped. How do you know that by the shape of the
Christa waved her finger at me. Female draekons are
usually warmer colors, and they have smoother, oval-like
scales. Yours is definitely a boy.
I raised my eyebrows. Mine. Hmph. Ill take your word
for it.
She pressed a strand of red hair between her fingers. So,
name it, Christa chided. I know there was once a famous
draekon named Gaelator, and hmm, Salvatorran. There was
also one named uh, Vaelianth, I think. And Ignistanth. And
well, there are probably lists of draekon names.
Vaemortem, I said, leaving no room for argument.
Christa inhaled sharply. Thats
Death to woe.
I brushed my fingers over the thick spines of the books on
the shelf. How so? Vaemortem will help me bring death to all
Christa shrugged. I dont know, you couldve just said
something like, Lightbringer or Savior. Not death unto woe.
I brushed my hair aside. Its a good thing.
Christa smiled shyly. Whatever you say, but it still sounds


sort of depressing to me.

So now that Ive named him, what should I do? I asked.
Draekons arent exactly pets.
Christa laughed. No, they arent. I dont know how much
the King will let you do, but if you can, you should get to know
the draekon. The connection between the two of youthe
affinityis stronger than one between a Protector and a Liege.
So, while you may be connected to Maria and Stark through a
binding oath, the promise a draekon swears to you is even
I tilted my head sideways to read the title of a book. I
dont understand. Why would a draekon choose me?
Christa pulled out a book, and then placed it back onto the
shelf, absent-mindedly. Draekons are attracted to Nephilim
with pure Otherworldly blood, either angelic or demonic. Its
not a surprise, you know. Youre a Scarlett, a royal. You do
have three emblems. Thats purer than a lot of Nephilim.
Usually all Keepers have been royals or nobles, because of
that, she said.
Four. Actually.
What? Christas eyes widened.
Yeah. I my fourthairwhile on Earth. Maybe I forgot
to mention that? I asked guiltily.
Holy mother of--- she clamped a hand over her mouth.
Do you know how crazy that is?
Not unheard of, I said.
She nodded. Not unheard of, but pretty dampretty rare.
Four emblems. Ignatius was looking for a Nephilim with
five? What was that about?
Alessandra? she waved a hand in front of me. You


I blinked. Yeah. Of course. Sebastian, I called over my
He immediately stepped forward. Yes, Princess.
Ask Ignatius if I may see Vaemortem, I nodded my head
towards the disk around his wrist.
Sebastian stiffened, confused. Vaemortem?
I smiled with satisfaction. Yes. My draekon.
Sebastian obliged my request. After a few bursts of evil
laughter, Ignatius agreed to let me see Vaemortem. Probably
because the closer the draekon and I became, the more I would
care for it. And the more care for Vaemortem, the easier time
Ignatius would have in blackmailing me, through the draekon.
Although I was aware of Ignatiuss intentions, Christa had
convinced me that getting to know the draekon was essential,
and thus, a risk I had to take. Since I was now an empty husk
devoid of magicI needed a magic creature by my side.
Here I was with my palms against the glass wall that
separated the two of us. Ignatius didnt trust Vaemortem and
me to be alone in the same room together, not even while
Sebastian watched from the side.
So youre names Vaemortem now. Okay? I said, talking
to a draekon as if he were a Nephilim.
The draekon snorted like it was laughing at me. Yes,
My jaw dropped open. Lose the sarcasm, reptile. Since
when had scaly creatures developed senses of humor?


I knelt down and stared into Vaemortems glistening eyes.
Someone told me that you chose me as your Keeper because I
have comparatively pure Otherworldly blood. Is that true?
The draekon opened its enormous jaws, and yawned. Yesss,
but also because I am a fire draekon. Fire is your inherent
elementyour first and strongessst element.
No surprise there. Fire was also my wildest element. I
remembered that many years ago I had slept in a tree house
with Christa and woke up to her screaming. I had set the tree
on fire after undergoing a horrifying nightmare. Lovely.
The draekon laughed. Control mussst be difficult for you.
Not that it mattersss anymore since all your powers have been
suppressed. For now, anywayyy.
I stared at Vaemortem, incredulously. How did you
Another snort. I can reaaad you.
That sounded invasive not to mention, creepy. One more
thing. How are we connected? I said, trying to be as vague as
possible. I didnt want Sebastian to know what I was getting at.
You mean to asssk if you will always be able to senssse my
presence? To find me?
You will alwaysss be able to find me. Even now, you must
realize that you can feel exactly where my presence isss.
Times up! Sebastian hollered.
Ill be back, I promised Vaemortem.
No need.
Before I could ask what the draekon meant by that,
Sebastian ushered me away.


After talking a bit more with Christa and unsuccessfully
breaching the topic of her possibly still-existent crush on Stark,
I returned to my roomnot alone, of course. Sebastian
followed silently behind me, his looming presence casting a
shadow over me. I warily pressed a finger against the inside
pocket of my jacket. The object my grandma had given me was
still there.
I need the washroom, I stated matter-of-factly, and
opened the door to my en-suite bathroom. I slammed the door
behind me and locked myself inside. Reaching into my pocket,
I pulled out the object, which was a small, silver orb devoid of
any markings.
What had my grandma been thinking in giving me a rock?
Clearly, there had to be something special about it. I rolled
it around between my thumb and index finger trying to figure
out what secrets it held.
I gave it a squeeze. Tried to pry it open. Nothing. It was
just a plain, stupid rock. Frustrated, I threw it against the
granite floor and watched as it bounced slightly and rolled to a
stop beside the washtub.
I cringed. Im fine! Justdropped something.
I quietly shuffled across the bathroom floor and picked up
the rock, frowning as I traced the numerous cracks on the stone
with my fingers. More cracks appeared. Uh oh. Suddenly all
the little shards of silver stone fell to the floor. I gasped. In my
hand was a piece of brown parchment paper that was folded up


into a tiny rectangle.

Grandma, I thought, humorously. She really did understand
my temperknowing that I would eventually become
frustrated and attempt to destroy the rock. I wasnt sure what
that said about me, but Id take what I got.
Gently, I unfolded the piece of parchment and spread it out
in my hands. Another small slip of paper fell out. I bent down
and picked it up. It was a number with the words, Credit
Card written next to it. Ahsimilar to the money card she had
given me months ago. I pocketed it and looked over the piece
of parchment. It was a letter.
For Princess Alessandra Rosalyn Imperatrix, First Daughter
of House Scarlett:
I must now be powerless and unable to act or I would never
force this burden upon you. I know what youd like to read in
this lettercomforting and supportive words from a loving
grandmother. But I apologize in advance because I have
anotherand perhaps more importantpersona. Forgive me
for giving these last words to you as a stern, resolute Queen.
By now, Vaelyria must be lost to us. While old kingdoms
fall, and new kingdoms arise, you must act in response to the
populace. If they are content, then so are we.
Otherwise, while everyone else might have given up hope,
we cannot. We are the rulers of the Vaelyrian Kingdom. It is
our duty to honor our ancestors tradition of valor and protect
the kingdom that they gave their lives to build. As your
grandmother, I would never ask you to risk your life, or your
sisters to save Vaelyria. But as the Queen, I implore you to do


exactly that.
Whether or not the threat to Vaelyria is from an avenging
angel or demon, or even an indomitable God, for that matter,
you must protect your people. In the case you decide that
leaving Vaelyria and seeking alliances is the best way to save
our Kingdom, then I support you. In the case you decide that
rebuilding politically is the best way to save our Kingdom, I
say the same thingwhatever decision you make, I support it.
By now there is nothing I can do to help other than to offer my
encouragement. Even if I cannot be with you in person, I am
with you in essence.
Ithaca is young. I cannot ask as much of her as I do of you,
but I trust that she is also strong. Protect her, but also
remember she can protect herself. Guide her, but never hinder
her decisions. That is the way I hope I have raised youand
the way you must raise her.
I like to think that I have been a responsible guardian, and
although your childhood memories may not have been filled
with fond, blissful pastimes, I always had your best interests at
As for me, I regret many thingsbut none of which
include raising you as my own. The choices I have made will
haunt me forever, but I know that youand Ithacawill
surpass me. I know that you will right my wrongsas well as
those of our ancestorsand perhaps understand and forgive us
for our actions.
These words I write are on behalf of myself, your
grandfather, your mother and father, and the people of
Make us proud.


Queen Maeve Genevieve Anastasia of House Scarlett

I was suddenly aware that the paper was now slightly wet.
A few rogue tears had slipped down my cheek and onto the
I had made my decision. I couldnt fulfill my promise to
my grandmotherto only put Ithaca first. I had to free them
both and on the same night. I couldnt let my grandmother stay
in the dungeons any longer than I had to.
Right my wrongs.
What did she mean by that?
Startled, I hurriedly folded up the parchment and placed it
under the potted plant beside the washtub. I flushed the toilet,
which I hadnt used, and turned on the water faucet.
Just washing my hands, I said. I turned the faucet off and
opened the bathroom door.
Sebastian was towering over meall six and a half feet of
himwith a scornful look on his face.
I pushed past him and headed for my bed. I hoisted myself
onto the comforter and leaned back until my head pressed
against the pillow. The material was excessively soft, and I felt
like I was slowly drowning into marshmallow batter. My
eyelids slid shut, my hands relaxing at my sides, and I released
a sigh.
The darkness was comfortinga cozy blanket that shielded
me from Ignatius. But reality was my nightmare that I needed
to escape. I needed to push off all my problems. Just for a little




A silhouette rose from the shadowsgolden hair, high
cheekbones and a defined jawline. So much black smoke.
Suffocation. In his hands was a sworda sword edged with
malice and hatred. And then suddenly I felt the sword, cold and
icy, thrust into my abdomen. I looked down at the protruding
blade, my hands trembling. It didnt hurt, but it felt so, so cold.
I jerked my head up in shock, and his eyes finally met
minebursting into a golden flame. I screamed. My eyes
snapped open, and I abruptly sat up, my breathing unstable and
Red eyes are the color of lesser demons. Remember that
color, my grandmother had once said to me.
Then why are there pictures of demons with golden eyes?
What are they? I had asked her.
I clearly remembered that grandma had shuddered, her
discomfort clearly shown in her expression. Remember,
demons with golden eyestheyre greater demons. If you ever
see one, run. A handful of Nephilim have beaten them, but they
were all experienced heroes and heroines. Most who have


I mustve seen wrong. There was no way I could have been
dreaming about a greater demon.
Princess? Sebastians voice interrupted my thoughts. I
nodded, trying to gather myself. You have visitors.
Somehow, the guard made every statement sound like a
Its just a study group, I lied, slipping off of the soft bed
and shuffled over to the next room.
Spread out across the couch was Christa and Stark. Maria
sat on the carpet with her legs crossed. I grinned, settling into a
velvet chair beside them, and propped my feet onto the
mahogany desk beside it with a book in hand.
So, which subject should we cover first? I stalled. Im
really behind.
A loud clamor shook the room and Sebastian tensed. I
smiled as Sebastian muttered something under his breath.
I will be right back. Dont do anything youll regret, he
threatened, and exited my suite.
So Im guessing Blake is the distraction, I surmised.
Maria waved her hand. He was really indignantsaid he
wanted to know what was going on, but he is the best actor out
of all of usand the most experienced troublemakerso we
promised him wed fill him in later.
Christa folded her hands delicately. So what do you need
to tell us? she asked quietly.
I lowered the book from my face. I want to tell you guys
Maria exhaled, the pent-up tension seeping from her.


So last year, I left because there was a coup against my

grandma. She wanted me to be safe so that there would always
be an heir, and made me go to Earth. I wanted to say
goodbyeI really did, I gave them a pained smile. I was
supposed to stay in hiding until Grandma came for me, but then
a few days ago, Ignatius found me and brought me here. I dont
know what he wants me here for, but I want Vaelyria back,
andand I need your help.
Maria grinned at my words. Surprise, surprise. So that scar
isnt from a battle after all, is it?
Christa twirled a strand of her hair. Alessandra, why
didnt you tell us sooner? she asked softly.
I couldnt! I had to get rid of Sebastian first, I sighed,
moving a finger over my scar.
And the scar? Maria asked.
Ignatius, was my prompt reply.
Maria snapped her fingers. I knew it. No one would just
cut your cheek like that if they were trying to kill you. It
seemed more like a punishment sort of scar.
I took a deep breath, cringing from the loud yelling in the
hallway. Blake was doing a good job, whatever he was doing.
Oh, and youd probably want to know that I got another
emblem. Air, I lifted the hem of my shirt to show them. Maria
Bloody hell! Another one? Maria put a hand to her
forehead. Youve got some killer genes, she huffed. Stark
looked impressed, and smiled firmly.
Consider me lucky, I said. Anyway, since thats out of
the way, lets talk escape plans.
I like the sound of that, Maria said.


I grinned. First off, are all of you willing to risk your lives
to do this? And I mean it bluntly. We could all end up dead or
very hurt from this. If you want out, say something now, I
Maria snickered. What are you talking about? We she
motioned to Stark and herself, are your Protectors. Were
supposed to be willing die for you if required. I signed up for
this and Im more than happy to see this through. Besides,
Vaelyrias my home, too.
I looked at Stark, who nodded in agreement.
And I Christa nudged me, am your best friend. I
would do anything you would do for me.
I nodded. And Blake?
Lets just assume he would be cool with it, Maria
There was another yell from the hallwaythe ground was
trembling slightly.
Maria raised her eyebrows. So. What exactly do you need
help with?
II need to get Ithaca out of Vaelyria. During the
Congregation, I said quietly.
Maria frowned. Princess Ithaca? Why? She leaned back
and propped herself up on her elbows. She reached for the
bowl of cherries on the desk. May I?
Of course, I said as Maria dropped a cherry into her
mouth. Caspaer is going to be ruined by Ignatius. He wants to
start a war to conquer all the other kingdoms, which we all
know will only end in disaster. My theory is that he created
AITS-7 to control Light Nephilim, I glanced at Christa, who
nodded. But to start a rebellion and win the support of other


kingdoms, wed need to get out of here. And get the people we
care about out, too. I paused as another crash made the room
shake. What in the world was Blake up to?
Stark held up a hand. I disagree.
I nodded. Go on.
Queen Maeve and Princess Ithaca are likely the only two
the King would kill if we were to start anything. I doubt hed
look at the rest of my family, and getting too many people out
will be too difficult.
I knitted my eyebrows. So youre saying we should only
be focusing on getting ourselves out as well as Grandmother
and Ithaca? I cant...thats ridiculous.
Maria shook her head. Starks argument makes sense. We
come from principal Houses. Our families arent hostages.
Getting them out of Vaelyria and putting them on Ignatiuss
radar might actually put them in danger.
Christa? I asked.
She nodded in agreement.
I leaned back. If you guys are sure...
They all nodded.
Alright, then, I said, not liking the idea very much but
going with it nevertheless. Lets move on to the actual plan.
Someone has to tell Ithaca about this plan, and then isolate her
at the Congregation without raising any suspicions, while
someone else distracts the guards. I cant do much since
Ignatius probably told everyone to keep their eyes on me, I
Maria nodded. Ive got that covered.
Someone else needs to disable the surveillance cameras
for the entire Palace for at least an hour and make it look like


an accident.
Well thats obviously the reason you called me here,
Christa murmured quietly.
Your knowledge would be useful, I admitted. Do you
need help?
Christa shook her head, no. I can do it by getting into the
security center at the Academy, since its linked to the one at
the Palace, and my moms friend controls the surveillance. I
can get in without raising any suspicion.
I nodded, in appreciation. Great. Then someone else has to
help kick all of the guards asses on the way to the England
Portal. Make sure you do a clean jobdont raise anyones
suspicions. I turned to Stark, who already had a sly smile on
his face.
While Ithaca and Maria are headed for the Portal, Christa
will have to distract Sebastian while I find my grandmother,
through my link with the draekon, as Christa mustve told all of
you. Christa, you can give me access to her cell, cant you?
Christa nodded. Yes, but only once. And only that cell,
since youve already been authorized to enter it once before, I
can make the system recognize your retinal pattern without
Ignatiuss authorization.
Right, I said, like I understood what she was saying.
And then my grandmother and I will get out of the dungeons
with Blakes help in beating up any guards in our way.
Christa held up her hand. But wait, Blake isnt invited to
the Congregation. Only royals, nobles, and principals,
I groaned. Right. Well it is the Masquerade Congregation,


so do you think he can sneak in posing as someone else?

Maria tapped her chin. My cousin Marcus is sick and they
can easily be mistaken for one another. He can get in using
Marcuss name, but he cant come with House Cornelius, or
my family will know somethings up.
I waved my hand. Thats fine. Im sure hell find a way to
get in to the Ball. Anyway, so while Maria, Stark, and Ithaca
are on their way to the England Portal, Christa will have to get
to the Portal on her own. Blake and my grandmother will run to
the England Portal too. Youll show up in London England,
which you might have heard of from school. Then take the
undergrounder...they call them trains thereyou know what
those are, right? In Caspaer, undergrounds were considered
too slow for Nephilim transport. Our transporters were way
Maria winked. Were not stupid, Scarlett, and we do pay
attention in class even when you obviously dont.
Okay, whatever. Take the underground to Heathrow
Airport and get some tickets, Romania? It sounded like
a good place to go. A place I was familiar with. Plus, there was
someone there I had left behindsomeone who I wanted to
find. Bucharest. Near the Bamboo Club. I handed Maria the
money card number my grandma had given me. This can
access money from an account she set up. Its under the name,
Macy van Buren.
Maria took it and eyed it carefully.
I will meet up with all of you when I can, but I cant leave
without Vaemortem. So dont wait up. I said, hurriedly.
Christa narrowed her eyes. Wait, what? Youre not going
with us?


I didnt respond.
Maria crossed her arms. So thats why youve been talking
as if you werent going to come with us! Thats not cool, even
if you finally did come out with the truth. Youre never going
to be able to get out with only Vaemortem on your side. Youd
be all alone.
Im staying until you go, Christa said quietly. Youll
need my help to leave.
I frowned, nervously and rubbed my fingers together.
Come on, Christa. Who knows what Ignatius will do once he
finds out Ithaca and my grandmother have escaped?
You cant face it alone, Christa argued. Besides, there
wont be enough time for me to travel all the way to the Portal
after Maria and Ithaca leave. And its too risky. If I leave like
that then the guards at the Congregation will be suspicious.
Theyll think something is up.
Maria cleared her throat. I think thats a good idea. I dont
want to be off protecting your sister while youre in danger.
Youre my Liege. At least now I know you wont be alone.
Stark held my gaze, steadily. Theyre right, you know.
I relented, not having the patience nor the time to argue.
Fine. Do you have the plan memorized?
Before they had time to respond the door swung open and
in stepped Sebastian.
Have what memorized? Sebastians gruff voice almost
made me fall out of the chair. I really wanted aether back. I
turned to face the guard who was covered in dirt and covered
my mouth with my hand to stifle my laughter.
The vocabulary. Obviously, I said. Maria still doesnt
know what retribution means. How will she even handle the


test if she doesnt know the word, retribution?

Maria wrinkled her nose, playing along. Oh, dont worry.
I get it now. She winked at me. It means payback. She
raised her eyebrows at Sebastian and blinked innocently for
Big time.



That night, I rolled around in my covers for hours, unable to
sleep. When sleep finally came, it was hardly restful. Instead, I
dreamt of Vaemortem.
His silvery-blue scales reflected the moonlight as he lapped
at the waves of the ocean. He recoiled and snapped his head
back abruptly, then turned to glare at me.
You know that ocean water is salty, right? I laughed.
If I hadnt known better, I wouldve thought Vaemortem
had just rolled his eyes at me. He stretched his wings and
clawed at the fine, Vaelyrian sand, purring at me every now
and then as if I were intruding.
I crossed my arms defiantly. This is my dream. Youre
Vaemortem snickered. Smoke spiraling out of his nostrils.
Can you be sssure its yours?
I ran my fingers over his diamond-shaped scales. Uhm,
yeah. Draekons dont dream. Nephilim do.
He turned to face me, his ruby red eyes glistening, as if
amused. This isss our dream.
Our dream. Yeah, right.
As if to prove his point, the scene changed, and suddenly


small animals surrounded us. They were nibbling on the grass

in the field that we were standing on, then all of a sudden, all I
could think about was how nice the animals smelled, and how
they could be cookedboiled, fried. Yum. I could really use
some fried rabbit legs with chicken hearts and
Stop it! I shrieked, staring pointedly at Vaemortem as a
lump rose in my throat. Thats disgusting!
Vaemortem snorted, turning away from me as the scene
dissipated and we returned to the Vaelyrian shore.
Dont you dare do that again, I threatened. Im your
Keeper. Im calling the shots nowwell, the dreams.
The draekon blinked. All you everrr end up dreaming about
is that boyyy. That demonnn. The blond one
I held my hand up. Its not on purpose, I snapped. Then I
tapped the draekon on the shoulder. And for the record, that
topic is sacred ground. Dont bring him up again. I dont want
to talk about it. I had never mentioned the demon to anyone,
and I really didnt plan tothere were enough weird things
going on in my life. I really didnt need a lizard fishing out my
secrets from my brain. I closed my eyes and leaned my head
against the nape of the draekons neck.
Yesss, Vespera.
My eyes snapped open. Excuse me? What did you just call
Vaemortem snorted again.
My eyes met his eyes. Is there a way to like, I dont know,
block my mind from you? So you dont bathe in my deepest,
darkest secrets, out of some twisted, reptilian humor?
Nope. Soon, even when you are awake, our minds will be
able to meld.


Thats not fair, I tried to argue.

What isss that phrase that Nephilim sayyy? Ah. Get used
to it.
Blasted draekon.
I shifted.
Hey. The voice was louder this time.
I sat up and met the eyes of Sebastian with mine. My heart
almost stopped.
Will you stop that? I said, irritated.
Sebastian glowered. Stop what, Your Royal Highness?
Waking me up by yelling at me and towering over me like
the Leaning Tower of freaking Izbila, I groaned, before
practically falling off my bed. Sebastian stared at me
Some culture lesson for you, I muttered. Izbila was an
ancient building in Aeridore.
I was so not a morning person and I felt as if I hadnt rested
at all.
To make matters worse, today as the Masquerade
Today was my only chance to fix things.
There was a knock on the door. Hey, are you ready?
Maria chirped. She was obviously a morning person, and
although some Nephilim took vis pills to get energy, Marias
energy was natural.
I needed a vis pill. The only energy I had came from
desperationa fight or flight instinct.
Miss Marianna of House Cornelius, Sebastian bowed.
Maria ignored him, and instead, grabbed onto one of the


Im assuming youre absolutely dying to see the dress I
chose for you? Maria grinned.
Dying. Quite accurate, I said, keeping my voice steady.
Im assuming youre just as eager to see me try on my dress,
He shifted on his feet.
Ill spare you the trouble. For you to leave me alone with
Maria for a bitoh, the horror! I said sarcastically. But I
wouldnt mind going to the bathroom. If youd please.
Sebastian rolled his eyes and I slid into the bathroom.
I dressed quickly and brushed my teeth and hair. Only
when I looked in the mirror did I remember the new scar on my
Still thinking about that? Maria asked, peeking through
the door.
It sucks, I admitted. My mistake while fighting a
demonic Nephilim, I said with deliberate volume.
If only youd train harder, Maria said.
I smiled, comforted by the fact that my friends now knew
the truth. I didnt have to bear reality alone.
So, dont you want to see the dress? Maria piped up.
I grinned. Surprise me, I said, leaving the bathroom. She
followed closely behind until we walked into the living room.
So Castile, I placed my hands on the top of the couch
where he was sitting and leaned forward. Heard you caused a
lot of ruckus yesterday.
Sebastian snorted behind us and Blake chuckled.
I made a crack in the Vaziel statue and caused a minor
earthquake, he admitted. As a prank, of course, but I dont


think the guards found it amusing.

Christa twirled her red hair, shyly. She wasnt a good liar
so she kept silent. As long as, Sebastian was here we couldnt
take any risks.
Well thats obvious. Youre such an idiot, Maria said and
she sat down on the armrest of the chair that Stark had settled
So is Blake all caught up with the vocab we studied
Maria shook her head. Not yet. Ill fill him in later, she
Other than him, are we all ready for the test? I crossed
my arms.
Christa, Stark, and Maria nodded. Yeah, Maria said.
Come on, she said to Stark and Blake. Training arena?
Stark got up and nodded in agreement. Sure, he said,
meeting my eyes. Princess, he nodded, then left with Maria.
See ya, Aless, Blake said, before he ran after them.
Christa? I called, as she turned to leave. Good luck on
the test, I said, smiling.
Her sapphire eyes sparkled. I never fail tests.
That much was true.
Moments later I left to train with Kaidan, as I had
Hope I didnt keep you waiting too long, I said,
He grinned, flicked his hand, and a column of fire sped
towards me. I deflected it with Goldfyres diamond edged
blade and scowled when he pushed me back. Patience is one
of my strong suits.


