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Geographic Information Systems for Transport

and Logistics (GIS-T; Group A)

lecture number



WS 2016/2017

Assignment 1:
Learn the GIS Basics

Date: 18.10.2016

Handed in by:
Ha Anh Nguyen, H1619331

Handed in for:
Ass.Prof. Mag.Dr. Petra Staufer-Steinnocher

Assignment 1

Ha Anh Nguyen

Section 1: What is GIS Using a GIS

Step 1: Download the data
After downloading the file GettingStartedGIS10_1.exe and install the data, the new
Student folder was created on G:\Ha Anh\WU\Subject\1.1\GIS\Assignment - 50%\1

Step 2: Navigating to ArcGIS Online

Access the website on Google Chrome. The following screen
shows the website homepage:


Assignment 1

Ha Anh Nguyen


Step 3: Search for shared data

The list of results appears after searching for moscitotitis shared data in All Content in
the search menu.

Download The data represents locations of a fictional disease, moscitotitis, outbreak Shapefile Shapefile by EsriTrainingSvc and save the downloaded to the folder G:\Ha
Anh\WU\Subject\1.1\GIS\Assignment - 50%\1\Student\GettingStartedGIS10_1

Assignment 1

Ha Anh Nguyen


Step 4: Open a map to use for analysis

Access the online Map viewer on ArcGIS online by clicking MAP tab on the top of the

Step 5: Add data to the map

Add the World Imagery data to the Map after searching for World Imagery word in
ArcGIS Online then zoom out.

Assignment 1

Ha Anh Nguyen


The below screen shows the background map after adding World Boundaries and Places
data to the previous map.

Step 6: Analyze the data

The following map shows the infected countries with moscitotis (Venezuela, Guyana,
Suriname, French Guiana) and adjacent countries to those (Brazil and Colombia), after
adding the data to the map in Step 5.

Assignment 1

Ha Anh Nguyen


Section 2: What is GIS data? - Which data to use?

Step 1: Download the data
The data GettingStartedGIS10_1.exe was downloaded and installed in Section 1, the
new Student folder was created on G:\Ha Anh\WU\Subject\1.1\GIS\Assignment - 50%\1

Step 2: Open ArcMap

The following screen shows the ArcMap 10.4.1 interface after opening it and cancel the
ArcMap Getting Started Windows. The Catalog tab the is located on the right side of
the ArcMap interface.

Assignment 1

Ha Anh Nguyen


Step 3: Set up a folder connection

Below image shows the navigation to the GettingStartedGIS10_1 folder after clicking on
Connect to Folder

on Catalog tab.

After expanding WhichData folder, Riverside.gdb and selecting (by double clicking)
RiversideConstruction.mxd, the Riverside Data map document is opened but appears
initially blank.

Assignment 1

Ha Anh Nguyen


Step 4: Find the sewer line data

The below printscreen shows the attribute table of Riverside_Sch data, which is not the
needed data for the map.

After removing Riverside_Sch data, the Riverside_SewerL is dragged into the Table of
Contents. The datas description is provided on Item Description window (opened by right
clicking on Riverside_SewerL data and selecting Item Description).

Assignment 1

Ha Anh Nguyen


Step 5: Find the aerial data

Adding the Riverside_dem to the map and checking its metadata in Item Description, the
Riverside_dem represents Riverside elevation levels so that it is not the data needed.

Without adding the Riverside_Orth.sld, its image and metadata is shown in Item
Description, which can be used to reviewed.

Assignment 1

Ha Anh Nguyen


The Riverside_Orth.sid is then added to the map.

Step 6: Update the metadata

The below image shows the Item Description of Riverside_Orth.sid being edited (adding
aerial photos to Tags)

Assignment 1

Ha Anh Nguyen

Below printscreen shows this Item Description after saving.


Assignment 1

Ha Anh Nguyen


Section 3: Navigating a GIS map

3.1. Exercise: Moving around the map
Step 1: Download the data
The data GettingStartedGIS10_1.exe was downloaded and installed in Section 1, the
new Student folder was created on G:\Ha Anh\WU\Subject\1.1\GIS\Assignment - 50%\1

Step 2: Open an ArcMap document

The following image shows the PopulationChange data on ArcMap after opening
PopulationChange.mxd file through ArcMap Getting Started window.

