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Digital Technologies Term 3 Project - Word Processing and Drawing Tools

Teacher Name: Mr. Wael Hasaneen and Ms Aneesa Adam


Student Name:

Nusayba Ahmed

Part A and Part B

Both Part A and Part

B are completed to a
high standard.

Both Part A and Part

B are completed at
an acceptable

Both Part A and Part

B are completed to a
low standard.

Either Part A or Part

B is not completed.

Colour, Font and

Design elements

Colours of
background, fonts,
images and design
elements of the
poster highlight the
most important
information. A
number of design
elements used.
Graphic elements are
well used.

Colours of
background, fonts,
images and design
elements do not
detract from the
content. Some
graphic elements

Colours of
background, fonts,
and design elements
of the poster do not
detract from the

Colours of
background, fonts
and design make the
content hard to read
or otherwise distract
the reader.


All information
provided by the
student on the
document is accurate
and all the
requirements of the
assignment have
been met.

Almost all the

information provided
by the student on the
document is accurate
and most
requirements of the
assignment have
been met.

Some of the
provided by the
student on the
document is accurate
and some of the
requirements have
been met.

There are several

inaccuracies in the
content provided by
the students OR
many of the
requirements were
not met.


Student always uses

classroom project
time well.
Conversations are
primarily focused on
the project and
things needed to get
the work done and
are held in a manner
that typically does
not disrupt others.

Student usually uses

classroom project
time well. Most
conversations are
focused on the
project and things
needed to get the
work done and are
held in a manner that
typically does not
disrupt others.

Student usually uses

classroom project
time well, but
distracts others from
their work.

Student does not use

classroom project
time well OR
typically is
disruptive to the
work of others.

Part A and Part B

The document has an

attractive and usable
layout. It is easy to
locate all important
elements. White
space, graphic

The document has an

attractive and usable
layout. It is easy to
locate all important

The document has a

usable layout, but
may appear busy or
boring. It is easy to
locate most of the
important elements.

The document is
cluttered looking or
confusing. It is
difficult to locate
important elements.

elements and/or
alignment are used
effectively to
organise content.

TOTAL 16/20 = 80%

Thank you Nusayba, I have made some individual comments on the report and drawing
themselves for you to read.

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