Another flame hit me from behind and sent me sprawling

onto the sandy ground. I groaned as I pulled myself to my feet.
You have my congratulations.
Pay attention, Kaidan ordered. You cant only focus on
one thing. You have to be aware of your surroundings. You
need to be versatile.
I am versatile.
Our swords collided loudly, again and again, sending
vibrating tension through my arms.
Lunge, parry, turn.
And again.
With one quick motion, he blocked my path, pushing me
closer to the wall. How versatile? he taunted.
I scowled as I stepped back once more. He had me pressed
against the wall of the arena, the blades getting closer and
closer to my neck.
I ducked, kicking Kaidans shin and spinning away from
the wall. Extremely.
He jabbed his sword at me as I hopped across the ground,
tracking every one of his movements gingerly. So Ive been
thinking...His Majesty, locking up your grandmother and
conquering Vaelyria. Youre happy to be back and thats the
end of it? he asked, mid-attack. Im surprised you havent
thought of any plans, yet.
At the mention of Ignatius, I stiffened, trying to reel in my
hateful aura rather unsuccessfully.
Vaelyria is not conquered, I said through clenched teeth,
parrying his blow.
Kaidan grinned. You really do hate him. Almost as much


as I do.
I ducked. Do we have to talk about this?
I did tell you this before. Im not much of a fan, either, he
I dodged another blade and met his eyes. Without aether, it
was hard to tell...but he seemed to be sincere. I remembered his
oath the other day. He had promised not to intentionally hurt
me and had called Ignatius insane. Whatd he do to you?
Thats a story for another day, he answered, infuriatingly
And Im not exactly known for my patience, I said,
dragging my sword against the ground and ramming the hilt of
it into his chest.
Nothing would ever change the fact that Kaidan was
Ignatiuss son. Blood was blood.
He stumbled back a few steps. Ow.
I sheathed Goldfyre. Thats enough for today, I said,
starting towards the exit without saying goodbye.
Hey, Kaidan called.
I didnt turn around, but my feet stopped moving against
my will so that my back was still facing him.
Save me a dance tonight.
He wanted to dance with me.
A calculated smile grew on my lips.
I spent the next few hours going over the plan in my head.
Once my grandmother, Ithaca, Maria, Stark, and Blake
were gone, Christa and I would find a way to free Vaemortem


and everyone else in the dungeon and escape together.

This would work. It had to. Defeat was not an option.
I searched my mind to see if I could still find Vaemortem
merely by searching for his presence. Suddenly, I was
tunneling through hallways and rooms andthere he was. A
couple of cells down was my grandmother.
The Congregation was going to start in half an hour.
Christa mustve already made her preparations in shutting
down the security cameras and in granting my access to the
dungeon and to my grandmothers cell. Maria would have
already taken care of the masks and made sure that Christa and
I could be mistaken for one another. Even though she was
shorter and had red hair, I was sure Maria would find a way for
us to pass as one another. Anyway, it wasnt as if the lights at
the Congregation were turned on very brightly.
Maria popped her head through the door, right on time,
with a dress and mask in hand.
Here you go, Aless, she handed me the dress as well as a
silver-white maska dire wolf.
Why a dire wolf?
Theyre cool. And dangerous.
I shrugged and held up the dress, arching a brow. This is a
Congregation, Marianna. A religious ball. Not a social
Shut up. Youll look hot. She held up another dress.
This is mine. Anyway, since I think your guard over here
might be a guy, we should go to the bathroom. She glared at
Sebastian. As crazy as that must sound.
He scowled.


Maria and I walked into my bathroom with our dresses in

hand. Hers was a beautiful green dress with many tresses and
sparkling emeralds. Mine was scarlethilarious, Mariawith
a low neckline and little embellishment.
Classyas you like them.
I snorted. The neckline is so classy, I said. I could only
hope that no one could tell I was wearing a tank top and shorts
under the clingy fabric of the dress.
Maria was definitely getting a kick out of this.
Is the tank top visible?
Maria shook her head. Not if you pull it down a bit more.
It is a v-neck tank top.
I raised my eyebrows. Seriously, Maria. This is a
Congregation, not a
Its perfect? I know. Now let me do your hair, Maria
said, almost too excitedly. She pinned my hair up into a bun.
Then she took my mask and snapped it into place.
You look amazing, she smiled, twirling me around and
around in the full-length mirror. And your shoes, silver to
match your dire wolf mask.
It scares me how much thought you probably put into
She crossed her arms. Dress for success.
As I fixed Marias beautiful brown hair, I placed her black
mask over her face. What a cute little panther you are.
Duh. She winked and put on her black shoes.
I laughed. How are the others?
Maria brushed away her bangs. All good. What about
I sighed, staring back into the mirror. This was my chance.


Whatever punishment Ignatius would inflict on me later, it

didnt matter. Everyone I cared about would all be safe. The
plan would work. It had to.
Come on. Lets get this damn party started.



I traveled with House Cornelius to the Masquerade
Congregation. As soon as I entered the dark ballroom with
warm lighting and classical music playing, I readjusted my
mask one last time. Everything had to be perfect.
Marianna, dont get into trouble, alright? Eleanor,
Marias mother, who had beautiful blonde hair and soft eyes,
Maria rolled her eyes and grabbed my arm. I wont,
Maria reassured her.
And dont forget, Marianna. You arent to remove your
mask. Do so for me, if not out of respect for the Lord.
Bye, Mom!
I wondered if I had ever called Layla, Mom. If only I
could remember.
Eleanor turned to meet my eyes and gave a slight curtsy,
placing her fingers to her lips, and then her forehead. Your
Royal Highness. May fortune be with you, this Angeli
I nodded towards her, touching my fingers to my lips and
then to my forehead in the same manner. And you, Madame


Enjoy the party, Maria whispered in my ear.

I kissed her on the cheek for good luck then turned to see
where Sebastian was. He was dressed in a more formal version
of his usual attire with a gun still strapped to his hip. He leaned
against the wall and he closely watched me.
I turned away and began to search for Ithaca, who,
according to Maria, was in a blue dress. Although it was hard
to see anybody in the room, I supposed that was a good thing,
but it made finding Ithaca difficult.
Alessandra, I heard a hiss.
I turned to see Christa in a yellow dress that was a little
long for her.
Are you good? I mumbled, even though I doubted
anyone could overhear anything with the loud music.
Christa barely nodded then grabbed a glass of Avaraine
champagne from one of the waitresses. I raised my eyebrows.
In my entire life I had never seen Christa drink alcohol. To
prove my point, she handed me the glass, and said. I bet you
wanted this.
I laughed. Hell yeah, I said, taking a sip. The bitter taste
settled down my throat, I felt myself relaxing, if only slightly.
May I borrow her for a second? there was another voice
in my ear. I turned to see Kaidanhe was easily recognizable,
despite the mask of a tiger that he wore over his face.
Christa gave me a questioning glance. I narrowed my eyes,
prepared to say no, but then I realized this could be the perfect
distraction for Sebastian.
I nodded toward Christa, in approval.
Sure, she said, sweetly, while I raised my glass to her as
a salute. She gave me a small wave and turned and walked


As she disappeared into the crowd of dresses and tuxedos,
Kaidan grabbed another glass from a trayno doubt it was not
his first. Strangely enough, he didnt seem the littlest bit
affected by the alcohol.
Enjoying yourself, are you? he asked sarcastically.
Im working on it, I said.
He gave me a half-smile. Well, you look his gaze
swept over me, and his eyes widened, making me feel insanely
stunning? Amazing? Scorching hot? I offered,
downing the champagne fearlessly. Avaraine was my favorite
flavor. It had a thick, bittersweet taste that burned at the throat
and left a sugary aftertaste.
He chuckled. I guess you know already.
The sound of metal against glass echoed through the
ballroom. Suddenly the music stopped playing and there was a
group of people mumbling something. I turned towards the
noiseIgnatius, dressed in a finely tailored black tuxedo was
standing on the balcony. He worse the mask of a...crocodile?
How fitting.
The voices dimmed around us.
Everyone began to bow, including Kaidan, but I was frozen
in place. I didnt want to salute King Ignatius. Not nownot
Kaidan grabbed my arm and pulled me down to his level
anyway. Startled, I shot him an evil glance.
Are you stupid? he growled. I know he may not be your
favorite person, but this kind of display wont get you
anywhere but in a dungeon.


I bit my lip to keep myself from speaking. I took a lot of

self-control to force my angry words back down my throat.
Kaidan was right. I was being foolish and too careless.
Welcome to the annual Masquerade Congregation. I hope
all of you are enjoying yourselves. Eat and drink heartily, and
toast to the beginning of a new age in Caspaer. He raised his
glass and brought it to his lips and swallowed all of it in a
single gulp.
There was no cheering, but everyone followed his action,
toasting and gulping their champagne so no one had to react to
Ignatius words. When Ignatius lifted his head, I wasnt sure if
he was staring down at me or though me. I smiled bitterly at
the King.
I hate you.
Kaidan stiffened.
May fortune be with you on this late evening. May fortune
be with you this Angeli Convivium, he said as he touched his
fingers to his lips, and then to his forehead.
We all followed suit.
With these last words, he disappeared from view.
As abruptly as the music had stopped, the music started
againa slow, serene song, perhaps a waltz.
Kaidan sighed. So that dance you promised me...May I?
he held out his hand, his eyes searched mine.
I turned to see Sebastian and his guard posse still watching
me. You know what? I smiled. Yes. You may. I took his
hand and placed my glass of champagne onto a table. What
harm could a single dance do? After all, he did look better in a
tux than most of the guys around here did, and if I wanted his
help, I wanted to be on his good side.


One of his hands slid around my waist, and his other hand
grasped mine. I gently placed my other hand on his shoulder.
It was a classic waltz, although I hadnt ballroom danced in
over a year, my muscles remembered everything. As we
danced, I searched for Ithaca, looking from one side of the
room to the other side, when I suddenly saw her. She was in a
baby blue dress and she looked so damn cute. She was talking
to Maria. Good. I turned back to face Kaidan. Adrenaline
caused my heart to pound rapidly in my chest.
Kaidan looked at me, all I could feel was his hand at my
hip, and his eyes gazing into mine. My cheeks felt hot. Damn
this dress.
He lifted his hand as he twirled me around to the music.
Then he caught me and leaned forward until his face hovered
over mine. Something about the way that he was looking at me
disconcerted me.
Do you like it? I found myself asking. The dress.
His eyes flickered as he spun me around once more. I love
it, he said, huskily and pulled me closer to him. The second I
knew what he was about to doI froze. But then I remembered
Sebastian and all the guards watching and leaned forward to
meet him halfway, my decision made. Hell, what better
distraction could there be?
I arched my back towards him. It left me vulnerable, but it
was also an invitation. I felt like the world was going up in
flames around me, and well, who knowsmaybe it didI
didnt care. My high heels gave me extra height although he
was still a few inches taller than me. I could see the outline of
his face, his eyes, his lips, so clearly.
Slowly, his mouth met mine. I deliberately wrapped my


arms around him, pulling him even closer as his hands went
everywhere, from my neck, to my back, to the bottom of my
waist, then down my legunhurriedly.
He broke away to say, Youre wearing shorts under
I choked. Wouldnt want any accidents with that slit and
Chuckling, he leaned back in and his lips traveled to my
cheekbone and down to my neck.
I closed my eyes and ran my fingers through his soft,
golden blonde hair, pressing myself further into him. His
golden eyes shined and the edges of his mouth quirked
upwards. Then I heard the voice in my head again.
I broke away suddenly, out of breath, and fell back into
Bloody Caspaer.
Kaidan had brown hair and green eyes. Not blonde hair and
golden eyes. What was wrong with me? Why was this
Kaidan cocked his head to one side. Hey, are you okay?
He placed his fingers on my chin and tilted my head up to meet
his eyes. I tried to jerk my head away. Look at me. Whats
Nothing, I said. I didnt have time for this crap.
Clenching my fist, I shook off the uncomfortable and braced
myself. There was no better time to enlist Kaidans helpno
other time. But theres something I should tell you, I said.
He arched a brow, waiting.
I could back out of it now. I could make up some lame


thing instead of risking exposure. Instead, I said, Im going to

escape tonight.
Then I clamped my jaw shut with my hand, shocked.
You mean, escape from my father, he said, nodding
I gave a jerky nod, anxiety gripping me. I didnt know what
to expect. Maybe he would yell and point and tell security to
grab me. I surely hoped nothe had kissed me, and I was
pretty sure I had at least some influence on him.
He didnt say anything for so long that I began to doubt that
he was going to reply at all. My heart slammed into my throat.
What if he really set security on us? Everything would be
I was so, so stupid. I didnt even know him well enough.
How could have I just chanced everything on his reaction? On
someone I barely knewmoreover, Ignatiuss son? And I just
wanted to tell you because...youve been starting to mean more
to me and I...wanted you to know.
Hopefully that sounded genuine.
He was silent for so long that I was sure I had failedthat
he would alert security right then and there. Then finally, he
said, I can help you.
I blinked. What?
I can help you, he said again. I said I would from the
start. And I know my way around the Palace.
Relief flooded me. Thank you, I said, flashing him a big,
grateful smile. Ill be right back. Wait for me here?
Sure, he said.
Without wasting any more time, I scrambled away to find
Christa. As far as I could tell, Ithaca and Maria were gone.


Now it would be our turn.

Christa. Christa! I met her eyes and slowed down.
Whereve you been? I almost thought you were going to
forget! she stammered nervously.
I winced. Nowhere. Im here now.
She looked squeamish. Everythings in place, but
But what? I closed the bathroom door behind us.
She grimaced. I dont know. I have a really bad feeling
about this. I guess Im just nervous.
I tried to give her a reassuring smile. This is going to
work. Do you know where Blake is?
She shrugged. I think I saw him earlier, which means he
was able to get in, but I dont know where he went.
I rolled my eyes. Okay, whatever. I can handle the guards
on my own if I need to. Ithaca and Maria have already left,
havent they?
She pretended to dance casually next to me with a fake
smile on her face as she slipped the hilt of the dagger into my
hand. She hadnt been checked for weapons the way that I had
been checked. Yeah. Its up to us now.
Everything was in place. I took another deep breath. Okay,
you ready?
She nodded again, but I could tell how nervous she was by
the way she was wringing her fingers and tapping her foot.
Thank you for this, I said in earnest.
She smiled shyly, and something glistened down her cheek.
A tear. I wiped it away. Just know that were all here for you
and well always be.
I nodded slightly. I love you, Chris.
I love you, too, Alessandra. Dont die out there, she


squeezed my hand.
I exhaled, giving her a confident smile. Ill try. As long as
you dont get caught. I saw her head towards Sebastian, fully
intending to spill a drink or strike up a meaningless
conversation. Sebastians eyes momentarily left me, and that
was all I needed.
I grabbed Kaidan and headed towards the exit.
Hey, a young guard with dark hair and almond-shaped
eyes blocked my way with his arm. He eyed me suspiciously.
Where are you two going?
I need some fresh air, I said.
The guard shook his head. Under order of our King, no
one may leave the ballroom.
I frowned. What reason did Ignatius have to give such an
order? I looked around the room while I tried to keep calm.
Kaidans lips were pressed to my ear. Pink aura. Flirt, he
barely whispered.
I could feel the blood pounding in my ears as I thought of a
quick lie and stepped closer to him, laying a palm on his chest.
Oh...thats a shame, I whispered, tugging Kaidan forward.
Because its getting a little stuffy in here and...I want some
time alone, I said. With my date, I practically purred the last
Your date, the guard repeated after me, skeptically, his
gaze jumping to Kaidan.
Oh, were just friends, I said as if I were reassuring him.
But feel free to join me, I smiled slyly, later, if you want.
That was all it took for the guard to step aside. Just as I was
about to step past him, he held out an arm. I stiffened.
Wait. Your name?


Lady Christa of House Fayola. Daughter of Duke Ivan.

Christas father, Ivan, had been missing for years, gone for so
long that I didnt even remember what he looked like. He
wasnt Vaelyrian, but had married into his title. Christa had
been destroyed by his departure.
He lowered his arm, a grin spreading on his face. Ill see
you later, then, Christa.
I resisted the urge to pump my fists in the air and
practically ran out of the ballroom with Kaidan in tow. As soon
I was out of the ballroom, I started to unzip the red dress and
pulled it down my body.
Kaidan stared at me, amused. Whoa there. You were
serious about spending some time alone with your date? he
raised his eyebrows with clear insinuation.
I rolled my eyes and stepped out of the dress, revealing the
tank top and shorts that I had on underneath. Stuffing the dress
and the mask into the nearest trashcan I could find, I said, You
He smirked. You caught me.
The corridor was empty. Stark had done just as he had
promised. Of course, there were going to be many guards
where I was headed. Damn Blake. What was he up to?
Vaemortem, I thought, and instantly, I could feel where he
Go left, Kaidan said. Then right. I started to run down
the hallway and removed my dagger from the strap on my leg.
Kaidan followed me, his every direction coinciding with where
I felt Vaemortem was.
I felt strangely satisfied that Kaidan was telling the truth.
That he was trustworthy.


Left. Right. Left again.

A guard blocked our path. Without any hesitation, I
jammed my elbow into the back of his head, and caught his
body as he fell forward silently.
Kaidan and I made my way down a spiral set of stairs, two
steps at a time, then burst through a series of doors. Straight.
Right. Left. Straight. Left again.
Left, Kaidan confirmed. Another guard whirled around
as I ran through the hallway. His eyes widened in surprise, then
he lunged towards me, gun in hand. I bent and spun around and
my heel came in contact with his shin. He groaned and fell to
the floor as I thrust the hilt of the knife against the back of his
neck. He crumpled.
As I headed for the dungeons, Kaidan took down another
handful of guards. Finally we came upon an iron door to the
high security dungeons. And I was standing in front of it. There
was a flickering light and a touch-screen keypad.
Damn it all. I had forgotten about that. I stared at the letters
on the pad. Most likely, I would only have one try before
everything was screwed up.
Come on. What would Christa do? I stared, frustrated, at
the keyboard. My heart pounded in anticipation. Come on.
Conquistar, Kaidan said.
I stared at him, surprised. You know the password, I said.
I really hope you know what youre doing, I said, before
hitting enter.
Access Granted, it read, as the iron doors slid open.
I grinned, and threw my arms around Kaidans neck.
Thank you, I exhaled into his shoulder.
He tightened his arms around me. Youre welcome.


I let go of him and looked down the corridor. He gave me a

reassuring nod and walked in front of me.
Then a war cry pierced through the silence and something
hit me from behind. I crashed into the floor; pain throttled my
head. I turned, my eyes zeroing in on the gun that was pointed
at me.
Dont move, the guard said roughly. He looked at
Kaidan, who stood a few meters away. Come any closer and
Ill shoot her.
I was so, so screwed. I had come so damn far.
Then suddenly, the guard toppled forward, his eyes
blanking. In his place was a very familiar figure. I exhaled in
relief. Blake! I scowled. Thanks, man, but where the hell
were you?
He looked sheepish, as he should have, while he ran his
fingers through his blonde hair. Sorry, I got caught up in the
middle of something. It took me forever to find you.
I sighed. Whatever. I admit that you had pretty good
timing. Come on. Were almost there.
We...? Then, he finally noticed Kaidan, who frowned
back. Wait a
I waved my hand. Well talk about this later, I said.
Someone should stand guard, Blake said. I can
Kaidan should do it. He knows the place better than we
do, I said, asking Kaidan with my eyes. He nodded.
Ill do it.
I smiled. See you on our way out.
Blake and I jogged down the hallway, ignoring the
confused faces of convicted Nephilim, until I came to a stop
before Vaemortems cell.


Hey, I whispered, as the draekon looked at me with

bored, red eyes.
You ssshould hurry.
I nodded, reluctantly turning away from Vaemortems cell
and stopped before my grandmothers. At first she didnt even
notice me until I opened up the retinal scanner. A look of shock
came across her weary face and she smoothened her palms
across her white pants.
Alessandra Scarlett. Access Approved. Authorized
Entrance. My heart pounded heavily, as the doors slid open.
This will work.
Grandma! Come on, we have to go, I urged. A guard ran
towards us from the other direction. Blake kneed him in the
stomach. The guard collapsed. I grabbed my grandmothers
bony arm.
Alessandra? What is this? Why arent you freeing Ithaca?
she asked, worriedly as she stepped out of the cell. The doors
closed behind us.
Stark and Maria are taking care of her. Its all going to be
okay. Hurry, I dragged her forward. She was slower than I had
Beads of sweat were rolling down Blakes forehead.
My heart threatened to burst out of my ribcageit pounded
with such ferocity. My muscles ached with anticipation and
fear; exhilaration and anxiety.
This way, I said. Were only a few feet away from the
dungeon doors. The doors slid open automatically and I lunged
forward only to crash right into someones chest. I was
abruptly stoppedagain.
A silhouette stood in the doorway. I looked up. Green eyes.


Scar across one cheekIgnatius.



I instinctively yanked off the sardonyx ring and dropped it into
my pocket. Still clad in his formal attire, Ignatius smiled at me
his head raised high so that he could gaze down on me.
How? How had he found us? Where had I made a mistake?
Where had something gone wrong? Why?
Well what do we have here? An endearing jailbreak
between Granddaughter and Grandmother? he hissed.
I raised my arms out in an attempt to shield my
grandmother from Ignatius. What did you expect? I spat.
Blake was frozen beside me. Ignatius didnt even glance at
him. His snake-like green eyes bore into mine and I stared back
Ignatius laughed, but it sounded more like he was choking
on something. Give up this silly endeavor, Alessandra. Its
over for you. Guards were filing into the dungeons behind
him. Around us, inmates were watching curiously. I didnt
think youd try to use my own son against me. Very clever!
However, Ive outsmarted you.
No. Kaidan would not havehe had promisedhe had
sworn an oath to the Lord.
Dont play stupid, girl. His eyes glinted.


My eyes skirted to the entrance of the dungeons, where

Blake and I had left Kaidan.
My heart dropped to the floor.
That asshole had done it again. I was such a fool to trust
him againto think that my sweet-talking tactics would sway
him. To think that I would be able to sway a son against his
own father.
Fury rattled through me as I took a deep breath. I couldnt
think about that now. I had to get us out of here.
I didnt reply, and instead, raised my dagger in front of me.
It was such a small, meek weapon, compared to Goldfyre. It
didnt fit in my palm familiarly and didnt reassure me of my
strength. As it was, I had none. But for my grandmother, I
needed to.
And then something stepped out from behind Ignatius. A
winged creature. angel.
I almost instinctively kneeled, but shock kept me standing.
An angel? with Ignatius? A bloody angel. The creatures we
had worshipped foreverthis angel, dressed in a black suit,
stood beside Ignatius, supporting him, approving of his actions.
His expression was cold, dangerous, and intriguing.
My mouth opened. But no words came out.
With pale green eyes, it was evidently a lesser angel, but
the power that radiated from his skin and unseen aura was
incredible. Glorious. Frightening. And yet...
Alessandra, his voice spoke in a rich, melodic voice. I
applaud your bravery, but you are not seeing clearly. Work
with us and you will be rewarded.
I nearly fainted from shock. Youyou have sided with
with him? As if...what I was doing was wrong? As if Ignatius


Ignatius smiled, victoriously. My cause is for heaven. He
turned and kneeled before the angel; everyone else except
Grandmother, Blake, and me followed his example.
My Lord, Ezekiel, Ignatius said, lowering his head. Do
we have your blessing? he asked, his voice filled with worship
and madness.
You do. Now, rise, the angel nodded.
I shook my head, incredulously. I dont understand.
Youre an angel, an Otherworldly being. How could you side
against Grandmother? The rightful Queen of Vaelyria? You
cant...even interfere with Caspaeran issues.
The angel smiled. Ah, but I have not hurt anyone. And is
Ignatius not also the King of a Light Kingdom? His pale green
eyes stared straight into my eyes and his eyes were glowing.
Now, will you make the right choice and aid us in our journey
to rid the world of hell, or will you betray us?
I couldntI couldnt answer. This angel was telling me to
side with Ignatius. The man who had destroyed my world as I
had known it.
Everything that I had been taught in my life told me to
kneel before this angel. To pledge my allegiance to this
heavenly creature, and yet...
I couldnt.
There was something so twisted, so revoltingly warped
about my situation. Ezekiel was...unholy. He gave off a strange
feelingsomething that resembled arrogance and powerhungriness that I hadnt seen before in other angels.
I couldnt kneel before him.
I couldnt.