Assignment 1

Ha Anh Nguyen


Step 3: Turn on the layers

The screen shows the map appeared after the two layers Basemap and Boundaries are
turned on and the Basemap layer is moved under the Boundaries layer to display the
Boundaries on top of the Basemap.

The following screenshot is taken after turning off Basemap layer and turning on
Projected Population Change layer on the Map scale of 1:100,000,000.

Assignment 1

Ha Anh Nguyen


Step 4: Zoom and pan the continents

The following map shows Projected Population Change in North America after zooming
and panning.

Panning around the continents on the map, it can be seen clearly that Asia and Africa have
countries which experience the greatest changes (50% to 88%) while some countries in
Europe, Africa, South America, and Asia have a decline or no change in population.

Assignment 1

Ha Anh Nguyen


Step 5: Zoom and pan Africa

The map below is shown after using Zoom in button to zoom to Africa, in which, 19
countries have the largest change in population.

There are four countries in the South of the Africa (Botswana, South Africa, Swaziland,
Lesotho) experiencing negative or zero change in population.

Assignment 1

Ha Anh Nguyen


3.2. Exercise: Moving around a map layout

Step 1: Download the data
The data GettingStartedGIS10_1.exe was downloaded and installed in Section 1, the
new Student folder was created on G:\Ha Anh\WU\Subject\1.1\GIS\Assignment - 50%\1

Step 2: Open an ArcMap document

The following image shows the PopulationChange data on ArcMap after opening
PopulationChangeLayout.mxd file through ArcMap Getting Started window.

Assignment 1

Ha Anh Nguyen


Step 3: Zoom to Africa in the layout view

The following screen shows the map document after switching to Layout view (View >
Layout View) with Fixed Zoom In function.

Below images show the Africa in the center after using zoom and pan function and
removing the Boundaries layer with the Zoom scale of 1:40,000,000

Assignment 1

Ha Anh Nguyen


Step 4: Rearrange the map layout

The below images show the Map layout after using the Zoom In, Pan and Fixed Zoom Out
buttons on Layout toolbar.

The following screenshot shows the created Map layout to present after moving the
Legend toward the bottom of the map, next to the scale bar and Zoom Whole Page.

Assignment 1

Ha Anh Nguyen


Section 4: Finding information Querying maps

Step 1: Download the data
The data GettingStartedGIS10_1.exe was downloaded and installed in Section 1, the
new Student folder was created on G:\Ha Anh\WU\Subject\1.1\GIS\Assignment - 50%\1

Step 2: Review map layers

The following image shows the LTEA data with three layers (Orchids, LTEA sites, and
Basemap) on ArcMap after opening LandTrustFunding.mxd file through ArcMap
Getting Started window.

Assignment 1

Ha Anh Nguyen


The below map shows the Attribute table of Orchids layer. The name of the two threatened
orchid species are Butterfly and Zebra.

Step 3: Find threatened species

The below image shows the search results in Attribute table for Zebra by using Find tool
on the Tools Toolbar. The corresponding objects was highlighted (blue) after selecting the
second Zebra result from the previous search results.

Assignment 1

Ha Anh Nguyen


In the following screenshots, threatened search results in Attribute table was displayed.
There were 58 records of threatened species found.

Step 4: Identify species in each site

The images below shows the LTEA site and the attribute information for the orchid located
inside of the LTEA site which is showed by using Identify button. This species is Tiger,
which is a common species, not a threatened one.

Assignment 1

Ha Anh Nguyen


Step 5: Create an attribute query

The following screenshot shows the creation of an attribute query to select all the
Threatened orchids using Select by Attributes

All of the selected threatened orchid species are highlighted on the following map. There
are 58 features selected.

Assignment 1

Ha Anh Nguyen


Step 6: Create a location query

The below image shows the selection criteria to create a location query to identify the
LTEA sites that contain threatened orchid species and the selection results.

Step 7: Create a map of sites containing threatened species

In the following screen, the map of all the selected LTEA sites which contain threatened
species is shown. The new LTEA sites selection is created, and the Orchids and LTEA
sites are hide.

Assignment 1

Ha Anh Nguyen


After switching to Layout View, the map which illustrates sites containing the threatened
orchid species is created and complete.

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