You are either with or against us; the angel said again.
You will work with us willingly or you will be forced to.
Since I wasnt with him, then I had only one other option.
I would die before I followed you, I spat. You are no better
than a demon.
Before I could wonder whether or not Id burn in hell for
my words, the angel smiled. Then you will be forced to.
Ignatius raised a hand. Retrieve the girlalive. The other
two pose no threat to us.
I raised an eyebrow. While Grandmother had no power, at
the moment, Blake was stronger than I waseven if he only
had one emblem. Was Ignatius underestimating him? Strange.
I knew the angel, Ezekiel, was bound by heavenly law and
could not physically fight us without being challenged first, but
nevertheless, his presence was overwhelming. Excluding him, I
was still outnumbered. The guards rushed towards me all at
once, some of them with swords, and others with guns. I
twirled the dagger in my hand as I waited for Blake to back me
up. But he was still frozen in place. Why would he let me down
at a time like this?
There was no time to think. My heart was straining and my
head was pounding. My muscles were tense and aching, but I
forced myself to make a move.
The guards were shooting the floor near meas a warning.
After all, Ignatius wanted me alive. Then more guards darted
towards me with swords in their hands. I parried one and
kicked away another. A guard hit one of the glass walls with a
sickening crack while another crumpled the floor.
Grandmothers life depends on me. I have to carry through.
A shot rang out, startling me. I kicked another guard away,


thankful for my heels, but for every guard that I knocked down
there seemed to be three more standing in his place.
I could still see Ignatius through the flurry of guards,
watching me, gloating in my inevitable defeat. I hate you.
A bullet connected with my arm and a cry escaped from my
lips. Blood was trailing down to my hand. With my other hand
I continued to fight. My dagger came into contact with flesh,
and suddenly, all I could think about was taking down
everything in my way.
Tears were streaming down my cheek from the pain then
there was another blow to my chin. Blood on my lips. Iron and
salt. Fight. There was too many of them. Too many. But I had
to. I had to protect my grandmother.
To my surprise, I froze, as did all the guards. I turneda
guard had snuck through my defenses, and was now holding a
knife to my grandmothers neck. Blake was nowhere to be
Alessandra? my grandma whispered. Its alright. Its
she cried out as blood trickled down her neck. I could tell the
guard was frightened, but determined. His knuckles were
white, and his bottom lip quivered, but all my eyes could see
was the blade against her pale skin.
Stop it! I shrieked, panic filling my brain, removing any
sense of logic. My heart was ripping out of my chest. Stop it!
Please! I dropped my dagger and the sound of it hitting the
floor echoed through the dungeon. Leave her alone!
Ignatius laughed. You dare beg for mercy now?
I swallowed, meeting his cold eyes. Please.
Ignatius threw his head back and laughed obnoxiously. Do


it properly. Kneel before Ezekiel and I.

Dont Grandmother began, but was quieted once more
by a grunt.
I turned and dropped to my knees as the guards formed an
aisle for Ignatius and the angel to watch through.
A surge of bitterness and anger roared inside me and I sank
my teeth into my lips to keep myself from rebelling. I felt so
much hatehate for Ignatius and that bloody, wicked angel.
Heat rose to my cheeks, but I kept my head down. Please
spare my grandmother, Your Majesty and my Lord. The
words tasted vulgar in my mouth.
Ignatius roared with laughter again and the angel smiled
You couldve just asked earlier, Ignatius smiled.
My shoulders sagged with relief.
But I dont think so. He turned to seek Ezekiels
approval. To my terror, the angel nodded, as Ignatius raised a
No. I turned just in time, my eyes wide with shock, to see
the guard slit my grandmothers throat.
Her pale lips formed an O. She didnt even have the time
to cry out. Blood spurted from her neck as her muscles
contracted in spasms. Her eyes grazed mine and then she
crumpled to the floor. Her auburn hair trailed after her and her
eyelids fell shut. Blood coated her white clothing. I heard the
sound of her flesh against the cold, hard, white floor. The noise
made me jolt.
AlAlessandra, she croaked. Make us she gasped,
as I looked on in horror. proud, her last word was barely a


My hand shook as it reached for her.

My grandmother was dead. My eyes were frozen to her
corpse. So much bloodeverywherehers. I waited for the
tears to come. They didnt.
No. I heard myself cry out, but it wasnt really me. Not
anymore. No. The word was louder this time and then louder
again. Reality slowly sank in. A scream erupted from my dry
throat and everything was going white. My vision was blurry,
but I grabbed my dagger from the floor, automatically aiming
for anything and everything.
I wanted to kill. Everyone here was guilty. Everyone here
deserved to die.
My dagger connected with flesh and blood stained my
cheek. Bodies slumped to the floor and I didnt give it a second
thought. Power was rising in meas if a trickle of my
elements were raised from slumber. Fire encompassed my
hands and the entire dungeon was up in flames.
Destroy them all.
I will destroy them all.
There was yelling, screaming, scrambling, but all I could
think about was to sever everyones lifethe way they did my
grandmother. Our Queen was dead. The others would soon
follow her to the Otherworld.
Suddenly I couldnt think of any other word except:



Fury coated my mind. My limbs were numb and constantly
moving. My body was burning, churning, and the world around
me had erupted. The sound of screaming came from every
I wont be subdued by any of you. I will avenge her. Insane
glee rattled through me whenever I heard the sound of my
blade coming in contact with flesh. Every death was another
penance for my grandmother. Every death was one more step
in my revenge.
I feltsomewhere inside me and maybe around me tooa
cage break. Silver-blue wings broke free and fire filled the air.
That was when I knew I was no longer fighting alone. I had a
draekona draekon that felt everything that I felt and held the
same desperate fury that I held. My draekon was willing to die
for me.
Sometime through the chaos, through the smoke and fire, I
felt myself falling. The pain in my body numbed and was
replaced with soothing warmthtingling. I thought about the
stories of angels falling from heaven, their wings were stripped
away and dissolved into light. Maybe that was the only way I
could finally be free.


I awoke to the bright lights irritating my eyes. There were
needles piercing my skin, like thousands of small bugs,
crawling all over me. My eyes fluttered open then closed again.
I had a headache, and a numb, limp bodywith nerves that
didnt seem to function. My back was pressed against
something hard and my hair stuck to my forehead in slick
Noise. The hum of machinery.
Do it, a gruff voice said. Another needle sank into my
arm that elicited a slight jab of pain. Clouds moved over my
eyes, fogging up my senses, and I descended back into a
dreamless sleep.
My eyes opened slowly, cautiously, as if I were afraid of
what I might see.
As I focused on the image in front of mea white, blank
ceiling, I relaxed. For a moment, I didnt move, waiting for my
nerves to reconnect with my fingers. I twitched my thumb,
surprised that it actually moved, and shuddered as a breath
traveled through me.
The floor was hard against my spine. Painfully hard. And
cold. It was so, so cold. I tilted my head to one side. There
were glass walls surrounding me like the cells in the high
security dungeons. Yet, as far as I knew, I was alone. But I was
alive. I tried to stand up from the hard floor, but my head still
throbbed. My legs couldnt support me. I leaned against the


wall to prevent myself from toppling over. My knees wouldnt

lock and threatened to give way at any moment.
My headache had caused blurry spots in my eyes and I had
difficulty focusing on what was in front of me. The floor
seemed far away, then suddenly so close, and then everything
blurred together.
Ouch. What the hell? I mumbled, raising an arm.
Handcuffs. Made of quicksilver. Why? Had the quicksilver I
had previously drunk already wore off?
OrHm. Or was I hung-over? I tried to reach for
answersfor what I knew about my situation. Why was I so
dizzy? The harder I tried to remember, the further my memory
seemed to slip away from my grasp. What was I doing here?
I looked down at myself. At the white clothes that I was
dressed in. Definitely not mine. I lifted a hand, inspecting it
carefully, and then froze. My hand seemed normal, but
something redsomething dusty was caught under my
fingernails. I looked closer and watched the reddish-brown dust
crumble to the floor.
Dried blood.
And then it hit me. Grandmothers death washed over me
like a wave as blood drained from my face. Suddenly, every
emotion felt so much stiffer, so much colder, coated by
undeniable hatred. A fire pumped through my veins. A
compulsion to killa need to destroyoverwhelmed any
other sense I had.
Then slowly that hatred faded into nothingness. I deflated.
The emotion seeped out of me like air out of a popped balloon.
Grandmother couldnt be dead, but she was, butDont


think, I told myself. Turn it off. Turn all of it off. A blank

canvas. And then it was all gone.
I sat motionless for hours. Then somewhere in the midst of
counting draekon in my headI had reached the number two
thousand thirty sixthe door slid open and somebody that
resembled a doctor, walked in. He was a middle-aged man,
with dark, gray-streaked, hair and brown eyes.
Your Royal Highness, he bowed. I am Dr.
He seemed confused by my response. Wouldnt you like
to know where you are, Your Royal Highness?
I felt tired and empty, as if I hadnt eaten for daysbut I
wasnt even hungry. It wasnt my stomach that was empty. It
was my brain.
Whatever, I said.
Youre in the Medical Centre of Aetherius Palace, Your
Royal Highness. Youve been in a coma for the past three
days, he answered.
Three days? Hmm. So this wasnt heavenunfortunately.
The man frowned and readjusted his glasses with one
finger. Isnt there anything else youd like to know, Your
Royal Highness?
I shrugged.
Like, perhaps where His Majesty is? He meant Ignatius.
Ah. Ignatius. Was I supposed to ask about him? Fine.


Where is Ignatius?
His Majesty is currently preoccupied.
Preoccupied. I wondered what sort of things Ignatius could
be preoccupied with. Probably preoccupied with eating little
children and killing the elderly.
Anything else, Your Royal Highness? he prodded.
Well, there was one thing. I ran my hand through my thick,
black hair. What do you want from me?
Dr. Blythewood smiled, as if this was the question he
wanted to answer. His Majesty has ordered me to explain his
plans to you, he raised up his hands. His Majesty believes
you will understand.
I laughed without an ounce of emotion. Understand? I
paused, and for some reason the word made me hysterically.
Understand, I repeated, chuckling at the bubbly feeling that
suddenly filled my chest. Understand. Understand why he
killed my grandmother? Of course. Surely. I will understand. I
laughed again.
Dr. Blythewood winced. That was an unfortunate event,
Your Royal Highness, his voice was quiet.
I laughed again, almost with a hint of insanity. Images of
her blood seeping from her throat, of her expression, flashed
before me. Yes. Yes, Im sure Ignatius is thinking the same
thing. An unfortunate eventunfortunate indeed. It seemed
that once I started speaking, I couldnt stop. I wanted him to
leave. I suddenly felt the urge to be alone, to simply memorize
the glass walls and the tiled floor and the white ceiling.
The doctor shook his head, and sighed. Please, Your
Royal Highness.
Your Royal Highness. Dont call me that. Dont even


address me, I smiled madly, another chuckle escaped my

throat. You have no right.
Dr. Blythewood was clearly exasperated. His Majesty
wants to build an army. He believes most Nephilim to be too
weak to fightespecially ones with only one emblem. He finds
you and the others special.
Special. He found me special? What about the others?
Were they special too? I laughed again. So special that he
killed my grandmother?
He ignored me.
His Majesty wants to use you to create an army that can
also use five elements. In his research, His Majesty discovered
that just a drop of your bloodconcentrated in the blood of
angelscan mutate Nephilim, with of course, the possibility of
failure. Dr. Blythewood paused. To do so, the Nephilim must
be wiped cleanby the use of AITS-7. Aether Induced Trance
Syndrome, possible because of our most recent technology and
use of aether-based injections. The disease will cause the
Nephilim to become completely subservient and susceptible to
your mutated blood.
The doctor searched my expression, and when he found
nothing, he continued. The true operation started a little over
four months ago. It is based on a decade of research, and very
soon, all Nephilim of Vaelyria and Caesia will be tested for
their potential, and either left the way they are, or injected with
AITS-7. We are onto the last batch of test subjectsthe
principals and nobles of Vaelyria. Of course, most of these
people will be left alone, but the weakest will be subdued.
Great. Wonderful. Delightful.
Dr. Blythewood seemed pleased to get no response out of


me. At first, we tested this theory with His Majestys blood,

since he has three emblems. Only two Nephilim have survived
from the mutation and both are more powerful than before.
Emblems. Mutations. So many, many, words.
Yesterday, we took a sample of your blood and conducted
a few tests on it. It is supposedly agreeable to this sort of
operation. You arent scared of needles, are you? Dr.
Blythewood asked.
Needles. I twittered. Does it matter if I am? Needles were
like small, small swords. How could I be scared of needles?
The doctor smiled, knowingly. I suppose not. He pressed
something on a device.
Dr. Blythewood? the voice in the device said.
Hello Dr. Zarian. Please bring in the materials.
There was static. Ill be right there, doctor.
True to her word the door slid open within moments. A
short lady with glasses walked into the room. She bowed.
Your Royal Highness.
I smiled. Dont talk to me, I said in a threateningly sweet
She was obviously frightened. Y-yes, she mumbled,
turned to Dr. Blythewood and handed him a tray of materials.
This is what you asked for.
Dr. Blythewood nodded. Thank you. You may leave
Dr. Varian gave one more nervous glance at me then
walked out of the room.
Dr. Blythewood sighed. You didnt have to frighten her.
I chuckled again. Id prefer if you didnt talk to me


He frowned, setting down his materials. He pulled out

some sort of weird, clear sack, with a tube connected to it, a
portable charger or wire or something, and a needle with a
Arm, please?
The one that I got shot in or the other one? There was a
new scar on my left arm and apparently the bullet had already
been removed. Maybe that was what Ignatius thought of as an
act of kindness on his part.
Dr. Blythewood sighed again, as if I were purposely trying
to be bitter. Did he not yet understand? I couldnt even feel
bitterness. The other one.
I obediently held my arm out. I couldnt really do anything,
anyway. Grandmother was dead leaving me here on my own.
Stop thinking. Stop feeling.
He sank the needle into my arm causing my arm to twitch.
Dr. Blythewood slowly drew out blood, removed the needle,
and cleansed the puncture. He placed a bandage on my arm.
There. This small amount of blood could mutate almost a
hundred Nephilim, Dr. Blythewood righted himself.
So now Im just a living bag of blood? I laughed again.
That was exactly how I felt. Blood couldnt feel emotion. It
just went with the flow. Flow? I could flow?
No. You are the mother of the entire Caesian Vaelyrian
army. Our savior, a rattling voice stated firmly.
I wanted to puke.
I hadnt noticed the door had slid open and Ignatius himself
had walked in.
Your Majesty, Dr. Blythewood bowed.
Always a pleasure, I smiled.


Ignatius evil eyes widened. He was rarely surprised, but I

supposed something about me was really, really off.
Well since you are being so cooperative, he glanced at
the syringe of blood in Dr. Blythewoods hands, then I
suppose I wont be expecting any trouble from you, girl.
Dont talk to me, I said firmly.
He looked at me strangely, unsure if I was purposely being
stubborn, or just messed up, and he turned to the doctor. Dont
do anything stupid, or I will kill you. You are replaceable.
Dr. Blythewood blinked. Ignatius gave him a snake-like
smile, then slithered away.
Is he usually this warm and sparkly to you? I asked.
Dr. Blythewood gave me a strange stare, as if he were
trying to figure out what was wrong with my headwhich was
a whole lothe sighed and turned away.
I shrugged then settled into a corner of the cell and went
back to nowhere in my head.
I will have to conduct some more experiments, using your
blood, and tomorrow, you will meet your creations. He
walked towards the door and pressed his finger onto the
scanner pad. It scanned his print. He paused and sighed once
more. Well, assuming that any survivethat is.
I crouched down, leaning against the wall of my cell. My
grandmother was dead. How could she? How could she have
done this to me?
Seconds, minutes, or even hours passed, and I obediently
sat against the wall, somehow so interested in the details of the
ceiling. It was completely white, but sometimes there were a
few marks here and there. I memorized them, greeted them,
and got to know them on a first-name basis.


The marks and I were like friendsboth out of place

useless. I didnt even look up when the doors slid open.
If I felt any emotion, it was irritation.
I answered with the first words that came to mind.
Ignatius son?
Kaidan ran his fingers through his hair, and sighed
something everyone seemed to be doing around me lately.
Look, I dont have much time before Ignatius gets back. I
know what this looks like, his eyes were pleading. But
I interrupted him to say, You can leave now.
Kaidan ignored my demand and sat down beside me so that
he could meet my eyes. I know you might not want to talk to
me, but
Why does everyone want to talk? First, Dr. Blythewood,
then some other doctor, your daddy, and now you? Seriously.
Why cant everyone just shut up? Like, forever. The words
just poured out of my mouth without a second thought. I
mean, considering that youre the one that sold me out and
basically killed my grandmother, why should I talk to you? Are
you that stupid? I couldnt control my own words and
couldnt stop staring at the marks on the ceiling as I spoke.
They didnt belong. They shouldve been erased. Like I
was. I shouldnt have still existed.
One of his hands gripped my arm. His skin was warm
against mine. I didnt. I really didnt sell you out. I dont
know who did. Ill see what I can do to find out.
I cocked my head to one side. Arent there cameras and
bugs in here? Wont Daddy Devereux get mad if he knows
youre trying to be nice to me? Or is this a plot, too? A giggle


escaped from me. Daddy Devereux, I repeated. Alliteration.

Daddy Devereux it was an alliteration. Professor Warner
would be so, so, proud at my use of figurative language.
I dont care, his jaw tensed. By that time A look of
confusion plashed in his eyes. Whats wrong with you? Are
you listening? Kaidan seemed genuinely concerned as he
followed my eyes to the ceiling and then returned his gaze to
Wrong with me? Whats wrong with you? I snapped.
Kaidan shook his head.
I had an urge to run my fingers through his hair. It looked
so softlike melted, milk chocolate fondue. I missed fondue.
That stuff was French, Sherri had told me. Shed bought me
some from a local French bakery.
Never mind. It doesnt matter if you dont believe me. Just
be careful, because theres someone you know that you cant
trust, his voice interrupted my thoughts.
It was cold in the cell. Maybe that was why I was so numb.
I grabbed his hand, lacing my cold fingers with his warm ones,
and he met my eyes, surprised. And then he grinned, as if
Soso youre not angry.
Angry? Why would I be angry? His hair looked so soft I
couldnt help myself. I ran my fingers through it and his eyes
widened in surprise.
I kissed him.
His lips were warm against mine, and I was so very cold. I
was ice and he was sunlight and he was melting me, and it
feltnice. Warm.


His hand found the back of my neck. His touch was warm.
A muffled groan escaped from his throat, as he broke away,
breathing heavily. I missed the warmth immediately.
We cant be doing this now, he said, even though the
look in his eyes said that he wanted to do nothing but this.
God, you have no idea what
I tugged on his arm, hating the iciness that I felt. Hating the
numbness. I needed to feel his body heat, his warmth, and I
was instantly satisfied when his lips were on mine once again,
hungry and desperate. I pulled away and let out a little lighthearted giggle that made him freeze.
He frowned.
Are you okay? he asked, his eyes searching my
It was cold again. I didnt like the cold. Maybe I would be
if you could get me some blankets. This place is really, really
cold. I reached blindly for his arm. And your skin is really,
really, warm.
He stiffened and jerked his hand away. What are you
trying to do?
I raised my eyebrows. What am I trying to do? What are
you trying to do?
His smile completely faded. Did they do something to
you? I swear if my He stopped talking because I had
scooted over and leaned my head on his shoulder. It was nice
and warm against Kaidan. I closed my eyes and drifted away.
Alessandra. I think youreI think your grandmothers
his voice broke.
I dont think you should say her name. You did kill her.
The Queen is dead. Do you think you could turn the heat up in


here? I asked.
Kaidan jerked away with an expression of horror plastered
across his face. I didntyoure notI need to find Christa.
Shed know what to do with you. He looked at me as if I were
a puzzle piece with missing parts. Unsolvable. Unfixable.
Something started to rise in my chest, but I forced it back
down just as quickly. Dont feel. I leaned back against the cold
wall. I dont think shed like you very much once she finds
out you killed my grandmother. I was numb, again. Why was
it so cold?
Kaidans eyes flickered, and for a moment, he seemed
angry. Youre not even going to ask me how everyone is?
I cocked my head to one side. Why would I care?
His eyes were flaming now. You cant be like this.
Be like what?
Shits hitting the fan out there! My father is about to
destroy everything our ancestors worked for. Including your
grandmother. I froze. His words honed in on my heart.
Stop. Dont talk to me. Go away, I whispered, my hands
had begun to shake. I didnt think it was only because of the
cold nowI was shivering from inside.
Im sure somebody has told you what he plans to do.
Youre the key to his plan and youre not doing anything about
it? his voice was rising now.
My eyes seemed to find his for the first time. My head hurt
so much. IIm tired. Please leave, I murmured. I dont. I
Dont think. Dont feel.
I wont let you do this! he growled. You cant sit here


like youre some irresponsible childlike so many people

arent depending on youlike there arent any lives at stake
and all you have to worry about is yourself! I get it. I know
youve lost someone important and
I interrupted him again. Dont say it! the words came out
of my mouth in a scream. My head seemed to explode into a
thousand fragmentsI didnt want to feel the searing pain that
was cutting me. I didnt want to think; I didnt want to
understand. Get away from me! Go Away! I screamed. My
voice was shrill and high-pitched, and I was vibrating, red hot
pain colliding with my senses. Tears were streaming from my
cheek and I choked out a hopeless sob.
There was the knock on the glass. A guard stood outside
and tapped his wrist with two fingers. I took a deep breath,
willing all of the pain to go away. One breath at a time. In. Out.
In. Out.
I imagined an ocean, dragging all of my feelings farther
and farther from the sand, back into the deep, dark waters.
It doesnt matter. Nothing matters.
The tears came to a stop. And dried on my cheek. Froze.
Kaidan was staring at me, his eyes wide, but for some
reason filled with renewed hope, and he shook his head. My
father is back. I have to go. Then he leaned forward so that his
lips were beside my ear. And I know youre in there
I shuddered.
Kaidan seemed to notice and gave me a familiar, aching
Little Neph, he murmured as he stood to leave. I didnt
take my eyes away from the ceiling and continued to hug my


knees and rocked back and forth. Cold.

Dont feel. Dont think.
And then he was gone.



Youre in there. Somewhere. I replayed those words over and
over again in my mind.
Was I really? Did that even make sense? Of course I was
herethis was my body, my mind. Most of all why was I
thinking about this? Who cared? Obviously I didnt. I didnt
care about anything. Not about Kaidan and most definitely not
about what Dr. Blythewood was saying at the moment.
Do you understand? he asked, piercing my thoughts.
Understand what? I murmured, shivering.
Dr. Blythewood took off his glasses and wiped the lenses
with his shirt and shook his head in the process. Id appreciate
if youd listen the first time I say things.
He sighed. After attempting to mutate approximately fifty
Nephilim only one has survived. Were hoping that she will be
much stronger than before and you must fight her so that we
can gauge her power and the effects of the mutated blood. Are
you willing to fight?
But I was tired. I didnt want to do anything. Ever. Maybe
the cold was taking its toll on me. So, so numb.
Yes? he asked.


I supposed I had to. Okay. I would be quick. Then I

could return here and stare at the white ceiling. My new sky. A
very ugly sky.
Hopefully I could convince him to turn on the heater.
And your weapon of choice? he prodded.
I shrugged. Anything.
Please do not make my job harder. Choose a weapon. He
demanded. Was my indecision making his life harder? He
could choose for me. Wouldnt that be easier? The doctor
tapped his foot against the white floor.
I honestly could not care less what I liked or disliked. I just
said the first thing that came to mind. A bow and arrow?
Normally, I preferred swords, but I really didnt care what I
preferred anymore.
Very well, Dr. Blythewood obliged.
He waved his hand and a few guards entered the room. One
of them grabbed the chain connected to my handcuffs and
yanked me to my feet. I allowed myself to be dragged out of
the room, down the hallway, and through a pair of guarded
Inside, was an indoor arena-like place, but still looked
medical somehow. Maybe it was the white walls. It was
enormous, about the size of a football field, and on one side of
the room was a glass-encased booth. All of the walls were
perfectly smooth and there was blinding light streaming from
bulbs in the high ceiling. I hadnt seen sunlight forhow long?
Id lost count.
His Majesty and I will watch from there at all times, Dr.
Blythewood pointed to the booth. My gaze followedwhere
many Dukes and Duchessessome Vaelyrian, some


Caesianas well as King Ignatius, sat. It was as if I were a

ballerina performing in a theatre for their enjoymentand I
didnt even mind.
Dr. Blythewood motioned towards a guard who produced a
key and inserted it into the lock in my handcuffs and removed
them from my wrists.
The doctor mustve sensed the passive curiosity in my
expression. Your elemental power will return shortly with the
removal of your handcuffs. We believed that the mutant must
be gauged based on your full elemental powers.
A guard handed me a bow and a pack of arrows that I slung
around my shoulder. Why had I chosen a bow and arrow,
again? I couldnt remember.
And dont try anything. The arena has certain defenses
that we can employ if you lack disobedience, including a
mercury-fumed vent. With or without your powers you are
under our control here. He gave me a sad, sympathetic smile
that I couldnt really understand. Why was he being
sympathetic? Could he possibly care?
I knew that I didnt care. More than anything else, I wanted
to go back to my cell and count the blemishes on the ceiling. I
just had to finish whatever they wanted me to do and then I
could return to doing nothing. Worrying about nothing. Feeling
Dr. Blythewood cleared his throat. Good luck, Your Royal
Highness. He hadnt called me that for a while, ever since I
had told him not to. Hearing that title now irritated me, but I
didnt respond.
The doctor and the few guards turned to leave the room.
Within moments, I was alone.


I moved my hands over the bow, mechanically. It was

made of smooth, fine metal. I tugged on the string. Sturdy
I could kill with this. Quickly, too.
I fitted an arrow onto the bow, without giving it a second
thought and tested it under my palm. Yes. I could kill with this.
Another blast of light filled the room. A door from the
other side of the arena opened and the silhouette of a girl
entered the arena. She was holding a lance in one hand, but her
features were too far away for me to see who she was.
Soldier 106A. Do you understand your instructions? Dr.
Blythewood was speaking into the intercom from the booth.
There was no name, only a number, followed by a letter. No
identity other than that.
Yes, sir, she said, her voice strangely hollow. Even more
hollow than mine.
Then please proceed. The intercom clicked off and
immediately the girl shot towards me without hesitation. She
was made to do this. Her personality was wiped away.
Her boots kicked against the floor. Her brown hair trailed
in the wind. As she neared me, her eyes became clearer to me
and as I expected, they were hollow. Expressionless. No
feeling was existent.
Her sword caught on fire and wind that she had created
howled in the arena. A storm was brewing inside the room and
water came towards me in all directions. The ground was
shaking beneath me with a series of threatening tremors.
I could feel the power in the air and the energy that buzzed
around her. So much powerstolen powerfrom me.


I glanced at Ignatius, who was watching keenly from the

booth. His eyes glowed madly in excitement. This was what he
wanted. He was proud. Proud of hisof mycreation.
My elemental powers were seeping back into me. I could
feel it, but it did nothing to enliven me. I had thought my
power was the missing part of me, but it seemed that even with
it, I was incomplete.
Her sword jabbed towards my neck. I pivoted out of the
way. She jabbed again; her movements were so robotic and
mechanical. Once more, I shifted, barely avoiding her blade.
She aimed towards my abdomen, but I blocked her sword with
my bow.
Funny, how I was using my bow as a sword. So why did I
choose to use a bow and arrow in the first place? Goldfyre had
always been my weapon of choice, and while I did like to use a
bow and arrow, I would still choose a sword in a fight to the
death at any other time. My choosing a bow and arrow made
no sense whatsoever.
Was this a fight to the death? Maybe a fight to her death.
Not to mine. Ignatius wanted me alive so that he could use me
as his permanent blood bag. The thought was gross. Totally
I laughed.
Soldier 106A leapt high, high above me, her sword raised
above her head like a hammer.
It was like her movements were programmed. Nothing in
her expression gave away anything. This was the result of a
Nephilim with AITS-7. I already knew that.
I stared up at her, her empty features and emotionless eyes,
and wondered how she used to be, back when she still had life


in her. Before Ignatius deemed her too weak to be preserved,

and took her personality away from her. Before Ignatius
injected her with bloodmy bloodand gambled with her life
in order to see if she could become stronger and attain perfect
Nephilim statusa five-element Nephilim.
And while I had four emblems, I didnt feel perfect. But
then again, I didnt feel anything at all. But it didnt matter.
The way I was, I couldnt care less. I couldnt stop to wonder if
she could be saved. I simply didnt care.
Casually I raised the bow into the air and aimed. This was
just like in practice. I had been very good at hitting targets.
While I wasnt the best archer at the Academy, I had been good
enough to be admired for my accuracy. But Caelestis was a
thing of the past now, too. Alessandra Scarlett was a thing of
the past.
I pulled the string on the bow back farther; the tension in
the bow caused it to creak. My hand shifted and the arrow
The wind was coming from the left. I narrowed my eyes
once more, gauging the speed of the wind...and I released the
arrow. With a whoosh, the arrow pierced the air and struck her
in the chest with a soft, thumping noise. The sword fell from
her hand, landing on the floor. Her body followed and a red
pool of blood surrounded the arrow.
In my mind, I could see my grandmothers auburn hair
trailing behind her as she fell to the blood-splattered floor.
106A was silent, not even gasping for air.
I felt a strange satisfaction rise in my chest. After all, why
did it matter that this girl was dead? After all, the Queen of
Vaelyria, my grandmother, had been slaughtered just days


The wind died down. The earth stopped shaking and the
water sank back into the floor. The fire burned itself away. My
legs carried me over to her as if I were obligated to see what I
had done. I peered down at the girl, whose lips were parted,
blood trickling down her battle suit.
Y-Your Royal Highness, she whispered, barely audible. I
knelt down beside her, my eyes marveled at how the emotion
crept back into her expression. She recognized me. AITS-7 was
no longer working on her. She was dying.
I waited for her to curse me out, to attempt to sever my life
for what I had done to her. I waited for her to wish me luck in
hell, to call me a monster or a demon, to tell me what exactly I
had taken away from her. Her family? Her beloved? Her
future? And yet
Th-thank you. She said.
Not at all what I had expected.
Her eyes closed, but I wasnt sure what I had seen in them
just moments before. It couldnt have been gratitude. Surely
But she had said thank you. But for what? I had just
pierced her heart with an arrow. Then againI had released
Feelings crept into my veins and the numbness slowly
faded. No. Stop. I didnt want to feel the pain that came along
with itthe sadness and the anger. I forced it down again,
mentally locking that part of me shut. Dont feel. The feeling
dissipated immediately and I sighed with relief. I was still
empty inside.
Soldier 106A? Soldier 106A, are you functional? The


static crackling of the intercom interrupted the silence in the

There was no response. Of course there wasnt. She was
dead. And I was unable to care. Her body was lifeless against
the hard, white floor, her last words still echoing in my mind.
But I didnt care.
Her arm was limp, contorted under her body, her other
hand held the arrow burrowed in her chest. The arrow I had
A girl was dead. But I didnt care that I had killed her.
Somehow, I knew that she was only the first of many that
would die by my hands.



Ignatius didnt approach me, but his eyes seemed to be
sparkling with interest. I wasnt sure if he was pleased with
what I had done.
Dr. Blythewood? I asked, as the doctor led me back into
my cell. The mercury clamps were once again on my wrists.
Yes? he asked.
Can you turn the heat up in my cell? Its really cold, I
A muscle popped in his jaw. Its seventy degrees in there.
You want it to be hotter?
I frowned. Was seventy degrees considered high? I didnt
know. Its really, really cold, I repeated. Really cold.
He sighed. Fine. He placed a finger on the scanner and
the door slid open. I walked inside obediently. Dr. Blythewood
followed me inside as I slid onto the ground. Of course, the
hard floor was cold. The doctor stared at me in silence, for a
while, and I wasnt sure if he was going to leave. Finally, he
You were never told to kill her.
I wrapped my arms around my knees. Okay.
Blythewood frowned. Then why did you?


I shrugged. I dont know. I dont know why I do anything

anymore. I justdid. And then an insane giggle escaped from
my mouth as I traced the ceiling with my eyes. I killed her.
The doctor shook his head. His Majesty isnt displeased
with what you did. In fact, His Majesty prioritizes your
cooperation, and believes that your actions show your
obedience. Blythewood paused. But I dont see your actions
as obedience. I think it is mindlessness. I think it is insanity.
Whatever has been done to youI pity you.
Pity? He pitied me?
I didnt want his pity.
Regret filled the doctors brown eyes. I am sorry,
Alessandra. Im sorry you must be this way.
Suddenly I realized that was the first time he had said my
name. Alessandra. Was I still her? The girl who fought for
what she believed in? The girl who would rather die before
giving up? No. Not me. I was weak. Worthless. Hopeless. A
lost cause. I was weak. Worthless. Hopeless. A lost cause.
Weak. Worthless. Hopeless. A lost cause. When I said it
enough times I started to believe it.
I closed my eyes and didnt notice when the doctor left.
Hours passed while I remained in a state between
consciousness and unconsciousness. I wasnt asleep, but I
wasnt awake either.
Weak. Worthless. Hopeless. Lost.
People had never pitied me before. Yet, here I was, being
the subject of someones pity. That meant that I was powerless.
That I was actuallypitiful.
For the next few days Dr. Blythewood and I established
some sort of routine. He drew blood, attempted mutations, and


ordered me to fight the survivors. He never once talked to me

about anything other than what I was supposed to do. I didnt
know why I always ended up killing the mutant. Even after
Blythewoods conversation there seemed to be an urge to kill.
Maybe the more I killed the more I could lose myself.
Maybe the angels would finally curse me for my sins and all of
this madness could stop. I didnt know what I wanted, but the
way I now livedwhich was not really livingwas worse
than death.
I killed some more mutants and I noticed that the opponents
were getting stronger and stronger. Eventually, there would be
a mutant I couldnt kill, and that didnt bother me either. I
wanted to be beaten. If I got lucky, I could finally be killed. It
was better than being insane, not really right in my mind, and
unable to do anything about it. I couldnt control my actions
and I was always so numb and cold. I seemed to be constantly
in a daze, and when I wasnt, I was giggling hysterically for no
reason at all. I loathed myself for it. For my inability to do
anything about my state of mind. I was a monster and yet I
didnt mind being one.
Sometime that week I met a man. An old, old, man. He was
held in the cell beside mine, and for some reason, he wouldnt
stop staring at me through the clear walls when we were left
alone. When he finally spoke, he asked, Whats your name? I
could hear him, even though his voice was muffled.
I didnt reply.
That seemed to amuse him and he inclined his head. Your
given name?
I hesitated. Alessandra. Alessandra Rosalyn Imperatrix
of royal House Scarlett.


He sighed. I was once royalty, too, he said nostalgically.

The King of Aeridore, in fact. Many years ago.
I stiffened. Hadnt...Kaidan and Christa mentioned the
King of Aeridore before? Wasnt he... supposed the one who
gave Caesia jurisdiction over Aeridore? And dead?
He continued. Until Ignatius came along. He arranged a
meeting when he was only an ambassador under the ruse of a
political negotiation. The bastard kidnapped me, the former
King said. And took Aeridore for himself. Secretly, of course.
The lord he has appointed to rule over Aeridore is no more than
a figurehead.
H-How long ago? I found myself asking.
Eight years ago. I spent seven and a half of them in the
Caesian dungeons, before Ignatius relocated me here. A shame
that even Vaelyria...has fallen.
That irritated me, for some reason. Vaelyria has not
fallen, I snapped.
The man smiled sadly. Oh, but it has. And its a
pity...because you could raise it once more. But no, youd
rather discard your duty to your people. Looking at you, he
motioned, Youve completely given up. Its pitiful.
My duty to my people.
I clenched my fists. It has not fallen.
Well that depends on you, doesnt it?
You could raise it once more.
Could I? How? Its hopeless. Aeridore and Vaelyria are
both under his rule. Theres nobody left.
He was silent for a moment. Then, There is another
I glanced up.


I scoffed. A demonic kingdom? I would never.
The old King of Aeridore smiled sadly. Eight years in this
cell, and Ive only learned one thing. Theres only a thin line
between good and evil.
The space between us fell silent, as he left me to ponder his
Hey, you.
My eyes snapped open at the sound of Kaidans voice.
I need to show you something, he said, as I stood up.
II thought youre not supposed to be here, I managed
to say. Pity. Did Kaidan pity me, too?
A corner of his mouth turned up. Im not. But I have a few
friends here so Ignatius wont ever find out. Its not like Im
blatantly rebelling or something.
I wanted to ask him if he knew that I was a murderer. If he
knew all the terrible things I had donethings I didnt seem to
mind doing. Would he give up on me, then? Would he realize
how much of a lost cause I really was?
Look, he said, pressing a button on a small device. A
digital, blue image appeared in front of me.
I moved closer to see the image.
It was a small, skinny boy, strapped to a chair. His eyes
were squeezed shut. I tried to reach for his nameJorge? I
think? One of the weaker nobles in Caelestis. A man in a lab
suit injected him with somethingsomething clear in a plastic


Jorges eyes opened slowly and his mouth opened as if he

were about to say something. All at once, he started to
convulse, his body shaking and shaking against the chair. His
arms were twisted to the sides, and his head was thrown back
in pain, in agony. He mustve been screaming and screaming
until his throat was hoarse and his voice was scratchy.
Horror engulfed me.
Turn it off, I said, my eyes glued to the image.
Kaidan shook his head. You have to see this.
Jorge seemed to slowly relax, his breathing steadied and his
limbs no longer vibrating in torment. His eyes opened again
they were blanklifeless eyes. Dead fish eyes. Oh my God.
Was this what I was endorsing? I thought back to the words
of the King of Aeridore.
My duty to my people.
Kaidan pressed another button, and I relaxed, until I
realized he had just unleashed another video upon me.
It was a birds eye view of an arena filled with white little
dots. The camera zoomed in until I could make out the shape of
the dotsbodies. Nephilim. And they were all the same.
Familiar faces, everywhere, with the dead eyes and blank
aura. Lifeless.
This is what youve been perpetuating. This is what
youve been fueling with your blood and your tests, Kaidan
said. The words shattered before my ears.
Ava Lexington. I remembered when she had let me borrow
her pencil in fifth grade. Alyssa Weavers. She had been shy
and quiet, but nice, as far as I knew. We had been partners once
in Battle class, and I had beaten her. Rafe Martinez. Total


douchebag on the outsidebut had been nice to me, once in a

while, when the time was right. Professor Vasalia. She had
taught Elemental History in second grade. To be honest, she
had been so, so annoying, and so strict and enforced so many
stupid rules. But she didnt deserve this. None of them did.
Oh my God.
My duty to my people.
What had I done?
Images were swirling around in my head, over and over
again. Jorge screamingthe Nephilims lifeless expressions,
haunting me. Shattering me. There were picturesvideos.
People I recognized. People I knew. People I couldve...saved.
Im sorry I have to be the one to do this to you...but this is
what you need to finally face, Kaidan said, grimly.
I squeezed my eyes shut, not wanting to know what was
coming next.
Look, he said, forcefully.
My eyes flashed open. It was a video of a body lying on a
table with several tubes attached to it. I leaned closer, fear
pounding through my head. Strands of auburn hair. Stern lips,
high cheekbones. Grandmother. They were taking her blood.
No. The word barely escaped my lips. Anger and despair
swirled into a chaotic tempest that sent tremors through my
veins. I reached for the body in front of me and pressed myself
into Kaidans chest. His arms tightened around me. A strangled
gasp escaped from my throat.
Sobbing. My grandmother wouldnt have wanted this for
her Kingdom. Grandmaoh Godgrandma. How could
they? They were taking blood from her preserved corpse.
They wereI choked with a sob.


Ithaca. Christa. Maria. Stark. Blake. How could I ever face

them ever again?
No. I said again, the only word that I was capable of
saying. No, no, no. Grandma wouldve hated me for what I
was doing now. Grandmawho suffered even as she was
Its okay, its okay now, Kaidan murmured.
She wouldve shaken her head, pointed a finger at me, and
ordered me to fight my captors. Her letter to mehow could I
have forgotten all of that?
She had told me.
I have raised you to become a Queen and the rest depends
on you.
The next words I speak on behalf of myself, your
grandfather, your mother, your father, and the people of
Make us proud.
Thisthe way I was nowwas an insult to her and her
legacy, and to my parents. To the people of Vaelyria.
And I was so, so selfish.
Make us proud.
Tears poured down my cheek and a splitting headache
rocked my thoughts. More inhumane noises emanated from my
The rest is up to you.
I was screaming now, the same word, over and over and
over again. No. Smoke and fire. Heat and electricity.
Golden, dirty-blonde hair. An eternal, satirical smirk was
plastered on his face, and high cheekbones. His voice was


lyrical, low and rough, but melodic at the same time.

Time to wake up, now, he murmured, his breath on my
I didnt know if I was burning up or suffocating, if
lightning was frying me to my core. Suddenly I was screaming
and yelling and worst of all, I hurt everywhere. But I was
feeling. It didnt matter that what I was feeling was pain,
agony, and grief. What mattered was that I could feel. No
numbness. No cold. Just me.
There was a moment of silence. Then another voice purred
in my head.
Welcome back.
Blasted draekon.
I did the only thing I couldI doubled over and vomited.



I leaned against the cold cell wall while Kaidan stood beside
Whereve you been? I asked the scaly lizard-like thing that
was patrolling my mind.
Vaemortem snorted, a small flame erupting from his
nostrils. Youve been blocking me out, and yet you think Im to
I backed down. Okay lizard, my fault, my fault. Cool it.
Then, as his words sank in, I grinned. Wait, I can block you
out? Holy draekon poop, thats amazing!
His red eyes sparked with a mixture of amusement and
irritation. You cant do it on purpose. The wall only comes up
subconsciously. Nice try, though.
I rolled my eyes. So much for wishful thinking.
Where are you, then? I asked. You broke out of the cage
didnt you? I thinkI think I felt you escape.
Yes, he purred. Ive flown to the far forests where Ignatius
cannot reach me. However, my brethren are still caged in the
There was an angel. An angel who sided with Ignatius.
Yes, Vaemortem said. Things are not always what they


I waited for him to elaborate, but he had receded.
Kaidan stayedeven after I had cried a sea of tears onto
his shirt.
Im sorry, I started. Im an idiot.
True, he said. But you have nothing to be sorry for.
I didnt trust you, I pointed out. I thought you betrayed
I did swear an oath, Kaidan pointed out.
I shrugged. I may be somewhat cynical.
But you trust me now?
If Kaidan had wanted to help his father, he wouldnt have
shown me those images. He wouldnt have reminded me of
who I wasam. Yes.
He grinned.
I tried not to think about my grandmothers body or all the
lifeless eyes of all those people who had contracted AITS-7.
How is Christa? What about Maria? And Ithaca, and Stark,
and Blake?
He chuckled again at the desperation in my words.
Tell me now, I said. Before I shove my fist into your
Kaidan sighed. Maybe I preferred the other version of you
better. So quiet and docile.
I flipped him off with my free hand.
He chuckled and added, She never even cursed once.
My blood was boiling and seething with impatience and
irritation. I narrowed my eyes. Okay, for real. You have ten
seconds to tell me before I do something I may or may not


Kaidan held up his hands in defeat. I dont know about

Maria, Stark, and Ithaca. They went through the Portal, and
Ignatius has been searching for them ever since, although they
havent been found, which is good, I suppose. Christa and
Blake are being trained for battle since Ignatius wants to build
and army.
My eyes flashed. They havent been injected w-with
with AITS-7right? My voice shook just at the thought of
that prospect.
Kaidan shook his head. Nah. Blake passed the tests pretty
easily. Christa, well, I think she wouldve gotten injected, but
the doctors realized how good of a tactician she was through
her aptitude tests, so they let her go. Wiping her wouldve been
a waste.
My shoulders sagged in relief. Oh, thank God, I
murmured. Thank you, Kaidan.
He glanced up in surprise.
I raised my eyebrows. I mean it. But weve gotta get out
of hereI mean, youd come with me, right?
One side of his mouth quirked up. I thought youd never
I grinned. Is that a yes? The more allies, the better.
Thats a hell yes, he answered.
Curiosity spurred me on. Why?
He looked at me in alarm. Why what?
I shrugged. Why do you fight against him? I trust
you...and I know you hate your father. Youve proven that. But
I want toI want to understand. When he didnt respond, I
pressed on. I just want to know why.
Kaidan inhaled, averting my gaze. I knew you would ask.


YYou dont have to tell me now, if you dont want to,
I said. We all have our secrets.
Kaidan shook his head. No, no. Its alright. You should
know, he murmured. After a long pause, he spoke again.
My father...he used to be different. Then he changed,
when I was twelve. When my mother died.
I gave him a sympathetic glance. Im sorry.
Kaidan shook his head. Dont be. He stared up at the
ceiling and took a deep breath. I knew how hard it was for him
to speak about something like this. The death of my parents
hadnt affected meI had hardly known thembut my
grandmothers death affected me deeply. I had known her. It
hurt too muchmore than that of any physical injury.
My mom was killed by a Dark Nephilim, he paused. I
guess that sort of explains my fathers reasoning now. He, um,
loved her very much. When she died, he broke. He hit me and
killed my moms family because he hated her for leaving him
and I guess that was when I realized there was something
wrong with him. Mom wouldnt have wanted this. His voice
trembled and my heart ached for him. He threatened me a lot.
Tried to get me to kill my cousins, and when I refused, he
killed ordered the execution of her entire family. Kaidan
shrugged. No one stopped him because he was the King.
I didnt speak, but I nodded in acknowledgement of his
words. There was nothing I could say that would comfort
himnot when he had the image of his mothers death etched
so deeply in his mind. Just as my grandmothers death had
been etched in my mind.
I hated him ever since I watched my mothers familys


blood taint the floor of my house, but I hid it well, Kaidan

said. I did everything he told me to and pretended that I was
just as cold-hearted as him. I was scared. I didnt want to die,
Kaidan turned to face me, suddenly furious, and searched
my expression. I was scared. Thats my excuse. His voice
rose in anger.
Kaidan... I whispered. You were a kid. Its okay to be
He let out a bitter laugh. The worst part is that Ive had
plenty of chances to kill him. I couldve avenged my mothers
family so many timesshe mustve been rolling in her grave
after seeing her entire family slaughtered...and yet, I never
acted on this need for retribution. He looked up. My mom
knows his son is a coward.
I gazed at him curiously. He never acted on his need for
retribution. How was he able to do that, if the need for
vengeance was eating away at him?
Once, I even snuck into his bedroom. He woke up and saw
that I had a knife held up against his neck. He dared medared
me to kill himand when I didn't, he knocked my hand away
and rolled over and laughed at my weakness. Embarrassment
filled his expression.
Kaidan looked away and chuckled under his breath. He
gives me so much freedom now because he knows Im a
coward. How do you think Im able to go anywhere whenever I
want? I hated him then. I hate him now. But I was never able to
kill him, his voice cracked, vulnerability sneaking into his
tone. You said I was a kid. That it was okay to be scared,
but... he looked me in the eyes. I cant do it. Not even now.


That was what separated the two of us. I could kill Ignatius
without a second thought. I would kill Ignatius when the
opportunity presented itself. Hes your father, I saidthe
only thing I could say. Its understandable.
Kaidan shook his head. Enough about him. We need a
plan. I think I can locate Christa and Blake.
I let the subject drop, and leaned against the wall, beside
him. I told Maria, Stark, and Ithaca that we would meet up in
this certain place, so well just have to go there. Wed have to
take the Portal. You think we have a chance?
Kaidan shrugged. Its worth a try. Besides, you do have a
huge-ass draekon at your command.
Yeah. Im not leaving without Vaemortem.
I appreciate your loyalty, the giant lizard said in my head. I
tried telepathically to shove him out.
See if you can get to Christa and let her know. We need to
leave before Dr. Blythewood drains me of blood and creates
more brainwashed Nephilim that I cant beat.
Duly noted, Your Royal Highness.
Shut up, I said, rolling my eyes. Your Royal Highness.
Prince of Caesia.
His eyes flickered in laughter. Touch. Ill be back, he
murmured, leaving the cell with the guard that had let him in.
Being royalty sure had its perks.
Well, not my kind of royalty, considering I was stuck in a
cell, powerless and weaponless.
I slammed my hand into the wall and ignored the pain in
my knuckles. Go to hell, Ignatius Devereux.
For hours I sat and thought. I thought about how stupid I
had been for the past week and how I could exact revenge.


Imagine the surprise on Dr. Blythewoods face when he

walked in my cellfury, plastered all across my face.
Whats up, asshole? I said with venom in my voice the
moment his feet shuffled into the cell.
I could feel Vaemortem smile in my mind. Stop intruding, I
told him.
The doctor doubled over in choked surprise, his glasses
nearly falling off of his nose. Excuse me? he asked, as if he
couldnt quite fathom the change that I had undergone.
Just so you know, neither you nor Ignatius will get me to
do any kind of twisted thing, ever again, I spat. Ive had
enough of it and I will kill you both the next chance I get.
Strangely enough, I meant it. Even though I could now feel,
and hurt, and cry out in pain, I didnt give the idea of killing
them a second thought.
I would do anything to avenge my grandmothers death. I
was scared of my own, distorted resolve.
Dr. Blythewood blinked, repeatedly, unsure of what to say.
The words seemed to freeze at the tip of his tongue, as he
opened and closed his mouth, without making a sound.
So this is what shes really like, he finally said to
Disappointed? I asked coyly.
The doctors head shot up as if he hadnt realized he had
spoken aloud. Well, I am a littleperturbed, he said.
I personally hope that Ill be in your nightmares for nights
to come since you made me kill so many innocent Nephilim, I
He cleared his throat in discomfort. Anyway, I need to
draw some blood. Arm, please? In his hand was a very


familiar needle.
I laughed. Uh, hell to the no. You are not sticking that in
my arm, and if you come any closer, I will kill you. And I
assure you, I dont need my elements to do it. I rattled the
mercury chains around my wrists. I meant what I said. I didnt
care what kind of situation I was putting myself in. I wasnt
about to let these freaks create more mini-mes.
Blythewood frowned. This was the first time I had actively
disobeyed him.
Our research is expanding so quickly with your help.
Within time, the survival rate of these mutated Nephilim will
be seventy-five percent.
And that is supposed to persuade me, because, why? For
someone who had a doctorate degree in whatever he had a
doctorate degree in, he was surprisingly stupid. I couldnt
believe I had ever allowed a man like this to pity me. I couldnt
believe I had ever allowed myself to be pitied. By anyone.
The doctor pursed his lips then proceeded to dial something
onto the device he was holding. An image of some Duke whose
name I couldnt recall, popped up.
Your Grace, we have aera slight problem,
Blythewood said. Her Royal Highness is not cooperating.
The Lord spoke, his voice low and menacing. Not as scary
as Ignatius, but creepy enough. I will be there momentarily.
Do not get too close to her.
Yes, your Grace, Dr. Blythewood said. True to his word,
he moved away from me, while I threw darts with my eyes at
Minutes later, the doors slid open, and revealed a short man
with angry eyes. Princess Alessandra Rosalyn Imperatrix


Scarlett. I am displeased.
Alessandra. I hated that name, and I couldnt really explain
why. Maybe it was because Alessandra was the girl who
watched her grandmother die.
That girl was gone.
Youve been so cooperative until now. Neither His
Majesty nor I have needed to visit you. You remember me,
dont you? Your grandmother and I were friendsonce upon a
time. Im sorry about her passing, he said, and although he
was looking up at to meI was at least two inches taller than
himhe still came across as menacing.
You helped orchestrate your friends death? I asked in
The Duke scoffed. Frankly, I do not see why His Majesty
is so interested in you. There are other Nephilim with four
elementsbut his Majesty insists that your offspring will be
more powerful than the rest. I wrinkled my nose at the
mention of the word offspring. I have a feeling youre going
to cost us much, much more.
He was going to be so, so, right.
I do hope Im wrong, of course; then again, I cant kill you
without our Kings permission. His Majesty wont even let me
offer my opinion, but His Majesty has permitted us to torture
you. I intend to do that every opportunity I get.
Why were his eyes so familiar?
I will break you until you are just a shell of what you were
yesterday. You do recall how pathetic you were, yes?
I glowered at him. Not as pathetic as you are right now.
The Duke nodded, as if he expected as much from me.
Well, he was a lot more patient than Ignatius had ever been.


Ignatius wouldve slapped me at least twice by now. You

were broken. I dont know how youve healed, but I will snap
you, again, and again, until you never want to be whole.
I gaped for a brief moment.
Oh, Im sorry. Ive forgotten my manners, havent I? He
stuck his hand out, as if Id shake that piece of trashs hand. I
am Duke Gregory Aleksander Morosov of House Eadvia.
Goddamn. Celeste Eadvia was his daughterfigured.
Somewhere, I mustve thought something about evil
peoplethat they definitely flocked together. In this case
Celeste and this evil Duke were related. How could I even be
What a pleasure, I said sarcastically.
Someone passed a large bucket of water to him, and he
placed it on the ground in front of me.
I stared, and his smile widened. Not exactly.
Then my face was pushed into the water.
At first, I felt only surprise. Cold water filled my mouth
and I squeezed my eyes shut, wrestling against Gregorys iron
His arm tightened.
I opened my mouth to scream, and more water poured into
my mouth, my throat, my lungs. The cold of the water I had
felt before was replaced by steaming, exasperating heat. I was
on fire and my chest was pounding as every muscle in my body
burned out of desperation.
I felt as if someone was drilling a hole into my head and
squeezing every vein in my neck, my chest, and...
I needed to scream.
I tried, but nothing other than bubbles floated up before my


eyes whenever I did. My throat was hoarse. Water was

everywherewater that I couldnt control.
I was drowning. Over. And over. And over. Again.
My vision blurred. Everything was hazyjust before I felt
warmth and was about to let myself sink away, rough hands
pulled me out of the water and dragged me back into the horror
that was my reality.
Then the routine started overagain.
But I refused to willingly give my blood. Eventually, they
just sank needles in my arm and took it, while my limbs were
tied together. I thrashed, I screamed, I did everything I could to
slow them down.
I was dizzy and breathless and barely conscious.
They ended up getting the amount of blood they needed,
but Id also killed one of the nurses who tried to take that
After that, none of the nurses dared to come any closer.
Duke Gregory had to draw the blood himself. It wasnt much
but it was a start.



The day after they attempted to drown me, Kaidan visited me
again. Evidently, Ignatius was lacking in security measures
against his son.
The bugs are off, right? I asked.
He gave me a weird look. You underestimate me. Theyre
always off when I walk in.
As I had said, seriously lacking. I waved my hand. Okay,
okay. Well I have a plan.
Finally, he said. And you dont look so well. Whys
your voice so hoarse?
I winced. Its not a big deal, I said.
His emerald eyes darkened. What happened? he gripped
my arm, suddenly tense. You can tell me. Tell me what
happened since I last saw you.
I bit my lip, unsure if that was a good idea or not. Well,
theres this guy. Duke Gregory Eadvia. He
His eyes widened. Hes known for his brutality. You
didnt do anything to upset him, did you?
I winced again. Well.
Did he torture you? Please dont tell me your voice is
hoarse from he paused to take a deep breath.


I couldnt exactly reply to that.
When I didnt respond he turned his face away from mine
and closed his eyes for a second.
Alessandra, he breathed, shaking his head. I winced at
the name. Please stop putting yourself in danger for no
reason. Kaidan turned around to face me with more fury than I
could have anticipated. Do you know that every time I come
here, Im afraid that youll be gone? Sometimes Im working
or even just taking a walk, and I suddenly get a terrible
thoughtthat maybe my father has gotten rid of you? That
that I wont ever be able to see you again?
I opened my mouth to reply, but he wasnt done talking.
Kaidan took another deep breath. If you cant stay alive
for yourself, do it for me, for Ithaca, and all the other people of
Caesia and Vaelyria that are depending on you, his dark green
eyes were thunderous now.
He cared so much about me? Interesting. They wanted to
take my blood. On the contrary, I didnt want them to have it. I
was denying them for the people of Caesia and Vaelyria. Is that
so wrong? I asked in earnest. I get that youre upset, and I
may even be a little hotheaded, but I didnt want more of those
zombies to be created.
Kaidan held my gaze. This is going to sound terrible, but
if I had to be honest, Id rather have a million of those zombies
created, than to lose you.
I tried to inhale, but my constricted chest prevented me
from taking a deep breath. Then softly, I said, You dont mean
He sighed, looking away. But I do. Justjust be more


careful in the future, he paused. Believe it or not, I didnt

come here to yell at you. Do you have a plan?
I nodded. Yeah. But I need somebody to distract Duke
Gregory Eadvia. Ive come to believe that hes in charge of this
Kaidans eyes met my eyes. Celeste is his daughter, isnt
she? We could use her help.
I cringed. Celeste and I arent exactly on friendly terms.
Shes sort of know.
Kaidan shrugged. Shes not half bad if you get to know
her. Ive spent some time with her and I think shes
I glared at him, suddenly irritated. Well obviously you
dont know the real her. You have no idea the lengths shed go
to piss me off. The image of Celeste stealing the flag from
meher teammatewas still vivid in my mind.
He grinned. You know, he tilted my chin up, I slapped
his hand away. If I didnt know any better, I would think
youre jealous. But then, maybe I dont know better.
My face flushed. I am not. Im just being justifiably
cautious, but if you think shes a good gamble, then go for it.
Just remember youre risking our lives. Is that a gamble youre
willing to take?
Kaidan thought for a moment. I think shes...essential for
this plan, he said slowly. I think we need her help.
Then fine, I snapped. Celeste had to distract her dad. I
need you to get Christa and Blake out of the Palace and turn off
all security the way you usually do, with Christas help, for as
long as you can, and then cut me out of the cell. Tell them to
sprint for the Portal while I make a break for it and I will


destroy everything I can in the process. Good enough?

Thats not much of a plan, Kaidan mused.
Well its going to have to work. Do you think you can do
it? I asked.
Kaidan nodded.
I sighed; energy drained from my body. I know its a lot
for you to do, so thank you, really.
He ran his fingers through his silky brown hair. Anything
for you, little Neph.
Two days from today was the daythe day I would escape.



Two days later Kaidan rushed into my cell, his expression
filled with worry. I jumped up from the floor, with adrenaline
racing through my body.
Christa and Blake are already on their way to the Portal.
Celestes with her dad, just like wed planned.
Okay, I said. Did you find Goldfyre? I asked, as he
worked to remove my chains. And Rosethorne?
Yeah, he took out the gold bracelet, slipped it onto my
wrist, and then stuck the peridot pin into my hair. I also have
this, he said, handing me a ringthe sardonyx ring.
You found it? I asked, surprised.
He chuckled. Oh no. You probably incinerated the last
one. I got a new one made, he said, as he slipped it onto my
I felt overwhelmingly grateful, once more. Thank you, I
said, just as the chains broke. Kaidan nodded in
The chains fell to the floor rather loudly. I expected to feel
somethingsomething like power seeping into mebut still
there was nothing.
Kaidan, wait, I asked, as he was about to step out of the


cell. I dont feel any elemental power yet.

He grabbed my arm and tugged me along. It might take
some time. We have no time to wait. Hurry.
I followed him as he skirted along the edges of the corridor.
My heart pounded furiously and I could feel my blood surging
through my veins.
I looked around at the columns of cells that surrounded
mine, and gasped. A realization was slowly sinking in. How
could I have forgotten?
Kaidans forehead wrinkled. Whats wrong?
The other four-element Nephilim. What about them? I
asked, suddenly remembering that I wasnt the only one being
used to create zombies.
Kaidan shook his head. No time, he said.
We ducked behind a wall just as doctors and guards strolled
Cant Ignatius just make more zombies? No, I tried to
turn away. We have to free them, too.
Kaidan pulled me back. Youre the blood donor most in
demand. Freeing you is a huge start.
I growled as he held me back with an arm made of iron.
Alessandra, he warned, his body pressed against mine
and I winced at that name again. Youre going to get us all
killed because you think you can save everyone. You cant.
He took a deep breath. If I let go of you, can I trust that you
wont try anything stupid? he asked, his eyes sparkling with
But I started. No. I had to find a way. Before I could
even try anything, a noise rattled from down the hallway.
Alarms. Loud, sickening sirens, rang throughout the building.


The walls shuddered in response.

Paranoia jolted in my chest. Kai? I barely had the time
to say before a guard attacked me from the side. Instantly, I
ducked and grabbed the guards legs and flipped him over my
head. He crashed through a glass wall and it shattered into a
million flickering pieces.
Another guard charged at me with a sword in his hand. I
twisted the band around my hand and Goldfyre elongated into a
radiant sword. Bringing my arm up quickly, the guards sword
met mine, and with a loud clang he pushed me back a few feet.
Wind flapped towards me making it difficult to see.
From the corner of my eye I could see another guard
aiming his sword towards my legs. I twisted around, surprised.
They werent aiming to kill?
I kneed the guard in the stomach and he cried out.
Of course not. Ignatius still needed me, and I could only
hope that he didnt want his son dead.
Kaidan. Where was Kaidan? I looked around wildly
between parries and finally spotted a tuft of brown hair.
Soldiers surrounded him across the hall, and his sword flashed
every few moments. A ring of fire surrounded him and he
looked like he was ready to burn everything down.
I couldnt help but feel something was wrongvery
wrong. Sure, our plan hadnt been the most elaborate plan ever,
but at the very least, the alarms shouldnt have sounded so
A sword edged with fire cut into my arm. Blood flailed
through the air as I turned and whipped my sword in
vengeance. I searched the room frantically. More and more
soldiers were pouring through the doors.


Bloody Caspaer, I thought. We were so screwed. Kaidan

and I could keep this up for at most an hour, but it was like that
whack-a-mole game Id once played at an amusement park in
Romania. As one mole went down, another would appear in its
place. We needed a miracle to get out of here.
Something smacked into me and I hit the floor with a
sickening crack.
Alessandra! I heard Kaidan yell, as dizzying spots circled
my vision.
Anger suddenly sparked in my chest. Im going to kill
you, I said out loud to no one in particular, as I rubbed my
forehead. The jarring pain receded.
The tip of a sword came into view. I managed to roll out of
the way just before it sliced the white floor. This wouldve
been so much easier with my elemental powerI could just
shoot fireballs at the guards from a distance.
I spun to my feet and raised Goldfyre in front of me like a
shield as another soldier attacked me. Then I kicked him away
once his sword came in contact with mine.
Adrenaline. Exhilaration. Energy was making my veins
pulse like fire. Screw my qualms. I was my grandmothers
granddaughtera fighter.
Reinvigorated, I slashed Goldfyre through flesh and more
flesh from one guard to the next. Blood splattered the white
floor and stained it a deep red. There had been a time when I
had hesitated to kill. Protecting Ithaca, Kaidan, and my friends
seemed more important than the lives of any of these soldiers.
In a way, I felt as if I were exacting proper justice. These
people were loyal to Ignatius. No one else deserved to die more
than him and his minions.


Again and again, I felt surges of power course through me,

lining the tip of my sword with fury.
These people had killed my grandmother. These people had
destroyed everythingeverything I held dear. I would not
hesitate to destroy them in return.
The guard I fought now was maskedbut quite skilled. He
parried my blade easily and I jabbed my elbow into his
stomach. The guard grunted as his sword skimmed my leg and
I cried out in pain.
The ground began to rock beneath me. Small shards of
broken glass started to fly toward me, and cut into my skin. A
crack suddenly appeared in the floor. What the I shrieked
as my feet gave way beneath me.
Falling to the floor, I blocked his attack with one hand
while my other hand reached for his legs. He fell to the floor
beside me, tangled in a mess of arms and legs. I pummeled him
with punches and kicks, unable to land a blow with my sword
at such a close range. With a howl, he threw me off him and
against the wall. A shudder coursed through me with jolts of
Another guard pointed his sword at me, but I tossed him
aside. I was bent on killing that one guard who headed towards
me once again with his sword raised above him as he readied
himself to strike me dead. I squatted lower and jammed the hilt
of my sword into his chest and he fell backwards onto the
floor. Lifting my sword I prepared to give the final stab
through his heart.
Until he raised one hand and ripped his mask off.
Lying on the ground was Blake. I hesitated.
Memories flooded my mind.


That moment of hesitationof pure shockwas my

Immediately, guards surrounded me, their swords pointed
at my neck. Kaidan dropped his sword at once when he saw my
predicament; his eyes apologetic.
I couldnt even process my situation.
Blake the name slipped out of my mouth. what are
you doing? Why arent you with Christa?
Blake stood, brushed the dirt off his clothes and then
daintily stepped over the crack he had made earlier. I am.
My eyes widened in confusion as I saw a redhead being
shoved between the guards in front of me. Her eyes were red
and swollen with tears streaming down her cheeks and her
clothes were torn from resisting or a fight.
Hello, Alessandra. Son. Ignatiuss voice came from
behind Christa as he stepped into view.
Then a whimpering Celeste was also pushed to stand beside
Christa. Her dad sternly smiled at me as he yanked her next to
Kaidan looked furious.
I dontBlake? I began to say.
Blake glanced at me...victoriously?
Blake? I tried again to think of what to say. This
wasntthis couldnt be happening. Did they inject you with
AITS-7? Dont worry. Well find a way to save you. I
promise! I was rambling now, searching for an explanation.
His eyes were their normal colorlively. But...Youre
notyoure not with them...not by choiceare you? I asked,
even though everything was falling into place. My mind
whirled mechanically as so many details bombarded my brain.


A flood of childhood memories swarmed my vision: school,

battles, summers at the beach.
Blakesay something, I pleaded. Blake! Weve known
each other for foreveryou cant. Youd never My hands
were trembling, my lips barely able to utter the words.
Blake looked me over, a sly smile creeping into his
expression as he adjusted his armor that I had dislodged. Im
sorry, Alessandra. What they had to offer me meant far more
than your charity.
I leaned back, heavy breathing pulsing out of my mouth.
He might as well have shoved a knife into my chest.
What they had to offer...what had they offered you?
When? I managed to choke out.
Months before Caesia invaded Vaelyria, was his swift
I stared at him blankly. Then...the Counciltheir plan to
It was orchestrated by some of the members of the
Councilmembers who later swore loyalty to Caesia. Of
course, I helped, he said, smugly. As if betraying his friends
was something to be proud of.
The tracker. I mumbled. The tracker Ignatius had used to
find me. It had to have been planted by you.
Christa inhaled rapidly. Butbut why, Blake? she
Blake sneered at me. Years of watching all of youall
you principals and nobles and royals. I got tired of ittired of
being mistreated and forgotten. You all might have thought you
were kind to methat I should be grateful for deserving your


royal friendship.
I bit down into my lip, disdain rising in my chest. I never
thought anything of that sort. I took you for my friend, Blake
Castile. Forgive me for having been so blind.
Blakes fists shook as he talked, ignoring me. I was the
only one who lived in the Third Tier. I could never afford to go
to the places you all did. You thought me a charity case. You
were wrong. Look at all of you! Who has all the power, now?
Blake, Christa mumbled as tears continued to stream
down her cheeks. A guard pushed her back when she tried to
reach forward. But we dont care about money or status. We
just cared that you areyou wereour friend.
Seeing Christa in that stateno doubt a result of Blakes
treacheryinfuriated me.
My anxiety and surprise slowly reshaped itself into hysteria
and rage. I laughed loudly and shocked all the guards around
Blake looked startled and indignant.
Ignatius smile was replaced with a puzzled look.
Blake was the one who had helped Caesia conquer
Vaelyria. Blake was the one who had tipped Ignatius off the
first time we had tried to escape. Blake was the reason my
grandmother was dead. He would pay. I wanted himneeded
Power? You think you have power? I shook my head,
smiling at the warped irony. Youre so wrong. Youre nothing
more than a worthless fool nowa pawn in Ignatius game. I
took a deep breath. Thered been a time when I wouldve died
for you, I said.
Blakes eyes flickered with doubt.


I continued, I thought of you as my friend, but you chose

otherwise. Who am I to stop you from being that pawn?
Blakes shoulders trembled with anger. Shut up! he
hollered, aiming his sword at me. Youre lying! he pushed
aside the guards in front of me. The tip of his blade headed for
my neck.
Ignatius grimaced and reached for him.
A spark lit at the end of my finger; I felt a slight ting on my
hip. Suddenly I erupted with rage.
Everything exploded into a mixture of fire and electricity
smoke, ash, and everything in between. Golden fire was rising
above me; everything was static, enflamed by fury.
Somehow, I found Goldfyres hilt and raised it above me,
ready to destroy whatever stood in my way. Columns of fire
rose around me and I swung my sword aimlessly.
Alessandra! No! I heard Christa scream. I paid her no
attention. Goldfyre didnt even touch Blake, but the roaring fire
leapt off the sword and onto his body.
He screamed as he was incinerated into a pile of ashes.
And I just stood and watched.
I couldnt see him anymore. But I could see the smoke, the
fire, and his silhouette.
The entire room was blinding and flashed with radiant
light. All products of my fury and desire for vengeance.
For Grandmother.
Ignis. Ignis. Ignis.
I was blowing up the entire floor and maybe a few more
floors above and below. Everything was crashing, falling,
burning. I couldnt stop the stream of flames that consumed
everything. The black and golden fire was completely out of


my control.
We couldnt stay here any longer or Id probably kill my
friends, and myself, too.
Christa! I found her hand, grabbed her, and pulled her
towards me. She was sobbing from shock, her aura full of fear
and doubt. Christa, I lifted her chin. Follow me. Dont lose
sight of me, okay? We need to get out of here.
She hesitated, and then nodded in agreement, even though I
wasnt sure whether or not she could even hear me.
Through the smoke and din I could hardly see. Kaidan!
Kaidan! I called, trying not to cry from the smoke burning my
Im here! he yelled back.
Window! I responded, pushing guards aside with my
I didnt hear his response, and blindly ran towards the
window, making sure not to let go of Christas hand.
But in my path was Ignatius.
Dont think that Ill let you leave so easily, he said, his
eyes burning with an insane glow.
My eyes bored into his. What is your goal in all of this?
What do you have to gain in all your plotting, your
manipulation, and your conquering of Whats the freaking
point? I asked, frustrated.
Ignatius eyes turned into thin slits. I am doing this for the
benefit of the world. Everything I do is to rid Caspaerand
one day, the Otherworldof demons. Good will prevail.
Anger combusted in my chest. Youre delusional.
Foolish, I said. Youll destroy everything good to achieve
your goal.


He didnt like the sound of that, so he lunged forward, a

spear suddenly elongating in his hands. I parried with
Goldfyre, letting go of Christa, and gritted my teeth as my
muscles ached. He was pushing me back with incredible
strength and I stumbled backwards eventually righting myself.
A sudden flare of fire collapsed down, towards us, and we
leapt away from one another. My power was already drained
from my previous displayI wouldnt likely be able to
withstand another attack from Ignatius.
I hated to admit it, but I couldnt stay and fight any longer.
Frustration and shame from my weakness coursed through me.
I shook my head. Reluctantly, I swallowed my anger and
stepped back.
Get back here, you insolent girl! I heard him yell.
Instead, I grabbed Christas arm and sprinted in the opposite
direction. As much as I wouldve liked to kill Ignatius, I had no
chance. That much I knew just from the exchange of blows
with him. Not now anyway.
I would eventually kill him, I promised myself, but at
another time.
Next time.



The ceiling was coming down on us and small pieces of rock
were falling down onto the floor. This part of the Palace would
soon be demolished.
Alessandra? Where are we going? Christa asked.
Uncertainty filling in her voice. You cant mean to she
said, when I jabbed Goldfyre into the window and shattered it.
Have some faith, I squeezed her hand. I finally caught
sight of Kaidan who was pulling along a flustered girl.
I narrowed my eyes. Celeste? Youre bringing her?
His eyes pleaded with mine. Do you trust me?
I nodded. I hope youre not making a mistake, I said.
Christa teetered on the edge of the building. I dont
know... her voice quavered.
The flames were getting closer. I waved my hand in front
of me to clear the smoke.
Christa, go now.
She peered down the ledge. I dont think I pushed her
off the ledge of the skyscraper before I leapt off myself. I
trusted that Kaidan and Celeste would soon follow.
The world seemed like a haze before me and spun quickly
out of control. Smoke rose up and circled the sky like lost


clouds. Vaelyrias Corethe Palace was up in flamesit

almost looked symbolic. Like I was burning down heaventhe
only home I had ever truly known.
But even heaven had become my hell.
I could feel the flap of wings in rhythm with the beat of my
It wasnt a soft landing. It felt more like I had been tossed
onto a stretch of rocks a few meters below mebut at least I
was alive. I opened my eyes to see the blue sky above, and sat
up, blinking rapidly. Christa was moaning as she slowly
opened her eyes and saw that she had landed on Vaemortems
Bloody Caspaer. I didnt die!
I had to stop myself from laughing because that was the
first time Christa had ever cursed.
When you told me to trust you, I didnt think you were
going to push me off a two- hundred story building, she
mumbled, caught between smiling and crying.
Suddenly, Kaidan and Celeste leapt from the building and
landed on Vaemortems back, too. It looked as if they had
fallen out of the sky. WhichI supposedwas sort of true.
Kaidan grunted, as he crawled across Vaemortems back
towards me. Youve got to be kidding me. I wasnt sure
whether or not I was supposed to follow you, he shook his
head. I thought maybe youd gone crazy.
I smiled. And yet you followed me anyway.
Christa whimpered. How can you guys even joke at a time


like this? Alessandra...youyou killed Blake.

I exhaled. I know. He killed my grandmother.
She lowered her gaze. But weve known him for so long.
I turned away. Apparently we didnt really know him like
we thought we did. Id do it again, if I had to, given similar
Christa was silent, as Vaemortem flapped his broad wings,
carrying us past the Palace. A large part of the Palace had been
practically incinerated, and as much as I hoped that Ignatius
was dead, I knew he wasnt.
This wasnt even close to the end.
I lifted my head when I heard the sound of propellers.
Helicopters were chasing after us.
Vaemortem. The Portal.
I know, he replied in my mind, instantly, swerving to the
Christa winced as she grabbed onto his scales.
We flew along Aetherius Beachthe place where I had
once dreamed of spending my summer. It all seemed so long
ago, now.
Is anyone hurt? Kaidan asked, and looked at me.
IIm fine. I mainly had just a few cutsinjuries I
could heal on my own. What about you two?
Celeste shrugged in response.
Christa shook her head. Just a few scratches. Ill be fine,
Christa commented, as she gazed forward.
Were leaving forever? Christa asked, eyeing the golden
door of the London Portal warily.
I gave her a reassuring smile. Not forever. Im sure we
will returnsomeday. And I meant it.


Vaemortem neared the abysmal Vaelyrian Portal and I

lifted my hands up.
Guards in the helicopters were shooting at us, but my
draekon was speedy, and we collectively held our breath until
we went through the Portal.
Aperi super imperium, turris, da mihi ingressum ad
medium mundi! I blurted out, just as the bullets came to close
for comfort.
Vaemortem and all of his passengers disappeared through
the Portal. My draekon was still airborne when we erupted out
of the Vaelyrian Portal that tunneled into London England.
II think Im going to vomit, were the first words that
came out of Celestes mouth.
Ignoring her, I said out loud, I hope you have a good sense
of direction, Vaemortem, cause we need to go to Bucharest,
Smoke came out of the draekons nostrils. I am a natural
navigator. Do not doubt me, Nephilim.
I rolled my eyes.
WWhat is this thing? A...big lizard? Celeste said,
gingerly rubbing her hands on Vaemortems scales.
I gave her a weird look.
Hes a draekon, Christa answered before I had a chance
to say another word.
Celeste frowned. Oh.
How long will it take to get to Bucharest? Cities were
passing swiftly by below usthe wind was blasting wildly
around usand I knew that if humans saw us, they would
think Vaemortem was a plane or something.
Fifteen minutes?


Damn, the creature was quick. Is it too far? I could try

teleportation with aetherwith Kaidans help, but Im not sure
if I can.
Vaemortem snorted again. After your display earlier, Id
save your energy. Besides, I doubt you could teleport me along
with your other Nephilim friends.
Almost instinctively, I wanted to correct the draekon, and
say that Celeste was not my friend, but that seemed so trivial
and silly now. The girl was seated in the back, near
Vaemortems tail.
Celeste? I called over the noise of the wind, and she
perked up.
Yeah? she asked, wary.
I know we werent the best of friends, so thank you for
trying to help.
Celeste relaxed, running her fingers over her gorgeous
blonde hair. Im glad, too. I never really hated you or
anything. I justI just thought it was so unfair that you had
everything you ever wanted. My dadwell, youve met him,
and Queen Maeve always seemed so kind in comparison. Her
voice faltered momentarily. Now I know that even princesses
dont have everything they want.
I laughed. I wouldnt say that my grandmother was always
kind, but your father is definitely horrible. I gazed over the
span of Vaemortems wing and watched as towns and homes
passed by beneath us. It all seems so far away, I murmured,
leaned back, and closed my eyes so that I could feel the warm
wind against my face.
That time we went to the principals office for getting into
a fight... she started hesitantly.


I smiled. Sounds like such a trivial thing now.

We rode in silence for a few minutes. My eyes began to
feel heavy, and slowly, I began to drift off into sleep.
It felt like only a few moments had passed when I felt a
hand on my shoulder.
Little Neph, I heard, as my eyes opened. Startled, I
realized I was half-sleeping on Kaidans chest, while Christa
had her head in my lap. Celeste was curled up, behind Kaidan.
I started to jerk away, but Kaidan held me in place and
smiled at me.
I think the draekon means to land, Kaidan said, nodding
towards Vaemortems head.
I looked around and saw that Vaemortem was scouring the
land. Yeah. I think so, too. I confirmed.
Christas eyes blinked open. Then she stiffened then
scooted away abruptly. Im so sorry. I didnt mean to
I wrinkled my forehead. Chris? Its not a big deal. I mean
I fell asleep on Kaidan.
She looked away. Sorry.
I looked at Kaidan, confused, but he just shrugged.
I sighed. Vaemortem?
Mmm? I paused for a moment.
Are you landing? Were in Bucharest now, arent we? Near
the Bamboo Club?
The draekon grunted. Yes. I need to find somewhere flat.
I guess he mustve found a place, because moments later,
he abruptly lurched forward, sending us all rolling up his back.
I grabbed onto his scales, hanging on for dear life. Are
you serious, Vaemortem?
Kaidan started to laugh before I shot him a glare and


crawled back onto the middle of the Vaemortems back.

Suddenly he landed, sending me flying into the air, and tossed
me onto the hard cement.
Ouch. Are you kidding me? I moaned and cringed as I
tried to stand. Kaidan gracefully jumped off of Vaemortems
wing and pulled me onto my feet.
As soon as Christa and Celeste got off Vaemortems back, I
started to scan the area around us. We were on the roof of some
building and it was early evening. I saw some humans point at
us and say something to each other. I wondered what they
sawa plane? A jet?
Theyre so... Celeste squinted at the humans. I dont
know how to put it. They all seem pretty short in comparison,
and not graceful at all, she commented.
I covered my mouth to suppress my laughter.
Its also very quiet here, Kaidan mused.
Disgustingly quiet, Celeste corrected.
I nodded. Yeah. No elemental magic at all.
I turned to Vaemortem and put a hand on his snout. Could
you find Maria, Stark, and Ithaca for me? They should be
somewhere around here.
He snorted. I ducked to avoid the smoke that came from his
Do you know what they look like? I asked.
The draekon gave me a look as if I had insulted him. If you
know what they look like, I know what they look like. I will
circle above.
I grinned. You must have really good eyesight.
Obviousssly. Vaemortem shifted, stretched his wings then
took off as I watched in awe.


Wow, Celeste said, breaking her silence. You were just

talking to him, werent you? Thats weird. Like
telepathy or something.
I stretched my arms. Yeah. I told him to find Maria, Stark,
and Ithaca. I leaned over the edge of the roof.
Everything okay? Kaidan asked, staring at me.
Yeah, everythings fine. Excited for our impending
adventure? I asked.
Leave it to you to act like youre three years old at times
like these, Christa sighed.
I closed my eyes for a brief moment, finally having the
time to feel exhausted. Its when it counts that really matters.
Gauging the height of the building, I placed my hands on the
ledge of the roof, swung my legs over, and dropped to the
Come on, I said.
Kaidan landed on the ground beside me, followed by
Celeste and Christa.
Christa stared at me for a few moments as we walked down
the lit street. Then she turned away and shook her head.
What? I asked, curious.
She shrugged with her back towards me.
I cornered her. Whats going on? I feel like youve been
trying to say something to me. Are you okay?
She nervously began to twirl her red hair with one finger
around and around. I dont know.
I raised my hands in exasperation. You know you can say
or tell me anything, right? Were best friends. Its okay.
She made a choking noise. I dont...I justjust dont feel
like I know you anymore.


I froze. What?
There are timestimes like thesewhere you act normal.
Playful even. But back there, when King Ignatius had us
cornered, it was like you became a stranger. She took a deep
breath. I know youve been through a lot. That its probably a
product of everything. But youve become soso ruthless.
Youyou killed Blake. Our childhood friend weve known
forever, she murmured, and youre acting normal.
I didnt feel normal.
I felt awfulbut how was I supposed to explain that to
her? I was exhausted and upset and the only thing that kept me
moving was memory of what I owed to Grandmother and the
people of Vaelyria.
Celeste fake-coughed as a way to interrupt our
uncomfortable moment. Hey uhKaidan and I are just going
to look around. Right Kaidan? Celeste interrupted and
prodded him for a response in agreement.
He looked at me.
I placed my hand on his back giving him a nudge. Yeah
go ahead. Come back in a little bit, I nodded as they departed.
I turned back around to face Christas worried look.
She was right. I had changed. I had become ruthless
willing to kill to achieve my purposebut not without
provocation. Maybe I hadnt totally been myself, those days in
the cell, but some part of me had adopted that character. Some
part of me had become herthe girl who could destroy without
a second thought. Who found mercy unnecessary.
Youre right, I finally said. I have changed because of
the circumstances I was inbut that doesnt mean I am
completely different. Time and events do that to people, but


that doesnt mean the relationship between us should be

affected. And those changes were required by the dire situation
we were in. I sighed. I didnt want to kill Blake, Christa. I
loved him as much as you did, but what he did to us? How
could I not hate him for that? He destroyed our kingdom. He
helped Ignatius take countless lives. Innocent lives.
Christa shook her head. You dont get it, she lifted her
head to meet my eyes, and I was startled to find tears in them.
I dont know you anymore.
I didnt speak.
The time between the two escape attemptswhat
happened after the first one? I know thatthat Queen
Maeve... she looked away. I know that mustve had an effect
on you, but
Effect? I chuckled. She was the only family I had other
than Ithaca. She was both of my parents, my grandmother, a
mentor, and more. Tell me that if both your parents died, if you
saw your grandmother murdered, that you would not be
affected in some way, I said.
Then I abruptly halted. Bloody Caspaer. I hadnt meant
thatI had completely forgotten. ChristaI didnt mean
She was sobbing now. Then what did you mean? Yeah,
only one of my parents is dead. You think that didnt destroy
me? Didnt tear me apart? You think youre the only one whos
felt loss?
Angeranger that had been built up inside me since my
grandmothers deathpoured out in the form of words.
Then Im sorry! I yelled. Im sorry I cant be as good as
you. Im sorry I cant just swallow everything that has
happened to me and stay the same, sweet, saintly me. Im sorry


Ive become ruthless and a monster and that Id kill Blake, over
and over again out of revenge and out of the duty that I owe to
Vaelyria if it came to it, I inhaled, tears threatening to fall. I
bit down on my lip to resist crying.
I was sure people around us stopped and stared at me, but I
couldnt stop. Frustration, remorse, furyeverything that had
been bundled up inside meexploded into fragments.
I cant suddenly revert back to who I was before
everything happened, I cant. Aside from watching my
grandmother die and killing Blake, theres so much more that
happened to me that you dont know about. Its over and I
cant do anything about the past. And you cant do anything
about it either. Nobody can.
Tears streamed down her cheek and her fists were clenched
at her sides.
If you dont want to be friends with someone like me, so
be it. But I will always embrace your friendship if you offer it
to me. I finished. All the frustration had expelled from my
Christa searched my expression her eyes swollen from
crying. A-Alessandra, she sniffed. II dont knowI she
started, wiping at her eyes. I just dont know what to do.
I tried to smile. Me neitherbut we have to keep moving
forward. I pulled her towards me and hugged her. Its okay,
I murmured. No matter what, its okay. It had to be. We had
no other choice.
I...also wanted to ask you one more thing, Christa said,
pulling away slightly so she could meet my eyes.
Go on, I said as gently as I could.
This isnt really any of my business, but Kaidan...are you


two together? she asked.

This isnt about whether or not we can trust him, right?
Because we can. I promise, I said.
She shook her head. No...Im just asking.
I shrugged. We werent really togetherbut I supposed
there was some attraction here and there.
Do you actually like him? she asked.
I inhaled. Did I? I owed a lot to him, enjoyed spending time
with him, and he was incredibly valuable in my trek to take
back my kingdom...but did I actually like him? I dont know,
I said. I think so.
She sighed. He actually seems nice. Genuine. Dont break
his heart.
I glanced up in surprise. Before I could reply, I felt the flap
of wings, overhead. Vaemortem. I squeezed my eyes and
hastily wiped the tears away from my cheeks.
Kaidan and Celeste were now walking towards us and each
held little barbecue sticks. I cocked my head to the side,
surprised. I was under the impression that they hadnt brought
Earth money with them, but I refrained from asking how they
had obtained food.
Hey! I said, letting go of Christa and masking my
countenance with a fake smile. I think Vaemortems found
Kaidan and Celeste ran forward to join us.
First, lets get back on that roof, I said, as Vaemortem
landed on top the same building. I hoisted myself onto the edge
of window and climbed up the side of the two-story building.
When I reached the roof, I stood, pleased to see three riders
on the back of Vaemortem.


Not bad, I thought. Only in half an hour.

Their aurasss were easy to spot, Vaemortem retorted.
Cocky draekon, I chuckled.
One of the riders jumped offclumsilyand ran towards
I cant believe you abandoned me like that! Ithaca
squealed. Maria told me you were going to come sooner!
I glanced at Maria, who shrugged shamelessly as she
hopped off Vaemortems.
We were caught up in some stuff, I said.
I cant be sure in this dim lighting, Maria said, but you
look like you just crawled out of hell. She looked Christa
over. Both of you.
I rolled my eyes. Basically. Ithaca had wrapped her arms
around my waist and I patted her head.
Maria! Stark! Christa ran forward and hugged Maria then
shyly approached Stark, who gave her a reassuring smile.
Maria cleared her throat, pointing at Celeste. Umm, Im
not sure if I missed something butyou know thats Celeste
Eadvia, right?
Celeste crossed her arms, tossing her voluminous hair
behind her shoulder. Problem, Maria?
I cringed. Why dont we just play nice, girls? Celeste
helped out. It turns out that her father is, shall we say, abusive
at the very least. Lets just forget about whatever happened in
the past and move on?
Maria shot a glare at Celeste, who, in turn, rolled her eyes
and turned away.
And thats...Kaidan Devereux. Prince of Caesia, she
blinked. I choked. Had everyone known who his father was


except me?
Yeah, I said.
Maria winced and whispered in my ear. I mean, I know
hes cute-ish and all. Kaidan turned to smirk at her. But hes
our worst enemys son.
I raised my hands up. Come on. Not everyones a replica
of their parents.
I second that, Celeste said.
Maria glared at Celeste and shook her head. On that note,
any news of my mom? Dad? Of House Cornelius, in general?
Theyve all surrendered to my father. I dont know the
details, Kaidan interjected. Im very sorry.
Ithaca narrowed her eyes. But wheres grandma?
My heart pulsed erratically. I had forgotten. Ithaca didnt
know that our grandmother was dead. Was I supposed be the
one to tell her, being the big sister and all? But how could I do
that to her?
Ithaca tapped her foot as she waited for my answer. Hello?
Alessandra? Is she still in the dungeon back in Vaelyria, or
Kaidan had moved forward to me and placed his arm
around me to comfort me during this very awkward moment.
IIthaca, I said, a lump rising in my throat. I dont
know how to say this...but
Ithaca frowned, her crystal eyes widening. What. What is
it? Did something happen to her?
I braced myself by taking my hands and wrapping them
around Ithacas wrist.
Grgr grandmother is dead. Ignatius killed her.



For several long moments Ithaca stared at me in stupefied
When she finally spoke, she said, What? and laughed.
Youre kidding with me, right Alessandra? I recoiled and she
turned around. That was such a silly joke, ha ha wasnt it?
Her aura was flashing unsure colors. Uncertainty. Disbelief.
She searched Maria and Starks expression, but they too
looked equally shocked. Then Ithaca turned to face Christa.
Alessandras kidding. Right? Ithacas voice was getting
Christa started to stammer. II dontQueen Maeve
is... she trailed off, unable to finish her sentence.
Ithaca finally turned back to me. Youreyoure serious.
Youre telling me that Grandma is...dead.
I gave a slow nod, because if I spoke, I didnt know if I
could control my tears.
Grandma is Ithaca sniffed, grandma is dead? Just
like mom, and dad, and grandpa, and everyone?
I could hear Christa crying quietly, too. Emotions rapidly
rose in my chest. I had to cover my mouth to suppress a sob.
How could you? Ithaca shrieked, suddenly overwhelmed


with emotion. Whatever disbelief and restraint she had

beforebroke. Her aura erupted into flamesflashes of red
and black spiked around her. Anger. Grief. How could you let
her die? How could you let her leave us? she pummeled my
chest as her tears flowed uncontrollably.
I listened to you! I trusted you! I followed your friends,
as she pointed at Maria and Stark, I left Vaelyria because I
believed in you! Ithaca sobbed, her tears wetting my clothing.
She clenched the fabric of my shirt in her fists. You always let
them go! This is all your fault! she wailed, crumpling onto the
ground, sobbing.
I knelt down with her. Ithaca She stared up at me, her
crystal eyes darker than usual.
You cant say anything to make this better. Your words
mean nothing, she said ferociously between tears. I hate
you! she yelled through her sobs. I lifted a hand to wipe away
her tears, but she swatted me away. Get away from me. Her
aura was tinged with abysmal black. She meant it.
I nodded, once, and then stood. Im sorry, I said. Those
words didnt suffice. They couldnt convey the empathy and
pain and regret that I felt. They couldnt show Ithaca that I
understood how she felt that I felt the same way. She could
hate me. I didnt blame her.
Kaidan, could you? I asked under my breath.
He nodded and kneeled down beside Ithaca and stroked her
hair. She leaned onto his shoulder, her cries gradually stifled.
Maria stepped forward. Wait a second...Blake? Wheres
Christa gasped into her palm, and whimpered. Hehes


Maria gaped at me in shock. dead. Blake? What? What

happened? I dont believe it.
Why did I have to be the one to relay so much horrible
news? I killed him, I said.
Even Stark was stunned. His dark gray eyes met mine with
clear horror. Princess, he breathed.
Youyou what? Maria asked. You killed Blake?
Castile? Our Blake?
It turns out that he wasnt our Blake any longer, I
Christa averted her eyes.
It was Kaidan who spoke up. Blake Castile became a
traitor. He sided with my father and tried to kill us all,
including Alessandra. She fought him merely as an enemy, out
of necessity, he said. Its not her fault. She was only
defending herselfusall of us, trying to escape the dungeon
she was locked in, too.
I wasnt sure how much of the reason I had killed Blake
was necessity, and how much was just a need for revenge, but I
didnt say anything. Truth was I didnt really know.
No, Maria placed a palm on her chest. Blake?
Pain rose in my throat.
She didnt understand what Blake had done to me. She
didnt know.
Stark blinked and faced me. You killed Blake? he asked,
although it sounded more like a statement. The words were
heavy, like sinking stones.
I did, I said, willing my voice to persevere. He tipped
Ignatius off. He killed my grandmother, I clenched my jaw.
No, Marias voice was loud. No. This is Blake were


talking about. Maria shook her head. Hes...Blake. Her aura,

normally bright, suddenly overflowed with black despair.
The rest of us didntcouldntspeak.
She cupped her face in her hands and her sniffles echoed
Ithacas moans. Christa pulled Maria into her arms.
Stark glanced down at the ground, his expression painfully
regretful. Now that I think about itdo you remember when
he set the Vaziel statue on fire?
Maria nodded between her cries, as Christa tried to soothe
He got away with that even though the guard, Sebastian
caught him. We thought he shouldve gotten into more
trouble. Stark voice cracked. I always thought that was a
little strange, but...Blake. His fists were shaking and I could
see he tried to control his emotions and not cry.
Stark. God, I respected him for that. Maria hiccupped
again. This is too much. I needtime.
Im sorry, I said again. Those words were the only ones I
knew. I was so utterly useless.
Stark shook his head. No one is blaming you. Blake made
his own choices.
Perhaps Stark didnt blame me, but that didnt mean
everyone else didnt.
My eyes flitted from Christa to Maria. It wouldnt be a
surprise if they felt I was responsible for Blakes death. Hell, I
was responsible for his death.
Its all been so terrible, but Iwe need to go. Wewe
have to mourn later. Christa said finally.
Kaidan glanced at me. Go where?
I looked at Christa. I wont let Ignatius get away with this.


Im going to take back Vaelyria and I need an army. I inhaled,

thinking back to the words of the old King of Aeridore. We
need to return to Caspaer, and I know this is going to sound
insane, but the only place that we can get that army is
Aslakaen, Christa finished.
I looked at her in surprise. Aslakaen? I mean...yeah, I
meant Aslakaen, but how did you
Aslakaen! Celeste shrieked. What?
Maria blinked at us, uncertain. Am I hearing you both
right? Aslakaen. Like. The most powerful demonic kingdom in
Christa and I nodded in unison.
Demonic. Key word. Demonic, Maria shook her head in
Neither Christa nor I was fazed. We have to, I said.
There arent any other kingdoms that are possibly more
powerful than Ignatius Vaelyria and Caesia right now.
Aslakaen is our only choice, Christa reasoned. I dont like it
either, but we have no other alternative.
Maria looked back and forth between us. Youre willing to
go to these lengths to overthrow King Ignatius?
I smiled bitterly. Id do anything. Ignatius cannot stay in
power. Hes insanehe means to rid the world of demons and
Dark Nephilim.
Maria frowned. Isnt that supposed to be a good thing?
I crossed my arms. It may seem like that on the surface,
but he also means to sacrifice millions of Light Nephilim in the
process. Dont you know about AITS-7? Its not a natural
disease. It was deliberately manufactured on Ignatius orders.
I sighed. But if you dont want to come...Im sure we can find


a safe place for those of you who want to stay on Earth.

Stark met my eyes. Im willing to follow you, Princess.
I agree. Its what we need to do. Im all for whatever that
will remove my fathers power, Kaidan shrugged.
Celeste glanced at Kaidan, blushed, and said, Me too.
Christa nodded and began to twist her hair again. Even
though this is an insane idea its our last and only possibility.
I looked at Maria, who sighed. Its not like I havent done
crazier things, she admitted.
Lastly, I turned to Ithaca and offered her my hand.
She ignored me and stood on her own then walked over to
Vaemortem. Whatever, she said, pulling herself onto
Vaemortems back. Her eyes were still red from crying. I
swallowed painfully with sympathy.
I supposed that was a yes. So does anyone actually know
where the Aslakaen Portal is? I think flying through the
Caesian Portal and traveling through Caspaer is too risky,
considering Ignatius would probably be expecting something
like that, I added.
The Portal is in a place called Sydney, Australia, Christa
said smoothly.
Got that?
Smoke wisped out of the draekons nostrils. Naturally.
I eyed Vaemortems back. How many people can you
Vaemortem turned and eyed us. Including the little one,
The little one mustve meant Ithaca. But there were seven
of us. As much as Maria mightve liked to leave Celeste and


Kaidan behind, that wasnt something I could do.

Ill teleport with aether, I said.
Ill go with you, Kaidan offered.
I shook my head. I think you need to save your aether for
laterin case someone gets hurt. We cant have both of us
depleted of aether.
Kaidans eyes found mine. Then Ill teleport. You take the
draekon. Youre his Keeper.
But youre the better healer, I argued. And I have more
practice with teleportation. Face it, Kaidan. This way is more
Maria interrupted. Im touched by how noble both of you
are, but lets stop wasting time. Even though Im not really
excited to go to Aslakaen we might as well get this over with.
I looked around, wishing I had the time to visit Levi.
But I didnt. Surely Ignatius was already coming after us.
Sorry, old man.
I turned to Vaemortem. How long will it take for you to fly
to Australia?
The draekon folded his wings. Three and a half hoursss.
Quickest. I mighttt need a break between, too.
Hello? Let us in, wont you? Maria snorted, seemingly
I bit my lip, somewhat relieved. Right. Vaemortem says
itll take three and a half hours, maybe a little more to fly to
Australia. Whoever teleports will have to wait near the
Aslakaen Portal, I said. Who wants to come with me?
Christa stepped forward, to my surprise. Ill go.
I nodded. Okay.
I grabbed her hand. Im going to be super tired after this,


but, I closed my eyes, willing the aether emblem on my hip to

glow. Aslakaen Portal, I thought, picturing it in my mind.
Sydney Australia. The molecules around me tingled and
buzzed. Christas hand tightened around mine. Then we
teleported and landed in Sydney.
When we resurfaced the air around us was hot. I felt
Christa let go of my hand. I opened my eyes and asked, You
To answer my question she turned around and threw up.
Thisthis is worse than the Portal. And much worse than
the elevators, she coughed.
Yeah, but youll get used to iteventually. I ran my
fingers through my hair and looked around us. I felt totally
depleted. Like I was about to fall asleep or something. Id
never teleported this far, especially not with another person.
On the bright side, this was totally my kind of weather.
Why hadnt I chosen to stay here during my time on earth
instead of Bucharest?
As usual, humans lined the streets. The Aslakaen Portal
was a golden swirling pair of doors overhead, and to our right
side, was a huge port. The gleaming ocean was right beside us,
and a beautifully shaped buildingmade of arching, white
triangleswas right ahead, by the sea.
Having nowhere to go, I walked towards it. So in all
seriousness, I was surprised when you offered to come with
me. Youre not upset anymore?
Christa shrugged. I dont know. I thought it through and I
feel like I have no right to judge you. I was confused. I didnt
know how I was supposed to feel.
I tilted my head. Aw


Im sorry, she sighed.

Me too, I said. So were good? I asked.
She smiled shyly. Yeah. It was
Purple and black aura.
Even in my weakened state I could sense the aura. It edged
forward and darkened the light around us.
Christa, I said very slowly. Dont move.
A demon was standing a few feet away behind her, sniffing
in her direction. Swift movements usually made them angry.
Made them more willing to attack.
Christa stared at me, her eyes wide. Why? Is itis it?
A demon.



This demon was small and lithe and reeked of dense demonic
aura. It turned to stare at me, its eyes a strange golden color.
Then for the first time in my demon fighting history I was
completely immobilized. Golden eyes. Not red. Golden. I
blinked, squeezing my eyes shut, willing for the eyes to be
purple, but they were the same, sparkling golden.
Holy Caspaer.
A greater demon with eyes resembling the eyes of the boy I
had seen in my visions. A roar filled the air. I couldnt miss the
menace in the noise, the thirst. In the year I spent at Rosewood
I had never encountered a greater demon. Ever. These things
they could turn any Light Nephilim into a Dark one, with the
Nephilims agreement, of course.
Basically, this was as bad as demons got.
Christa, Itsits a greater demon. I had no idea what to
do. Have you read anything about them? I managed to
whisper. When she didnt reply, I cringed. I suggest
running. I offered.
I saw Christas shoulder tense. No.
I looked at the demon, warily. I dont think
we had to kill it or itd wreak havoc, she mumbled


slowly. Before I could react she turned around and drew her
My jaw dropped to the floor. Usually, Christa was the
logical one, and I was the rash one. But all of sudden we
switched roles.
Christa Fayolathe sweetest, quietest, smartest girl I
knewcharged the greater demon.
Even I didnt do things like that.
She released the arrow just as the demon rose on its hind
legs and gave a sickening howl. The arrow sunk into its flesh
with a pained shriek.
I had to admit that Christa was a good archer.
Christa smiled at me, cheerful. Probably happy about her
first demon killbut I couldnt take my eyes off the creature.
The demon staggered a few steps back and shrugged the
arrow right off.
Chris I tried to warn her. Christas eyes widened with
horror as she tried to string another arrow. The demon
launched up into the air, just as I drew Goldfyre, and I rushed
towards the demon out of desperation. A small column of fire
lit at the tip of my blade.
I was so drained of energybut I had to fightsomehow.
Before I even had time to react, the demon swatted me out
of the air with its monstrous strength, tossing me aside like a
plastic bag. I bounced off the wall of a building and onto a tent
in the market. Humans scattered and screamed as they ran
My muscles convulsed as the images before my eyes
started to blur. Blood trickled down my forehead and into my
mouth. I turned my head slightly, trying to catch a glimpse of


Christa, focusing on her red hair.

Keep your eyes open, I forced myself to stay awake. To
resist from falling unconscious.
I saw the demon leap onto Christa, throwing her to the
ground, and she shrieked. It leaned above her, its purple aura
surrounding her like a cloud, and smiled. It had one paw
around her neck. She struggled against its hold and was
gasping for breath.
I grunted and rolled off the tent and onto the ground. With
one hand, I pushed myself up, and tried to focus on what was
going on.
Stay conscious. Christa was sprawled on the ground, her
eyes open, and her skin a creamy white pallor. The demon was
leaning over her.
I tried to move, but my muscles were frozen. My legs
barely twitched. I tried to use Goldfyre as a prop to push
myself off of the ground, but every part of me felt like it was
burning from acid. I had spots in my vision and the whole
world was turning sideways. I staggered forward with Goldfyre
tightly gripped in my trembling hand.
I could barely focus on the blurred image in front of me.
All I could hear was Christas voiceher screaminguntil
even that started to fade.
And then she was silent.
ChrisChrista I whispered, dazed. The demon stared
up at me. Its eyes glinted with arrogance. The girl on the
ground was completely still. Blood etched in the scratch marks
around her neck. No. No moreI couldnt do this. Not again.
Scenes flashed before memeeting Christa for the first
time when I was four. I had sat at the dining table in the Palace


as I watched the girl shimmy through the door. This is the

daughter of a very dear friend of mineLady Christa Velvet
Alyssabeth of Noble House, Fayola, Grandmother had said.
Christa had seemed so shyso reluctant to speak. But her
sapphire eyes had been full of gentleness and kindness. She
had been several inches shorter than me and was skinnier than
a doll; I had yet to discover her geniusher ability to
strategize and to solve puzzles that I gave up trying to solve
after a few hours.
For the next twelve years we were the best of friends.
Coercing her into sneaking out of the Palace with mejust so I
could run rampant in the city of Urbanus Litore. Teasing her
about every crush she had on a boy. Laughing through years
with her. And even this past yearthe hardest times we had
ever been throughwe had gone through them together.
Whatever was next could be no different. I could not
would notlet her go.
The demon pawed at the ground and scratched the spot near
Christas fallen body.
Youyou killed her. I choked. You. I lifted Goldfyre,
the feeling the adrenaline and energy filled me in a breath.
Hatred consumed me. I charged the demon without a second
thought. I was no longer capable of thinking rationally.
The entire world burst into fiery colors dominated by red.
Colors of rage, anger, fury. And blackthe sky was tinged a
wretched black. It was like my vision had zoomed completely
in on the creature and my only goal in life was to kill it.
It seemed that vengeance was the only code I now lived by.
Black and red flames stretched before me, encasing me in a
blinding, radiant terror. I could hear myself scream. The noise


penetrated through the roar of the flames and ricocheted off of

walls and shattered the glass.
With speed that I didnt know I hadwith speed that in no
way belonged to meI sliced Goldfyre through the air.
The blade connected with the demons shoulder, it hissed,
rising on its hind legs as a blood-chilling howl pierced the air
and shattered the gloomy silence into lost fragments. I pushed
the demon backwards. My feet barely skimmed the ground. We
rolled down the streetthe world passing by like a misty
hazea tangle of fangs and blades and fury.
The monster sunk its fangs into my arm, and its poison
etched into my skin, hissing like acid and sinking into my
body. Valete, it howled with a sneer, its golden eyes taunted
me. We will burn together."
The words were empty to my ears. Instead, the rage that
suddenly erupted from within me made the pain numb in
comparison. I flicked my hand and a new wave of fire
exploded like bombs towards the demon, engulfing it in black,
despairing fire. Destroy.
And there was painpain stitching into my hip, and I
heard myself scream once morebut it only invigorated me.
To me, every pain was a new emblem of anger. A new reason
to eradicate the demon.
The power lines around us exploded, and I guided the
sparks to my blade, my ears popped as I routed the current. The
pain was tearing my body apart; I tried to cope with the sudden
influx of voltage, but, my body was too Nephilim to take it in.
It was burning my soul away. Too much for me to control.
Fiat iustitia et pereat mundus. Let justice be done, though
the world shall perish.


I was taking the demonand my entire worlddown with

me, in the name of revenge.
And nothing could stop me.
I merely tilted my head upwards and stared at the broad sky
that was speckled with dark clouds and wispy fog. The first
gentle drop of rain landed on my forehead and rolled down my
cheek until it splattered to the ground. More followed, until the
slight drizzle escalated into pouring rain, dousing my hair and
clothes. Beads of water rolled down my skin, soaking into my
clothes until I could felt nothing but the wet fabric against my
But the fire hadnt ceased.
No, the black and red fire was burning harder than before,
its fiery flames lapping at the buildings surrounding me. A ring
of fire that seemed to graze the skies encircled me. I felt
calmcollected. As if nothing in the world could touch me.
AAlessandra? a trembling voice called. Is that
I turned, slowly, but not out of recognition.
I hated that name. My name is Vespera. I wasnt sure if Id
merely thought that or had said it allowed.
A group of people stood before metwo boys, three girls.
One of the boys was carrying another girla limp, cold body.
Behind them stood a large creature. A draekon. A creature of


My eyes narrowed., came the voice again. It was
coming from the girlthe little one, who had stepped forward.
What are you?
Ithaca! One of the boys lunged towards her, shoving her
behind him. Be careful.
The older girl tugged the younger one back, quieting her, as
the boy stepped forward, his hands raised up as if he were
placating a wild animal.
Alessandra, he said, slowly.
The boy was me?
Alessandrawhat happened here? Are you alright? he
Vespera. I was sure that he was speaking to me, but I didnt
respond. They would leave eventually.
The boy placed a hand on my forearm and my skin tingled
under his touch.
He dared to touch me.
An unperceived anger suddenly swelled up in my chest,
and the flames detonated, hissing with disdain. My sword arm
immediately shot upGoldfyres blade grazing the boys skin.
He leapt back immediately, nearly toppling over onto the
ground, confusion filling his eyes. The rain started to splatter
harder, faster, angrier, as I glared up at the boy and his
Her eyes, one of the people said.
The boy held up his hand to silence her. Alessandra
I glowered harder, my hand shaking as I held Goldfyre,


pointing the tip of the sword towards his chest.

Alessandra, he tried again and I narrowed my eyes. I
dont know whats going on, but Christas hurt. I tried to heal
her, but I couldnt, somethings wrong with her. We need to go
to Aslakaen now, we to find help.
Something stirred in my mind causing a splitting headache
to surface at my temples. I clutched my forehead. Everything
started to seem off-balance and my arm was trembling. I was
losing control of myself.
What? the word slipped out of my mouth, surprising me.
What did you say?
The boy seemed relieved to have finally gotten an answer
out of me. We need to leave.
The world froze around me. I felt as if I were grasping
blindly for somethingsomething that had just slipped through
the crevices between my fingers. But I didnt know what it
I shook my head. My eyes searched for answers. Nonot
that, I shuddered.
Something inside me started to clashcontempt and a need
for understanding.
Christa, the boy breathed. Christas hurt. Your best
friend. what? Goldfyre fell to the floor and clattered
against the hard stone. My best friend. Christa. She was hurt.
Hurtbut alive. I glanced at the limp body that was being
carried by one of the mortals towards me. Red hair was strewn
over the girls face, her lips slightly parted. Christa. My best
friend. Alive. I rememberI knew her.
Vessspera, I could hear the draekons presence


Vaemortems presenceseeping back into my mind.

The clashing receded and all the anger, the hatred, and
contempt faded with it. My body felt weakened, as if all life
had been drained out of me, and for a moment I was blinded by
The world was a dizzy blur before me and the sky seemed
to stretch vertically. Falling.
When I blinked to open my eyes, strong arms were around
me, holding me up.
Alessandraare you alright? I methis name
was...Kaidan? I met Kaidans emerald eyes.
II dont know, I croaked, barely capable of standing. I
dontwhat happened to me?
The little girlIthaca, my own sistergave a little squeal.
You were all...crazy. You wouldnt respond to anything we
said, and you said your name was Vespera
I flinched. Vespera. What did that mean? And why did that
name suddenly make so much more sense to me, even if Id
learned nothing?
Kaidan shook his head. Im not sure. You had these wings
made of fireblack fire. And your eyes were this strange
color. I wasnt surebut I think
He inhaled sharply.
I glanced up. What is it?
Kaidan pressed two fingers to my hip. Your insigniadid
you not see this?
See what? I cringed as I caught view of my hip. And then
I froze. Five? I shook my head. Thats not possible. No one
has five.
But you do, he cut in.


Well Ill be damned, Maria gave a startled laugh. What

are you?
Thats not I clutched my head and frowned
dismissively. how can that beit cant. I still felt unstable,
as if I could collapse at any moment. My knees were weak and
the world around me faded in and out.
Your scar too, Kaidan brushed a hand against my cheek.
Its gone.
I ran a finger over the place where Ignatius had once cut
me. He was right. It was gone, and I had no idea how or why.
Stark cleared his throat. We can discuss this later. We
need to go. Christashes injured. he glanced at Christas
limp form in his arms.
The memories hit me so forcefully that I cried out in pain. I
had forgotten! Christa, panic enveloped me. Christa, is
Kaidans frown deepened. I dont know. Were going
through the Aslakaen Portal now. Were running out of time. I
dont know how long she can hold on. Are you ready?
I knew what he was implying. We had no idea what was on
the other side of that Portal: friend or foe. But what choice did
we have? All I could feel was reliefrelief that Christa had a
chance to live.
I had been so sure that she had died. But she was alive. And
that was all that mattered.
Here, Kaidan said, handing Goldfyre to me. I averted my
eyes from his. I grimaced. Earlier, I had pointed my weapon at
my friends, hadnt I? I thinkthink I remember what I did.
You should hold on to it. Just in case, I mumbled, ashamed of


Kaidan frowned. What?

I shook my head. I could have killed you, I exhaled.
Instead, Kaidan grabbed my arm and placed Goldfyres hilt
into my palm. But you didnt, he said, moving forward. And
you wont. You might need to defend yourself once were in
Aslakaen. Can you walk?
Suddenly I felt a new energy enter me. For some reason,
my vision slowly cleared, and strengthsomeone elses
strengthpoured into my veins. Breathing became easier and I
was no longer associated with pain and weariness. Yeah
yeah. I can, I said, confused.
You are welcome.
My eyes met the draekons as he pawed at the stone
Thank you, I said. Suddenly aware you could do that.
I got no reply, so I followed Kaidan down the road,
walking at the same pace as Ithaca. Not far behind us were
Maria, Stark, and Celeste, while Vaemortem stretched his
wings and leapt into the air, trailing us from above.
Kaidan came to an abrupt halt in front of the shimmering,
veiled Portal that was spiraling overhead.
Whatever happens, I said, we have to protect Christa.
Dont worry, Stark said, firmly. She wont die under my
I nodded. And Ithaca, stay behind me, I ordered.
My sister frowned and shook her auburn wavy hair. I can
fight, she said defensively.
I know you can, I answered, but the rest of us have more
experience. Please be careful, I tried to reason with her. Im
responsible for you now. Grandma made that very clear to me


in a letter she gave me before she died. I will always make sure
you are safe.
Ithaca crossed her arms. Fine. And her voice trailed
What is it? I asked.
She cleared her throat. about Grandma. Im sorry about
the things I said. I didnt mean it.
I smiled, patting her head. I know Ithaca. I didnt take it to
heart, but I am sorry that I couldnt save her.
Kaidan gave one last glance at me, and I nodded towards
him. He raised his arm. Aperi super imperium, turris, he said
in one breath. Then, Da mihi ingressum ad medium mundi.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Vaemortem dive down
towards us, as the Aslakaen Portals golden veil shimmered
and faded through the Portal. I took a deep breath.
Redde mihi nunc fortitudinem caeli. Heaven give me
Taking Ithacas hand in mine, I plunged through the Portal,
my eyes open. Everything flickered and swirled around me.
My ears popped from the change in air pressure. My feet found
solid groundgrassand I looked up. Ithaca was gripping my
hand tightly.
The first word that came out of my mouth, was, Wow.
Ouch! I heard, as Maria tumbled out of the Portal behind
me. Following her was Stark holding Christa, Celeste and then
Vaemortem came flying through last, not even pausing
before swerving through the air and then past us, towards the
ocean, until he was only a speck in the sky. Into the demonic
kingdom. This was like home for him. He could fly freely


anywhere here.
Wow, Maria echoed, glancing around us.
Aslakaen was nothing like what we had expected.
I stood in a grass fielda cliffthat overlooked a beautiful
city. The bright sun cast rainbow mirages over the Divine Sea
that lapped at the edges of the city. In the distance, I could see
a castlemodern and yet medieval at the same time. It was
built to face the sea. Its many glass panels reflected the
radiance of the sky and ocean.
A gentle, warm breeze wafted through my hair. And the
temperaturethe temperature was hot, but to me, it was
perfect. Aslakaen was warmer than Vaelyria, with an even
vaster view of the Divine Sea. The architecture was also more
antiqueless modern. But it wasnt any less beautiful.
I shook my head in disbelief. This was Aslakaena
demonic kingdomnot some fairytale world, no matter how
much it looked like one.
I drew a deep breath, willing myself to relax. The Palace,
I pointed. We should go there.
Kaidan nodded. Shes right. We need to try our hand at
meeting the King of Aslakaen. And only there might we be
able to find medical help for Christa.
Alright, Maria said. If thats what you guys think is
Can you teleport? I asked Kaidan. Christa needs aid as
fast as possibleand Im not exactly filled with much aether.
Kaidan was already moving towards Stark and took Christa
from him. I think so, he said.
Instead of feeling a reply from Vaemortem, I felt the auras


of more people.



Who are you all? I heard from behind me. The voice had an
accentan Aslakaen accent I presumed. Instinctively, I spun
around and raised Goldfyre before me.
It was a guard with sandy blonde hair and curious eyes.
Nonot one guard. Dozens of them.
We couldnt afford an altercationnot with Christa injured
and me depleted of power. She needed help. Now. Diplomacy
was the best option. I wrapped Goldfyre back around my wrist
and raised my hands as a token of peace. My friends followed
my example.
I am First Princess of Vaelyrias royal House Scarlett, I
said, even though the words tasted foreign on my tongue. We
come to seek refuge from the King of Caesiaand warn your
King that he who plans to invade Aslakaen next, I added.
The guards glanced at one another then returned their
attention to me.
I nodded. Yes. My friend here, I gestured to Christas
limp body in Kaidans arms, is severely wounded. She needs
medical aid. I decided it was best not to mention that Kaidan
was Ignatius son.


One of the guards stepped forward, the leader, I presumed.

This seems to be a political issue. We will have to take you to
our King, he said.
Very well, I said, biting down on my tongue so I
wouldnt say something I would regret. Christa needed
immediate help, but ordering these guards around would only
make them angry.
But Christa Maria began, but I shook my head quickly.
I interrupted, We follow them.
One of the guards brought out somethingquicksilver
cuffs. First this, he said.
Maria glanced at me in response.
Oh please no, Celeste shook her head.
I grimaced. This would put as at a huge disadvantage.
Trusting these Aslakaen guardstrusting the King of
Aslakaencould either destroy or save us.
I took a deep breath and held both of my arms out. The
guard clamped the mercury cuffs down on my wrists and
immediately I recognized the familiar effects of them. All my
elemental power faded away.
Celeste gave me an unsure glance, but did as I had done.
Kaidan, Maria, Stark, and Ithaca all did the same. They
trusted me to make the right decision. I desperately hoped I
hadnt made a mistake.
The guards loaded us into separate transporters and sent us
off of the enormous cliff overlooking Aslakaen.
I sat beside Christa and Kaidan while everyone else was
forced into the other transporter. The transporter jolted from
side to side as it made its way down the gravel and stone
streets. I tore my eyes away from the windowtrying to


prevent myself from being so enthralled by the Kingdom. This

demonic Kingdom.
Christa, I murmured, grabbing her cold hand. Hold on.
She was still breathingthank Godas a result of
Kaidans adept healing, but I could feel her breath becoming
shallower and shallower. Furthermore, she was still in a coma,
and all I could do was pray for her to wake up.
If only I had stopped her from lunging after the greater
demon. If only I had fought it first instead. If only I had tried to
heal her right after she had been woundedinstead of being so
consumed by irrational hatred and insanity.
Shell be fine, I heard Kaidan murmur into my ear. I
leaned my head onto his shoulder and closed my eyes.
If only this damn transporter would move faster, I
complained under my breath. But I have to stay calm.
After what seemed like hours, but was likely only a few
minutes, the transporter skidded to a stop. Someone opened the
door and pulled Kaidan out of the transporter. I followed, while
another guard lifted Christa off of the seat.
Careful, I said impulsively.
The guard gave me an evil look, but didnt reply.
Wheres everyone else? I asked.
The guard shrugged. Coming. He opened the door to the
Aslakaen castle and motioned for us to enter. Kaidan walked in
first and I trailed behind him. The guard carrying Christa
shadowed closely behind me.
The castle was every bit as entrancing as I had imagined it
to be. Black, red, and white designs covered the furniture, and
large windows gleamed with reflected sunlight. But instead of
the white plaster walls I was used to in Vaelyria, the walls were


made of stone bricks, built on top of one another. A fireplace

was visible from where I was standingand wispy smoke
trailed out of the furnace.
We were brought down a hallway and shoved into an
elevator. I leaned back against the stony elevator walls and
watched the view as we rose higher and higher. Aslakaena
demonic kingdomcould make me feel this comfortable?
Even at Rosewood I had never felt this much at ease so
I turned back to look at Christa as the elevator came to a
The guard carrying Christa stepped out first. I started to
follow but a guard suddenly stepped in front of me.
Not you, he said.
Panic grasped me and inherent adrenaline rush filled me. I
bent my knees slightly ready to lunge at the half of a dozen
guards in the elevator if they made any shady move.
She will be cared for, the guard said. We promise not to
hurt her before the King hears your case.
The elevator doors slid shut before me. I took a deep breath
and I managed to restrain myself from attacking them. I had no
choice but to take their word for it. If I fought now, Christa
would definitely be doomed. But at least she still had a
chanceas long as I remained diplomatic. As long as I listened
to what they wanted.
The elevator stopped once more and the doors slid open.
The guards guided Kaidan and me out of the elevator and down
the hallway.
Stay, I heard one of the guards say. Guards in front of a
set of doors pulled them open and one of the guards that was


with us entered. The doors briskly closed behind him.

For minutes Kaidan and I impatiently waited. Anxiety
filled my lungsI could hear myself praying under my breath.
Please let the King of Aslakaen be merciful. Kind.
Generous, however irrational that wasthis was a demonic
The doors swung open again. His Majesty is currently
busy. We are to bring you to your rooms, Your Highness, the
guard said as he stepped out. I gave them a puzzled look. Since
when had these Aslakaen guards decided to call me Your
Highness? Please hold out your hands, the guard said.
Although I was confused I did as requested. The guard took
a key out of his pocket and removed the quicksilver handcuffs
from my wrists. Sorry for the inconvenience, he apologized
as he continued removing the handcuffs from Kaidans wrists.
Kaidan and I exchanged glances. He shrugged and
followed after the guard. I turned to look at the doors that had
already closed, shook my head, and ran after them.
We went back inside the elevator and the guard punched in
another number. The elevator doors slid closed and the elevator
began to move up. It stopped one floor above where we were
before and the doors slid open.
Here, the guard motioned. The rest of the guards trailed
behind me as I walked forward, keeping pace with Kaidan.
There were five doors before ustwo to my left, one straight
in front of me, and two more to my right. A guard opened the
second door from the left. Your rooms, Your Highness, he
gestured. Once again, I was surprised.
Kaidan walked in first while I was at his heels. When I saw
how extravagant and luxurious the room was, I gasped in


This? I asked, looking around.
One of the guards turned to face me. Is there a concern,
Your Highness?
I shook my head. Oh no. Its wonderfulI was just
thank you. The room was aesthetically pleasing, right out of a
home design magazine. The only exception was that all the
walls were made of stone, giving the place a very antiquated
feel. Yet, I still felt strangely comfortable.
There are six bedrooms in this suite, a guard said. And
three bathrooms, a kitchen, and a dining room, as well as this
living room youre standing in.
I looked at Kaidan, who shrugged, equally surprised at the
King of Aslakaens hospitality.
Would you like for me to light your fireplace, Your
Highness? a guard offered.
Iif youd like, I stammered, still confused with how
cordial they were being. I didnt feel like a prisoner at all.
The guard lit the fireplace and the orange-red flames
swayed as if they were dancing. Well call for you if we have
any news, Your Highness, the guard said.
Wheres I started to speak, but then the doors swung
open, and Ithaca, Celeste, Stark, and Maria walked into the
Oh! I exclaimed as they joined Kaidan and me in the
luxurious living room. Thank goodness youre all alright.
Christa, where is she? Getting medical aid I hope? When
will we be able to see here? Stark inquired.
Well bring news as soon as possible, the guard said.
Your Highness, he nodded and bowed to me, and all of them


exited without another word.

Maria gawked at me. Hes calling you, Your Highness
I raised my hands as if I were surrendering. I have no idea
whats going on. All we can do is wait, I said, pursing my
lips. Maybe
My vision blurred and my knees began to buckle. Fear
seized me as I struggled to retain control of myselfbut I was
The boy. Again.
He was standing in front of mehis golden eyes piercing
into mine. His sandy blonde hair swayed in the brisk breeze
that swept across my skin. Smoke and fire lit the space between
us. Then he smiled at me. I felt my stomach leap to my
throatout of exhilaration, anxietya need to get closer to
him. A need to understand him.
And yet I had no idea who he was.
Nevertheless, I reached out with one hand, as he mirrored
my action. My fingers grazed hisand suddenly ricocheting
pain grappled me.
I was so, so scared. I had to run. I had to get out of here.
But I was frozen.
Searing light burst through my mind and I lost all sense of
vision and hearing. The world was toppling, collapsing,
imploding. Everything was just pain, ache, and frustration. And
desperation. A desperation to find him again. And then it was
all pain. I was ripped back into reality with a start.
Are you okay? Kaidan asked, concerned.
I nodded, breathing heavily. Im fine. Totally fine.


At that moment, we all heard a series of knocks on the

door. I inhaled sharply.
Stark pulled open the door, simultaneously we all sighed
with relief when we saw Christa, alive and well, and standing
in the doorway.
But then I frowned. Just earlier, Christa had been dying.
Were the healers here so masterful that she looked completely
unharmed? She lookedtoo well. I walked forward. Christa,
youre alright?
She nodded, shyly. Im fineits just that
With or without aether, I could feel something had
changed. I tried to think back to when the demon had been
leaning over herwhispering to her.
There was only one explanation for this. Yet, the
explanation was so absurd, I wasnt sure I could process it. Her
aura. It was redanxiety. But alsoblack.
Im now Christa started, her voice wavering. a
Dark Nephilim.



Kaidan, Ithaca, Stark, Celeste, and Maria all simultaneously
dropped their jaws and stared at Christa. I followed suit.
What? Maria asked. Shes a...a what?
Holy Celeste cursed, a strings of a few bad words
flowing from her mouth. I shot her a disdainful look.
Ithacas present, I muttered under my breath. And, well,
umm, I think shes telling the truth, I added, hesitantly.
Maria glanced at me. How can you tell?
Kaidan interceded. Her aura, remember? I can see it too.
Black aura with the aura of her emotions.
A stray tear streaked down Christas face. Id rather be
Dont say that, I snapped. If you were dead, what would
it do to the rest of us? Havent we lost enough lately?
Marias lower lip quivered. Besides, youre not really a
Dark Nephilim. You were born as a Light Nephilimthere
must be something we can do.
But Christa started, but I raised my hand up to stop
Dont argue with us about this. I thought you were dead,
Christa. Right now, all I can feel is relief that youre alive. We


can deal with the rest of that stuff later, I said.

Christa shook her head. But I had a choice! That greater
demon said...I couldve chosen to die a slow deathbut it had
hurt so much. I feel so stupid and weak now, but I gave in. Im
a coward, and now Ill never be able to return to Vaelyria.
Are you sure youre ayou know, Maria stuttered.
Im sure, Christa said, solemnly. What should Iwhat
should I do?
Maria cringed. Maybe theres a way to change you back.
Who knows?
I tried to divert the subject away from her newly demonic
state. Besides, I interjected. You charged the demon when I
suggested to run. Youre brave. Not the coward you claim to
But Im still a demonic Christas voice faded. A dark
I crossed my arms. Do you feel the need to kill us right
Christa frowned. No, she admitted.
Do you feel like were your archenemies? I pressed.
Well, no. Christa exhaled.
Do you feel
Okay, I get it, Christa shook her head. You can stop
I shrugged. Well it worked didnt it?
Christa sighed, still a little hesitant. Well...if you guys
dont hate me...
Of course not, Maria said a little too hastily. As much as
we loved Christa, we had been raised to attack Dark Nephilim
at sight. We had been raised to hate them or anyone demonic. It


would take time for us to get use to this, but I promised to try.
So now what? Ithaca looked around the room. Do we
just wait?
Yeah. Exactly that. I said.
So we waited. We ended up finding fresh clothes that
seemed to be prepared just for us. All of us took turns
showering and changed, finally able to get rid of our soiled,
dirty, and ripped clothes.
Once we were no longer covered in grime and dirt, Maria
sifted through the pantry looking for something to cook. Im
surprised they have edible stuff here, she grumbled. I dont
see any bags of blood or anything.
Christa inhaled sharply.
I glared at Maria.
Maria covered her mouth apologetically. I was just
kidding. I dont have any problems withyou know. Dark
Nephilim. Or bloodsuckers, for that matter. She blinked as the
rest of us looked at her. Okay. Im going to shut up now.
Maria cooked whatever she had found in the pantry and set
the table.
I searched for words to ease the tension. I cant believe
Maria is a decent cook, I teased.
She sneered. Among many other things.
I forked another tangle of noodles and stuffed them into my
mouth. For once Im glad to have you as my Protector, I
What? Maria exclaimed.
Its okay, I smiled. Youre still my second favorite
Protector, I gave Stark a knowing look. He grinned while
Maria whined.


Eventually, the lot of them fell asleep across two couches,

laughing and smilingcontent that we were together, despite
all that we had lost, and all we would have to face in the near
My grandmother and Blakethey are gone, but they
werent forgotten, and for the moment, their deaths were
accepted. We would move forward in spite of everything that
tried to hold us back.
And Ignatius. He would payfor everything.
Sometime later that night my eyes opened. Everything was
dark except for the light that came from the fireplace. We had
opened the balcony windows, so a slight, warm draft settled
into the room. I had been sleepingnot really on the couch
but in Kaidans lap, with my head on his chest. His arms were
wrapped tightly around me; I could hardly move.
My cheeks flamed red, and I gingerly removed myself from
him, carefully stepping over Stark, Celeste and Ithaca who had
fallen asleep on the floor. Christa and Maria were curled up on
a smaller couch, peacefully quiet.
I glanced at the nearest timekeeper. It was a little past
The floor was probably a tiny bit chilly. I grabbed a couple
of blankets from the closet and covered Stark, Celeste and
Ithaca. Everyone looked so serene and content; I didnt dare
disturb their sleep.
I started to walk towards the kitchen to grab a snack when I
heard a knock on the door. Somebody in the room shifted and I


winced. Curious but wary, I opened the door slightly, surprised

to find a guard standing in front of me.
Your High
Shh, I said in a whisper, placing a finger to my lips
instinctively. What is it?
Sorry to intrude at such a late hour, but His Majesty said
he would like to meet with you now, Your Highness, the
guard said in a low voice. If it pleases you, Your Highness,
he added.
I stopped to wonder if this could be a ploy as it was such a
strange time to call for me. I shook the thought away. These
Aslakaen Nephilim couldve harmed us at any time. We had
put ourselves at their mercyand yet, we were safe. There was
no reason for them to harm me now.
This probably meant that the message had been genuine.
Once again, the King was being so cordial. If it pleased me.
He had given me a choice. I wouldnt let the chance pass.
Of course. Please lead the way, I said, and closed the
door behind me, stifling a yawn.
The hallway was dimly lit, yet it felt secure. Although I
was alone with the guard I didnt feel threatened.
Here, Your Highness, the guard motioned for me to enter
the elevator. I obediently stepped inside with him and the other
guard that was present. The elevator went down one floor then
stopped. The doors slid open, and we were back in the same
place as we had been earlier today, waiting to meet with the
King of Aslakaen.
I followed the guard down the dimly lit hallway and he
pushed open the large doors. I walked inside the first set of
doors and before me was another pair of doors. The guard


scurried around me to open those doors, and inside, was a

large, grand hall that was lit only by the moonlight that shone
through the windows and the embers from the fireplace.
It wasnt a throne roommore like a library. Books lined
the wooden shelves that leaned against the walls. There were
couches, chairs, small tables, and lamps strategically placed
around the room. Like the rest of the palace, it gave off a
majestic, yet antiquated feel.
I turned around to find that the guards hadnt followed me
into the room, but instead, had closed the doors behind me. I
was alone now. Where was the king?
I walked in and peered into the different doorways. There
was a bathroom, an office, a kitchen, a living room, a dining
room, and a bedroom. By now, I was completely lost. I had no
idea where I was in the suite. I peeked into another room
during my exploration of this grand suite, and it was another
bedroom, obviously the master bedroom from the looks of it.
Just as I was about to continue off to the next set of doors,
something made me pause. The balcony doors were wide open
and a warm gust of wind was coming through it. I could see the
moona bright, perfect sphere, and I felt inclined to be closer
to it.
I shrugged off the warning bells going off in my head,
losing all sense of caution, and rationality. I mean, the King of
Aslakaen had invited me here, and then had failed to appear.
He couldnt blame me for being a little curious.
I stepped inside slowlyno one stopped me. I shrugged
then continued to make my way through the very large room,
around the bed, past the gigantic closets, until I was standing
right before the balcony.


The scenery was beautiful. I could see part of the Divine

Sea and the kingdom of Aslakaen from the balcony. Enthralled,
I and grabbed onto the rail of the balcony and leaned forward
so I could see in every direction. My heart pumped with
enchantment and I felt like I was glowing.
The view was irresistible. The waves of the Divine Sea
brushed against the shores of Aslakaen. When I turned my
head to the right, I could see the city lightsand even the
silhouette of the cliff that overlooked Aslakaen.
Itsbeautiful, I exhaled, dazed. The night view here
was even more beautiful that Vaelyrias. And that said
something. This placeit could make me forget everything if
it wasnt a demonic kingdom.
It is, isnt it? a low, rich voice came from behind me. A
voice that I felt like I had heard somewhere before. I grasped
for recognitionfor a semblance of a memory in my head, but
there was none to be found.
And then I realized the voice wasnt in my headit was
hereright here. I spun around and gasped. My heart leapt in
surprise. A boy stood before mehe was tall.
How had he snuck up on me?
I tensed. No aura. He had somehow hidden his aura. An
aether user, then?
Uh I averted my gaze. Im supposed to be here to
meet the King of Aslakaen, I tried to explain, I didnt know
where he was, soIll just go find him I started to walk
swiftly past the tall figure, but his hand shot out and grabbed
my wrist. My eyes were aligned with his chest and I lifted my
head up to see if I could read his expression.
I fought against the instinct to yank my wrist out of his


grasp, swallowing my irritation.

The boy cocked his head to once side, but I was unable to
discern his features in the darkness.
But you already have, he said, his voice deep and toned.
I confusion and then understanding and shame seized
me. Fantastic. YouYour Majesty, I blurted. I didnt know
where you were, so
He chuckled and I tensed up.
Relax. Breathe. Hes only probably the most powerful Dark
Nephilim Id ever meet. No big deal.
I was in the room where you entered. He gave me a
humored glance. Yet, instead of greeting me, you went on to
explore my suite.
I couldnt reply. Every cell in me was buzzing with
familiarity and confusion, but I couldnt understand why.
He let go of my wrist. My arm dropped to my side, limp.
My skin burned where he had touched menot in a nice,
tingly way, but as if someone had draped fire over my wrist.
I shook my head, embarrassed as I struggled to find my
voice. Not my fault. You could have provided some light, I
managed to say only to realize I was basically accusing him. I
clamped my mouth shut.
The fireplace didnt provide enough? He...was teasing
me? The King of Aslakaen?
I averted my gaze. IIm sorry, I said. Er, Your
Majesty, I added. Of course I would forget my manners to the
King who was my only chance in obtaining a kingdom to
overthrow Ignatius. Classic me.
He gave me another amused smile. My name is Damian


Vladimir Asmodeus Montclair. You may call me Damian

Montclair, he said, with danger crawling into his voice. He
stepped forward so I could actually feel the heat rolling off of
his body.
Im I started, but then something made me hesitate. I
glanced up at himreally seeing him now, as he had angled
his face towards the moonjust as another slight draft drifted
past us.
Fear seized me as his eyes met mine.
Sandy blond hair and high cheekbones.
A sardonic yet eternal smirk.
Inexplicably gorgeousalmost as if he were sculpted from
clay and then brought to life, with only the slight crook of his
nose to prove that he was real. Even then, I wouldnt have
believed itif not for his eyes.
His eyes. Golden-titanite, eyes. Beautiful. Eyes that burned
crevices into my skin, into my body, and froze whatever breath
I had left in me. Horror and disgust filled me. Nausea rose in
my throat.
I knew himyet, I didnt. The King of Aslakaen.
Damian Montclair. He opened his mouth and only one
word grazed his lips. One word that explained so much and yet
left so many more questions in its wake.



Panic wrought havoc on my senses and all awe and respect I
had felt earlier drained away. Goldfyre elongated from my
wrist and I lunged forward. A snarl rose in my throat.
Demon, I spat, swinging my blade forward. The boys
expression didnt change, but something flickered across his
eyeshumor? Youre a bloody demon, I growled as he
caught my blade with his bare hand, catching me by surprise.
The sword pierced into his skin, and his blood began to drip
on the floor, marring the otherwise silent ambiance.
A greater demon. The same demon that had walked my
nightmares. A bitter taste filled my mouth, a reminder of my
pastand onlyencounter with a greater demon. That demon
had condemned Christa into becoming what she had become. I
clenched my teeth, holding the hilt of the sword with both
hands now, trying to push forward, but he wouldnt budge. The
blade was now shaking between us, sparking with small rings
of fire, while he seemingly effortlessly held the sword in place.
Anger erupted in my chest, and I ducked to swing my leg
upward, the head of my shoe aimed towards his neck. My foot
barely connected before his other hand twisted my leg out of
the way, shifting what balance I retained, and I started to


plummet toward the floor, right on my back. My hands

desperately grasped the air as I tensed, preparing for the pain
that would follow the impact, but suddenly his hand grabbed a
fistful of the neckline of my shirt, yanking me forward.
Goldfyre fell loudly onto the floor.
His golden eyes flashed.
I took a sharp breath. Vaemortem, my mind automatically
thought. Itd be nice for you to show up.
There was no reply.
Are you done now, sweetheart? the demon purred, his
voice darkly low. I could feel the heat of his voice on the lobe
of my ear.
Not yet, I scowled, pushing off his chest with palms
encased in fire, and pulled Rosethorne out of my hair. He
stepped a single step backward and released me. I stood a few
feet away, ready to pounceadrenaline coursing through my
body and leaving electrical sparks in my nerves. What are you
doing here? I demanded.
The boy gave me a peculiar, smug look. This is my
kingdom, and youre asking me what Im doing here? he
gestured towards the city beyond the balcony, his question
posed more as a statement.
I lunged for him again, but he twisted my wrist and sent
Rosethorne onto the floor, too, crushing me against the wall in
a painful hold.
Youre a demon, I spat again, as if that explained
A low chuckle came from his throat. Yes, I am. And this
is a demonic kingdom. You came here knowing that, and yet
you didnt expect to see any demons? His words were


condescending. Mocking. His grip on me loosened, and I

shoved him away from me in disgust.
I scoffed. I didnt expect the King of Aslakaen to be a
One side of his mouth curved upward. You dont have to
be so judgmental.
I ignored him, eyeing Goldfyre, which were a few feet
away from me. Hand to hand combat with him probably wasnt
going to go well for me. I wanted my sword. Or my dagger. Or
He chuckled, and my gaze snapped back to his. Dont
bother, he advised. Your sword wont help you.
What do you want from me?
He sighed, as if he was exasperated. Come on, love. You
came to me. He raised a hand to stop what I was about to say,
and one of his eyebrows arched. And, instead of thanking me
for my hospitality, you attacked me.
Youre a demon, I accused again.
Oh really? I wasnt aware, he said sarcastically, his
expression almost bored.
My eyes narrowed. Why do I see you in my nightmares?
I probed. Who are you really?
So many questions. What makes you think I know any
more that you do?
I wanted to send him and his prevaricate answers back to
hell. I sunk my nails into the palm of my hand in frustration.
The King of Aslakaen, Damian Montclair was a demon.
Yet, I needed his help.
My jaw twitched in irritation. I was sifting through my
choicesI could either leave, assuming hed let me, and give


up on getting an army and lose any chance of avenging my

grandmothers murder, or I could try to compel him into
helping me. Even after I had attacked him.
My choices didnt seem good. I wasnt even sure I wanted
his help now that I knew what he was.
Vaemortem, I tried again. A little help here. Feel free to tell
me what the heck Im supposed to do now.
I heard a grumble in my mind. I trust him.
Irritation sparked in my mind. And where were you earlier,
when he had a death choke on me?
The draekon purred in my mind. I was tired. And you were
in no real danger.
I frowned. You trust him...Hmph. This has nothing to do
with it? I returned.
You think my demonic origins would alter my loyalty to
you? I heard a sniff. You are my Keeper. I speak the truth.
I let the conversation go. Double-checking that I hadnt
hurt his feelings or anything. My eyes honed in on the demon
standing before me.
Finally done consulting with your draekon? his
calculated words reached my ears.
How did he know about my draekon? No matter. I closed
my eyes, trying to swallow my pride.
Grandmother. Think about grandma. And Ithacashe
would want to return to her home. There were so many
Vaelyrians who needed me to do this and so many who had
already died at the hands of Ignatius. I had come so farI had
to try.
IIm sorry for attacking you earlier, I finally said, the
words cracking when they exited my mouth. I hope you wont


see it as more than a small misunderstanding.

Damian Montclair stepped forward and I instinctively took
a step backward. A small misunderstanding. Of course, love.
Every inch of my body was straining to attack himhe was
a demon. I forced my natural instinct down my throat, sending
calming vibes through my body. Hes my only chance, I
reminded myself. Grandmother. Ithaca. Vaelyria. I need your
help, I blurted out.
My help, he repeated, still advancing.
Fear pounded the air out of my lungsfear and
desperation. King Ignatius of Caesia killed my grandmother,
the words scrambled out of my mouth. He dethroned her
and...killed her right in front of me.
Damian Montclair stopped moving. His eyes now searched
my expression for answers. For a moment he was completely
still. Then he softly said, A pity story, then?
Anger rattled inside me as I struggled to ignore his words.
I dont want your stupid pity, I blurted, then cringed. Im
going to kill Ignatius, I said, feeling a surge of fury and hatred
rise in my chest. Im going to avenge my grandmothers
death, Im going to kill him, but I need an army
I have an army, he finished my words. Cocking his head
to one side as he inspected me. Revenge. You are the rightful
heir of an angelic kingdom. Revenge brought you to a demons
doorstep. How...ironic, he said, slowly. Amused.
My heart pounded rapidly. I needed this. I needed for him
to agree. Will you help me?
One of his eyebrows rose. He paused to think for a
moment. What reason do I have to aid you?
My head scrambled for somethingfor the right


motivating words since it didnt seem that I had the power to

compel Damian Montclair to help me exact my revenge. But
what reason did he have to help me? I had stumbled into this
blindly, and I needed helpand a lot of it.
Caesia! I blurted out.
His golden eyes flashed, sending spirals of fear down my
spine. Caesia?
I nodded. Its a Light Kingdom. Ignatius is the King of
Caesia. Theyre your enemies. Besides, if Ignatius gains
enough power, hell come here, too. His goal is to destroy all
the Dark Kingdoms, including Aslakaen, As I rambled, as
soft, warm wind hummed through the darkness.
Those golden eyes blinked. Once. I waited for his reaction.
Interesting, his eyes were now hooded. And you dont want
I froze in thought. Dark Kingdoms were also the supposed
enemy of Vaelyria and all the Light Kingdoms. In theory,
Ignatius goal was twistedly angelicbut I had seen his
methods. They were torturous and vile, that even the thought of
them made me mentally and physically ill.
I dont like his methods, I said measuring my words.
Careful. And Id rather not...upset the balance between the
angelic and demonic kingdoms. Its not worth a universal war.
He pondered this momentarily; his long lashes fanned his
cheeks. I, he smiled, cant decide if youre being brave or
I wanted to rip out his esophagus.
Damian Montclair smirked. How can you ensure that I
wont take both Caesia and Vaelyria for myself?
There was no way I could ensure that. But Vaemortem had


said: Trust. For some inexplicable reason II trust you, and

its a risk that Im willing to take. Never mind the fact that if
he tried such a thing Id probably destroy him or die trying.
Damian took a step forward, and I stiffenedI was up
against the wall, with nowhere to go. I felt cornered,
threatened, and at the mercy of someone else. He leaned
forward and I resisted the urge to attack him as he neared.
Trust is a dangerous thing, sweetheart, he leaned in and
whispered in my ear. Are you sure you want to take the risk?
he breathed softly, placing both hands on the wall on both sides
of my head.
My heart was beating past cardiac territory and my brain
swarmed in fear and anxiety. I was barely conscious enough to
give a small nod.
He took a step back giving me room to breathe. Finally.
Then he turned and exited the balcony.
I stared after him, horrified. Wait! I lunged after him
grabbing his arm in desperation. Wait, I tugged on his arm,
he stopped moving, yet his back was towards me. I spoke
anyway. You never gave me an answer, I said, fearfully.
Will you? I winced at the amount of vulnerability I had put
myself into. Will you help me? Help the people of Vaelyria?
When he didnt speak, I lowered my gaze, biting down on
my lip in frustration.
Please, pleadingly the word barely escaped my lips. I
needed this. I had to do thisfor my grandmother, Ithaca,
Stark, Maria, Christa, Kaidan, Celeste, the people of
Vaelyriaand even the people of Caesia.
I needed this for my grandmother.
He turned around. His startling scrutiny bore on my hands


around his arm. I let go immediately. What was that? he

Annoyancethen a brief slither of hopeentered my
Please. Please help me.
The corners of his mouth tugged into a cocky smirk, and
my heart clenched in anticipation. His answer would decide
everything for me.
Please. If I have ever done anything right in this lifeor in
past onesplease let him agree.
Damian Montclair, King of Aslakaen, gave me a brief nod.
An army, perhaps I can give you. But fire, you must
kindle on your own. He leaned forward, his words hushed
against my ear. A true rebellion arises from within.



Standing in the studio, pacing back and forth, I tried to form
my words, but Damian Montclairs last words to me were all I
could think about.
A true rebellion arises from within. I replayed the words
over and over in my head. Damian Montclair was right, of
course. He could give me an army, but I needed the support of
the Vaelyrians and Caesians...and maybe even the Aeridorics,
if they were watching. I didnt need him to spell it out for me
I knew what I had to do.
I am Princess Alessandra Rosalyn Imperatrix of... I said,
rehearsing my lines. Something felt off.
Kaidan, Christa, Ithaca, Maria, Stark, and Celeste all lined
against the wall to my right.
Damian Montclair, who was wearing a t-shirt and jeans
clothes that I didnt know Kings were even allowed to wear,
especially in publicstood across from me, behind the
cameras, his expression aggravatingly blank.
Vespera, he said.
Kaidan stared at him, perplexed. What the hell does that
When Montcair ignored Kaidan in nonchalance, Kaidan


turned to me. Alessandra?

Montclair chuckled, glancing at me. She hates that name.
Dont tell me what I hate, I said, reflexively.
Dont tell her what she hates, Kaidan repeated.
Youre conflicted, arent you? Montclair continued as if
he hadnt been interrupted. Trying to move past the cowardice
you once had. The mistakes you once made. The battles youve
lost. He sounded bored and arrogant at the same time.
I stared at him. I hated him.
Vespera is your true identity. And you know that, so why
not leave the past behind? Why not embrace the present, the
How would you know anything about me? I asked.
Montclair snorted.
I wasnt going to get an answer out of him. That much was
clear. Vespera. Vespera Scarlett.
I didnt know why I felt the way I feltbut, as strange as it
was, the name felt right.
Your Highness, the cameraman beckoned towards me.
My hands shook as I stepped into the center of the room. Video
recorders faced me from every angle and I felt self-conscious
in the black bodysuit that clung to my skin.
I was no stranger to the stagemy life had been a
whirlwind of publicity and media attention. But this was
different. This time, I would be pinning a public target to my
back. This time, I would be inciting a revolution.
And thanks to the security infiltration of Aslakaens
intelligence agency, I would be addressing all the Nephilim of
Caesia, Aeridore, and Vaelyria. My face would appear on
every public monitor. My voice would resonate through every


public speaker. Live feed.

I had no words prepared. Sweat moistened my palms.
Youll have less than three minutes before the King of
Caesia manages to shut down the system, according to our
predictions, Montclair said. His countenance gave nothing
I nodded. Three minutes was more than enough.
Damian Montclair glanced at one of the cameramen.
Commence, was all he said.
All at once, the cameras around me whirled to life, buzzing
with energy. I felt smallso, so, small, in front of the cameras
that provided a live feed to tens of thousands of monitors
across Caspaer.
My throat dried.
I couldnt see themthe Nephilim that watched mebut
they could see me. So many pairs of eyes behind screens
watched me. So many pairs of ears could hear my words.
My fists clenched and my fingernails dug into my palms. I
had to do this.
I could do this. I cleared my throat, swallowing nervously.
People of Vaelyria and CaesiaI am Pr I paused.
Damian Montclair mouthed something to me. Queen.
Queen? Right. Queen Ale
I hesitated. Why not leave the past behind? Why not
embrace the present, the future?
Queen Alessandra Rosalyn Imperatrix of royal House
Scarlett, Granddaughter to the late Queen Maeve of Vaelyria,
rightful Heir to the Vaelyrian throne, I said, my voice
The present, the future?


I wasnt her anymore. I was and always my past...but I was

also more.
And now, I go by Vespera, I said. Vespera Scarlett, I
repeated, more firmly this time.
I felt Kaidan, Christa, Ithaca, Maria, Stark, and Celeste
all watching me.
Montclair smirked.
My heart pounded against my chest. But Ive also been
just a girl, a prisoner, a killer, a slave. Ive seen with my own
eyes the horror of the government-manufactured AITS-7, the
cruel deaths of our people, the catastrophic fall of our
Kingdoms. Ive watched the light of Vaelyria waste away
under the oppression of Ignatius. My voice grew sturdier
strongeras fire and determination built inside me. Raw
instinct drove my voice. Perhaps I couldnt see the Nephilim I
was addressing, but I could feel themtheir gazes upon my
face, their anticipation of my next words.
Ive watched the murderer of our people, the perpetrator
of our Kingdoms downfall, obliterate any hope for Vaelyria
and Caesia and Aeridore in the name of the angels. But what
heavenly cause would condone the suffering of Nephilim?
What truly angelic creature would endorse the destruction of
light and justice? I paused, letting the words sink in. Ezekiel
was no true angel. Ignatius was no true Light Nephilim. How
can Ihow can weonly watch as the dignity of our
Kingdoms and the pride of our people are annihilated, as our
rights and freedoms are erased from existence? The words
seemed to come easily to my mouth, now. Fiery passion and
anger took control of me.
To the Nephilim who choose to stand with meto the


people who wish to reclaim their right to control their own

fatesI tell you this: The oppressed do not stay oppressed for
long. Vaelyria, Caesia, and Aeridore have not fallen beneath
the oppressors. We will rise above and restore our rightful
futures and burn all subjugation to the ground. Stand with me
and fight, and we will rebuild our Kingdoms of light.
I took a deep breath, catching Damian Montclairs
penetrating titanite stare by accident. He tilted his head
forward, slightly, and my chest clenched from a mixture of fear
and surprise.
Here I stand, beside the King of Aslakaen, ruler of the
most powerful Kingdom in Caspaer, I said, enunciating every
syllable. If the demonic are brave enough to refute oppression
and defend justice, the angelic can be no different. Our futures
have always belonged to us, no matter how defeated, how
subdued, how conquered we seem to be. Our futures must be
claimed, and are within our grasp. We only need to reach out
our hands.
My eyes narrowed. For those of you who choose to join
uswell be waiting.
Fire swarmed inside me with every breath. Defiance surged
through my body.
I honed my gazed to the direct center of one of the cameras,
hatred sparking in my eyes. I wasnt done.
And finally: Ignatius Devereux. I suggest you indulge in
the faade of power you temporarily have as you hide behind
your empire of cowardice. Because soon, we will come for
Bitterness rose in my throat. Images that Kaidan had shown
meimages of the AITS-7 victimsraced through my mind.


Grandmothers murder flashed before my eyes. Blood. So

much blood.
A snarl took control of my voice. Poison laced my words as
the monitors started to flash and blink, but the sound from the
speakers was perfectly smooth.
And when we do come, I promised, we will burn your
tyranny to the ground.






Angela Weng is a teenage writer from West Windsor, New

Jersey. Amongst other things, she's a lover of all things furry, a
coffee addict, and a voracious reader. She can often be spotted
at the local bookstore, hard at work at her next novel. You can
find her book review blog at


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